Multiple-Choice Questions

Multiple-Choice Questions

Chapter 2: Marine Ecology

1. Which environment has historically been the most stable?

w. desert

x. coral reef

y. tundra

z. tropical rain forest

2. Most sea life is found in which area?

w. On or above continental shelves

x. In trenches

y. Along mid-ocean ridges

z. Near deep-sea hydrothermal vents

3. Coastal upwelling results in ________.

w. carbon dioxide-rich water surfacing

x. warm water surfacing

y. mixing of salt and freshwater

z. lower high tides

4. The yellow-green color of coastal waters as compared to the blue color of the open ocean is a result of what?

w. A lower salinity

x. A high concentration of organic materials

y. A higher copper content of sediment

z. A low copper content of sediment

5. Fish in what layer of water would be more likely to have large eyes?

w. The aphotic zone

x. The euphotic zone

y. The disphotic zone

z. The non-photic zone

6. What type of shore is most biologically diverse?

w. Sandy beach

x. Mud flat

y. Salt marsh

z. Rocky shore

7. What part of a coral reef is above a depth of 20 meters?

w. Buttress zone

x. Supralittoral zone

y. Hermatypic zone

z. Bathyal zone

8. A buckshot barnacle, which is submerged in water only during high tide, is going to be found in which section of a beach?

w. Foreshore

x. Backshore

y. Supralittoral zone

z. Littoral zone

9. Which of the following is the correct order of zones going from the shore to the deep ocean?

w. sublittoral, hadal, bathyal, abyssal

x. hadal, sublittoral, bathyal, abyssal

y. sublittoral, bathyal, abyssal, hadal

z. bathyal, sublittoral, abyssal, hadal

10. What is the depth below which net primary growth cannot occur?

w. Dissolved oxygen minimum

x. Biological compensation depth

y. Critical depth

z. Oxygen compensation depth

11. Depth recorders are often tricked by ___________.

w. The deep scattering layer

x. Sonic refraction off of large cetaceans

y. The pycnocline

z. The sound fixing and ranging channel

12. An organism containing photophores is likely to inhabit which of the following zones?

w. Epipelagic zone

x. Bathypelagic zone

y. Mesopelagic zone

z. Abyssopelagic zone

13. The oxygen minimum zone is partially a result of water with which of the following properties being able to hold more dissolved oxygen?

w. High temperature

x. High productivity

y. Low productivity

z. Low temperature

14. A coastal body of water connected to the ocean and supplied with fresh water from a river is an __________ .

w. Shelf

x. Inlet

y. Estuary

z. Atoll

15. Short Answer Name Three Causes of Variability in the salinity of an estuary:

amount of freshwater input, evaporation, vertical variability -- water density, tides, Coriolis effect

16. Which type of estuary has river water that flows on top of the salt water?

w. intermittent

x. negative

y. Fresh-Wedge

z. Salt-Wedge

17. What is the average salinity of an estuary?

w. 23 ppt

x. 12 ppt

y. 8ppt

z. 17ppt

18. Short Answer What is the general name given to areas that are protected from the open ocean and mostly border estuaries?


19. What is the type of exoskeleton formed by corals?

w. Hydrogen Calcite

x. Calcium Carbonate

y. Limestone

z. Phosphate

20. Short Answer Give the stages of coral reef development in order.

Fringing, Barrier, Atoll

21. Compared with the hypolimnion, the epilimnion is:

w. warmer, higher pH and dissolved oxygen concentration

x. colder, higher pH and dissolved oxygen concentration

y. warmer, lower pH and dissolved oxygen concentration

z. colder, lower pH and dissolved oxygen concentration

22. Epilimnion and hypolimnion are terms that deal with:

w. pressure stratification in the sea

x. density stratification in a lake

y. thermal stratification in a lake

z. turbidity currents in the sea 

23. What is the term for members of multiple species living in an area & interacting?

w. ecosystem

x. ecotone

y. biome

z. community

24. What is the term for all of the biotic and abiotic components of a system?

w. ecosystem

x. ecotone

y. biome

z. community

25. What is the term for an ecosystem interface?

w. ecosystem

x. ecotone

y. biome

z. community

26. What is the term for a collection of similar ecosystems?

w. ecosystem

x. ecotone

y. biome

z. community

27. In the trophic pyramid, how are organisms classified?

w. Based on their habitat

x. Based on their size

y. Based on where they get their energy from

z. Based on their lifespan

28. Which of the following best describes decomposers?

w. heterotrophs

x. autotrophs

y. phototrophs

z. none of the above

29. What symbiotic relationship is occurring when one organism is benefited and the other is not affected significantly?

w. mutualism

x. parasitism

y. competition

z. commensalism

30. Which of the following describes cold seeps?

w. contain metal sulfides

x. 46 ppt

y. bacteria do chemosynthesis w/ methane

z. water isn't hot

31. Which of the following describes black smokers?

w. contain metal sulfides

x. 46 ppt

y. bacteria do chemosynthesis w/ methane

z. water isn't hot

32. Which of the following describes hydrocarbon seeps?

w. contain metal sulfides

x. 46 ppt

y. bacteria do chemosynthesis w/ methane

z. water isn't hot

33. Which of the following describes hypersaline seeps?

w. contain metal sulfides

x. 46 ppt

y. bacteria do chemosynthesis w/ methane

z. water isn't hot

34. Around black smokers, tube worms and other organisms rely on bacteria to do chemosynthesis using what gas as their energy source?

w. oxygen

x. carbon dioxide

y. hydrogen sulfide

z. potassium sulfate

35. What element is most closely correlated with Eutrophication?

w. Sulfur

x. Carbon

y. Phosphorus

z. Nitrogen

36. Which term represents the following phrase: A reduced nutrient availability which leads to low productivity.

w. Ecological efficiency

x. Oligotrophication

y. Primary production

z. Eutrophication

37. Which of the following phrases best represents the definition of standing crop?

w. Total biomass in a specified area

x. Total animal biomass in a specified area

y. Total plant biomass in a specified area

z. The total production made by organisms in a specific area.

38. Which gas is responsible for the characteristic smell of the sea?

w. Tetrasulfuric Dichloride

x. Acetylene

y. Ammonia

z. Dimethyl Sulfide

39. What type of microorganisms are responsible for spring blooms?

w. Dinoflagellates

x. Brown Algae

y. Diatoms

z. Red Algae

40. What type of wind is responsible for autumn blooms?

w. Westerlies

x. Polar Easterlies

y. Doldrums

z. Trade winds

41. What is the typical depth of the pycnocline in temperate waters?

w. 10m

x. 100m

y. 300m

z. 1000m


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