
Chapter 1 What Is Nutrition?Legend: For sentences / statements that DO NOT HAVE answer choices,Answer A if TRUEAnswer B IF FalseWhich nutrient is so vital to health that you wouldn't live more than a few days without it?A) vitaminsB) waterC) mineralsD) proteinWhich of the following is not a reason why a food becomes a favorite?A) convenienceB) food trendsC) cultureD) food colorWhich nutrient class supplies glucose as the major source of energy for the body?A) proteinsB) vitaminsC) carbohydratesD) lipidsWhich nutrient class is used to build body tissues and make enzymes?A) lipidsB) proteinsC) vitaminsD) carbohydratesAll of the following are correct about the typical American diet except that it isA) high in sodium.B) low in vitamin D.C) high in fiber.D) low in calcium.Americans need to consume moreA) oils and fewer vegetables.B) meat and saltier foods.C) meat and refined grains.D) fruits and vegetables.What percentage of American adults are considered obese and or overweight?A) 25 percentB) 70 percentC) 75 percentD) 42 percentJane is sitting in the library, cramming for a nutrition test. She has eaten a plate full of brownies and is now ordering a pizza. Which of the following factors is probably affecting the way Jane is eating?A) costB) advertisingC) cultureD) emotionsThe defining characteristic of an organic compound is that itA) contains carbon.B) is grown in rich soil.C) contains nitrogen.D) contains hydrogen.Which of the following substances is organic?A) mineralsB) waterC) saltsD) vitaminsA well-balanced diet includes all of the following actions exceptA) relying on dietary supplements.B) eating a variety of foods.C) consuming phytochemicals and fiber.D) consuming essential nutrients.-Nutrition & You, 4e (Blake)Chapter 2 Tools for Healthy EatingThe average amount of a nutrient that is known to meet the needs of 50 percent of the individuals in a similar age and gender group is known as theA) Estimated Average Requirement (EAR).B) Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA).C) Adequate Intake (AI).D) Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs).The highest amount of a nutrient that can be consumed without likely harm in a group of individuals of a similar age is theA) Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA).B) Adequate Intake (AI).C) Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI).D) Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL).According to the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR), what percentage of your daily calories should be provided by carbohydrates?A) 40 to 70 percentB) 45 to 65 percentC) 20 to 45 percentD) 5 to 25 percentWhich of the following was developed out of concern over the incidence of overnutrition among Americans?A) Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges (AMDR)B) Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs)C) Dietary Guidelines for AmericansD) Estimated Average Requirement (EAR)According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010, what should be the daily sodium intake for a healthy person?A) more than 2,300 mgB) more than 2,600 mgC) less than 2,300 mgD) less than 2,200 mgAccording to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010, an adult woman should consume no more than how many alcoholic drinks per day?A) 0-1B) 0-2C) 3-4D) 4-5 When estimating portion size, a woman's fist is aboutA) a quarter cup of pasta or vegetables.B) a half cup of pasta or vegetables.C) one cup of pasta or vegetables.D) two cups of pasta or vegetables.A food is considered high in a nutrient if it providesA) 5 percent or more of the Daily Value.B) 10 percent or more of the Daily Value.C) 15 percent or more of the Daily Value.D) 20 percent or more of the Daily Value.The average amount of a nutrient that is known to meet the needs of 50 percent of the individuals in a similar age and gender group is called theA) EAR.B) AI.C) UL.D) RDA.The average amount of a nutrient that meets the needs of 97 to 98 percent of the individuals in a similar group is called theA) EAR.B) AI.C) UL.D) RDA.The specific amounts of each nutrient that an individual need to consume to maintain good health, prevent chronic diseases, and avoid unhealthy excesses are known as theA) EAR.B) AI.C) UL.D) DRIs.Having a diet made of many different foods is known as aA) balanced diet.B) varied diet.C) moderate diet.D) paleo diet.A food guidance system released by the USDA that depicts five food groups using the familiar mealtime visual of a place setting is calledA) MyPyramid.B) the DASH diet.C) MyPlate.D) the Food Circle.Eating breakfast provides more energy throughout the day and results in the consumption of fewer calories. A It is recommended that proteins comprise between 10 and 35 percent of your daily caloric intake .A7The substances in active cultures in fermented dairy products (such as yogurt) that may support intestinal health are antibiotics. BNutrition & You, 4e (Blake)Chapter 3 The Basics of DigestionWhich of the following processes is not involved in mechanical digestion?A) chewingB) grindingC) enzymesD) peristaltic movement of foodThe majority of digestion occurs in theA) mouth.B) stomach.C) small intestine.D) large intestine.Which of the following lists of structures correctly sequences the segments of the small intestine?A) duodenum; jejunum; ileumB) jejunum; ileum; duodenumC) duodenum; ileum; jejunumD) ileum; duodenum; colonWhich of the following actions does not occur in the colon?A) absorption of waterB) production of some vitaminsC) absorption of the majority of nutrientsD) absorption of electrolytesWhich of the following statements about the small intestine is false?A) It contains villi.B) It absorbs water.C) It produces digestive secretions.D) It absorbs most nutrients. Which of the following functions is the "sloshing" motion that thoroughly mixes chyme with the chemical secretions in the small intestine?A) pendular movementB) peristalsisC) segmentationD) absorptionWhich of the following is likely not a component in feces?A) bacteriaB) sloughed-off gastrointestinal cellsC) undigested fiberD) sucroseThe ________ produces bile, whereas the ________ stores it.A) pancreas; bladderB) gallbladder; pancreasC) liver; gallbladderD) gallbladder; liverDuring digestion, the blood picks up nutrients absorbed through the GI tract and transports them to theA) liver.B) heart.C) brain.D) lungs.Which of the following foods should be avoided by a person with celiac disease?A) broccoliB) eggsC) pastaD) milkWhich of the following is not a function of the liver?A) detoxifying alcoholB) storing glycogenC) producing insulinD) producing bile Food high in which of the following substances leaves the stomach first?A) carbohydratesB) fatsC) proteinD) fiber Which of the following processes occurs in the esophagus?A) protein absorptionB) movement of food to the stomachC) bile productionD) fat emulsificationWhich of the following processes occurs in the liver?A) bile storageB) HCl productionC) bile productionD) production of most digestive enzymesWhich of the following body systems eliminates waste from the circulatory system?A) lymphatic systemB) nervous systemC) excretory / urinary systemD) digestive systemIngested food that is chewed and mixed with saliva is called a bolus. The constrictive wave that involves both forward and reverse movements of chyme is referred to as peristalsis.Digestion converts whole foods into individual nutrients that can be used by the body's cells. Oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and waste products are carried throughout the body primarily by the vessels of the Cardiovascular system. Describe the pathway food takes through the body from start to finish.Select the 5 In-Path GI Structures from the following list__________ABCDEABACADAEBCBDBEBlood VesselsEsophagusGall BladderHeartJejunumKidneysLiverMouthPancreasStomachTransverse ColonUrethraNutrition & You, 4e (Blake)Chapter 4 Carbohydrates: Sugars, Starches, and FiberCarbohydrate digestion begins in theA) stomach.B) small intestine.C) large intestine.D) mouth.The process of photosynthesis produces which of