If you could make your computer do something new, what would it be? Use specific details to explain why it is desirable for you.

If I could make my computer do something new, it would be fragrance emission.

First of all, I like incense or aroma-candle. I sometimes burn incense in my room. Fragrance relaxes me.

However, the kind of fragrance I need differs moment to moment. If I bought all of them, it would cost a lot. But, if it's possible to choose fragrance as if I choose an icon on the display of the computer, I would be able to enjoy aroma whenever and whichever I want.

Besides, burning incense is a bit dangerous especially in my room because my residence is wooden apartment. If I could use computer to enjoy aroma, the problem could be solved. In addition, I wouldn't need to care about ash produced by incense any more.

For these reasons, I would like my computer to play a role of incense. (143 words)

If I could make my computer do something new, it would be fragrance emission.

First of all, I like incense or aroma-candles. I sometimes burn incense in my room. Fragrance relaxes me.

However, the kind of fragrance I need differs moment to moment. If I bought all of them, it would cost a lot(よくcost a fortuneと言う。). But, if it's possible to choose the 多分。fragrance as if I choose an icon on the display of the computer, I would be able to enjoy whichever aroma whenever and whichever I want.

Besides, burning incense is a bit dangerous especially in my room because my residence is in a wooden apartment building/complex (一応wooden apartmentは言う様ですが、普通はI live in a wooden aprtment complex/building/unit等らしいです。). If I could use computer to enjoy aroma, the problem could be solved. In addition, I wouldn't need to care worry about the ash produced by incense any more.

For these reasons, I would like my computer to play a/the 両方良さそう。role of incense. (143 words)

It would be interesting, if computer could play syogi well. I know the existence of the computer which can play chess. But I have not heard of the existence of the computer which can play syogi .I think syogi is one of the most complicated games in the world. In playing syogi, you can use pieces which you take away from your opponent. That rule creates too much possibility of moving a piece and makes a lot of strategies possible. And this point makes it difficult to make that computer .So I think it would be wonderful, if computer could play syogi. (103words)

It would be interesting, if the/a (aはある特定のcomputer=「そういうcomputerが有れば」的。theは一般的に「コンピューターが将棋を指せたら」) computer 一般論なら、無冠詞でcomputersでも良い。could play syogi well. I know the existence of the a computer which can play chess. But I have not heard of the existence of the a computer which can play syogi .I 直して出せ! think syogi is one of the most complicated games in the world. In playing 無くて良い=In syogi syogi, you can use the pieces which you take away from your opponent. That rule creates too much possibility of moving a piece and makes a lot of strategies possible. And this point makes it difficult to make that computer .So 出す前に直す!I think it would be wonderful, if the computer could play syogi. (103words)

While I am using my computer, I often eat junk food. However, some junk food makes my fingers dirty, and I have to clean them up before I touch the keyboard. This deed is really annoying. Moreover, I have a lot of trouble in typing a numerical formula with Microsoft Word. For these reasons, I want a computer which can understand human voice and can work as we order. If such a computer should be made, we could write papers very easily. Also, we would not have to type complex numerical formulas as we do now. We just speak some words, and the computer would recognize what we said and the sentences would appear quickly in the screen. Such a nice computer is really desirable for me. (127words)

While I am using my computer, I often eat junk food. However, some junk food makes my fingers dirty greasy (手に脂が付く。) 食い物にはdirtyは使わない。より一般的にはsome junk food sticks to my fingers (指にくっ付く), and I have to clean them up before I touch the keyboard. This deed 要らない。is really annoying. Moreover, I have a lot of trouble in 無い方が普通。typing a numerical formula with Microsoft Word. For these reasons, I want a computer which can understand the human voice and can work as ordered (can follow our instructionsも良いと思います。) we order. If such a computer should be made, we could write papers very easily. Also, we would not have to type complex numerical formulas as we do now. We just speak some words, and the computer would recognize what we said and the sentences would appear quickly in on the screen. Such a nice computer is really desirable for me.


数式の多いword processingは絶対にLaTeXと言うsoftwareでやるべきです。Computerをもって来たら入れて上げます(旨く入る保証は無いので、正確には「入れようとします」ですが、普通は問題は有りません。)

I would like my computer to be smarter when I search for something using Google. Computers and Internet are very useful and we can get much information using them, but sometimes I have difficulty searching for information. Of course, I can explain what kind of information I look for to others, but we can’t search for information by explaining to our computers. Although I’m used to search for information using computers, sometimes it’s difficult for me to get the information that I need. I think many people have the same trouble. So, I want my computer to understand what I mean. I’d like to speak to or type on my computer like I explain to others. (116 words)

I would like my computer to be smarter when I search for something using Google.  Computers and the Internet are very useful and we can get much information using them, but sometimes I have difficulty searching for information.  Of course, I can explain what kind of information I want to look for又はI am looking for to others, but we can’t search for information by explaining to our computers.  Although I’m used to search for information using computers, sometimes it’s difficult for me to get the information that I need.  I think many people have the same trouble.  So, I want my computer to understand what I mean wantの方が良いでしょう。what I meanは普通は(はっきりその通り述べては居ないが)言いたい事.  I’d like to speak to or type on my computer like I explain to others. (116 words)

I want to make my computer have the more efficient spell checker than the existing one. That is because I have a problem of writing the words which fit the context. I am able to write the word whose meaning is right in the grammar, but the native speakers sometimes feel that the word is wrong for them. I hope that my computer would indicate not only the spelling misses but also the nuances of meaning. If I had this spell checker, I would learn to choose the word the native speakers would feel natural, and I could understand the meaning of the word more deeply. And I could express what I think completely to them. (116 words)

I want to make my computer have the a more efficient spell checker than the existing one. That is because I have a problem of writing the choosing words which fit the context. I am able to pick a word which makes the sentence grammatically correct write the word whose meaning is right in the grammar, but the トル native speakers sometimes feel that the word is wrong for them 要らない。. I hope that my computer would indicate not only the spelling misses mistakes but also the nuances of meaning. If I had this spell checker, I would learn to choose the word the トル native speakers would feel natural, and I could understand the meaning of the word more deeply. And I could express what I think my thoughts completely to them. (116 words)

Because I live in a lodging house, I should always have to make food prepare meals for myself. It is very annoying when I am busy , 直して出す!and the foods dishes made by me are sometimes very unsavory.

So, if I could make my computer do something new, I would make my computer can make cook food.

For example, when I want to eat noodles, I investigate the recipe of recipes for noodles by on the Internet. Then I would buy the ingredients (ingredientsは料理全体に付いて言う。材料に付いてではない。) for my dish/my noodle dish noodles. Next, I would put the ingredients in my computer. Finally, my computer makes noodles the noodle dish from the ingredients by according to the recipe which was investigated found.

 I think that it is a very useful ability of the computer for the トル people who live alone. (113words)

I want to have a sophisticated debug system with programing soft wares like the C++ builder.

I’m quite satisfied with computers nowadays. I can calculate very fast with the Microsoft Excel and make a splendid paper with LaTEX. However, I have trouble in writing a program with using the C language.

Since a program always has bugs in it, it’s very often for me to run across errors. It takes a lot of time to find why it works in a wrong way, because own codes, whose grammars are at least correct, always look plausible. Hence I want computers to help me find bugs by pointing suspicious parts out. I think they can consult a battery of codes in internal libraries and easily debug programs.

That function surely prevents me from wasting time. (133 words)

I want to have a sophisticated debugging system with software products for programming soft wares (softwareですが、一応辞書等では不可算名詞になっています。) like the C++ builder Builder??.

I’m quite satisfied with computers nowadays. I can calculate very fast with the 慣用としてはthe無し。C++の方は何故か普通にthe有り。 Microsoft Excel and make write a splendid paper with LaTEX. However, I have trouble in 寧ろwith。しかし、withも要らない。writing a program with using withかusingをトル。writingが前に有るのでusingをトル。the C language.

