Brooklyn Technical High School

Brooklyn Technical High School Mr. Wasserstein iwasser@schools.

CLASS CONTRACT September 2015 - June 2016

Enter the classroom promptly at the beginning of the period and go directly to your seat. Do not loiter in the hall or the classroom. Copy the Homework immediately and then complete the Do Now. Students must be ready to begin work as soon as the bell to start class sounds. The bell at the end of the period is a signal for the teacher to end the lesson. Do not pack up or leave until dismissed.

If you are late, do not interrupt the lesson or performance; enter the class quietly at a pause. Late students must enter the time/date of their arrival in the book/sheet provided. Speak to the teacher at the end of the class to verify your attendance and to present a late pass. A student is marked absent anytime they miss an entire class session, including if a class was missed due to extreme lateness. “The elevator was slow” and/or “I was in gym” or “my Math teacher made me stay behind” are unacceptable excuses.

On the rare occasion you are absent, it is expected you will return with a parental note that explains your absence. If you are absent for an extended period of time or on days when exams are administered and projects collected, it is expected you will return with a doctor’s note. When you know in advance you will be absent – doctor’s appointment, vacation, cultural or religious holiday, whatever– you are still responsible for submitting any due work by the time of our class period on the day it is due.

Absence notes should be given to the subject teacher before the late bell and should be claimed by students as the class is dismissed. Excessive absence or lateness will negatively affect your classwork grade for this will cause you to miss opportunities to submit homework assignments and complete in-class exercises including notebook checks, Do Now activities, and quizzes.

Come prepared every day with writing materials and required books. Write neatly and use blue or black ink only.

All homework assignments and projects must be edited and typed unless otherwise directed.

4. Maintain the neat appearance of your desk and its immediate surroundings. Please, pick up and discard of any trash around

your desk or seat at the end of the period. Do not stand up in the middle of the lesson to throw away trash.

5. Plastic or metal bottles of water are permitted. Do not eat in class. Do not chew gum.

6. Electronic devices of any type are prohibited. They will be confiscated if seen. Consider this your only warning.

7. Headwear of a non-religious nature is not permitted in NYC Public Schools.

8. There are no passes out of class, except in dire emergencies. In these cases you must sign “the book”.

9. You need to have your notebook, and notes, with you every session. The only acceptable notebook is a binder that will

accommodate 8½” x 11" loose-leaf paper. All assignments must be submitted on college-ruled loose-leaf or printer paper.

Parameters for printed material: 1" margins, 1.0-1.5 line spacing, and 12-point font.

10. Use the following heading for all of your written work:

Pupil’s Name Subject Teachers’ Name

Subject Class/Period Date

11. Your English notebook is to have: a classwork section; a vocabulary section; a writing skills section; a personal learning plan; and a “Resource List”.

Classwork is to be organized chronologically. Organize homework numerically. Class notes will be checked periodically for a grade. All notes and assignments must be preserved till the end of the June 2016.

12. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY: Homework, reading or writing given every day, and all other work are to be submitted on the due date. Credit for late work will be a fraction of the full credit: Work is considered late if not submitted at the time it is collected in class on the day it is due. Work is to be submitted in-class on the announced due dates except for extreme and rare situations (“I forgot it” at home or “It’s in my locker” or “I ran out of ink” are not acceptable situations) with appropriate medical or other documentation to verify the unique circumstances. Students who are absent and bring a note will have one day to make up each assignment missed. Students who do not have a legitimate reason for not submitting work on time will have a zero recorded and will lose 10 points per day, including weekends. After the 3rd day the zero will stand and the late work will no longer be accepted. Late submission policy and penalties apply to major and minor grades. Handing in work late is your only opportunity to make up an assignment.

It is imperative that students who are absent when a major assessment is administered (test), submitted (essay/project), or presented/performed make contact with me AND with any students in a group of which they are a member. Those students are relying on YOU! You must inform them of such a significant alteration of plans. If the student is unable to make contact, the parent is asked to contact me, or guidance, as soon as is possible.

PLAGIARISM, presenting someone else’s work as your own without appropriate credit will result in a failing grade for the assignment and a call home. Ask NOW if you need additional clarification about what qualifies as plagiarism. All work submitted must be your own. Review the posted academic policies at

13. Calling out in class is not permitted. Raise your hand and wait to be acknowledged. Write down your comment while you wait your turn. When it is you turn to speak, do so in a CLEAR, LOUD voice at all times.

Obtain the phone number and/or email address of three responsible students in this class.

Keep this list current. It is your responsibility to contact them ASAP for assignments if you, or they, are absent. [Get your assignments in class if you do not get them through your contacts]

Name_________________________Phone#_________________ Email________________________

Name_________________________Phone#_________________ Email________________________

Name_________________________Phone#_________________ Email________________________


50%.... Major tests, essays, speeches, and projects. (2 - 4 total per marking period)

25%.... Classwork/Participation: Groupwork, spoken and written contributions, accountable talk; Quizzes

25%.... Homework

The value of these grades will increase each marking period throughout the year.

Grades will be calculated through . Parents and students should check progress regularly.

Report card grades are cumulatively averaged through the end of the Spring 2015 semester. Grades from 65-100 are in 1.0 increments. Although students failing for academic reasons will receive a grade of 55 on the report card, the actual average is used for calculation of your grade.

A portfolio is required. A plastic folder with strong pockets is recommended. The portfolio folder will contain all homework and other written work submitted. All work must be kept till the end of the Spring semester in June 2015.

All students are required to have access to a college level dictionary at home.

A copy of The Elements of Style., by Strunk and White, is highly recommended.

Use of a daily planner is highly recommended.

Bring in the signed contract TOMORROW. Please do not detach the signature portion of this contract. YOUR CLASS CONTRACT MUST BE KEPT AT THE FRONT OF YOUR NOTEBOOK!

HW#1 Class Contract: Submit this on time to earn 100/100 points for this homework.

I have read, understood, and accept Mr. Wasserstein’s Class contract and grading policy.

Student Name______________________________ Signature_________________________ Date_______

Student E-Mail address______________________________________

Parent/Guardian Name _________________________ Signature _______________________ Date_______


Daytime Phone ________________________ Evening phone _____________________________

Cellular Phone ________________________ * E-Mail address _____________________________

Additional Information:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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