Azia: Hey guys, it is Tuesday, May 23. I am Azia Celestino, and we begin today in the United Kingdom. Police rushed to an Ariana Grande concert late last night after an explosion rocked the stadium.

Twenty thousand people were at the Manchester Arena in the city of Manchester, England, for the Ariana Grande concert, many of them teenagers. Reports say the explosion went off just outside the concert venue as the show was coming to an end. Thousands screamed and ran for safety. At least 19 people were killed; another

50 injured.

British police are treating the blast as a terrorist attack and are looking into a possible suicide bomber.

Okay, next up, President Trump’s visit to the country of Israel. It is a country and region wrapped in turmoil, but now the president says he has new reasons to hope that peace and stability can be achieved in the Middle East. 

This is the second stop on the president's first foreign trip. President Trump became the first sitting U.S. president to visit the holiest site in Judaism, which is the Western Wall.  The president and the first lady also toured the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, believed to be the site where Jesus was crucified.

One main issue here is the Palestinian and Israeli conflict. Palestinian territories — the West Bank and Gaza — are under Israeli control and want their own independent state. But those negotiations fell apart in 2014 and led to violence. Now President Trump hopes to restart those peace talks.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: Mr. President, for the first time in my lifetime, I see a real hope for change.

President Donald Trump: I've heard it is one of the toughest deals of all, but I have a feeling that we are going to get there eventually.

Azia: And to see more of the struggle between Israelis and Palestinians through the eyes of three teenagers, just head to . 

Okay, after the break, this NBA player says he was held in an airport because of his political views.

Azia: Okay, an NBA player is back in the U.S. and speaking out after being detained in an airport in the country of Romania. Keith, what happened?

Keith: Yeah, Azia, here is what I have. So Enes Kanter says that he was held there after his home country, Turkey, cancelled his passport. The reason? Well, it is believed that Kanter was criticizing Turkey's president.

Enes Kanter: We are in Romania, and they said they cancelled my passport.

Keith: In this video posted to Twitter Saturday, NBA player Enes Kanter, who is from the country of Turkey, points out two officers he says were holding him for hours at an airport in Romania. Kanter, a center for the Oklahoma City Thunder, blamed the Turkish government for the problems with his Turkish passport. He says it was "cancelled."

Kanter: The reason behind it is just, of course, my political views.

Keith: Views, he says, on Turkey's president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, seen in this footage last Tuesday watching as members of his security team attack protestors in Washington, D.C. Kanter spoke out against the attack.

Kanter: He's a bad, bad man. He's a dictator, and he's the Hitler of our century.

Keith: Some Turkish people have been protesting against Erdogan because he recently gave himself more powers and weakened the rest of the government. Erdogan says he did it so he can battle terrorism in his country, but critics say it is just a power grab. Kanter has publicly supported one of the leaders who are against Erdogan. 

Despite being stuck at the airport, Kanter appeared upbeat in his Twitter photos, posing with officers, using the #FreeEnes. A Romanian spokesperson said Kanter's travel documents were not valid, but after four hours, he was allowed to leave for London. Then, on Sunday, he tweeted this photo back in the U.S.

The Turkish government has reportedly cancelled or taken away the passports of its critics in the past and has declined to comment on this case. Kanter says he will continue to speak out against the Turkish government and be a voice for others.

Kanter: I'm in front of people's eyes; that’s why, you know, people know my story. But there is thousands of people are in a jail like … So that's why I'm trying to be outspoken and trying to be the voice of the innocent people.

Keith: The Turkish government has been cracking down on people like Kanter who speak out. Amnesty International, a human rights group, says more than

140,000 people have been arrested, including journalists, judges and even university professors.

Azia: Wow. Thanks, Keith.

Okay, coming up after the break, we are celebrating the class of 2017.

Azia: Okay now, before all you graduates take on the next chapter of your lives, we are taking a look back at the major stories that shaped your generation in this year's salute to the class of 2017.

Rap: 1999 where our story begins.

Every child that was born has the world in their hands.

3,959,417 babies born in the U.S.

This year they turning 18.

Average weight of a seed is 7 pounds, 7 ounces.

Seventy-seven years expected to live, and counting.

Pokemon blew up same year as your birthday.

Columbine shoot-out; parents felt it the worst way.

Y2K fears, computers glitching, as we head into the New Year

all superstitious.

Got to stay focused, or else you could lose the vision.

And you should listen.

It's a new millennium. Hands up if you feeling him.

We got a new president, George W. Bush.

Dot-coms go bust.

