
Lesson Plan for Teachers: How to Swear in English

Swearing in English: Warm-up Questions

1. Does your native language have many swear words? Are they stronger than those in English?

2. Brainstorm: What other words mean jerk? (E.g. He is a jerk (an annoying person).)

3. Brainstorm: What other verbs do you know that mean have sex?

Swearing in English: What would you say in the following situations if you were angry?

1. Someone tells you that you are ugly.

2. You get home and find your partner cheating on you with another person.

3. You step in dog poop.

4. Someone phones you at 6 AM to sell you something.

5. You lock your car keys in your car.

Swearing in English: Replace the underlined expressions with a word from the below box.

|what the fuck bitch suck fuck me fuck it fuck off |

|A: Excuse me. Would you like to purchase a subscription to |A: The clerk at the store was so rude. |

|Celebrity Gossip Magazine? |B: I know. She was such a girl with a bad attitude. |

|B: Go away! | |

|A: David, you’re fired. Please clean out your desk and go |A: What is happening? Why is there a car in my driveway? |

|home. |B: Weird. I don’t know. |

|B: Oh no, my life is over. I just bought a house. | |

|A: Erin, do you want to dance? |A: Mike, the dog has run away again! |

|B: No, thanks. I am really bad at dancing. |B: Who cares. The dog will come back if it wants to. |

Swearing in English: Some Similar Expressions

Go away! = get lost / go to hell / fuck off!

Jerk = dick / dickhead / prick / fucker / motherfucker / asshole / cunt

Have sex = do it / shag / bang / screw / fuck

* Bonus Question: Which of the above words mean penis?

Swearing in English: How do you make these expressions stronger? (answers at end of pg. 2)

Darn it. (

What the heck. (

Oh my gosh. (

Swearing in English: Language Focus

1) Fuck me! - This expression has two meanings. The first meaning is “have sex with me”, e.g. (said by a girl) “He wants to fuck me.” The second meaning is used to express exasperation. Exasperation is a feeling of anger because you can’t do anything about a situation. The situation is futile; it can’t be helped. Your car won’t start and there’s nothing you can do but say ‘fuck me.’

2) Screw (verb)– As a verb, screw is a synonym of fuck. You can say, “Screw you! / Screw off / I screwed her.” Generally speaking, the word screw is not as strong as the word fuck.

3) Cunt (noun) – This is one of the worst words in English. It is a very rude way to describe a woman’s vagina. It is also used to describe people (usually women) who are jerks. E.g. “Why is she being such a cunt?” The word is popular (but offensive) nowadays.

4) Fucking (adverb/adjective) – Adding the word fucking before a noun or verb makes the sentence stronger. “My teacher gave me extra homework.” = “My fucking teacher fucking gave me extra fucking homework.”

Swearing in English: Phrasal Verb Focus

1) To fuck up sth = to mess something up; to ruin sth (make sth good become bad). “The new software fucked up my computer. / My ex-girlfriend fucked up my life.”

2) To fuck with sb = to mess/interfere with sb/sth; to play a trick/joke on someone. “A: Bob said he was gay, but he was just fucking with you. He’s not really gay.” / “Don’t fuck with me. I’m in a gang.”

Swearing in English: Master the language: Connect the below ideas to make a sentence.

|prick / fucking / boss | |

|screw / bitch | |

|fucking / suck / English | |

|cunt / fuck off | |

|life / fuck / up | |

|fuck with / boss | |

(Pg 1. Answers: penis words = dick, dickhead, prick. Darn it = damn it. What the heck = What the [hell/fuck], Oh my gosh = Oh my god.)


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