Since a program always has bugs in it, it’s very often for me to I run across errors very often. It takes a lot of time to find why it works in a wrong way, because my/one's own codes, whose grammars are is at least correct, always look right (plausibleは、強いて言えば言葉や主張や人の口先等に使う。つまり、rightかwrongしか無い状況には完全fitはしない。) plausible. Hence, I want computers to help me find the bugs by pointing out suspicious parts out. I think they can consult a battery of codes in internal libraries and easily debug programs.

That function surely prevents me from wasting time. (133 words)

This is a very difficult question, because now we can do almost everything we can imagine through computers.

However, if I dare to mention one thing, I would choose this one: I want my computer to show the exact script of a voice file automatically.

I think this will be a great help for me when listening to foreign languages like English and German via podcast or something. Actually, there are some files that include its script already, but some like live news don't have ones. I want my computer to analyze the audio sign automatically and to offer its exact script whenever I want. I’m sure this will greatly help not only me but everyone who wants to improve their skills by using their computers. 128 words

This is a very difficult question, because now we can do almost everything anything 文法ではなく慣用。we can imagine through with computers.

However, if I dare to mention one thing, I would choose this one: I want my computer to show the exact script of a voice file automatically.

I think this will be a great help for me when listening to foreign languages like English and German via podcast or something. Actually, 『there are some files that include its script their scriptsですが、the scripts で良いと思います。already』(includeはファイル内に入っている感じになるので、screenに文字を出しながら音も聞ける物等以外には、実は当て嵌まりません。come with等なら別フアィルでも良いのです。)『there are some sound files that come with the scripts』, but some like live news don't have ones them. I want my computer to analyze the audio sign signal automatically and to 文法的にはOKですがトル。offer its the (itはsignalになってしまうが、signalにはscriptは無いので、違和感。Speechやnews broadcastのscriptが普通のアメリカ人の感覚。) exact script whenever I want it. I’m sure this will greatly help not only me but everyone who wants to improve their listening?? skills by using their computers. 128 words

If I could make my computer do something new, I would like to make it work as I intend it to without pressing any buttons.

I f I put on something which can read my brainwaves, the computer automatically works according to the order of my brainwaves.

Thus I can control the computer just by thinking what I want it to do. The reason why I would like my computer to have this function is that I am very bad at operating machines, especially computers and I am often at a loss not knowing which operation

I am supposed to do next. This is frustrating when I am in a hurry. Therefore I think it would be convenient if computers could do this. (123 words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would like to make it work as I intend it to without pressing any buttons.

I f 読み直して送る。I put on something which can read my brainwaves, the computer automatically works according to my intention reflected in the the order of my brainwaves.

Thus I can control the computer just by thinking what I want it to do. The reason why I would like my computer to have this function is that I am very bad at operating machines, especially computers, and I am often at a loss not knowing which operation (do an operationは基本的に手術の事。)

I am supposed to do is supposed to follow next. This is frustrating when I am in a hurry. Therefore, I think it would be convenient if computers could do this. (123 words)

I want to make my computer vibrate. Many things can be achieved from the ability.

First, I can switch my computer to a manner mode. When I boot my laptop in a silent place, I’m always worried about a beginning sound. To remove it, I have to change to a mute mode before I shut down the computer. However, if I can set up a manner mode, I could avoid that annoying work.

Secondly, my computer can be used as an alarm. Actually, the main purpose of my cellular phone is an alarm. Rather than to call, to notice an alarm, I always bring it. Even when I work on a computer, I put it beside the computer. If my laptop can vibrates and let me know today’s schedule, it would be very helpful.

According to the above two things, I hope that it becomes possible that my computer vibrates. (150 words)

I want to make my computer vibrate. Many things can be achieved from the by this ability.

First, I can switch my computer to a manner mode. When I boot my laptop in a silent place, I’m always worried about a the beginning sound. To remove it, I have to change to a mute mode before I shut down the computer. However, if I can set up it to a manner mode, I could avoid that annoying work.

Secondly, my computer can be used as an alarm. Actually, the main purpose of my cellular phone is as an alarm. Rather than to call, to notice use it as an alarm, I always bring carryの方が良いでしょう。it. Even when I work on a computer, I put it beside the computer. If my laptop can vibrates あほ!読み直して送る!and let me know today’s schedule, it would be very helpful.

According to For the above two things reasons, I hope that it becomes possible that my computer vibrates. (150 words)

I already have a new computer and it is very comfortable to use, but if I could make my computer do something new, it would be smaller like a book and have a larger memory.

Though it is not true that the smaller a computer becomes, the easier it is, we can not access to new information at any time if a computer is not portable.

And I have used a computer since I was in the elementary school, but I have run out of each computer’s memory soon. As the modern world is changing rapidly, computers are necessary tool to get up-to-date information. But we can not get new information without enough memory.

Therefore, I would choose a computer which is smaller and has a larger memory. (128 words)

I already have a new computer and it is very comfortable to use, but if I could make my computer do something new, it would be smaller like a book and have a larger memory(do something newはこう言う意味に非ず。).無理に前の部分も直すと、

 if I could ask for new features for my computer, I would like a smaller size and a larger memory

Though it is not true that the smaller a computer becomes, the easier it is to carry around, we can not access to トル (access又はhave access to) new information at any time (not at any timeが常に出来ないのニュアンスになるので、やめる。) whenever we like if a computer is not portable.

And I have used a computer since I was in the elementary school, but I have run out of each computer’s memory soon. As the modern world is changing rapidly, computers are necessary tools to get up-to-date information. But we can not get new information without enough memory.

Therefore, I would choose a computer which is smaller and has a larger memory. (128 words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I want computer to be able to think about my feelings and show me clearly what I’m thinking and to make me relax. I sometimes want to know what I’m thinking, because I sometimes can’t understand what my real feelings are. And if computer can show what I’m thinking about and make me relax, then I can solve my problem easily. This is because I have strange feelings which I can’t understand when I have some troubles and can’t solve the problem. So, if it is possible, I want my computer to catch my feelings and show me clearly. (108 words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I want computer my computerでも良いが、itが良い。to be able to think about understand my feelings and show me clearly what I’m thinking and to make me relax. I sometimes トル。 want to know what I’m thinking, because I sometimes can’t understand what my real feelings are. And if my computer can show what I’m thinking about and make me relax, then I can solve my problem easily. This is because I have strange feelings which I can’t understand when I have some troubles and can’t solve the problem. So, if it is possible, I want my computer to catch detect/understand my feelings and show them to me clearly. (108 words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make a computer that can think like human being. In my view, a computer with this function will be a great invention in the near future. That is because a computer is just a machine, so adapting it to be a humanoid computer is an interesting challenge. Many people all around the world may take the advantage from it. You can talk with computer and it will interact with you by the process like the process done in our brain. Therefore, it can interpret your demand, and decide what to do correctly, so it can reduce the risk of mistake. Another example is that people can buy goods like doing by themselves at home by using this computer; it can judge the quality of products and decide what goes well with you. All above is what I want my computer to be. (153 words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make a computer that can think like a human being. In my view, a computer with this function will be come out as/become available as a great invention in the near future. That is because a computer is just a machine now, so adapting and it to be developing a humanoid computer is an interesting challenge. Many people all around the world may take the advantage from advantage of it. You can talk with the computer and it will interact with you by via the process like the process done one in our brain. Therefore, it can interpret your demand, and decide what to do correctly, so it can reduce the risk of mistake. Another example is that people can buy goods as they do now ??(必要ですらない。) like doing by themselves 無茶苦茶書くな!意味が分からん!!本気でやれ!ドアホ!!!!勝手に作るな!調べろ!!at home from the comfort of their home (慣用表現) by using this computer; it can judge the quality of products and decide what is good/suitable for goes well with (服同士とか食い物同士の相性に良く使うのでやめる。)you. All the above is what I want my computer to be do. (153 words)

I would like to make my computer help me to keep my health. So, I want to change my computer to have new functions of checking my condition. For example, these functions will include measurement of body temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, a sleep, etc. I believe prevention is better than cure, as the proverb says. And daily medical checkups will inhibit diseases from aggravating because I can become aware of getting any diseases in its initial stages. But I rarely go to the doctor until some serious symptoms occur because I can’t be bothered to go to the doctor to take a medical checkup. Actually, frequent medical checkups by the doctor will cost me much money. Thus, these new functions will help me a lot.