the following molecules?A) glucoseB) fructoseC) glycogenD) triglyceridesThe function of glycogen is toA) store energy in plants.B) create membrane structures in plants.C) lower blood glucose levels when they rise after a meal.D) store glucose in humans and animals.Which of the following substances is not a polysaccharide?A) galactoseB) fiberC) glycogenD) starchWhich of the following statements regarding the amount of carbohydrate you should consume daily is incorrect?A) The minimum amount of carbohydrate needed for the brain to function efficiently is 130 grams per day.B) The AMDR for carbohydrates is 20 to 35 percent of your total daily calories.C) Eating the recommended daily servings for each food group in MyPyramid will ensure that you meet your minimum amount of carbohydrate.D) In the United States, adult males and females consume more than the minimum DRI for carbohydrates.To which of the following organs do monosaccharides go after absorption?A) pancreasB) gallbladderC) liverD) small intestine What is the source of glucose to supply the energy needs in a person who has not eaten for seven hours?A) stored fatB) muscle proteinC) liver glycogenD) the brainApproximately how long does it take for liver glycogen stores to be depleted?A) 4 hoursB) 8 hoursC) 12 hoursD) 18 hoursAccording to the latest DRIs, what is the recommended minimum amount of carbohydrates that should be consumed daily?A) 25 gramsB) 50 gramsC) 130 gramsD) 250 gramsWhich of the following conditions in a person with diabetes does not result from nerve damage?A) numbness in the toes, feet, legs, and handsB) a decreased ability to feel changes in temperature or pain in the legs and feetC) changes in sexual functionD) cloudy vision and eventual blindnessThe by-products of incomplete fat breakdown and excessive alcohol ingestion are known asA) ketonesB) glucose monomers.C) keratin fibers.D) collagen fibers.Simple carbohydrates include monosaccharides and disaccharides. AIn the following 2 Tables, Classify the attributes of each function. Marl ALL that Apply for each.FunctionProduces O2AConsumes C02BProduces CO2CConsumes GlucoseDProduces GlucoseECell RespirationPhotosynthesisFunctionOccurs in Animal CellsAOccurs in Plant CellsBOccurs in the Mitochondria COccurs in the ChloroplastDOccurs outside of the CellEGlycolysisPhotosynthesis LegendFor statements without answer choices; Answer A if TRUE, Answer B if FALSE.Chapter 4 CarbohydratesInsulin can direct the conversion of excess glucose into fat.When fasting continues long beyond glycogen depletion, body protein will be broken down to make glucose.The main role of carbohydrates is to supply building material for muscles.Insulin is not made in type 2 diabetes.Type 1 diabetes requires daily insulin injections or an insulin pump.Being overweight increases the risk of type 1 diabetes.Type 1 diabetes is caused by insulin resistance.When blood glucose levels rise, insulin is released by the kidneys to lower the level.Being overweight puts a person at higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes, the most common type of diabetes.Which of the following statements does NOT present a health benefit attributed to eating insoluble fiber?A) It lowers the risk of developing diverticulosis.B) It lowers the risk of developing constipation.C) It lowers the risk of developing obesity.D) It lowers the risk of developing kidney disease.Which of the following hormones does not increase blood glucose levels?A) glucagonB) epinephrineC) adrenalineD) insulinPeople with a deficiency of the enzyme lactase cannot properly digestA) starch.B) table sugar.C) milk sugar.D) fiber.Chapter 5 LipidsLipids contain all the following elements exceptA) nitrogen.B) carbon.C) hydrogen.D) oxygen.The two essential fatty acids areA) monoglycerides and diglycerides.B) cholesterol and trans fatty acids.C) linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid.D) PUFAs and MUFAs.Phospholipids are made up of how many fatty acid chains?A) 4B) 3C) 2D) 1The phosphate-containing head of a phospholipid attracts water and is thus said to beA) polar.B) nonpolar.C) hydrophobic.D) None of the answers is correct.Of the following actions, the most effective way to improve HDL cholesterol levels is toA) lower saturated fat intake.B) lower polyunsaturated fat intake.C) engage in routine exercise.D) drink green tea.The energy content of fat is ________ calories per gram.A) 4B) 7C) 9D) 11Which of the following is not a component of arterial plaque?A) foam cellsB) plateletsC) calciumD) fluorideFat is the common name for which of the following substances?A) cholesterolB) triglyceridesC) phospholipidsD) sterolsWhich of the following substances is a major component of cell membranes?A) cholesterolB) triglyceridesC) sterolsD) phospholipidsWhen describing lipids, the term hydrophobic means that they can readily dissolve in water.Trans fats raise LDL and do not affect HDL levels.Eating an egg a day may not be associated with an increased risk of heart disease in healthy individuals.It is recommended that you consume at least one serving of fish per week to obtain the necessary omega-3 fatty acids.The lipid bilayer of cell membranes is primarily made up of phospholipids.Lipids are hydrophilic, which means they do not dissolve in water.Chapter 6 ProteinsCompounds in your body that consist of numerous amino acids and are found in all living cells are calledA) proteins.B) peptides.C) peptones.D) dipeptides.Proteins can be denatured or rendered inactive by which of the following factors?A) coldB) acidsC) fatsD) carbohydratesThe type of RNA that carries an amino acid to a ribosome isA) mRNA.B) rRNA.C) tRNA.D) dRNA.Which of the following molecules is a protein that provides structural support to body tissues?A) antibodyB) hemoglobinC) insulinD) collagenThe average adult (age 19 and older) should consume how many grams of protein for each kilogram of body weight (g/kg)?A) 8.0B) 0.6C) 1.8D) 0.8Which of the following foods has the lowest protein content?A) 1 cup melonB) 1/2 cup pastaC) 1 oz. cheeseD) 1/2 cup cooked broccoliA gene is a segment of ________ that codes for a specific protein.A) RNAB) proteinC) DNAD) ribosomeDenaturation of a protein results inA) the removal of amino acids.B) alterations in the protein's function.C) tighter folding of the protein.D) binding of amino acids.An ovo-vegetarian will eat all of the following foods exceptA) cheese.B) apples.C) bagels.D) an omeletWhich of the following statements about soy is correct?A) It may be harmful for individuals at high risk of developing breast cancer.B) It is increasingly rejected by vegetarians as part of their diet.C) Its popularity is decreasing in the United States.D) It is a low-quality protein source that is high in saturated fat.Which of the following food pairings is more likely to be an example of combining two incomplete proteins to achieve protein complementation?A) vegetables and riceB) a ham and cheese omeletC) steak and eggsD) grape and apple in a fruit saladThe absorption of amino acids occurs in theA) mouth.B) stomach.C) small intestine.D) large intestine.After a meal, proteins help increase ________ more than do either carbohydrates or fat.A) thirstB) hungerC) satietyD) nauseaA starving person would be in ________ nitrogen balance.A) negativeB) positiveC) equalD) excessiveA study of Chinese women revealed that those who ate the most ________ during their adolescent years had a reduced risk of breast cancer in adulthood.A) broccoliB) fishC) riceD) soyIt is recommended that you consume from 10 to ________ percent of your total daily calories from protein.A) 30B) 35C) 25D) 15Individuals 18 years of age and younger should consume ________ grams of protein for each kilogram of body weight.A) 0.80B) 0.75C) 0.85D) 0.90A gram of protein contains ________ calories.A) 5B) 10C) 4D) 3The nitrogen removed from an amino acid generates ammonia, which is converted to ________ and excreted in the urine.A) ureaB) proteinC) carbonD) sodiumAll excess calories are stored asA) protein.B) fat.C) collagen.D) plaque.The molecule that directs protein synthesis in cells