Tiger Woods wins the cup six times in a row.

We really on a roll.

2001 we cracked the human genome code.

I don't get why this world so cold.

9/11 two planes took 3,000 souls,

not to mention all that happened after.

U.S. invaded Afghanistan, a mass disaster.

Yeah, they coming after Osama bin Ladin.

You can run, but you can't hide.

Recognize that you'll never rest again in life.

2002 — a new year. What it do?

Some new show airs: “American Idol” makes its debut.

Americans lose millions in a corporate fraud scam.

Now that's a sad song Kelly Clarkson could sure sing.

2003 U.S. invaded Iraq.

Columbia Space Shuttle exploded live and direct.

2004 Facebook started making friends;

the Mark Zuckerberg show begins.

George Bush runs and wins again.

Four more years to make the plans.

A tsunami hits Asia southeastern.

2005 brought Hurricane Katrina.

Major League scandals — I call that a curveball.

2006 the Wii drops.

We all throwing curveballs, and Pluto’s not a planet.

The road even curves more.

2007 iPhones really go nuts.

House market crisis, first female speaker of the House.

2008 the government starts bailing out banks

and automakers.

Global economy suffers a horrid shake-up;

U.S. debt hits $10 trillion.

2009 we keep building; won't stop until we reach ceilings.

First black president, Barack Obama.

Sonia Sotomayor first Supreme judge hire

with Hispanic descent.

Now we in 2010: An earthquake hits Haiti,

like the worst in the land.

Obamacare gets passed; that was March 22.

Oil spilled in the Gulf on 4/20, no gassing.

Chilean miners were rescued — that was 10/13.

2011 Arabics went and protested.

Dictators was crushed on February 11.

Civil war out in Syria — it's getting serious.

Who would have thought the Raqqa would fall to Islamists?

Nuclear disaster on the Japanese islands.

Navy SEALs kill Osama: May 2 they got him.

Occupy Wall Street — that was back in September.

I won't lie to you, kids; this a lot to remember.

And the population’s 7 bill — the world’s getting bigger.

2012 scientists discover Higgs boson god particle.

Times changing, we so on.

Student debt rose to $1 trillion.

Michael Phelps the most wins in the Olympics.

U.S. base attacked inside Libya.

Superstorm Sandy tearing northeast cities up.

Another mass shooting out in Newtown.

Rest in peace to each and all of those students.

Cali and Washington voting to make weed legal.

2013 next year: Obama, we still need you.

Mega drought in California in February.

First pope from Latin America selected.

Boston Marathon bombing, NSA leaks.

Nelson Mandela dies, and we all weep.

2014 Israeli and Palestine conflicts increase.

Some hikers were killed at peace.

ISIS terror groups take hold in Iraq.

Black Lives Matter cheered all over the map.

Malala won the Nobel; the youngest at that.

Three years left over, and this song is a wrap.

2015 same sex marriage is legal.

Even foreign policy with Cubans is legal.

Even a nuclear deal got done in Iran.

Dab is the new trend taking over the land.

European immigrant crisis still on the rise,

grabbing up all the attention of the media’s eyes.

Evidence of water on Mars; “Star Wars” was stunning with awe,

the best premiere you ever saw.

Two more years left.

Here go 2016: Water crisis in Flint; problem still ain't fixed.

Gravitational waves detected in outer space.

Historic climate change, so people should do the same.

Another mass shooting, at Pulse — see what I'm saying?

But anyway, back to the topic that's here today:

Hillary Clinton, the first female candidate running for president.

You know women are excellent.

“Hamilton” opens on Broadway in August.

Pokemon Go made a trainer of all of us.

Dakota pipeline got protested.

Castro passed in the 90-year-old section.

Chicago wins the World Series — what a blessing.

What's even the truth when fake news gets detected?

2017 Donald Trump has been elected.

Reports even saying Russians hacked in the elections.

UConn just came in on a win streak; 100 back to back —

now, that's a dream team.

SpaceX launched and landed in March.

People still in Africa dying, overstarved.

North Korea making threats with nuclear bombs.

Even the bumblebee’s life is being harmed.

In a couple years, they most likely be gone.

I know we made some mistakes, but we can right our wrongs.

Now it's time to graduate; go and get paid.

Congratulations, kids, you deserve it!

Azia: And a big congratulations to the class of 2017! We are wishing you guys the best.

And if you want to watch the rap at any time or get a link to the 2017 salute to share with your friends, just head to .

All right, guys, that is all for now. Have a great day, and we will see you back here tomorrow.


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