 In conclusion, I would like to make my computer give daily medical checkups to me. (141 words)

I would like to make my computer help me to stay healthy keep my health あまり言わない。. So, I want to change my computer to have 作らない!調べる!!change my computer so that it will have new functions of checking my condition. For example, these functions will include measurement of body temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, a sleep意味も繋がりも不明。measurement of a sleep???, etc. I believe prevention is better than cure, as the proverb says. And daily medical checkups will inhibit diseases from aggravating(aggravateは他動詞。) becoming worse because I can become aware of getting any diseases in its their 送る前に読み直せ!initial stages. But I rarely go to the doctor's 又は、to see a doctor until some serious symptoms occur because I can’t be bothered to go to the doctor's to take get a medical checkup. Actually, frequent medical checkups by the doctor will cost me much money. Thus, these new functions will help me a lot.

 In conclusion, I would like to make my computer give daily medical checkups to me. (141 words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make them warm my hands while I use it in winter, by blowing warm breeze from the keyboard. When I keyboard in winter, my fingers immediately become cold and get dull. So I often miss some keys, and have to stop keyboarding to warm my fingers. In this way, it takes more time for me to keyboard with dull fingers than usual. However, if my computer could warm them, such a problem would be solved. If I could condition the temperature and the strength and weakness of the breeze, it would be better. In addition to warm breeze, if it could be moist, it would be great, because my fingers are easy to dry. (125 words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make them it warm my hands, while I use it in winter, by blowing up a warm breeze from the keyboard. When I keyboard in winter, my fingers immediately become cold and get dull numb. So, I often miss some keys, and have to stop keyboarding to warm my fingers. In this way普通はHence程度でしょう。, it takes more time than usual for me to keyboard with dull numb fingers than usual. However, if my computer could warm them, such a problem would be solved. If I could condition adjust the temperature and the strength and weakness amount (因みにエアコン等ではadjust/set the fan speedと言う。Fan付きなら同じ表現も可能。) of the breeze, it would be better. In addition to the temperature warm breeze, if I could also control the misture it could be moist, it would be great, because my fingers become/get dry easily are easy to dry. (125 words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would expect it to send information stored in it to my brain.

Today, more and more information and knowledge are created, and it is impossible for us to understand all of these. In addition, knowledge needed to do something becomes overwhelming. We can't do anything unless we spend much time to figure it out. For example, when it comes to researching, we have to know a lot of theories and principles before we start our own research.

If my computer could send information directly to my brain, I wouldn't have to spare much time for my study. I could master anything, such as English, and I would be able to concentrate on inventing something which no one has ever come up with. (132words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would expect (expectには当然の事として期待するニュアンスが有る。I expect him to win.とI want him to win.は、違いますね。)like it to send information stored in it to my brain.

Today, more and more information and knowledge are created (createdでも十分意味が分かるので、良いのかも知れません。)becoming available, and it is impossible for us to understand or acquire (動詞の選択に悩む所。understandはinformationに使え、acquireは両者に使える。)all of these 多分、寧ろthose. 僕なら、『it is impossible for us to understand all of these』の部分を、it is impossible for us to keep upとだけ言います。In addition, the (amount of) knowledge needed to do something becomes has become overwhelming. We can't do anything unless we spend much time to figure it out. For example, when it comes to researching (ingは無くても良い。), we have to know a lot of theories and principles before we start our own research.

If my computer could send information directly to my brain, I wouldn't have to spare spend (spareは他にやる事が有るのに時間を割く感覚。分かりませんが、研究者や学生であれば、中心的な事がresearchやstudyだと思うので、そうであればspend) as much time (not spend much timeは、時間をあまり掛けずにする事。大事だと思わない事等。not spend as much timeはこの場合には前より効率が上がり、*より*少ない時間で出来る事。ニュアンスが大きく違います。)for my study. I could master anything, such as including (includingの方が良いと感じますが、綺麗には説明出来ません。多分anythingはeverythingの様なニュアンスなので、その時点で全部であり、全部なのに例示する感じの「~の様な」より「(当然)~を含む」の方がそれらしいからでしょう。これすら、「全部」なのに、態々「~を含む」と言う必要無しと言われるとやや困ります。) English, and I would be able to concentrate on inventing something which no one has ever come up with. (132words)

If I could make my computer something new, I want it to complete my weekly worksheet of scientific English class. Now, I fill it in the class every week, but I feel it is just a waste of time because the level of questions is much lower than that of the university entrance exam. Our English skills can never make progress with them, I think. I want to make presentations or to discuss something in the class, rather than to answer useless questions. I want credits with ease, but as long as I study in the class, I want to develop my skills and knowledge with good contents in the class. It is allowed to finish it at home, so I want my computer to do it. Instead of doing it, I want to study another thing. (137 words)

If I could make my computer do (無しでは意味が違う。) something new, I want it to complete my weekly worksheet テストですか?Handoutですか?(→科学英語「農学」のクラス内での先週のプリントの理解度をはかるhandoutです、その授業の先生はそれをworksheetと呼んでいます) of the (注:クラスの名前であれば、普通は大文字でtheもclassも付けない。この言い方だと科学英語のクラスの意。もし、the無しでScienctific Englishとだけ書くと、タイトルが「Scientific English=科学英語」。classも付けません。まあどちらでもOKでしょうが。) scientific English class. Now, I do it in the class (空白や空欄やカッコ内を埋める役所の書類などに(全部)書き込むのはfill it out (outは完全にのニュアンスだと思われる。)空白に書き込むのはfill in the blank) fill? it in the class 意味は?(→そのワークシートに、ワークシート内の質問に対する答えを書いていく、というつもりで書きました。)every week, but I feel it is just a waste of time because the level of questions is much lower than that of the university entrance exam. Our English skills can never make progress improve (make progressは主語が人間であるのが一般的なので。但し、社会・国家・銀行・会社等人間の集合を連想させる場合には幾らでも使えます。確か通貨にも使う。考えてみると、絶対的ではないのかも。) with them, I think. I want to make presentations or to discuss something in the class, rather than to answer useless questions. I want credits with ease, but as long as I study in the class, I want to develop my skills and acquire (new) knowledge with good contents. It is allowed 「allowedの意味は?→もしworksheet授業時間中に完成して提出できなかったら家に持って帰ってそのworksheetを完成させることも許されている、というつもりで書きました。」 to finish it at home We are allowed to finish the rest of the worksheet at home if we cannot finish it during the class (事情を全く知らなくても、こう書かれれば分かる。), so I want my computer to do it. Instead of doing it, I want to study something different another thing. (137 words)

If I could do something new using my computer, I would like to connect with my computer. If I could do this, I could “memorize” anything not only I had seen or heard but also I had not known. Correctly, I did not need to memorize anything. I could get to know what I wanted to by searching for information on the Internet. Sometimes, I cannot remember something important and I get annoyed. However, if I could keep my memory in my computer’s files, I had only to search for it. In addition, I did not have to memorize exact historical events’ names or historical characters’ names. This is very pleasing to me. (113 words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make it have the software used as a dictionary about life science. I’ve been learning a kind of life science at the Reproductive Biology laboratory in Kyoto University and often must read some papers. However, I’m often in trouble because there were a number of technical and difficult terms in the papers. It’s difficult to find their meanings easily even if I search for them on the Internet or some books. I really want the useful tool which enables me to find them more easily. So if I could make my computer do something new, I would make it have the software which covers all of the technical term about life science and can be used as a dictionary. (130words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make like it have the software used as to offer a dictionary about of life science terms. I’ve been learning a kind branch of life science at the Reproductive Biology lLaboratory in of/at Kyoto University and often must read some トル academic (実は不要ですが、付けた方が良いと思います。) papers. However, I’m often in trouble because there were are a number of 不要。technical and difficult terms in the papers. It’s difficult to find their meanings easily quickly (実は意味は通じては居ますが、difficultとeasilyの共存が語感的に嫌なので。) even if I search for them on the Internet or some in books. I really want the a useful tool which enables me to find them more easily. So if I could make my computer do something new, I would make it have the トル software (多くのアメリカ人がsoftwaresとかa softwareとか平気で言うが、正式には不可算らしい。) which covers all of the technical terms about in life science and can be used as a dictionary. (130words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make it understand what I say and work following my instruction.

