SCBM342-Respiratory Pathology I

[Pages:84]SCBM342-Respiratory Pathology I

Associate Professor Dr. Wannee Jiraungkoorskul Department of Pathobiology, Faculty of Science, Mahidol University Tel: 02-201-5563, E-mail:



? A 57 years old male, high 157 cm and weight 76 kg. He has worked as the dump truck driver in the coal mine since 1980, and also smoked cigarette 1 pack/day more than 30 years. What are the risk factors of his disease or illness?


? Air is breathed in through the nasal passageways, travels

through the trachea and bronchi to the lungs.


? The PLEURA are the two membranes, actually one continuous

one folded on itself, that surround each lobe of the lungs and

separate the lungs from the chest wall.


? The smallest subdivisions of the bronchial tubes are called BRONCHIOLES, at the end of which are the air sacs or alveoli5.

Respiratory system

? The ALVEOLI are the very small air sacs that are the destination of air breathed in.

? The CAPILLARIES are blood vessels that are imbedded in the walls of the alveoli. Blood passes through the capillaries, brought to them by the PULMONARY ARTERY and taken away by the PULMONARY VEIN.

? While in the capillaries the blood gives off carbon dioxide through the capillary wall into the alveoli and takes up oxygen from the air in the alveoli.


Pulmonary defense mechanisms

? 1. Nasopharyngeal clearance

? Sneezing and mucociliary escalator

? 2. Larynx

? Epiglotiic closure

? 3. Tracheobronchial clearance

? Coughing, mucociliary escalator

? 4. Alveolar clearance

? Phagocytosis by macrophages

? A - ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium

? B - lamina propria

? C - muscularis mucosae

? D - submucosa




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