Report form

Report form for late reported test results

Sample #20620 - 3 identical non-coated metal plates

|Determinations |Unit |Reference |Actual method used |’Unrounded’ |Rounded |

| | |method *) |*) |result *) |result cfr. used |

| | | | | |standard *) |

|Nickel release - plate 1 |µg/cm2/week | | | | |

|Nickel release - plate 2 |µg/cm2/week | | | | |

|Nickel release - plate 3 |µg/cm2/week | | | | |

|Nickel release - average |µg/cm2/week |EN1811 | | | |

|Surface area of the plates used for the |cm2 | | | | |

|calculation – average | | | | | |

*) Please see the letter of instructions before the start of the analysis at

Please answer the additional questions for sample #20620 on the next page.

The report form of sample #20621 is on the final page.

Report form for late reported test results

Additional Questions for sample #20620 - 3 identical non-coated metal plates

1 Is your laboratory accredited in accordance with ISO/IEC17025 for this test?

0 No

0 Yes

2 Did you pre-treat the test vessel(s)?

0 No, new/disposable test vessel(s) were used

0 No, the previously used test vessel(s) were not pre-treated

0 Yes, the previously used test vessel(s) were pre-treated

0 Other option, please describe: ___________________________________________________________________________


3 If yes in question 2: please describe the pre-treatment procedure



4 What was the volume of test solution in mL added to the test vessel at the start of the test?


5 Which ratio in mL/cm² was used for the test solution versus the sample surface area?


Remarks on Additional Questions:


The report form of sample #20621 is on the next (final) page.

Report form for late reported test results

Sample #20621 – one cufflink for surface determination only

|Determination |Unit |Test result |

|Total sample surface area |cm2 | |

*) Please see the letter of instructions before the start of the analysis at

Please, describe as detailed as possible how you have measured and calculated the total surface area







Any remarks?




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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