isA) DNA.B) mRNA.C) tRNA.D) pepsin.An amino acid that can be synthesized in the body is considered to beA) complementary.B) essential.C) nonessential.D) conditional.Plant proteins may be less digestible, especially when eaten raw.Answer: TRUEChapter 7 Vitamins1) Which of the following statements about vitamins is incorrect?A) They are tasteless.B) They are organic compounds.C) They provide energy.D) They are needed for growth.3) Which of the following conditions will not destroy the vitamin content of foods?A) coldB) heatC) waterD) air5) Which of the following substances is a form of naturally occurring vitamin E?A) beta-caroteneB) alpha-tocopherolC) riboflavinD) pantothenic acid7) Which of the following vitamins is essential for blood clotting?A) vitamin DB) vitamin KC) vitamin CD) vitamin A8) Which of the following vitamins is important in a woman's diet before she conceives a baby?A) pantothenic acidB) vitamin DC) riboflavinD) folate9) Which of the following vitamins has been shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers, especially colon cancer?A) folateB) alpha-tocopherolC) vitamin CD) thiamin15) Which of the following vitamins cannot be synthesized by your body?A) vitamin DB) vitamin KC) biotinD) vitamin C18) Which of the following vitamins has been shown to beneficially alter the serum levels of triglycerides?A) vitamin BB) vitamin CC) thiaminD) niacin21) Which of the following substances is not an antioxidant?A) beta-caroteneB) vitamin CC) vitamin ED) biotin22) Folate can be found in the highest levels in which of the following foods?A) asparagusB) beansC) meatD) oranges23) Naturally occurring vitamin B12 is found in which of the following foods?A) cantaloupeB) orangesC) eggsD) peanuts24) Which of the following statements about vitamin B12 is false?A) Its naturally occurring form is found only in foods from animal sources.B) For its absorption to occur, intrinsic factor is required.C) The body's ability to absorb this vitamin increases with age.D) When it is deficient in the diet, pernicious anemia may result.26) Which of the following people might not benefit from a vitamin supplement?A) women of childbearing ageB) individuals who don't drink milk or go out in the sunC) strict vegetariansD) individuals who regularly eat fortified foods27) According to a study conducted by the National Eye Institute, which of the following lists of supplements may lower the risk of age-related macular degeneration?A) vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-caroteneB) vitamin D, vitamin K, and niacinC) pantothenic acid, biotin, and thiaminD) choline, carnitine, and inositol29) Which of the following vitamins helps bone health by regulating calcium and phosphorus?A) vitamin DB) vitamin KC) cholineD) vitamin E31) When the B vitamins help numerous enzymes produce reactions within cells, they are acting asA) antioxidants.B) hormones.C) anticoagulants.D) coenzymes.32) Vitamin C is also known as ________ acid.A) pantothenicB) folicC) ascorbicD) nicotinic33) Foods that have had nutrients added to them are designated as ________ foods.A) supplementedB) adulteratedC) refinedD) fortified35) ________ and vitamin B12 are B vitamins needed for keeping red blood cells healthy.A) NiacinB) ThiaminC) FolateD) Vitamin B637) Oxygen-containing molecules that can damage cells and possibly contribute to the increased risk of certain chronic diseases are calledA) antioxidants.B) phytochemicals.C) supplements.D) free radicals.38) Excessive amounts of water-soluble vitamins are often excreted inA) the blood.B) urine.C) mucus.D) the feces.39) ________ plays a role in breaking down alcohol in the body.A) ThiaminB) NiacinC) FolateD) Riboflavin43) ________ boosts the immune system by enabling the body to make white blood cells.A) Vitamin CB) Vitamin AC) Vitamin KD) Vitamin D44) Vitamin E, vitamin C, and beta-carotene act as ________, which may reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and Alzheimer's disease.A) provitaminsB) free radicalsC) antioxidantsD) anticoagulants48) The condition in which the lens of the eye becomes cloudy is calledA) age-related macular degeneration.B) a cataract.C) glaucoma.D) marasmus.49) ________ are naturally occurring plant compounds that act as antioxidants and give fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors.A) PhytochemicalsB) AntioxidantsC) Free radicalsD) Fat-soluble vitamins52) To produce vitamin D from sunlight, individuals require a some period of sun exposure to their skin.55) Consuming too much niacin can cause flushing of the skin.56) Prolonged heat from cooking will destroy water-soluble vitamins.65) A deficiency of vitamin A can lead to night blindness and xerophthalmia.66) One of the easiest ways to get vitamin D is by drinking fortified milk.69) Vitamins do not provide energy.76) Vitamin D helps maintain calcium balance in the blood.77) Vitamin B6 acts as a coenzyme with more than 100 enzymes involved in the metabolism of proteins.Chapter 8 Minerals and Water1) Which of the following statements is correct?A) Water acts as a solvent within the body.B) Water is a main component of the blood.C) Water is used to regulate body temperature.D) All of these statements are correct.2) The condition known as hyponatremia isA) a severe form of dehydration.B) a problem resulting from eating too much food during a race.C) the presence of too little sodium in the blood due to overconsumption of fluids.D) the presence of too much potassium in the blood due to overconsumption of fluids.3) Which of the following substances is a major mineral?A) fluorideB) potassiumC) ironD) zinc4) The body of an average healthy adult is approximately ________ percent water.A) 40-50B) 50-60C) 60-70D) 70-807) Which of the following minerals may play a role in lowering high blood pressure?A) calciumB) magnesiumC) potassiumD) All of the answers are correct.11) Which of the following pairs of minerals combines to form hydroxyapatite?A) phosphorus and calciumB) zinc and ironC) potassium and calciumD) sulfur and magnesium14) The two major electrolytes in the blood and outside of cells areA) sulfur and magnesium.B) zinc and iron.C) sodium and chloride.D) potassium and magnesium.18) About two-thirds of the ________ in the body is found in hemoglobin.A) molybdenumB) zincC) ironD) chromium22) Which of the following statements does not correctly describe a function of zinc?A) It may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.B) It helps in wound healing.C) It lowers blood pressure.D) It is important for properly functioning taste buds.24) Which of the following minerals, when added to water supplies, is responsible for lowering the rate of dental caries in the United States?A) seleniumB) iodineC) fluorideD) calcium25) Which of the following mineral's main role is to increase the effectiveness of insulin in cells?A) iodineB) chromiumC) fluorideD) zinc26) A goiter is a deficiency of which of the following substances?A) iodineB) chromiumC) phosphorusD) manganese33) Which of the following elements is a major electrolyte?A) ironB) seleniumC) chromiumD) sodium34) Which of the following elements is a major mineral of bone?A) seleniumB) calciumC) sodiumD) iron35) Which of the following elements is a major component of hemoglobin?A) seleniumB) calciumC) sodiumD) iron37) Which of the following conditions is a genetic disorder in which individuals absorb too much dietary iron?A) hypokalemiaB) hemochromatosisC) cretinismD) hypertension38) Which of the following conditions is defined as too little sodium in the blood?A) hypertensionB) hypokalemiaC) hemochromatosisD) hyponatremia39) Which of the following conditions is defined as too much calcium in the blood?A) hypercalcemiaB) hyponatremiaC) hemochromatosisD) hypokalemia40) Which of the following conditions is commonly known as high blood pressure?A) hypokalemiaB) hyponatremiaC) hypertensionD) hemochromatosis42) Sulfur, phosphorus, and magnesium are all considered major minerals.43) The majority of the sodium in the typical American diet comes from processed foods.45) Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of