Actually, a similar technology has been studied and known as the speech recognition system. It already has been applied to military system, hands-free computing, machine translation system, games, and so on, but it is not perfect yet. In science fiction movies, computers can completely understand the instruction from characters even if it is very complex while the present system can only recognize simple instructions. However, I believe sooner or later the technology will be accomplished and make our daily lives more comfortable. (104 words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make it understand what I say and work following my instructions.

Actually, a similar technology has been studied and known as the 無い方が良いでしょう。speech recognition system. It already has been applied to military systems, hands-free computing, machine translation system 要らない, games, and so on, but it is not perfect yet. In science fiction movies, computers can completely understand the instructions from the characters even if it is very complex while the present system can only recognize simple instructions. However, I believe sooner or later the technology will be accomplished and make our daily lives more comfortable. (104 words)


I would like my computer to have a graphics editing software that is easy to be operated even by beginners. It is because recently I am interested in editing images and I think it is useful to learn how to operate other computer programs besides Microsoft Word. With graphics editing program, we can combine several images into one, add effects or change the image as we like. The most interesting part is that we can mix images and make it looks like real. Moreover, we can also make moving animations with this software. There are many graphics editing programs available now such as Photoshop, but I feel that it is too hard to operate. Therefore, I would like to have an image editing program that is easier to use. (124 words)

I would like my computer to have a graphics editing software that is easy to be operated operate even by for 受動態が絶対にいけない訳ではありませんが。beginners. It is because recently I am have been か became interested in editing images, and I think it is useful to learn how to operate other computer programs besides Microsoft Word. With graphics editing program, we can combine several images into one, add effects or change the image as we like. The most interesting part is that we can mix images and make it looks like look real. Moreover, we can also make moving 要らない。 animations with this software. There are many graphics editing programs available now such as Photoshop, but I feel that it is too hard to operate. Therefore, I would like to have an image editing program that is easier to use. (124 words)

I like to play board games such as go. However, it is said that computers cannot play go for the duration because there are too many ways for computers to decide where to put the stones. Therefore, if I could make my computer do something new, I would make my computer play go as well as humans. If computers could actually play go, I could enjoy playing go even if there is no one that can play go around me. I think I can clear my head and feel relaxed when I’m playing go, so it is a desirable thing for me. (102 words)

I like to play board games such as go. However, it is said that computers cannot will not be able to play go for some time to come for the duration because there are too many possible moves ways for computers to decide where to put the stones. Therefore, if I could make my computer do something new, I would make my computer play go as well as humans. If computers could actually play go, I could enjoy playing go even if there is no one 『that can play go』 to play against/with が普通の言い方。around me. I think I can clear my head and feel relaxed when I’m 寧ろby playing go, so it is a desirable thing new feature for me. (102 words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make it do my homework. Now, a computer can help my homework. When I want to know something to do it, The Internet is very useful. I often use Excel to solve math problems. However, it can’t do my homework. It needs a lot of time to find what I want to know on the Internet and it is difficult to use Excel well to solve math problems. If it could do that, I could use the time which I used to do my homework to do what I wanted to do. (103words)

I want to make my computer do the laundry. Certainly there already exists a washing machine, but I still think it is not perfect, compared with the computer I think is admirable. What I want my computer to do is gathering my filthy clothes, washing, drying out and folding them. This is because I think the laundry is one of the most bothering but most important household chores. If I don't wash my clothes at all, I'll get in a bind because there is no cloth to wear and my room gets to stink. However, if I use the dream computer, these problems won't occur since computers can perform the job tidily. (112 words)

I want to make my computer do the laundry. Certainly there already exists a washing machine, but I still think it is not perfect don't think it is perfect yet, compared with the computer I think is admirable. What I want my computer to do is gathering my filthy clothes, washing, drying out and folding them. This is because I think doing the laundry is one of the most bothering but most important household chores. If I don't wash my clothes at all, I'll get in trouble a bind (in a bindはアメリカの口語表現。公式文書ではないので、使っても間違いではないでしょうが。) because there is no cloth will be no clothes/nothing left (衣服はclothesで、複数扱い。) to wear and my room gets beginsの方が多分良い。確信無し。to stink. However, if I use the dream computer, these problems won't occur since computers can perform the job tidily neatly (keep the room tidyとかは言いますが。tidilyはBritish Englishではもっと良く出てくるのかも知れません。これも確信無し。). (112 words)

I want a computer to cut foodstuff when I cook. I like cooking but I am not good at cutting foodstuff because I don’t like such a simple work very much. Cutting foodstuff is one of the causes to spend much time in cooking to me. What is more, foodstuff becomes bad condition if it is cut and left for a long time. So, if a computer cut foodstuff efficiently during my cooking, I could reduce the cooking hours and could enjoy more delicious food. It could make me want to cook more and I could save food expenses in the end. But to practice and get used to cutting is easier measures for improvement than to make a computer do that. (122 words)

I want a computer to cut the foodstuff when I cook. I like cooking, but I am not good at cutting foodstuffs (stuffは不可算だが、foodstuffsはしばしば使われる。) because I don’t like such a simple work very much. Cutting the foodstuff is one of the causes to spend takes too much time when I cook in cooking to me. What is more, foodstuff becomes bad condition deteriorates if it is cut and left for a long time. So, if a computer could cut the foodstuff efficiently during my cooking, I could reduce the cooking hours time and could spend more time to enjoy more delicious food. It could make me want to cook more and I could save food expenses in the end. But to practice and get used to cutting is an easier measures for improvement than to make a computer do that. (122 words)

I want to make my computer grasp all the things in my room. Every day it checks my goods and grasps every thing I have, such as books, pens, clothes, and bags. It also knows the size of my room and the place the shelves stand. It advises me a good way to put my various things. This everyday advice makes my room tidy and I can always know the place what I want to use is. Now, I often forget where I put my things and I’m troubled with looking for the thing I need, and so I want my computer resolve this problem. (105 words)

I want to make my computer grasp keep the record of all the things in my room. Every day it checks my goods and grasps keeps track of every thing I have, such as books, pens, clothes, and bags. It also knows the size of my room and the place where the shelves bookcases stand. It advises me a good way to put storeも良い。my various things. This everyday advice makes my room tidy, and I can always know the place where what I want to use is. Now, I often forget where I put my things and I’m troubled with looking for I have trouble finding (短い方が良い。) the thing I need, and so I want my computer to ドアホ!resolve this problem. (105 words)

Suppose I could make my computer do something new, I would make it to collect and display the current news around the world which I really want to know at desktop. Thanks to development of computer science and technologies, we can do a lot of things by the computer. But even today, the situation is such that it takes so much time and is inconvenient to find out the news which we really want to know, for we have to visit a lot of our favorite web sites to get the news. Of course, it is difficult for the computer to understand what the news we really want to know. However, I am sure that the computer can guess that based on access log information. I hope that such computer software will be invented. (134 Words)

Suppose I could make my computer do something new, I would make it to collect and display the current news from around the world which I really want to know at desktop 意味は?. Thanks to the development of computer science and technologies in general, we can do a lot of things by the computer. But even today, the situation is such so incovenient that it takes so much time and is inconvenient (it is incovenient to find outの構文にしかならない。間違い。) to find out the news which we really want 不要。to know, for we have to visit a lot of our favorite web sites to get the news. Of course, it is difficult for the computer to understand what the news we really want to know. However, I am sure that the computer can guess that based on the access log information. I hope that such computer software will be invented.            (134 Words)

