
This is the fifth of our weekly emails. I trust you are keeping well. Remember we are here for you if we are needed. Even if it is just a quick reply to let us know you are coping.Graham – southstaffsworkclubs@ 07800 600767Brian - 07976 384195If you want to contact us by phone, please send a text or leave a voicemail message and we will get back to you as soon as we can.VacanciesInterserve employ people across the NHS. There are many jobs at the new Birmingham Nightingale hospital. Follow the link. update on last week’s scam text notification with regards to being notified about being in contact with someone with Covid-19.The Government are now testing a system which uses an app on mobile phones to track people you may have come into close contact with. If you have been close to someone who tests as positive then currently the aim is to telephone you and speak to you in person. This means if you do get a text similar to this one, it is definitely a scam. If the way the system is going to work changes, we will supply that information as soon as we get it.If you don’t have the app on your phone, then nobody will know if you have been close to someone with Covid-19, so any text/email/phone call you get will be a scam.Finally, when they call you, they will be advising you about what to do, which will possibly include getting yourself tested, maybe asking if you have had any symptoms. They will not ask for any bank or personal details relating to payments, as everything supplied by the Government for this pandemic is delivered to all of us for free.FacebookDo you use Facebook? If so, have you made friends with us? We post there daily, sometimes a few times a day and use that platform for notifying people of any local jobs we see, get told about or hunt for. We also put up all the training opportunities we see and any updates we want to get out immediately. Give us a try, you can always unfriend us if we are not working for you!! InterviewsWith lockdown, we are still finding people jobs. It is not normally possible or advisable to have a standard face to face interview at the prospective work place. What you may find is that they will offer you a phone interview or a virtual interview, via a video call.How should you manage one of these?As with all interviews, it is all down to preparation. As you won’t be sat at a table with the interviewer, you can make your notes and have them with you. Then you can refer to them while you are speaking. They can also contain ready prepared questions you want to askHave your notes on separate pieces of paper, rather than all stapled together, so you can have them ready to look at without having to make any noiseFind a quiet room, with no distractions and anyway from any family or pets and close the doorLet your family know you will be having an interview, so that they do not disturb youMake sure the room you choose has good mobile reception if you are using your mobile phone, or good wi-fi signal if you are using your home internetPositioning of your laptop or phone is criticalCapture yourself from the shoulders up and have a bit of spare room above your head. You may need to put your laptop on something, if you do make sure it is sturdy so the laptop doesn’t wobble or fall off. For example a stack of books so the camera is slightly higher than your head. Say, about the top of your head. And then point it down into your eyes. You don’t want the interviewer looking up your nostrils!If you are using a phone, find something that you can rest it on so it is held firmly. You don’t want it to fall over half way through the interview. A recipe/iPad stand or something similar is useful. Again stand this on something so it is at the right height. Be careful of how stands tend to lean back.Have a plain background if possible, or at least make sure there is nothing embarrassing behind youWhen positioning your camera have any incoming light behind it – for example have a window behind the camera, make sure there isn’t a light behind you on the wall or just above you. Light like this will put you in shadow. If you want to be more professional, position a table lamp behind the laptop/phone and put it on the side you prefer to be litFinally for lighting tips, use a white tablecloth or similar on the table, so any reflected light is clean and bright, you don’t want to look pink or green!Download the app (well in advance) that the company wants to use. They will probably supply a link and instructions. If they don’t and you are stuck, give Graham a call straight away so we can get that sortedWhen installing the app, you will need to tell it that it can access and use your camera and microphone. It may also want to access some other areas, like documents to store any items you ask it to save. This is normal. If you are worried, again contact Graham and let him know which app you are using and what it wants to doUnless you use an external microphone, you need to ensure the laptop microphone can pick up your voice clearly and you can he heard. It can be tricky getting the distance for head and shoulders along with being close enough to be heard properly, trial and errorNow test everything, get a family member or friend to video call you and have a look at what you look like and whether you can access your notes, water and anything else you may have easily. You don’t want to reach to get something and give your interviewer an eyeful of cleavage!Make sure all your notes , your laptop or phone are all set up in advance of the interview, maybe 30 minutes, so it gives you a bit of spare time in case something isn’t quite right, and you can sort it without getting flusteredHave a glass of water with you. Don’t be afraid to take a sip if you need it. Don’t have tea or coffee as if it is hot you may slurp it and that isn’t professionalGo to the toilet before settling downHave a great interview.If there are any hints and tips you want to share, on interview technique or any of the other topics we have covered, please let us have them, or if there is something you have received that you think may be a scam or you are not understanding or struggling to get something right, just ask.Are there any subjects you want us to cover? Next week we’ll be looking at Mental Health and I thought we could do exercise the week after. That’s it for this week, apart from a reminder to stay safe and indoors and get in touch with us if you want to;Facebook - - @SSWorkClubs Our Web Site - – southstaffsworkclubs@Graham, Brian and the South Staffs Work Club team. ................

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