potassium.46) Over time, a low-calcium diet may increase your risk of osteoporosis.57) Smokers absorb less calcium than nonsmokers.58) Eating meat with vegetables increases the absorption of nonheme iron present in the vegetables.63) Selenium is a component of selenoproteins, which can function as antioxidants.70) Although the majority of water intake is through food and beverages, a small amount of water is also generated during metabolism.71) The movement of water across the cell membrane is called osmosis.72) The hormone that directs the kidneys to reduce water loss from the body by reducing urine output is antidiuretic hormone hormone.74) The overconsumption of fluids can cause hyponatremia, which can be fatal.75) Dehydration can result if too much water and sodium have been lost from the body.77) The bottling and sale of naturally obtained spring water is under the regulation of the FDA.80) One advantage of consuming tap water is that it often contains fluoride.Chapter 9 Alcohol1) Moderate alcohol consumption is no more than ________ alcoholic drink(s) daily for adult women and up to ________ drink(s) daily for adult men.A) 1; 1B) 2; 3C) 1; 2D) 1; 33) Which of the following factors does not affect how quickly the body absorbs and metabolizes alcohol?A) whether you are male or femaleB) the amount of food in your stomachC) the time of day you drinkD) the amount of alcohol you drink4) Alcohol is metabolized primarily in theA) stomach.B) small intestine.C) liver.D) pancreas.5) The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase is located in theA) mouth and throat.B) stomach and liver.C) intestines and colon.D) gallbladder and kidneys.6) A blood alcohol concentration above ________ will often result in death.A) 0.11B) 0.21C) 0.31D) 0.417) Which of the following areas of the brain is affected first by alcohol?A) brain stemB) cerebral cortexC) cerebellumD) All of these areas are affected at the same time.8) Compounds in alcoholic beverages that enhance flavor and appearance but may contribute to hangover symptoms are calledA) resveratrols.B) alcohol-based toxins.C) congeners.D) acetaldehydes.9) Which of the following statements concerning a hangover is correct?A) Drinking more alcohol mixed with orange juice can be an effective remedy for hangover symptoms.B) Time is the only true remedy for hangover symptoms.C) Drinking a mixture of congeners can be an effective remedy for hangover symptoms.D) Consuming a raw egg can be an effective remedy for hangover symptoms.11) Drinking too much alcohol can interfere with the absorption and/or use ofA) protein.B) zinc.C) fat-soluble vitamins.D) All of the answers are correct.12) The effects of fatty liver can be reversed byA) consuming more vitamin C in the diet.B) stopping the consumption of alcohol.C) drinking more fluids.D) eating more dairy products.14) In addition to chronically drinking too much alcohol, which of the following lifestyle behaviors heightens the risk of esophageal cancer?A) smoking cigarettesB) eating a high-fat dietC) inactivityD) obesity16) Which of the following statements regarding the third stage of alcoholic liver disease is incorrect?A) It is reversible.B) Liver cells die.C) Scar tissue is formed.D) It is also known as cirrhosis.17) Which of the following substances is released by intestinal bacteria, travels to the liver, and initiates further liver damage?A) endotoxinB) free radicalsC) acetaldehydeD) MEOS18) Which of the following recommendations regarding alcohol use during pregnancy is safe?A) Do not drink at all during pregnancy.B) Drink only moderately during pregnancy.C) An occasional drink is perfectly fine during the third trimester.D) An occasional drink is okay during the first trimester.19) Binge drinking is the consumption of ________ or more alcoholic drinks by men or ________ or more drinks by women, in a very short time.A) 3; 3B) 4; 3C) 5; 4D) 5; 220) Approximately how many college students die every year from binge drinking?A) 800B) 700C) 1,300D) 1,82521) For adults in the United States, the legal limit for driving is a blood alcohol content ofA) 0.04.B) 0.08.C) 0.10.D) 0.20.22) Which of the following conditions is a symptom of alcohol use disorder?A) craving alcoholB) an inability to limit alcohol intakeC) withdrawal symptomsD) All of the answers are correct.23) The people who gain health benefits from moderate alcohol consumption areA) women age 21 and older and men age 18 and older.B) women age 35 and older and men age 25 and older.C) women age 55 and older and men age 45 and older.D) women and men of all ages.24) Which of the following substances, when consumed during and after alcohol consumption, has been shown to cause liver damage in some cases?A) caffeineB) endotoxinC) acetaminophenD) ibuprofen25) Which of the following statements about alcohol is incorrect?A) It promotes a good night's sleep.B) It can damage heart tissue and increase the risk of hypertension.C) It can increase estrogen levels in women.D) It is associated with sexual dysfunction in males and females.26) Which of the following statements indicates what will occur if you consistently add extra calories from alcoholic beverages to a diet that is already meeting your daily caloric needs?A) You will lose weight because alcohol raises your metabolism.B) You will remain at the same weight because the calories in alcohol are negligible.C) You will gain weight because the extra calories are converted to fat.D) It depends on whether the alcohol beverages consumed are wine or beer.27) Which of the following body systems in the fetus is seriously damaged when a pregnant woman drinks alcohol?A) respiratoryB) nervousC) gastrointestinalD) reproductive28) Which of the following statements about binge drinking is incorrect?A) It can cause blackouts.B) It can increase the chance that unprotected sex will occur.C) It is a normal part of the college experience.D) It can be associated with heart attacks.30) The chemical category called "alcohol" includes which of the following substances?A) isopropanolB) ethanolC) methanolD) All of the answers are correct.31) Which of the following conditions has occurred when the body's BAC levels rise to extreme levels and breathing and heart rate are interrupted?A) FASB) alcoholismC) alcohol toleranceD) alcohol poisoning32) Which of the following conditions can occur when a child is exposed to alcohol prenatally?A) FASDsB) alcohol use disorderC) alcohol poisoningD) alcohol tolerance34) Which of the following terms describes a person who continues to drink even though it causes that person social, legal, and/or health problems?A) FASDsB) alcohol use disorderC) alcohol toleranceD) alcohol intolerance35) Which of the following conditions occurs when chronic drinking causes the body to become less sensitive to alcohol?A) FASDsB) alcohol use disorderC) alcohol toleranceD) alcohol poisoning36) Which of the following substances are compounds in alcohol that may contribute to hangover symptoms?A) alcohol dehydrogenasesB) fermentersC) congenersD) acetaldehydes37) In which of the following processes does yeast convert sugars in fruit into ethanol?A) distillationB) fermentationC) congenationD) metabolization38) Which of the following processes describes the collection and condensation of a vapor produced by heating an alcohol-containing liquid?A) fermentationB) oxidationC) accumulationD) distillation39) Which of the following compounds is an alcohol-metabolizing enzyme found in the stomach and liver?A) aspartate transaminaseB) acetaldehydeC) alcohol dehydrogenaseD) aspartate aminotransferase41) The majority of ingested alcohol is absorbed in theA) stomach.B) small intestine.C) liver.D) large intestine.42) Wine has more health benefits than beer or distilled spirits.45) A research study of more than 700 college students found that more than half of them had blacked out at least once in their lives.48) Women have more alcohol dehydrogenase in their stomachs than do men.49) A healthy liver can metabolize about one alcoholic drink in about 1 1/2 to 2 hours.51) Among the effects of alcohol on the body are