If I could make my computer do something new, my computer would be able to show me TV programs such as variety shows. Once, I rarely watch the TV. So I didn’t buy a TV set when I came to Kyoto. But now, I want to watch the TV because it is so boring and lonely to stay in my room alone. There is no sound of laughter in my room. And I want to participate in a conversation about what drama is most interesting these days. So if I had special knowledge of a computer, I would convert my computer into a TV set. (105words)

If I could make my computer do something new, my computer would be able to show me TV programs such as variety shows. Once, I rarely watch the TV. 意味は?So I didn’t buy a TV set when I came to Kyoto. But now, I want to watch the トル TV because it is so boring and lonely to stay in my room alone. There is no sound of laughter in my room. And I want to participate in a conversation about what drama is most interesting these days. So if I had special knowledge of a computer, I would convert my computer into a TV set. (105words)

I want to write music on my computer because I hear that computer helps me to compose music. I belong to the music club and play the guitar. Recently, one of my friends made his own song and played it very well. Since I was very impressed with it, I also wanted to make my own song. However, I don't have any musical knowledge and skills necessary to composition. Then, my friend told me that by using computer, I could compose a nice song easily without musical knowledge. If I get enough money to buy the software on my part-time job, I will buy it and make a lot of songs. (111words)

I want to write music on my computer because I hear that computer helps me to compose music. I belong to the music club and play the guitar. Recently, one of my friends made his own song and played it very well. Since I was very impressed with it, I also wanted to make my own song. However, I don't have any musical knowledge and skills necessary for composition/to compose to composition. Then, my friend told me that by using a/the computer, I could compose a nice song easily without musical knowledge. If I get enough money to buy the software on from my part-time job, I will buy it and make a lot of songs. (111words)

If I could, though it may have been developed, I want to enable my computer to help me to make reports. When I try to explain what I think or make up my mind about my opinion, since maybe my ability to think logically and make decisions would not be refined enough, I usually have to spend more time than others do. It is not easy for me to finish my reports or essays, so if my computer could help me to brainstorm in some way, for example, that my computer ask me some questions at suitable intervals, I would complete my work effectively. Of course, I have to make decisions for myself how I write finally, but I really want such a computer. (124 words)

If I could, though it may have been developed, I want to enable my computer to help me to make reports write papers (所謂レポートであれば、paper。しかし、実験レポート等はlab(oratory) reportsと言う。全部含めたければ、papers and lab reportsと書くしかない。尚、学生の場合には、lab reports以外のreportsは普通は無い。). When I try to explain what I think or make up my mind about to form my opinion, 『since maybe my ability to think logically and make decisions would not be is not refined enough, 』I usually have to spend more time than others do. 『』を別の文にしてここに入れる。 This may be because my ability to think logically and make decisions is not refined enough. It is not easy for me to finish my reports papers or essays,. so So, if my computer could help me to brainstorm in some way, for example, that my computer ask me by asking some questions at suitable intervals, I would complete my work effectively efficiently. Of course, I have to make the decisions for myself about how I write finally in the end, but I really want such a computer. (124 words)

I would like my computer to do my housework because I could save more time by making my computer do my housework. I live in Kyoto apart from my family, and I have to do housework every day and spend some time on doing it. I’m bored of doing housework such as washing, cooking, cleaning my room and so on, and I often think if only someone or something did housework every day for me. If I didn’t have to do housework, I could spend more time on what I want to do. It is desirable for me to be able to concentrate on only what I want to do. Therefore, if I could make my computer do something new, I would like my computer to do housework for me. (130)

I would like my computer to do my housework because I could save more (実際には事実であったとしても、「既にsaveしている時間に加えて更に」と言う文脈ではないので、僕なら外します。) time by making my computer do my housework. I live in Kyoto apart from my family, and I have to do housework every day and spend some time on doing it. I’m bored of doing housework such as washing, cooking, cleaning my room and so on, and I often think if only someone or something did housework every day for me. If I didn’t have to do housework, I could spend more time on what I want to do. It is desirable for me to be able to concentrate on only what I want to do. Therefore, if I could make my computer do something new, I would like my computer to do housework for me. (130)


If I could make my computer do something new, I would make it choose only essential information. For example, when I want to know the comparison of two countries , it would compare them automatically and give me answers immediately and correctly. At present, I can get much information from computer, but I have difficulties in choosing the most important information. If computer had such functions, I could get useful information easily and wouldn’t bother any more. It could save me time and labor. Thanks to it, I could use time more effectively. I believe this new function enrich my life. (103 words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make it choose only the essential information. For example, when I want to know the comparison of 単にcompare か know the differences between two countries , it would compare them (前半でcompareを使った場合にはdo so、know the differences betweenを使った場合にはこのまま) automatically and give me the answers immediately and correctly. At present, I can get much information from the/my computer, but I have difficulties in choosing the most important information. If my computer had such functions, I could get useful information easily and wouldn’t bother about selecting only the right information any more. It could save me time and labor. Thanks to it, I could use time more effectively. I believe this new function enriches my life.

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make it talk with me in foreign languages. And then when I make a mistake, it corrects my mistake or tells me a better expression, or when I come across a word whose meaning I do not know and ask its meaning, it tells me. Now I am practicing English speaking for myself with handouts by Mr. Aotani, but if I had someone to talk with in English, I would make progress in speaking English more. In addition, since I study French too, I would like my computer to speak French. If my computer had such a function, it would be much more useful for me to learning foreign languages. (121 words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make it talk with me in foreign languages. And then In addition (多分こちらの方が良い。), when I make a mistake, it corrects my mistake or tells me a better expression, or when I come across a word whose meaning I do not know and ask its meaning, it tells me. Now I am practicing English speaking for myself with handouts prepared by Mr. Aotani, but if I had someone to talk with in English, I would make more progress in speaking English more. In addition, since I also study French too, I would like my computer to speak French as well. If my computer had such a function, it would be much more useful for to me to for learning foreign languages(much more useful for me in order to learn foreign languagesでも良い。to learnではなく、態々in order toにするのは、ここではitはcomputerだが、それでもit....to構文(学ぶ事が自分に役立つ)とややこしいから。).

If I could, I would like to make my computer do physical checkup. It is not a function which I really want since functions which I hoped have been made already. However, I think it would be convenient if I can do physical checkup using my computer. This is because I can do it at home without going to a hospital. Therefore, when I have something wrong with my body, I can check my body soon. I think I would check my body even when I’m fine, so I’ll do physical checkup more often than now, which will help me to live a healthy life. (105 words)

If I could, I would like to make my computer do a(aを付けない場合も多い。) physical checkup. It is not a function which I really want since the functions which I hoped for have been made available already. However, I think it would be convenient if I can do get a physical checkup (do a physical checkupの主語はdoctor等。つまり、やって貰う人ではなく、やる人。)using my computer. This is because I can do it at home without going to a hospital. Therefore, when I have something wrong with my body, I can check my body it soon. I think I would check my body even when I’m fine, so I’ll do get a physical checkup more often than now, which will help me to live a healthy life.

I belong to an a cappella circle and sing a cappella songs now. A cappella music is not more popular than rock music and classical music. Moreover those who play a cappella music are overwhelmingly fewer than those who play rock music and classical music. So it is very difficult for us to get scores of a cappella songs because most of score stores don’t deal in them. If we want to sing a cappella songs, we have to listen to them again and again, understand harmony and rhythm of them and take them down in musical notation. It’s a very complicated task. That’s why if I could make my computer do something new, I would make it take a cappella songs down in musical notation only by inputting sounds of them into it. (134words)

I belong to an a cappella circle and sing a cappella songs now. A cappella music is not more popular than (本当に厳密に「より人気が有ると言う事ではない」と言いたければこれで正しいですが...)not as popular as rock music and classical music. Moreover those who play perfrom a cappella music are overwhelmingly fewer in number than those who play rock music and or classical music. So it is very difficult for us to get scores of a cappella songs because most of score stores don’t deal in carry/sell them. If we want to sing a cappella songs, we have to listen to them again and again, understand the harmony and rhythm of them, and take them down in musical notation. It’s a very complicated task. That’s why if I could make my computer do something new, 不要。文が長過ぎる。どうしても入れたくてもifを文の後ろにすべき。I would make it my computer take a cappella songs down in musical notation only by inputting from the sounds of them into it. (in musical notation if the sounds of them are made available to it等でも良いが、by inputtingと言う言い方は、この部分の主語がcomputerではないので避ける。by my inputtingでもbyが変。)

I would like to make my computer instruct me how to cook vocally.

