CHAPTER: 5 Gender


1. Gender development is influenced by

A) biological factors.

B) social factors.

C) cognitive factors.

D) all of these factors.

1. Erik Erikson and Sigmund Freud agreed that

A) anatomy is destiny.

B) gender behaviors and gender are instinctual.

C) human behavior is directly related to reproductive processes.

D) all of these.

2. Evolutionary psychologists agree that

A) natural selection favored males who adopted long-term mating strategies.

B) males evolved dispositions that favor competition and risk-taking.

C) natural selection favored females who paired widely.

D) males evolved dispositions that favor male bonding and friendship.

3. David Buss argues that men and women differ psychologically in

A) cognitive domains that require hypothetical reasoning.

B) domains in which they have faced different adaptive problems during evolutionary history.

C) domains that require assertiveness.

D) none of these.

4. Social role theory contends that psychological gender differences are mainly due to

A) biological dispositions.

B) similar roles of males and females.

C) contrasting roles of males and females.

D) innate psychological dispositions.

5. Alice Eagly believes that the most important causes of gender differences in power, assertiveness, and nurture are social hierarchy and

A) power expectations.

B) sexual vulnerability.

C) division of labor.

D) monetary resources.

6. Rita and Don are the parents of 15-year-old twins, Frank and Francine. Research suggests that

A) Frank will have more independence than Francine.

B) Frank will be encouraged to do well in English and social sciences.

C) Francine will be encouraged to do well in math.

D) Both twins will be encouraged to excel in science.

7. Recent research by Phyllis Bronstein indicates that

A) in many cultures, mothers socialize their daughters to be less responsible than their sons.

B) in many cultures, mothers place more restrictions on the autonomy of sons than that of daughters.

C) fathers show more attention to their daughters than to their sons.

D) many parents continue to encourage behaviors that are in keeping with traditional gender role norms.

8. Which theory of gender development emphasizes the role of reward and punishment for gender-appropriate and gender-inappropriate behavior?

A) gender shaping theory

B) behavioral learning theory

C) social learning theory

D) social cognitive theory

9. In adolescence, _____ approval has a powerful influence on gender attitudes and behavior.

A) parents’

B) peer

C) siblings’

D) all of these

10. Evidence that teachers and school personnel have biases towards both boys and girls include all of the following EXCEPT

A) boys are more likely to be criticized than girls.

B) school personnel tend to stereotype boys’ behavior as problematic.

C) boys may have few male role models in teachers.

D) girls are more likely than boys to have learning problems.

11. Richard is struggling in his language arts class. According to research on the ways boys and girls are treated in schools, Richard is more likely than a female classmate to

A) be given extra help by his teacher.

B) be referred to the school psychologist to be tested for a learning disability.

C) be ignored by school personnel.

D) be paired with a peer tutor.

12. Evidence that the classroom is biased against girls includes all of the following EXCEPT

A) teachers spend more time interacting with boys.

B) teachers spend more time watching girls.

C) teachers give more instruction to boys.

D) teachers give boys more time than girls to answer questions.

13. Which of the following statements regarding same-sex education is TRUE?

A) Research evidence regarding same-sex education is mixed.

B) Same-sex education is superior to co-ed education for girls.

C) Same-sex education is superior to co-ed education for boys.

D) Girls benefit more than boys from co-ed education.

14. Research has shown that the more adolescent females and males watched entertainment TV, the more

A) positive their body images were.

B) passive they became.

C) aggressive they became.

D) negative their body images were.

15. The theory on gender development that asserts that gender-typing emerges as children and adolescents develop gender schemas regarding what is gender-appropriate or -inappropriate in their culture is called

A) gender learning theory.

B) schema dominance theory.

C) gender schema theory.

D) social learning theory.

16. Traits such as aggressive, independent, and power-oriented are labeled _____ traits.

A) expressive

B) concordant

C) instrumental

D) congruent

17. Traits associated with females are labeled _____ traits.

A) expressive

B) concordant

C) instrumental

D) congruent

18. Which of the following statements regarding roles and traits of the traditional male or female is NOT true?

A) Expressive traits are associated with men and help them to communicate effectively.

B) Instrumental traits suited men to go out and be breadwinners.

C) Instrumental traits equipped men to wield authority.

D) Traditional feminine characteristics are childlike and foster dependency.

19. Recent research continues to find that gender stereotyping

A) is decreasing slowly.

B) is pervasive.

