
The Last Wild Master: Chapter 26?By: jungleboy69??Chapter 26:?Goldrinn?the Wolf God??Darren looked around himself. He was in the Emerald Dream once again, the full moon shone brightly, and fireflies floated around him. “Cenarius!!” He called out. “Cenarius, where are you!?” The only reply he got was an echo and the song of the crickets.?“Cenarius, please; I need to talk to you!!” He called again. “I need to know more about Wild?Magic?and you are the only one who can help me!!” Silence followed for a moment but then, Darren heard someone or something approaching from the forest.??“Cenarius?” He asked hopefully. A huge figure approach him from the thickets and two bright lights caught him in their glare. Darren peered closer, wondering how different ‘Cenarius’ looked. “Cenarius, is that you?” He asked again.?“No”?a deep voice replied.?“I’m not?Cenarius.”?It was then the figure emerged from the forest and Darren’s eyes widened in pure shock. Towering right before him, was an enormous white wolf.??Its white fur seemed to shine in the moonlight, its paws spread outwards, showing black claws and its long bushy tail swished side to side. It wore two golden bangles with spikes on its front legs.??Its eyes were a bright and pure gold like honey from a beehive and two large lower canines with bangles fitted on them, jutted upwards from his jaws like tusks. Its face had one large scar over its head.?But what got Darren the most was the sense of power emitting from it; pure, wild and fierce. He could practically feel the animalistic ferocity overwhelming him. He knew exactly who it was. “Goldrinn.” He whispered.?The Great White Wolf grinned, showing sharp teeth that could tear a full-grown?kodo?in half as if it was a rabbit.?“So, we finally meet, wolf cub.”?Goldrinn?growled.?“I can see why?Cenarius?has such high hopes for you.”?“Lord?Goldrinn,” Darren spoke, bowing low on one knee. “forgive me, but I would...”?“Don’t flatter me, cub.”?Goldrinn?interrupted him.?“Cenarius?already knows about the Wolf; in fact, your howling was enough to wake the dead itself.”?The Great White Wolf lowered his head, his nose so close that Darren could almost reach out and touch it.?“I know you came seeking answers to Wild Magic.”?he added.?“That’s why?Cenarius?asked me to help you with your power.”?“Power?” Darren asked. “You mean that form I turned into?”?Goldrinn?snorted, mist billowing out from his nostrils.?“Don’t underestimate the Wolf, little cub.”?He growled.?“It could end up destroying you if you’re not careful.”?“So, how are you going to help me?” Darren asked. “I remember the legend of how you and your pack decimated countless demons during the invasion.” He added. “No offense, you’re not exactly the most peaceful of the Wild Gods.”?Goldrinn?stared at Darren with a blank expression, causing him to worry if the Wolf God was insulted. Instead, the White Wolf smirked.?“True, cub.”?He replied.?“Of all the Wild Gods, I was not willing to tame my savagery and bloodlust.”?“I have roamed the wilds of?Eternia?when the first wild creatures stirred.”?He continued.?“Goddess Elune and Mother Gaia disapproved of my feral nature, but they respected my unwavering loyalty and dedication to the Wilds.”?“Many Wild Mages cannot master the Wolf without giving in to its savage instincts,”?He explained.?“But, somehow; you not only able to resist the instincts but control them with great efficiency.”?Darren listened quietly. “So, are you going to train me?” He asked. The White Wolf snorted at him.?“You don’t need training from me, cub.”?Goldrinn?replied.?“You are already powerful enough on your own.”?“I can only give you advice or guidance; but it all depends of your will to survive, to protect your pack,”?The White Wolf finished.?“but most of all, it comes down to how far you are willing to go to find the answers you are seeking.”?“So, tell me, wolf cub”?Goldrinn?asked, peering close to him.?“Are you Hunter or are you Prey?”??Darren woke up, sweating all over. After their whole ordeal, everyone thought they would get some sleep for the big adventure tomorrow. Gretchen, John and Damien were all sleeping soundly.??Darren quietly got out of bed and walked over to the window, or where the window used to be thanks to the attack. He climbed out through the hole and sat on the rooftop, staring up into the night sky. The full moon shone?brightly?and the stars twinkled.?Goldrinn’s?words echoed in his mind.?“Are you Hunter or are you Prey?”?Darren could still feel the Wolf inside of him. He felt the rage and ferocity of the Wolf God when he transformed. He started to wonder if there were other forms he could transform into and if he would meet other Wild Gods.?He continued looking at the bright full moon. Soon, his fears and worry were replaced by determination. It did not matter to him about his new powers, but as long if he could protect his friends, he would gladly be a monster again to do it.??(Next Morning...)??“Here you go, kids.” The bartender explained, handing over a small sack of food to John. After?freshing?up and a hearty breakfast, the friends were ready to begin their quest. “Sorry if it is not enough, but it should last for a week or so.” “It will be more than enough, sir.” John replied. “Even if we run out, we can forage on our own.”?The bartender shook. “I would strongly advise not to, Sir John.” He warned. “Now that we know that?gnolls?were behind the attacks, they will probably be out lurking in the mountains.” “It would be better if you kids stick together.” he added.?“We understand, sir.” Gretchen replied, graciously. “We’ll do our best to end the?gnoll?threat to the town.” The bartender nodded. “I hope so too, miss.”??Soon, the friends were making their way to the stone path up to the mountains. “So, where do we start looking?” Damien asked. “Well, there must be a camp nearby.” John replied. “That’s where the?gnolls?could be.”?“Well, the sooner we find them, the better.” Gretchen added. “From what I know,?gnolls?will normally camp in caves or on rocky cliffs.” “That’s could be where Yowler be hiding.” she explained. “If we can defeat him, we can end the?gnoll?threat for good.”?“Good,” Damien replied, grinning. “I’m hoping to get some payback.” “We need to be careful.” Darren warned them. “We’ll probably be facing their entire clan.” “Well, either way,” John added. “we came here to help these villagers and that’s exactly what we are going to do.”?Soon, the friends were on their way to the mountains. But for Darren, his mind was wandering elsewhere. He knew that he couldn’t hide his powers any longer. Remembering?Goldrinn’s?words, he decided there and then, that he wouldn’t let anything hold him back and that he would be the greatest Wild Master who ever lived.??? ................

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