

Streptococcal Pharyngitis, Strep throat or severe sore throat is an irritation and swelling of the pharynx (the part of the throat between the tonsils and the larynx or voice box) caused by streptococcus infection which is very contagious. In rare cases, an untreated Strep throat can cause complications like peritonsillar abscess, arthritis, heart problems from a disease called rheumatic fever, inflammation of the kidneys. All sore throats are not caused by Strep bacteria. Many sore throats can also be caused by a viral illness like the common cold, Infection of the voice box (laryngitis), Mononucleosis (mono, "the kissing disease"), a viral infection that tends to cause a persistent sore throat and other viral infections, such as mumps or influenza.

Causes of Strep throat:

Strep throat is caused by Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal bacteria, most commonly from October to April, often in children 5 to 15 years old but also in adults. The infection is spread by direct person-to-person contact with nasal secretions or saliva. Strep bacteria succeed wherever groups of people are in close contact. That's why they spread easily among family members, in schools and in child-care settings.

Symptoms of strep throat:

• Sudden, severe sore throat without a cold or runny nose.

• Throat pain or difficulty swallowing even saliva.

• Red and swollen tonsils, sometimes with white or yellow spots on the back of the throat.

• Fever over 101 °F.

• Tender, swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

• General discomfort and uneasy feeling.

• Stomachache and sometimes vomiting.

• Loss of appetite.

• Skin rash may be present.

• Neck pain & headache.

• Abnormal taste in mouth.

• Joint pain.

Homeopathic approach to Strep throat:

Homeopathic medicines can be used as an effective alternative to antibiotics in cases of Strep throat. Antibiotics have a number of disadvantages. They kill bacteria indiscriminately throughout the body. So, for example, if you have a strep throat, the antibiotic you take kills the strep bacteria as well as the good bacteria, lactobacillus, in the gut and the vagina, which you need to crowd out Candida (yeast) if it arises. That's why vaginal and intestinal yeast infections are so common after antibiotic use. Although the antibiotics may be effective in getting rid of the bacteria temporarily, they do not change the factors that led to the infection in the first place, and the bacteria will again return to those environments that are favorable for their growth, example a low immune system.

The immune system is a body wide network of cells and organs that has evolved to defend the body against attacks by foreign bodies such as bacteria, fungi, parasites, and viruses. Homeopathic medicines will work with the body’s own healing mechanisms and destroy the strep bacteria. It can also help prevent some of the complications related either to the strep infection itself or to the body's immune response to the infection. It will also relieve a person's discomfort and speed healing to some degree without the use of antibiotics. It will stimulate the immune system so that the tendency to recurrent Strep throat goes away.

Homeopathic remedies are gentle and easy to take and are regulated by the FDA and prepared according to the Homeopathic Pharmacopia of the United States. Some Homeopathic remedies that are commonly used to treat Strep throat are given below. These are just a few of the commonly used Homeopathic remedies and are mentioned only to create awareness about the effectiveness of Homeopathic medicines in Strep throat. It is not advisable to resort to self-medication for any disease.

Belladonna: This remedy is indicated for sore throats with sudden onset of intense pain worse on the right side of the throat along with redness, swelling and a feeling of constriction. The throat feels dry with a glazed appearance. There is sudden high fever, pain when swallowing and a sensation of heat in the throat. 

Mercurius: This remedy is very useful for dryness, soreness of the throat, fever, weakness. The throat is raw, red, burning, swollen with possible pus and an offensive breath. It is useful in affections of the throat appearing on every change of the weather. This remedy is most appropriate for individuals who may be sensitive to both heat and cold and tend to salivate, drool, or sweat, particularly at night.

Kali muriaticum: One of best remedies for follicular Pharyngitis where there is a gray or white exudation, the tonsils are swollen and inflamed, with grayish spots or ulcers on them.

Guaiacum: This remedy is considered almost specific in Pharyngitis, which is worse on the right side, where the tonsils are swollen and throat is so dry that the patient must drink constantly.

Hepar Sulphur: This remedy is specific for sharp stinging pains in the throat with a sensation of a lump in the throat. Tonsillitis and throat complains with pus formation will call for this remedy. The pain may extend to the ears and is generally better from warm drinks and is worse from cold, touch, motion, noise, and light.

Self Care and Prevention:

Along with Homeopathic medicines these home tips will help relieve symptoms of strep throat:

• Get plenty of rest.

• Eat soothing foods like broths, soups, applesauce, cooked cereal, mashed potatoes, soft fruits, yogurt, cooked eggs, cold foods such as sherbet, frozen yogurt, frozen fruit pops or just plain ice may also be soothing.

• Avoid spicy foods, acidic foods such as orange juice, which might irritate your tender throat.

• Gargling with warm saltwater, lemon juice and honey in warm water relieves sore throat pain.

• Drink extra fluids and increase humidity (moisture in the air) in your home with the help of a humidifier. Humidity helps keep your mucous membranes moist and more resistant to bacteria.

• Avoiding sneezing or coughing on others.

• Wash your hands after blowing your nose, after caring for a child with a Strep throat, before cooking and eating.

• Throw away used tissues.

• Throwing out your toothbrush as soon as you feel sick. Replace it again when you are well. Bacteria can collect on the bristles and reinfect you.

• Stay away from irritants like fumes from paint or cleaning products, cigarette smoke can irritate a sore throat.

• Wash dishes, drinking glasses, knives, forks, and spoons in hot, soapy water.

• Keep sores and cuts clean because strep can get in there and cause problems, too.

• Since stress may increase your risk of illness, try to manage the tension in your life.

• If a toddler with Strep throat has been chewing or sucking on toys, wash these objects thoroughly in water and disinfectant soap, then rinse well.

• Do not allow a child who has been diagnosed with strep throat to return to school or day care until he or she has been taking treatment for at least 24 hours and symptoms have improved.

Hence, to relieve the symptoms of Strep throat by promoting the immune system with the help of a safe, natural and effective treatment consider Homeopathy.


About the author:

Neepa Sevak is an experienced, registered Homeopath with the Arizona Homeopathic Board of Medical Examiners. She is currently practicing Classical Homeopathy at the Desert Institute of Classical Homeopathy. Her mission is to “Promote Health through Homeopathy with a Holistic, Totalistic, and Individualistic approach”.

Phone: (480) 363 0758

Email: homeopathiccure@

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