Mixed Economy ­US has elements of all 3 ­because we are ...

[Pages:4]Chapter 2.notebook

September 09, 2015


NO pure economies today.

Mixed Economyall nations today have a combo of 23 pure economies

US has elements of all 3

because we are closest to a market (but not pure) we have a capitalist economy

we have limited govt regs, some tradition, we are free to do as we please otherwise


Chapter 2.notebook

September 09, 2015


Democratic Socialist Economy people are more in control govt is in control of a small part of the economyit may own a few key industries

ex: GBmedical, steel, coal, rr Frtransportation

Authoritarian Socialist economy govt is in control of most of the economyit owns most resources and industries China, Cuba, North Korea

privatization (for investment)

nationalizing industries

multinational corporation


Chapter 2.notebook

September 09, 2015


Advantages of capitalist/market economies

individuals are free to make choices and develop our own self interests

govt involvement is limited to regulating for consumer/producer safety

profitmotive insures resources are used efficiently

rewarded financially for being efficient competition is encouraged


Chapter 2.notebook

September 09, 2015

Section 4 Mixed Economies

hilight examples of traditional with yellow underline examples of command with red hilight examples of market with green



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