infertility in women and impotence in men.55) Wine is made by a process known as fermentation.58) Routinely drinking too much alcohol can interfere with the absorption and/or use of protein, zinc, magnesium, certain B vitamins, and the fat-soluble vitamins.59) AUD is characterized by continued alcohol consumption even though consumption has caused social, psychological, and/or physical health problems.60) The earlier in life a person starts drinking, the higher the chances that alcohol will become a problem later in life.61) In general, time is the only true remedy for hangover symptoms.62) In addition to the alcohol dehydrogenase system, the liver must employ MEOS when chronically elevated alcohol levels are present there.68) Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram.69) Advertising for alcoholic beverages is associated with increased alcohol consumption among adolescents.71) Ethanol is produced when yeast ferment the natural sugars in grains and fruits.72) Liquors, such as rum and scotch, are made through a process known as distillation.75) The alcohol-metabolizing enzyme found in the stomach and liver is alcohol dehydrogenase.76) Your sex, your body type, the amount of food in your stomach, and the quantity of alcohol you consume affect the rate of alcohol absorption and metabolism in your body.77) One study showed that an alcoholic drink consumed after a meal is absorbed about three times more slowly than alcohol consumed on an empty stomach.78) Alcohol poisoning occurs when the BAC rises to such an extreme level that breathing and heart rate are interrupted.79) In most states in the United States, it is illegal for adults to drive with a BAC of 0.05.80) As the brain becomes less sensitive to alcohol, more is needed to get the same intoxicating effect. This phenomenon is called alcohol tolerance81) Moderate alcohol consumption can increase levels of the "good" cholesterol, LDL.BIG Picture Chapters 1 through 9LO 1.11. Megan picks up a sandwich at the campus food truck after class every afternoon before dashing off to her part-time job. Which of the following most likely influences Megan’s food choices in this situation?her ethnic backgroundher busy scheduleher emotionsher limited budgetLO 1.12. Nutrition isthe study of genes and their function in the body.the study of how the body functions.the scientific study of how compounds in foods affect body functions.the study of hormones and how they function in the body.LO 1.23. The energy in foods is measured in carbohydrates.truefalseLO 1.24. A cookie with 13 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of fat, and 1 gram of protein contains54 calories.65 calories.70 calories.92 calories.LO 1.35. The majority of your daily calories should come fromfats.minerals.vitamins.carbohydrates.LO 1.36. Which nutrients may help enzymes function in your body?carbohydratesvitaminsfatproteinLO 1.47. Everyone needs to take vitamin and mineral supplements to be healthy.truefalseLO 1.58. Over ??????????????????????? percent of American adults are overweight.35455565LO 1.69. The first step in the scientific method is tomake observations and ask questions.form a hypothesis.do an experiment.develop a theory.LO 1.610. Which of the following individuals would be the best to approach for nutritional counseling?a health food store employeeyour personal trainer at the gyma licensed dietitian nutritionistyour roommate, who runs for the campus track teamLO 2.11. Healthy eating involves the following three principles:balance, portion control, and variety.variety, moderation, and portion control.balance, moderation, and variety.better nutrition, portion control, and moderation.LO 2.22. The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) are reference values for nutrients and are designed toonly prevent nutritional deficiency.provide a ballpark range of your nutrient needs.prevent nutritional deficiencies by meeting your nutrient needs as well as prevent the consumption of excessive and dangerous amounts of nutrients.outline the health benefits of specific nutrients.LO 2.23. The Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) isthe estimated amount of a nutrient that you should consume daily to be healthy.the amount of a nutrient that meets the average needs of 50 percent of individuals in a specific age and gender group.the amount of a nutrient that meets the average needs of 100 percent of individuals in a specific age and gender group.the maximum safe amount of a nutrient that you should consume daily.LO 2.34. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that youmaintain calorie balance over time and sustain a healthy weight.stop smoking and walk daily.sleep eight hours a night and jog every other day.consume adequate nutrients within your calorie needs and stop smoking.LO 2.35. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans is updated every2 years.3 years.4 years.5 years.LO 2.46. A three-ounce serving of cooked chicken is approximately the size ofa 5-year-old’s palm.your adult brother’s palm.your adult sister’s palm.your great-uncle’s palm.LO 2.47. Which of the following foods is most nutrient dense?an orange ice popan orangeorange-flavored punchorange sherbetLO 2.58. By law, which of the following MUST be listed on the food label?calories, fat, and magnesiumfat, saturated fat, and vitamin Ecalories, fat, and saturated fatcalories, sodium, and vitamin B12LO 2.59. The yogurt that you enjoy as a morning snack has a label stating that a serving provides 30 percent of the Daily Value for calcium. A serving of this yogurt is consideredlow in calcium.high in calcium.an insignificant source of calcium.a good source of both calcium and vitamin D.LO 2.610. Oatmeal is a functional food. It contains a soluble fiber that can help lower yourblood pressure.red blood cells.pulse.blood cholesterol.LO 3.11. Food is moved through the GI tract by muscular waves calledsegmentation.peristalsis.bowel movement.pendular movement.LO 3.22. ??????????????????????? is the process that breaks down food into absorbable units.CirculationDigestionAbsorptionExcretionLO 3.23. Chemical digestion begins in theliver.stomach.mouth.colon.LO 3.24. The name of the protective tissue that covers the trachea when you swallow is theesophagus.tongue.pharynx.epiglottis.LO 3.25. What causes heartburn?improper relaxation of the gastroesophageal sphincterimproper contraction of the gastroesophageal sphincterimproper and rapid swallowingimproper breathing and chest congestionLO 3.26. The name of the secretion produced in the stomach that helps break down protein and activates pepsin ishydrochloric acid (HCl).amylase.bile.gastrin.LO 3.27. The sphincter that separates the stomach from the duodenum is thegastroesophageal sphincter.ileocecal sphincter.pyloric sphincter.colon sphincter.LO 3.38. The compounds that directly help break down foods during digestion areenzymes.hormones.proteins.bicarbonate ions.LO 3.79. A peptic ulcer is a sore, or erosion, in the stomach or intestinal lining caused most often bya diet too high in fiber.the Helicobacter pylori bacterium.acid reflux.hydrochloric acid.LO 3.710. Celiac disease is an autoimmune malabsorption disorder that causes a person’s own immune system to damage the small intestine when ???????????????????????, a protein in wheat, rye, and barley, is consumed.glucosefiberglutensodiumLO 4.11. ?????????? is the storage form of glucose in your body.GlucagonGlycogenGluconeogenesisGlucoseLO 4.12. Sucrose is amonosaccharide.disaccharide.polysaccharide.starch.LO 4.23. Which of the following can help someone who’s lactose intolerant to enjoy dairy products?drinking Lactaid milkdrinking milk on an empty stomacheating a large bowl of ice cream before going to bedhaving a milkshake for an afternoon snackLO 4.34. The hormone that directs the breakdown of glycogen isgalactose.glucagon.insulin.EpinephrineLO 4.45. The minimum amount of carbohydrates needed daily is75 grams.100 grams.120 grams.130 grams.LO 4.46. Which of the following nutrients are added to enriched grains?folic acid, thiamin, B12, niacin, and