I’m not good at cooking, so everyday I have difficulties to cook for myself. Perhaps some people think that I should refer to cooking books or buy ready-made products. However, there is no place to put a book on my kitchen fixture, and I’d like to have foods whose sources and ingredients I know because I have food allergies. If my computer instructs me when and how much I should add spices and how long I should boil vegetables a short distance away from the kitchen, I could succeed in making more delicious meals, using foods which I checked. (112 words)

I would like to make my computer instruct me how to cook vocally.

I’m not good at cooking, so everyday I have difficulties to cook in cooking for myself. Perhaps some people think that I should refer to cooking books or buy ready-made products. However, there is no place to put a book around my kitchen counter on my kitchen fixture., and And, I’d like to have foods 不可算 whose sources place of origin and ingredients I know because I have food allergies. If my computer instructs me when to add spices and how much when and how much I should add spices and as well as how long I should boil vegetables from a short distance away from the kitchen トル (要らないし、fromが重なる。), I could succeed in making more delicious meals, using foods which I have checked.

If I could make my computer do something new, I would like it to listen to me, understand what I say, and say something to me by itself. In other words, I would like my computer to be independent. If I could do such thing, I would be able to get some proper solutions when I ask it about some difficult problems, such as mathematical problems. If I could do such thing, when I have too many things to do, I could have it do all of them. Computers work in binary scale, which is different from human beings, so they may give me some creative and astonishing ideas. Now, I am almost always in front of my computer in order to do a lot to do, so if I could make conversation with it, I could enjoy doing my tasks. (141 words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would like it to listen to me, understand what I say, and say something back to me without external assistance by itself. In other words, I would like my computer to be independent. If I could do such a thing, I would be able to get some proper solutions when I ask it about some difficult problems, such as mathematical problems. If I could do such a thing, when I have too many things to do, I could have it do all of them. Computers work in binary scale use binary codes, which is different from human beings, so they may give me some creative and astonishing ideas. Now, I am almost always in front of my computer in order to do a lot of things to do, so if I could make conversation with it, I could enjoy doing my tasks.

I want my computer to be able to have conversations with me. Back in my home in Awaji, there were almost always someone around me, but since I live in Kyoto alone, sometimes I become very lonely. Usually I call my friend or family, but I cannot do that when it is so late at night. If the computer was able to understand what I’m saying and answer properly, I don’t have to disturb them. I also want it to learn my personality as we have conversations so we can be well matched. Computers like this would be very helpful for me. (102 words)

I want my computer to be able to have conversations with me. Back in my home in Awaji, there were almost always someone around me, but since I live in Kyoto alone, sometimes I become very lonely. Usually I call my friends or family(絶対かと言われると困りますが、一度に掛けるのは一人であっても、friends or familyが常用表現なので、a friend of mine or a family member等より、余程良いと思います。), but I cannot do that when it is so late at night. If the computer was able to understand what I’m saying and answer properly, I don’t have to disturb them. I also want it to learn my personality as we have conversations and adjusts its "personality" accordingly (英語の間違いなのではなくて、日本語の作文でもこう言う説明が有る方が良いと僕は思います。) so we can be well matched. Computers like this would be very helpful for me.

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make it watch my room through a number of very small video cameras set around my room and seek what I ordered it to seek like search engines in Internet. For example, when I input the appearance of my cell phone into my computer, it immediately finds the cell phone and displays in the screen where it is.

That's because my room is much cluttered, so I often lose things and each time I wish I could find them instantly like Google and yahoo. Actually, I don’t know where my wallet is now. (104 words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make it watch survey my room through with a number of very small video cameras set around my room and seek search (seekは富や真理等を求めるのにも使うもっと一般的な言葉。Searchは入念に人や物を探す事で、正にここでの状況。)what I ordered it to seek find like search engines in for the Internet. For example, when I input the appearance of my cell phone into my computer, it immediately finds the cell phone and displays in on the screen where it is.

That's because Because my room is much cluttered, so I often lose things, and each time I wish I could find them instantly like Google and Yahoo yahoo. Actually, I don’t know where my wallet is now. (104 words)

I want to use my computer as a security camera and a burglar alarm. I have four reasons. First reason is that in my childhood, our house was broken into. And we must have asked some security company to guard our house. But we must have paid much money to this company. So I want to make my computer guard my house. The second reason is that my computer stores a lot of personal data. So I must defend my computer from thieves. Third reason is that I live alone. And I use my computer only in my house. Fourth reason is that my computer has a small camera. (109 words)

I want to use my computer as a security camera and a burglar alarm. I have four reasons. The first (受験生以下の間違い。) First reason is that in my childhood, our house was broken into. And we must have asked some security company to guard our house. But we must have paid much money to this company. So I want to make my computer guard my house. The second reason is that my computer stores a lot of personal data. So I must defend my computer from thieves. The third Third reason is that I live alone. And I use my computer only in my house.これと最初の文の関係は? The fourth Fourth reason is that my computer has a small camera.

If I could make my computer do something new, I would like to communicate with an intellectual creature living in very far place. Today computers enable us to communicate with people all over the world. But they cannot enable us to talk with people in the other planet. If the technique had been practiced, we could get much more knowledge about the world because the creatures must have greater knowledge. This is because they have been able to communicate with habitants of other planets before we invent the program. In short, they have much higher techniques. However, if we couldn’t understand their language, we wouldn’t get such technologies and knowledge. So before inventing the communicative program we should invent the program which translate their language into English, for many people on earth can understand English more than any other languages today. (141 words)






If I could make my computer do something new, I would like to communicate with an intellectual creature living in a very far place. Today computers enable us to communicate with people all over the world. But they cannot enable us to talk with creatures/beings on other planets people in (inは最低の間違い。) the other planet. If such technology the technique had been practicedどう言う意味ですか? developed??, we could get much more knowledge about the world because the creatures must 何故must?(文法が問題なのではなく、何故mustか分からない。mayやmightやcouldは良く分かる。)have greater knowledge. This is because they have been able to communicate with the habitants of other planets before we invent the programこれは何故ですか?. In short, they have much more advanced technology higher techniques. However, if we couldn’t understand their language, we wouldn’t get such be able to take advantage of their superior technologies and knowledge. So before inventing the communicative program we should invent the a program which translate their language into English, for many people on earth can understand English more than any other languages today.

If I could make my computer do something new, I think it would be talking with me. If my computer can do this, I can live an easy and enjoyable life. For example, if I have a problem, I can ask my computer how I can solve that problem. When I want to talk with someone and there isn’t anyone who can talk with me, I can talk with my computer. Perhaps, my computer may teach me how I can use it well. And I can strengthen the ability of communication. That’s why, my answer for this question is talking with me. (102words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I think it would be talking with me. If my computer can could do this, I can could live an easy and enjoyable life. For example, if I have a problem, I can ask my computer how I can solve that problem. When I want to talk with someone and there isn’t anyone who can talk with me, I can talk with my computer. Perhaps, my computer may (perhapsとmayは普通は重ねない。)will teach me how I can use it well. And I can strengthen the ability of communication to communicate (the ability of communicationは有る様ですが、数的にはthe ability to communicateが圧倒的に多い。). That’s why, my answer for this question is talking with me.

I wish I could make my computer predict what words I will type. 

When you write e-mail using your cellular phone, it predicts words you want to write.

I wish my computer could do like that. The other day, when I rode on bus, 

I saw a foreigner writing e-mail in English by his cellular phone. 

It predicted his words as same as our cellular phones do. 

If my computer could predict English words, writing this essay might be easier. 