C) has decreased considerably in the last 25 years.

D) none of these.

20. A 2008 study of adolescent girls showed that _____ percent of the girls reported having experienced sexual harassment at least once.

A) 40

B) 50

C) 70

D) 90

21. A 2008 study of adolescent girls showed that approximately _____ percent of the girls reported academic sexism involving science, math, or computer technology.

A) 40

B) 50

C) 60

D) 70

22. A 2008 study of adolescent girls showed that approximately ____ percent of the girls reported that they had encountered athletic sexism.

A) 30

B) 55

C) 75

D) 85

23. A recent study of over seven million U.S. students in grades 2-11 showed that

A) boys outperformed girls on math tests.

B) girls scored significantly lower on math tests than boys.

C) there were no differences in math scores between boys and girls.

D) girls scored slightly better than boys in math in grades 2-6.

24. Which of the following statements regarding visuospatial skills is NOT true?

A) These skills include being able to rotate objects mentally.

B) These skills include being able to determine what objects would look like after rotation.

C) These skills are important in courses such as algebra.

D) These skills are better in boys than in girls.

25. What differences exist between males and females with regard to verbal skills?

A) Females outperform males in reading and writing.

B) Females outperform males on reading and writing only in elementary school; by high school the scores are the same in verbal skills.

C) There are no significant differences between females and males in reading; girls outperform boys in writing.

D) There are no significant differences between females and males in writing; girls outperform boys in reading.

26. Which of the following statements regarding gender differences related to schooling and academic achievement is TRUE?

A) Females are more likely to drop out of school than males.

B) Males make up about 60 percent of the students enrolled in college today.

C) The bottom 50 percent of high-school classes is made up mainly of males.

D) Most males perform at below-average level.

27. Victor has perceived that wearing a silk scarf on his head is not considered appropriate for males in his culture. Consequently, he pulls his long hair back and secures it with a rubber band. Victor’s behavior is best explained by

A) media influence theory.

B) gender-role transcendence theory.

C) gender schema theory.

D) social role theory.

28. Ashley spread a rumor that Donna, the new girl in class, had head lice. As a result of this rumor, Donna has made no friends, and people move their desks to get away from her. Ashley has engaged in

A) emotional aggression.

B) relational aggression.

C) latent aggression.

D) mean behavior, but it is not any type of aggression.

29. According to Deborah Tannen, the language of establishing connections and negotiating relationships is known as

A) rapport talk.

B) report talk.

C) social talk.

D) polite talk.

30. Joe tells a story about how his car was rear-ended while he was stopped at a railroad crossing. This is an example of what Deborah Tannen calls

A) rapport talk.

B) factual reporting.

C) report talk.

D) none of these.

31. What was Deborah Tannen’s main conclusion about differences between boys and girls?

A) Boys learn language ahead of girls.

B) Girls learn language ahead of boys.

C) Boys use more action words in their speech than girls.

D) Boys and girls grow up in different worlds of talk.

32. With regard to prosocial behavior,

A) males view themselves as more empathetic.

B) females view themselves as more empathetic.

C) males engage in more prosocial behavior during adolescence than do females.

D) the smallest gender differences occur for kind and considerate behavior.

33. The smallest gender differences for prosocial behavior occur for

A) kind behavior.

B) considerate behavior.

C) empathetic behavior.

D) sharing.

34. When it comes to emotions, boys usually show

A) less self-regulation than girls.

B) more self-regulation than girls.

C) about the same self-regulation as girls.

D) no self-regulation until late adolescence.

35. Which of the following statements regarding gender in context is NOT true?

A) Gender behavior often varies across contexts.

B) Females are more likely than males to help if they feel competent to help.

C) Males are more likely than females to show anger to strangers.

D) In many cultures, roles are very gender-specific.

36. The presence of a high degree of masculine and feminine characteristics in the same person is known as

A) androgyny.

B) ambiguity.

C) hermaphroditeism.

D) transsexualism.

37. Which of the following is NOT one of the classifications made via the Bem Sex-Role Inventory?

A) masculine

B) feminine

C) transgendered

D) undifferentiated

38. A person who is high on instrumental traits and low on expressive traits would be classified as _____ on the Bem Sex-Role Inventory.

A) feminine

B) masculine

C) undifferentiated

D) androgynous

39. Evelyn scores low on both feminine and masculine traits on the Bem Sex-Role Inventory. Evelyn would be classified as

A) feminine.

