What Does The Bible Say About…UnityJohn 17:20-236-27-21Message SummaryJohn 17:20-23 – Jesus prays for US! He specifically prayed that we would BE ONE!God and Jesus are one; there is no division within the Godhead – Mark 12:28–30, Ephesians 4:1-6 There are 3 distinct persons – Father, Son, Holy Spirit - but they are perfectly united – They all exist for the same purpose, with the same priorities and work through the same power – it never changes The unity of God and Jesus is unlike anything we would call unity in the worldUnity in the world is driven by external circumstances - by what satisfies our SELF interest at any given moment in timeThe unity Jesus prayed for us to have comes from within - hearts, souls and minds bound together with a singleness of purpose, priority and power of GodPurpose to bring God glory - John 17:4Priority to proclaim the Good News of Jesus – Matthew 28:19-21Power comes through yielding our lives to the Holy Spirit – Acts 1:8Our unity is a testimony to the world that God sent Jesus and loves them like God loved Jesus. (17:21, 23). It is powerful because it demonstrates the power of God to overcome the things of the world that divide us How we maintain our unity as believers:We stand together - grounded in God’s Truth (17:8, 17, 19)Trading pride and self, for humility and Jesus/others A new commandment - Love each other as He loved us – John 13:34-35 – 15:12-13Putting others ahead of ourselves – Philippians 2:2-4Confess our sins & seek forgiveness, restoration and reconciliation with one anotherHolding One Another Accountable toFocus on Jesus, not the worldWalk like Jesus, not the worldDeclare Jesus, to all the worldThe unity of believers has always been important from the foundations of the church1 Corinthians 1:10, Philippians 2:2, Ephesians 4:3, 12-13, Colossians 3:14 Unity of God and Jesus in purpose, priority and power does not mean: Unity in method and meansUnity with the world. Jesus specifically was NOT praying for the world! (17:9)The unity of believers Jesus prayed for is for God’s HOLY purposes, not the world’s purposes. ................

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