But, typing English words is good exercise for me, 

it may be good for me that my computer cannot do so. (101 words)

I wish I could make my computer predict what words I will type.

When you write an e-mail message (write emailは極普通に使われますが、厳密には良くないらしい。) using your cellular phone, it predicts the words you want to write next.

I wish my computer could do like that (work like that又はcould do the same). The other day, when I rode on was riding a/was on a bus,

I saw a foreigner writing e-mail in English by on らしいです。his cellular phone.

It predicted his words as same as exactly as our cellular phones do.

If my computer could predict the English words I want, writing this essay might be easier.

But, since typing English words is a good exercise for me,

it may be good for me that my computer cannot actually (全く必要無し。でもこう言う表現を使うnativeは多い。勿論「実際には出来ない」の意。) do so.








If I could make my computer do something new, it would be fragrance emission.

First of all, I like incense or aroma-candles. I sometimes burn incense in my room. Fragrance relaxes me.

However, the kind of fragrance I need differs moment to moment. If I bought all of them, it would cost a fortune. But, if it's possible to choose the fragrance as if I choose an icon on the display of the computer, I would be able to enjoy whichever aroma whenever I want.

Besides, burning incense is a bit dangerous especially in my room because my residence is in a wooden apartment complex. If I could use computer to enjoy aroma, the problem could be solved. In addition, I wouldn't need to worry about the ash produced by incense any more.

For these reasons, I would like my computer to play the role of incense. (149 words)

I want to make my computer have a more efficient spell checker than the existing one. That is because I have a problem  choosing a word which fits the context. I am able to pick a word which makes the sentence grammatically correct, but  native speakers sometimes feel that the word is wrong. I hope that my computer would indicate not only the spelling mistakes but also the nuances of meaning. If I had this spell checker, I would learn to choose the word native speakers would feel natural, and I could understand the meaning of the word more deeply. And I could express my thoughts completely to them. (116 words)

It would be interesting, if the computer could play syogi well. I know the existence of a computer which can play chess. But I have not heard of the existence of a computer which can play syogi. I think syogi is one of the most complicated games in the world. In syogi you can use the pieces which you take away from your opponent. That rule creates too much possibility of moving a piece and makes a lot of strategies possible. And this point makes it difficult to make that computer. So I think it would be wonderful, if the computer could play syogi. (104words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make it warm my hands, while I use it in winter, by blowing up a warm breeze from the keyboard. When I keyboard in winter, my fingers immediately become cold and get numb. So, I often miss some keys, and have to stop keyboarding to warm my fingers. Hence, it takes more time than usual for me to keyboard with numb fingers. However, if my computer could warm them, such a problem would be solved. If I could adjust the temperature and the amount of the breeze, it would be better. In addition to the temperature, if I could also control the moisture, it would be great, because my fingers get dry easily. (124 words)

I want to have a sophisticated debugging system with software products for programing like the C++ Builder. I’m quite satisfied with computers nowadays. I can calculate very fast with Microsoft Excel and write a splendid paper with LaTEX. However, I have trouble writing a program with the C language. Since a program always has bugs in it, I run across errors very often. It takes a lot of time to find why it works in a wrong way, because my own codes, whose grammar is at least correct, always look right. Hence, I want computers to help me find the bugs by pointing out suspicious parts. I think they can consult a battery of codes in internal libraries and easily debug programs. That function surely prevents me from wasting time. (133 words)

While I am using my computer, I often eat junk food. However, some junk food sticks to my fingers, and I have to clean them up before I touch the keyboard. This is really annoying. Moreover, I have a lot of trouble typing a numerical formula with Microsoft Word. For these reasons, I want a computer which can understand the human voice and can work as ordered. If such a computer should be made, we could write papers very easily. Also, we would not have to type complex numerical formulas as we do now. We just speak some words, and the computer would recognize what we said and the sentences would appear quickly on the screen. Such a nice computer is really desirable for me. (125words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I would like it to send information stored in it to my brain.

Today, more and more information and knowledge are becoming available, and it is impossible for us to keep up. In addition, the amount of knowledge needed to do something has become overwhelming. We can't do anything unless we spend much time to figure it out. For example, when it comes to research, we have to know a lot of theories and principles before we start our own research.

If my computer could send information directly to my brain, I wouldn't have to spend as much time for my study. I could master anything, including English, and I would be able to concentrate on inventing something which no one has ever come up with. (132words)

If I could make my computer do something new, I want it to complete my weekly worksheet of Scientific English. Now, I do it in the class every week, but I feel it is just a waste of time because the level of questions is much lower than that of the university entrance exam. Our English skills can never improve with them, I think. I want to make presentations or to discuss something in the class, rather than to answer useless questions. I want credits with ease, but as long as I study in the class, I want to develop my skills and acquire (new) knowledge with good contents. We are allowed to finish the rest of the worksheet at home if we cannot finish it during the class, so I want my computer to do it. Instead of doing it, I want to study something different.

Because I live in a lodging house, I always have to prepare meals for myself. It is very annoying when I am busy. And the dishes made by me are sometimes very unsavory.

So, if I could make my computer do something new, I would make my computer cook food.

For example, when I want to eat noodles, I investigate the recipes for noodles on the Internet. Then I would buy the ingredients for my noodle dish. Next, I would put the ingredients in my computer. Finally, my computer makes the noodle dish from the ingredients according to the recipe which was found.

 I think that it is a very useful ability of the computer for people who live alone.

I already have a new computer and it is very comfortable to use, but if I could ask for new features for my computer, I would like a smaller size and a larger memory

Though it is not true that the smaller a computer becomes, the easier it is to carry around, we can not access new information whenever we like if a computer is not portable.

And I have used a computer since I was in elementary school, but I have run out of each computer’s memory soon. As the modern world is changing rapidly, computers are necessary tools to get up-to-date information. But we can not get new information without enough memory.

Therefore, I would choose a computer which is smaller and has a larger memory.

I would like my computer to be smarter when I search for something using Google.  Computers and the Internet are very useful and we can get much information using them, but sometimes I have difficulty searching for information.  Of course, I can explain what kind of information I am looking for to others, but we can’t search for information by explaining to our computers.  Although I’m used to search for information using computers, sometimes it’s difficult for me to get the information that I need.  I think many people have the same trouble.  So, I want my computer to understand what I want.  I’d like to speak to or type on my computer like I explain to others.

I would like to make my computer help me to stay healthy. So, I want to change my computer so that it will have new functions of checking my condition. For example, these functions will include measurement of body temperature, pulse rate, blood pressure, etc. I believe prevention is better than cure, as the proverb says. And daily medical checkups will inhibit diseases from becoming worse because I can become aware of suffering any diseases in their initial stages. But I rarely go to the doctor's until some serious symptoms occur because I can’t be bothered to go to the doctor's to get a medical checkup. Actually, frequent medical checkups by the doctor will cost me much money. Thus, these new functions will help me a lot.

 In conclusion, I would like to make my computer give daily medical checkups to me.

If I could make my computer do something new, I want it to be able to understand my feelings and show me clearly what I’m thinking and make me relax. I want to know what I’m thinking, because I sometimes can’t understand what my real feelings are. And if my computer can show what I’m thinking about and make me relax, then I can solve my problem easily. This is because I have strange feelings which I can’t understand when I have some trouble and can’t solve the problem. So, if it is possible, I want my computer to understand my feelings and show them to me clearly.

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make a computer that can think like a human being. In my view, a computer with this function will come out as a great invention in the near future. That is because a computer is just a machine now, and developing a humanoid computer is an interesting challenge. Many people all around the world may take advantage of it. You can talk with the computer and it will interact with you via the process like the one in our brain. Therefore, it can interpret your demand, and decide what to do correctly, so it can reduce the risk of mistake. Another example is that people can buy goods from the comfort of their home by using this computer; it can judge the quality of products and decide what is good for you. All the above is what I want my computer to do.

I like to play board games such as go. However, it is said that computers will not be able to play go for some time to come  because there are too many possible moves  for computers to decide where to put the stones. Therefore, if I could make my computer do something new, I would make my computer play go as well as humans. If computers could actually play go, I could enjoy playing go even if there is no one to play against. I think I can clear my head and feel relaxed by playing go, so it is a desirable new feature for me.