calciumfolic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, B12, and ironfiber, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and ironfolic acid, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and ironLO 4.57. Reducing consumption of which item would have the biggest impact on decreasing the amount of added sugars that Americans consume?watermeloncandysugar-sweetened beveragesdessertsLO 4.68. Which of the following can help reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes?playing computer gameseating a high-fiber, plant-based diet lower in added sugarswatching TVeating a high-calorie, high-fat dietLO 4.79. Which sugar substitute is made of two amino acids?saccharinmonk fruitaspartamesucraloseLO 4.810. Your blood cholesterol level is too high, so you would like to eat additional viscous, soluble high-fiber foods to help lower it. A good choice would below-fat milk.chocolate chip cookies.orange juice.oatmeal.LO 5.11. The primary lipid in your body ischolesterol.lecithin.triglycerides.chylomicrons.LO 5.22. ?????????? help(s) to emulsify fat in your gastrointestinal tract.MicellesLingual lipaseGastric lipaseBileLO 5.33. Fat in foods is a source offlavor.carbohydrates.minerals.fiber.LO 5.34. The type of lipoprotein that carries absorbed fat and other lipids through your lymph system is calledVLDL.LDL.bile acid.a chylomicron.LO 5.45. You should keep your dietary fat intake between8 and 10 percent of your daily calories.20 and 35 percent of your daily calories.35 and 40 percent of your daily calories.300 milligrams and 500 milligrams daily.LO 5.56. Donald has heart disease. To obtain heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, he should eata tuna fish sandwich at lunch and a Burger King fish sandwich for dinner.shrimp for lunch and salmon for dinner.fish and chips for lunch and flounder at dinner.fried fish sticks at lunch and steamed lobster for dinner.LO 5.67. Fat substitutes are fats that have been modified either to provide the physical attributes of fat for fewer calories or tointerfere with the absorption of fat.help the body burn more fat.increase the body’s absorption of fat.affect the taste of dietary fat.LO 5.78. The major dietary component that raises your LDL cholesterol isviscous, soluble fiber.green teasaturated fat.plant sterols.LO 5.89. Which of the following are good sources of the essential fatty acids linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid?bananaswalnutsoatmealchocolateLO 5.810. Trans fats are unhealthy for your heart because theylower LDL cholesterol levels.raise HDL and LDL cholesterol levels.raise LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol levels.have no effect on LDL cholesterol.LO 6.11. A protein’s shape, and therefore its function in your body, is determined by the interactions of ?????????????? with each other and their environment.the amino acids in the proteinthe water molecules in the proteinthe carbons in proteinthe peptide bonds in the proteinLO 6.12. There are ?????????????? essential amino acids that cannot be made by the body.791011LO 6.13. Which of the following will NOT denature a protein?grilling a chicken breastfrying an eggmarinating a steak in red winerefrigerating milkLO 6.24. Limited amounts of surplus amino acids are stored in your body in yourmuscles.fat stores.amino acid pools.stomach.LO 6.35. Protein plays many important roles in your body. Which role does it NOT play in your body?helping you fight the fluallowing you to walk, run, sit, and lie downhelping you absorb fat-soluble vitamins in the diettransporting fat and cholesterol through your bloodLO 6.46. Brendan is a 20-year-old male. How much protein does he need daily?0.70 gram per kilogram body weight.0.80 gram per kilogram body weight.0.85 gram per kilogram body weight.1.0 gram per kilogram body weight.LO 6.57. Protein is found abundantly in thedairy group and the fat group.protein group and the fruit group.fruit group and the dairy group.dairy group and the protein group.LO 7.11. Which of the following is a water-soluble vitamin?vitamin Avitamin Eniacinvitamin KLO 7.32. The most usable form of vitamin A in your body isretinol.retinal.retinoic acid.retinoids.LO 7.43. You are enjoying a salad bar lunch (good choice!). You want to top your greens with vitamin E–rich foods. You could chooseolive oil.pickles.tomatoes.vinegar.LO 7.54. Which of the following vitamins is needed in order for your blood to clot?vitamin Dvitamin Kbeta-carotenevitamin ALO 7.65. Vitamin D isa carbohydrate.made in your body with the help of sunscreen.found in fortified milk.water soluble.LO 7.86. A deficiency of thiamin can causerickets.beriberi.scurvy.osteomalacia.LO 7.127. Folic acid can help reduce the risk ofacne.neural tube defects.night blindness.pellagra.LO 7.138. Adam Craig is 55 years old. Which of the following might his body have difficulty absorbing?the vitamin B12 in a piece of steakthe vitamin B6 in liverthe folate in spinachthe riboflavin in milkLO 7.149. You are enjoying a breakfast of raisin bran cereal in skim milk accompanied by a glass of orange juice. The vitamin C in the orange juice will enhance the absorption ofthe calcium in the milk.the vitamin D in fortified milk.the iron in the cereal.the fiber in the cereal.LO 7.1710. Which of the following statements is NOT correct? The USP seal on the vitamin label means that the dietary supplement has been tested and shown tocontain the amount of the substance that is stated on the label.be of good quality.be free of any contaminants.meet your daily needs of that vitaminLO 8.11. The most abundant substance in your body ismagnesium.iron.sodium.water.LO 8.32. Bottled water is regulated by the FDA.truefalseLO 8.43. In your body, minerals cannothelp maintain fluid balance.be part of enzymes.work with your immune system.help absorb vitamin C.LO 8.54. The daily recommendation for dietary sodium intake for adults up to age 51 is3,400 milligrams.2,300 milligrams.1,500 milligrams.180 milligrams.LO 8.65. Which are NOT good sources of potassium?fruits and vegetableshealthy unsaturated oilsdairy and proteinvegetables and grainsLO 8.76. One cup of skim milk, 8 ounces of low-fat yogurt, and 1? ounces of reduced-fat Cheddar cheese each provide100 milligrams of calcium.200 milligrams of calcium.300 milligrams of calcium.400 milligrams of calcium.LO 8.127. You are having pasta for dinner. You want to enhance your absorption of the nonheme iron in the pasta. To do that, you could top your spaghetti withbutter.olive oil.tomato sauce.nothing; eat it plain.LO 8.158. Which of the following is NOT a function of selenium?It helps regulate thyroid hormones in your body.It may help fight against certain cancers.It functions as an antioxidant.It is needed to prevent anemia.LO 8.169. Fluoride will help strengthen and repair the enamel on your teeth. What other mineral strengthens your teeth?chloridephosphorussulfurzincLO 8.1710. Chromium increases the effectiveness ofthyroid hormones.the hormone insulin.antidiuretic hormone (ADH).hemoglobin.LO 9.11. Alcohol provides9 calories per gram.7 calories per gram.4 calories per gram.0 calories per gram.LO 9.22. Which of the following is NOT considered a standard drink?a 12-ounce can of beera 7-ounce glass of red winea shot (1.5 ounces) of liquora 5-ounce glass of white wineLO 9.33. The major site of alcohol metabolism in your body is yourkidneys.lungs.liver.stomach.LO 9.34. Which of the following factors affect(s) your rate of absorption and the metabolism of alcohol?whether you’re male or femalethe place where you are drinkingthe time of day you drinkthe individuals you are drinking withLO 9.35. Blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is theminimum amount of alcohol needed in your blood daily.amount of alcohol in your blood, measured in grams of alcohol per deciliter of blood.number of drinks you consumed in an hour.grams of alcohol per liter of beverage.LO 9.46. The best cure for a hangover ischicken soup.a light beer.time and abstinence.taking acetaminophen (Tylenol).LO 9.47. The first stage in alcoholic liver disease ismalnutrition.a fatty liver.cirrhosis.alcoholic hepatitis.LO 9.58. AUD refers toaddiction use disorder.alcohol use disorder.allowing unsupervised drinking.alcohol use deprivation.LO 9.59. Drinking 4 to 5 alcoholic beverages on one occasion in a very short time is calledalcohol tolerance.drunk driving.blackout.binge drinking.LO 9.510. Of the following list, who shouldn’t drink alcohol?your pregnant auntyour high school–aged brotheryour father while he is riding the lawn mowerall of the aboveLO 10.11. Which one of the following is NOT influenced by being overweight?a.heart diseaseb.osteoarthritisc.gallbladder diseased.hair lossLO 10.22. Bryan has a BMI of 27. He is considereda.underweight.b.overweight.c.at a healthy weight.d.obese.LO 10.23. Central obesity refers toa.the accumulation of excess fat in your hips and thighs.b.the accumulation of excess fat in your stomach area.c.the accumulation of excess fat in your arms and legs.d.the accumulation of excess fat in your ankles and feet.LO 10.34. Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) refers toa.the amount of energy you expend during physical activity.b.the amount of energy you expend digesting your food.c.the amount of energy (calories) that you consume daily.d.the amount of energy expended to meet your basic physiological needs.LO 10.45. You just ate a large plate of pasta and tomato sauce, so your stomach is full and distended. Which hormone is released because of the distention of your stomach?a.cholecystokininb.insulinc.thyroid hormoned.leptinLO 10.46. Which of the following can increase your risk of becoming overweight?a.having a parent who is obeseb.consuming more meals at home than dining outc.reducing the amount of “screen time” during the dayd.decreasing your portion sizesLO 10.57. Which are examples of low-energy-density, high-volume foods that can aid in weight loss?a.raw vegetables and salsab.jelly beansc.olive oild.ice creamLO 10.68. Research suggests that accumulating daily, which is the equivalent of walking 5 miles, can help reduce the risk of becoming overweight.a.1,000 stepsb.5,000 stepsc.7,500 stepsd.10,000 stepsLO 10.7 9. You are trying to gain weight in a healthy way, and so are looking for foods that add healthy calories. Which of the following foods is both nutrient dense and energy dense?a.mixed nutsb.candyc.black coffeed.sodaLO 10.810. Lanugo, or downy hair growth, is common in what type of eating disorder?a.anorexia nervosab.bulimia nervosac.binge eating disorderd.night eating syndromeCheck Your UnderstandingLO 11.11. Which of the following is not a component of physical fitness?a.muscle strengthb.cardiorespiratory endurancec.stressd.body compositionLO 11.12. If you are able to do 100 consecutive push-ups without taking a break, you are exhibiting greata.cardiorespiratory endurance.b.muscle endurance.c.flexibility.d.muscle strength.LO 11.23. Which component of the FITT principle refers to the degree of difficulty at which you perform an activity?a.frequencyb.intensityc.durationd.typeLO 11.34. During low-intensity activity, your body obtains most of its energy froma.muscle glycogen.b.liver glycogen.c.muscle protein.d.fatty acids.LO 11.35. Under what conditions will the body use significant amounts of protein for energy during exercise?a.inadequate calorie and fluid intakeb.inadequate carbohydrate and protein storesc.inadequate protein stores and fluid intaked.inadequate calorie intake and carbohydrate storesLO 11.46. A pregame meal should bea.high in carbohydrate, low in fat.b.high in carbohydrate and high in fat.c.low in carbohydrate, high in fat.d.low in protein, high in fat.LO 11.57. Which mineral is necessary for energy metabolism and for transporting oxygen throughout the body and within muscle cells?a.calciumb.ironc.vitamin Ed.vitamin CLO 11.68. A commercial sports drink might be beneficial after 60 minutes or more of exercise because ita.provides electrolytes and carbohydrates, and contributes to hydration.b.is marketed to everyone, not just athletes.c.typically contains 12 to 16 percent carbohydrate.d.tastes good so you will drink more.LO 11.69. An appropriate exercise recovery beverage would bea.a soft drink.b.coffee.c.low-fat chocolate milk.d.orange juice.LO 11.710. Acromegaly can be caused by abuse of which ergogenic aid?a.creatineb.growth hormonec.anabolic steroidsd.erythropoietinCheck Your UnderstandingLO 12.11. Food manufacturers spend the least amount of money on advertising which of the following foods?a.breakfast cerealb.candy and gumc.fruits and vegetablesd.carbonated soft drinksLO 12.22. The majority of farms in the United States area.small family run farms.b.large farms run by the United States government.c.large farms run by private companies.d.large farms run by overseas companies.LO 12.23. Most of the corn grown in the United States isa.used in the National School Lunch Program.b.used to feed animals.c.used to make high-fructose corn syrup.d.sold to local markets and eaten by Americans.LO 12.34. Pound for pound, which of the following takes the greatest amount of natural resources to grow?a.poultryb.beefc.cornd.soyLO 12.35. Which of the following represents the most sustainable food choice?a.purchasing watermelon in Alaska in December (the middle of winter)b.eating a diet high in animal protein purchased from large chain suppliersc.purchasing only organically grown fruits and vegetablesd.eating a mostly plant-based diet of mostly locally grown foodsLO 12.46. Which of the following practices is a way to protect natural resources?a.growing as much of a single crop as possible year after year on a plot of land designated for the sole purpose of growing that specific cropb.chronically treating all livestock used in food production with antibioticsc.practicing integrated pest managementd.growing livestock used in food production centrally in large feedlots, then transporting food produced from that livestock to consumers all over the countryLO 12.57. The process of isolating and inserting a gene from the DNA of one organism into the DNA of another organisms is calleda.plant breeding.b.DNA insertion.c.bioterrorism.d.genetic engineering.LO 12.68. U.S. farmers may receive subsidies from the U.S. government for growing which of the following products?a.cornb.carrotsc.watermelond.strawberriesLO 12.69. A food lobbyist works fora.the government.b.the interests of all food consumers.c.a food company or organization that has a vested interest in the outcome of food policy.d.only those in health care.LO 12.710. You are in the supermarket shopping for cereal and find a package of raisin bran that bears the USDA Organic seal. You can be assured that in this cereala.100 percent of the ingredients are certified organic.b.only ingredients that were grown without the use of any pesticide, even if some of the ingredients are not organic certified, are used.c.at least 95 percent of the ingredients are certified organic.d.at least 50 percent of the ingredients are certified organic.Check Your UnderstandingLO 13.11. Which of the following may cause a foodborne illness?a.MSG, sulfites, and nitratesb.parasites, viruses, bacteria, and naturally occurring chemicals and toxinsc.ascorbic acid, carrageenan, annatto, and phosphoric acidd.none of the aboveLO 13.22. The danger zone temperature range at which bacteria will multiply most rapidly isa.40°F to 140°F.b.45°F to 140°F.c.40°F to 145°F.d.50°F to 150°F.e.50°F to 140°F.LO 13.23. The four critical steps in the food-handling process that you need to take to help prevent foodborne illness area.cutting, cleaning, chopping, and chilling.b.cleaning, combating cross-contamination, cutting, and chilling.c.clearing, combating cross-contamination, cutting, and chilling.d.cleaning, combating cross-contamination, cooking, and chilling.e.cooking, combating cross-contamination, cutting, and chilling.LO 13.24. Though most bacteria will grow more slowly in a refrigerator set at 40°F and below, one of the following does not. Which one?a.E. coli O157: H7b.Salmonellac.Norwalk virusd.Campylobactere.ListeriaLO 13.35. Which of the following U.S. government agencies is NOT involved in policing the food