B) masculine.

C) undifferentiated.

D) androgynous.

40. Darren scores a high number of feminine and a high number of masculine traits on the Bem Sex-Role Inventory. Darren would be classified as

A) feminine.

B) masculine.

C) undifferentiated.

D) androgynous.

41. Which of the following statements regarding androgyny is NOT true?

A) Androgyny has been linked to higher levels of stress.

B) Androgynous individuals are more flexible than either masculine or feminine individuals.

C) Androgynous individuals report better health practices than people in other categories.

D) None; all of these are true.

42. Increasing numbers of children and adolescents in the U.S. are being raised to behave in

A) traditional gender-role ways.

B) androgynous ways.

C) masculine ways.

D) undifferentiated ways.

43. Carmela, age 16, and her brother Juan, age 17, are originally from Puerto Rico. Which of the following statements is likely to be true, based on the studies of Latino and Latina adolescents?

A) Juan will get his driver’s license before Carmela.

B) Carmela will have more interaction with males than Juan will have with females.

C) Juan and Carmela will participate in after-school activities.

D) Neither Juan nor Carmela will have a curfew.

44. Which of the following statements regarding access to education around the world is NOT true?

A) Girls’ education still lags behind boys’ education.

B) Girls in Japan and the Philippines complete their education at lower rates than girls in Western nations.

C) Girls receive, on average, 4.4 years less education than boys.

D) Control over girls’ social relationships is easing in some nations.

45. Dr. Burke, a superintendent of a large school system, wants to implement androgynous education in his district. Based on research, Dr. Burke will get the most success from the program if it is offered to students in grade

A) two.

B) five.

C) seven.

D) nine.

46. Which of the following statements regarding androgyny education is NOT true?

A) It is easier to teach androgyny to boys than to girls.

B) It is easier to teach androgyny to girls than to boys.

C) Androgyny education includes the use of books, discussion materials, and gender curriculum.

D) Androgyny education works best when it is introduced before middle-school grades.

47. Opponents of androgynous education programs argue that they ignore the diversity of gender roles in our society and that

A) programs are too value-laden.

B) programs ignore values.

C) traditional gender roles produce happier people.

D) teachers need costly and lengthy training in order to be able to teach these programs.

48. In the traditional male adolescent culture, male adolescents trying to adopt a strong masculine role are likely to believe they will be thought of as more masculine if they

A) get a job and pay some of their own expenses.

B) drink alcohol or take drugs.

C) have a steady girlfriend.

D) participate in a “manly” sport, such as football or hockey.

49. Proponents of _____ argue that gender-role classification leads to too much stereotyping.

A) gender-competency theory

B) gender-role transcendence

C) androgyny theory

D) undifferentiated theory

50. Gender-role attitudes and gender intensification tend to

A) decrease in early adolescence.

B) increase in early adolescence.

C) spike in middle childhood.

D) stay the same until late adolescence.

51. Susan Harter and her colleagues found all of the following in their research EXCEPT

A) androgynous girls reported a strong voice in all contexts.

B) feminine girls had lower levels of voice in public contexts.

C) feminine girls had lower levels of voice in interpersonal contexts.

D) girls who lack “voice,” but emphasize appearance had a great risk to their development.

52. Critics of Carol Gilligan’s theory believe that we should be stressing on

A) more opportunities for females to reach higher levels of “voice.”

B) more opportunities for females to reach higher levels of achievement.

C) more opportunities for females to tell their stories of being victims of a male-dominated culture.

D) none of these.

53. Which of the following statements regarding self-esteem in adolescent girls is TRUE?

A) Self-esteem in adolescent girls is lower than self-esteem in adolescent boys.

B) Self-esteem in girls drops at approximately the same rate as boys.

C) Self-esteem in high-school girls is higher than for college women.

D) All of these are true.

54. Which of the following is NOT recommended for improving gendered lives for boys?

A) Encourage boys to handle their emotions more effectively.

B) Work with boys to improve their athletic ability.

C) Work with boys to improve their academic performance.

D) Encourage boys to be less physically aggressive.


55. Summarize the main points from your textbook about bias against males and females in schools.

56. What cognitive differences exist between males and females?

57. Discuss the four main socioemotional differences between males and females.

58. Define and list at least three benefits of androgyny.

59. List at least three ways that adults can guide boys’ gender development and at least three ways that adults can guide girls’ gender development.


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