I want a computer to cut the foodstuff when I cook. I like cooking, but I am not good at cutting foodstuffs because I don’t like such a simple work very much. Cutting the foodstuff takes too much time when I cook. What is more, food stuff deteriorates if it is cut and left for a long time. So, if a computer could cut the foodstuff efficiently during my cooking, I could reduce the cooking time and could spend more time to enjoy delicious food.

It could makes me want to cook more and I could save food expenses in the

end. But to practice and get used to cutting is an easier measure for

improvement than make a computer do that.

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make it understand what I say and work following my instructions.

Actually, a similar technology has been studied and known as speech recognition system. It already has been applied to military systems, hands-free computing, machine translation, games, and so on, but it is not perfect yet. In science fiction movies, computers can completely understand the instructions from the characters even if it is very complex while the present system can only recognize simple instructions. However, I believe sooner or later the technology will be accomplished and make our daily lives more comfortable.

I want to make my computer do the laundry. Certainly there already exists a washing machine, but I don't think it is perfect yet, compared with the computer I think is admirable. What I want my computer to do is gathering my filthy clothes, washing, drying out and folding them. This is because I think doing the laundry is one of the most bothering but most important household chores. If I don't wash my clothes at all, I'll get in trouble because there will be no clothes to wear and my room begins to stink. However, if I use the dream computer, these problems won't occur since computers can perform the job neatly.

I want to make my computer keep the record of all the things in my room. Every day it checks my goods and keeps track of every thing I have, such as books, pens, clothes, and bags. It also knows the size of my room and where the bookcases stand. It advises me a good way to store my various things. This everyday advice makes my room tidy, and I can always know where what I want to use is. Now, I often forget where I put my things and I have trouble finding the thing I need, and so I want my computer to resolve this problem.

I want to write music on my computer because I hear that computer helps me to compose music. I belong to the music club and play the guitar. Recently, one of my friends made his own song and played it very well. Since I was very impressed with it, I also wanted to make my own song. However, I don't have any musical knowledge and skills necessary for composition. Then, my friend told me that by using a computer, I could compose a nice song easily without musical knowledge. If I get enough money to buy the software from my part-time job, I will buy it and make a lot of songs.

If I could, though it may have been developed, I want to enable my computer to help me to write papers. When I try to explain what I think or make up my mind to form my opinion, I usually have to spend more time than others do. This may be because my ability to think logically and make decisions is not refined enough. It is not easy for me to finish my papers or essays. So, if my computer could help me to brainstorm in some way, for example, by asking some questions at suitable intervals, I would complete my work efficiently. Of course, I have to make the decisions for myself about how I write in the end, but I really want such a computer.

If I could make my computer do something new, my computer would be able to show me TV programs such as variety shows. Once, I rarely watched TV. So I didn’t buy a TV set when I came to Kyoto. But now, I want to watch TV because it is so boring and lonely to stay in my room alone. There is no sound of laughter in my room. And I want to participate in a conversation about what drama is most interesting these days. So if I had special knowledge of a computer, I would convert my computer into a TV set.

If I could make my computer do something new, my computer would be able to show me TV programs such as variety shows. Once, I rarely watched TV. So I didn’t buy a TV set when I came to Kyoto. But now, I want to watch TV because it is so boring and lonely to stay in my room alone. There is no sound of laughter in my room. And I want to participate in a conversation about what drama is most interesting these days. So if I had special knowledge of a computer, I would convert my computer into a TV set.

This is a very difficult question, because now we can do almost anything we can imagine with computers.

However, if I dare to mention one thing, I would choose this one: I want my computer to show the exact script of a voice file automatically.

I think this will be a great help for me when listening to foreign languages like English and German via podcast or something. Actually, there are some sound files that come with the scripts, but some like live news don't have them. I want my computer to analyze the audio signal automatically and offer the exact script whenever I want it. I’m sure this will greatly help not only me but everyone who wants to improve their listening skills by using their computers.

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make it choose only the essential information. For example, when I want to  know the differences between two countries, it would compare them automatically and give me the answers immediately and correctly. At present, I can get much information from the computer, but I have difficulties in choosing the most important information. If my computer had such functions, I could get useful information easily and wouldn’t bother about selecting only the right information any more. It could save me time and labor. Thanks to it, I could use time more effectively. I believe this new function enriches my life.

I would like to make my computer instruct me how to cook vocally.

I’m not good at cooking, so every day I have difficulties in cooking for myself. Perhaps some people think that I should refer to cooking books or buy ready-made products. However, there is no place to put a book around my kitchen counter. And, I’d like to have food whose place of origin and ingredients I know because I have food allergies. If my computer instructs me when to add spices and how much as well as how long I should boil vegetables from a short distance away, I could succeed in making more delicious meals, using food which I have checked.

I would like my computer to do my housework because I could save time by making my computer do my housework. I live in Kyoto apart from my family, and I have to do housework every day and spend some time on doing it. I’m bored of doing housework such as washing, cooking, cleaning my room and so on, and I often think if only someone or something did housework every day for me. If I didn’t have to do housework, I could spend more time on what I want to do. It is desirable for me to be able to concentrate on only what I want to do. Therefore, if I could make my computer do something new, I would like my computer to do housework for me.

I belong to an a cappella circle and sing a cappella songs now. A cappella music is not as popular as rock music and classical music. Moreover those who perform a cappella music are overwhelmingly fewer in number than those who perform rock music or classical music. So it is very difficult for us to get scores of a cappella songs because most of score stores don’t sell them. If we want to sing a cappella songs, we have to listen to them again and again, understand the harmony and rhythm of them, and take them down in musical notation. It’s a very complicated task. That’s why I would make my computer take a cappella songs down in musical notation only from the sounds of them.

If I could, I would like to make my computer do a physical checkup. It is not a function which I really want since the functions which I hoped for have been made available already. However, I think it would be convenient if I can get a physical checkup using my computer. This is because I can do it at home without going to a hospital. Therefore, when I have something wrong with my body, I can check it soon. I think I would check my body even when I’m fine, so I’ll get a physical checkup more often than now, which will help me to live a healthy life.

If I could make my computer do something new, I would make it talk with me in foreign languages. In addition, when I make a mistake, it corrects my mistake or tells me a better expression, or when I come across a word whose meaning I do not know and ask its meaning, it tells me. Now I am practicing English speaking for myself with handouts prepared by Mr. Aotani, but if I had someone to talk with in English, I would make more progress in speaking English. In addition, since I also study French, I would like my computer to speak French as well. If my computer had such a function, it would be much more useful to me for learning foreign languages.

I want my computer to be able to have conversations with me. Back in my home in Awaji, there were almost always someone around me, but since I live in Kyoto alone, sometimes I become very lonely. Usually I call my friends or family, but I cannot do that when it is so late at night. If the computer was able to understand what I’m saying and answer properly, I don’t have to disturb them. I also want it to learn my personality as we have conversations and adjusts its "personality" accordingly so we can be well matched. Computers like this would be very helpful for me.

If I could make my computer do something new, I would like it to listen to me, understand what I say, and say something back to me without external assistance. In other words, I would like my computer to be independent. If I could do such a thing, I would be able to get proper solutions when I ask it about some difficult problems, such as mathematical problems. If I could do such a thing, when I have too many things to do, I could have it do all of them. Computers use binary codes, which is different from human beings, so they may give me some creative and astonishing ideas. Now, I am almost always in front of my computer in order to do a lot of things, so if I could make conversation with it, I could enjoy doing my tasks.

If I could make my computer do something new, I think it would be talking with me. If my computer could do this, I could live an easy and enjoyable life. For example, if I have a problem, I can ask my computer how I can solve that problem. When I want to talk with someone and there isn’t anyone who can talk with me, I can talk with my computer. Perhaps, my computer will teach me how I can use it well. And I can strengthen the ability to communicate. That’s why my answer for this question is talking with me.


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