supply?a.the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)b.the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)c.the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)d.the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)LO 13.36. The “Best if Used By” date on a food container refers to the date by whicha.you should consume the product so that you don’t get sick.b.you should consume the product to get your money’s worth.c.you should purchase the product.d.to consume the product to enjoy it at its best quality.LO 13.47. Two intentional food additives that some people are sensitive to area.Salmonella and antioxidants.b.heat and lemon juice.c.sulfites and MSG.d.dioxins and MSG.LO 13.48. Which of following is NOT a function of food additives?a.adding neurotoxins to foodsb.preventing spoilagec.increasing the shelf life of a foodd.enhancing the flavor of foodsLO 13.59. All of the following are examples of foodborne diseases caused by toxins that occur naturally in foods EXCEPTa.scombrotoxic poisoning.b.paralytic shellfish poisoning.c.sulfuric acid poisoning.d.ciguatera poisoning.LO 13.610. Food can be the primary agent of bioterrorism by being contaminated with a biological or chemical toxin. Which of the following is NOT an example of bioterrorism?a.airborne mercury from a local factory accumulating in a body of water and being consumed by fish in the toxic form of methylmercuryb.adding botulism to the food served at major national hospitalsc.contamination of a nation’s water supply with Shigellad.the spread of E. coli in the distribution of food via purposeful placement of a food item contaminated with E. coliCheck Your UnderstandingLO 14.11. To prevent neural tube birth defects, a woman should take 400 micrograms of folic acid dailya.during the first trimester.b.during the second trimester.c.throughout her childbearing years, if she’s capable of conceiving.d.during the last trimester.LO 14.22. To support the birth of a healthy 6.5- to 8.5-pound baby, how many pounds should a normal-weight woman gain during pregnancy?a.10 to 15 poundsb.25 to 35 poundsc.15 to 25 poundsd.37 to 54 poundsLO 14.33. Two potential complications of pregnancy that must be closely monitored by a health care provider area.cravings and morning sickness.b.gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.c.weight gain and exercise.d.constipation and heartburn.LO 14.44. During the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman who begins pregnancy at a healthy weight should increase her daily calorie intake bya.450 calories a day.b.340 calories a day.c.500 calories a day.d.No increase is needed.LO 14.55. During pregnancy, a teenage mother’s need for many nutrients increases. Which nutrient requirement is unlikely to be met through her diet alone?a.ironb.folic acidc.calciumd.all of the aboveLO 14.66. Breast-feeding cannota.help women reduce their risk of breast cancer.b.reduce women’s risk of type 2 diabetes.c.prevent pregnancy.d.decrease the risk of the baby developing respiratory and ear infections.LO 14.77. A breast-feeding mother should limit her intake of which of the following?a.fish, especially deep-sea fish high in mercuryb.caffeinec.alcohold.all of the aboveLO 14.88. The best alternative to breast-feeding is to feed an infant mercially made formula.b.cow’s milk.c.soy or almond milk.d.pureed baby food.LO 14.99. Andy is a healthy 3-month-old baby boy who is being breast-fed by his mother. Which of the following nutrients should be added to his diet in supplement form?a.vitamin Db.potassiumc.vitamin Cd.omega-3 fatsLO 14.1010. Six-month-old Cathy is ready to take on solid foods. One healthy and safe first food that could be introduced in her diet isa.chopped meat.b.ready-to-eat crunchy cereal.c.iron-fortified rice cereal.d.scrambled eggs.Check Your UnderstandingLO 15.11. Because they are still growing but have diminished appetites (compared with infants), toddlers and preschoolers shoulda.consume large meals.b.consume nutrient-dense foods.c.consume foods high in fat.d.consume foods high in sugar.LO 15.22. According to Ellyn Satter’s Division of Responsibility, parents are responsible fora.what and how much a child eats.b.when and how much a child eats.c.when, where, and what a child is offered to eat.d.all aspects of feeding a child.LO 15.33. Breakfast is important for school-aged children becausea.it improves alertness and ability to concentrate throughout the day.b.it helps them slow down in the morning.c.it gives them energy for after-school activities.d.it prevents adult obesity.LO 15.44. There appears to be a relationship between the rise in childhood obesity and the increase ina.childhood cancers.b.ADHD.c.type 2 diabetes in children.d.childhood cavities.LO 15.55. Which mineral supports healthy bone development and is particularly important during adolescence?a.calciumb.ironc.vitamin Dd.copperLO 15.66. Teen boys and girls are at risk for a deficiency of which of the following?a.fatb.vitamin Cc.irond.vitamin ALO 15.77. Which of the following two nutrient needs increase with age?a.water and leadb.calcium and vitamin Dc.protein and lipidsd.vitamin K and biotinLO 15.88. Which of the following probably has the most influence on older adults’ ability to consume a nutritious diet?a.eating three meals a dayb.working outside the homec.television-watching habitsd.living on a fixed incomeLO 15.99. Carcinogens, or cancer-causing agents, include which of the following?a.alcoholb.tobaccoc.red and/or processed meatsd.all of the aboveLO 15.1010. Congregate meals area.meals delivered to the homes of older adults who are homebound.b.frozen meals that adults can purchase at the supermarket.c.hot meals that are served at a site in the community, such as at churches and synagogues.d.meals made at home and eaten with friends.Check Your UnderstandingLO 16.11. What is food insecurity?a.Food insecurity happens only in developing countries, when they can’t get enough food because of civil unrest.b.Food insecurity is the same thing as hunger.c.Food insecurity is a lack of adequate nutrition for an active, healthy life.d.Food insecurity describes a lack of sufficient calories in the diet for an active, healthy life.LO 16.22. Food insecurity exists becausea.not enough food is produced in the world to feed everyone adequately.b.food distribution is uneven, and some people do not have access to enough food.c.some people choose not to eat.d.people feel insecure about whether their food is safe.LO 16.23. Who are the “working poor”?a.all individuals classified as low income by the United States Department of Laborb.all individuals who fall outside the middle-class range of incomec.all individuals who are employed but have incomes that fall below the poverty lined.all minimum-wage workersLO 16.34. What is one of the most common causes of food shortages?a.povertyb.lack of education and economic opportunityc.war, natural disaster, or civil unrestd.droughtLO 16.45. Which of the following groups is especially vulnerable to food insecurity–related illness?a.infants and young childrenb.adolescentsc.adult mend.adult womenLO 16.46. Which of the following is a nutritional risk factor for older adults?a.increased metabolic rateb.rapid cell growth and turnoverc.decreased sense of taste and smelld.increased energy needsLO 16.57. What is the general term for the common condition in which micro?nutrients are consistently deficient in the diet?a.malariab.hidden hungerc.diarrhead.dehydrationLO 16.58. A lack of which micronutrient has been implicated in causing blindness in children?a.vitamin Kb.vitamin Ac.iodined.ironLO 16.69. Which nutrients are most likely to be used to fortify food?a.vitamins D, E, and Kb.sodium, potassium, and chloridec.magnesium, phosphorus, and sulfurd.iron, iodine, and vitamin ALO 16.610. Which of the following programs serves the greatest number of people in the United States?a.Meals on Wheelsb.Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programc.Feeding Americad.the National School Lunch program?July 15, 2017 1:03 pm ................

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