Present:Trustees – Michael Manahan (Chair), Guy Breault, Walter Scott, Leonard CharronStaff – Jonathan Elwell, Caroline Marcy, Garry AthertonGuest – Cindy WeedMeeting called to order by Chair, Michael Manahan at 6:38 p.m.Consideration of Changes/Modifications to AgendaJonathan Elwell notified the Board of the need to revise the agenda to include discussion of a legal issue under Executive Session. Review/Approve Minutes Trustee Meeting September 9, 2014Guy Breault made the motion to approve the minutes of the September 9, 2014 meeting as written. Seconded by Walter Scott. Unanimous.Cindy Weed, Island View ParkCindy Weed informed the Board regarding complaints that she has received of drug use and activity at the Island View Park. In particular, concern was expressed regarding the danger of used needles haphazardly discarded on Village property where children and families could be exposed. Cindy consulted with Sheriff Norris who suggested the following options:The Village could adopt an ordinance stating the operational hours of the park. (Similar to the stated hours at Lincoln and Maple Park.) This would allow the Sheriff’s department to issue fines to cars parked there after hours.Install a monitoring system. Jon advised the Board of the procedures required in ordinance adoption. The Board briefly discussed the drug use/activity levels in the Village and various options available to the Village in combating this issue.Cindy Weed left the meeting at 6:50 pm.Larry Fiske, Town Health OfficerLarry Fiske was not present to discuss his issue. The Chair moved the meeting onto the next agenda item.Public Works Garage Furnace ReplacementJonathan Elwell directed the Boards attention to a memo submitted by Garry Atherton that contained the results of three bid proposals for the Public Works Garage furnace replacement:Chuck’s Heating & Air Condition, Inc.$11,488.00A. Cooper Mechanical, Inc.$ 8,890.00Howarth Group Inc. St. Cyr Plumbing & Heating$ 7,984.00Garry briefly explained that this is actually a quote for three (3) furnaces and how these furnaces would be installed: 2 – 100,000 BTU furnaces used in combination to heat the garage and a smaller unit in the new addition.Walter Scott made the motion to accept the bid proposal as submitted by Howarth Group Inc. St. Cyr Plumbing & Heating for $7,984.00. Seconded by Guy Breault. Unanimous.Farmer’s Market Hours Extention RequestThe Board reviewed an email message from Sue Reed representing the Farmer’s Market. They have a new member of the market that is requesting an extension of hours to include Sunday from 10 am – 2 pm. In addition, they would like to extend their season from an end date of October 30th to November 2nd.The Board considered the request to both extend the hours and end season date as a good sign for the Village and that is was in the Village’s best interest to grant both requests.Guy Breault made the motion to approve the Farmer’s Market request for an extension of hours to include Sunday from 10 am – 2 pm with an end of season date of November 2nd. Seconded by Leonard Charron. Unanimous.Electric Department Terms and ConditionsJonathan gave a brief review of the Board’s previous discussion and decision regarding revising and updating the Electric Department Terms and Conditions. At the July 22nd Trustee Meeting, the Trustees approved all the recommended revisions with the exception of:Collection of Charges at Customer Premises in the amount of $20.00Laurie Stanley, Senior Bookkeeper, prepared a memo giving an in-depth review of this charge - clearly explaining the necessity and purpose of this item. After discussion and deliberation, the Board of Trustees agreed that, in order to protect the utility and rate payers as a whole, this item should be included in the Electric Department’s Terms and Conditions.Walter Scott made the motion to accept the revision of the Electric Department’s Terms and Conditions to include the item - “Collection of Charges at Customer Premises in the amount of $20.00”. Seconded by Guy Breault. Unanimous.Trustee VacancyJonathan queried the Board regarding suggestions of candidates for the vacant Trustee position.Walter Scott announced that Billy Spears indicated that he would be willing to sit on the Board.Guy Breault made the motion to appoint William Spears to fill the vacant Trustee position. Seconded by Leonard Charron. Unanimous.Transco Stock PurchaseJonathan guided the Board’s attention to a memo from Crystal Currier, Controller at VPPSA regarding the 2014 Transco Equity Purchases. Jonathan recounted the Board’s decision regarding the 2013 purchase that was financed through VELCO. After weighing options, the Board had decided to purchase the 2013 shares outright with cash budgeted in the 2014 budget.However, since that date, VPPSA has been able to secure favorable financing terms and is, again, offering to finance the 2014 Transco Equity Purchases. In addition, they are offering to refinance the 2013 shares that are currently being financed by VELCO.The Board considered the various options available. Guy Breault made the motion to accept the new option offered by VPPSA and assign the 2013 Membership Units Previously Assigned to VELCO and the 2014 Membership Units Offered by Vt. Transco to VPPSA. Seconded by Leonard Charron. Unanimous.Manager’s ReportVtrans Alternative Transportation Grant - Jonathan advised the Board that Staff will be asking for approval to apply for a scoping study grant through Vtrans which will look at the possibility of installing a sidewalk along Duffy Hill Road from the Bridge of Flowers & Lights to Island View Park at the next meeting on October 14th. It is estimated that the grant request will be for approximately $30,000.00.Hydro Gate Heater/Roller Replacement Project – The project is underway and is proceeding well. Jon felt that it was beneficial that Fairbanks Mills was able to get some prep work completed prior to actually starting the project in earnest. ARC Flash Study – Workplace Safety Solutions started the required ARC Flash Study and 42 Village Drive, the WasteWater Plant, and the Water Station. This study will be completed by January 1st.16 Village Drive Project and Move – Jon presented the various issues involved in establishing a projected move date. Jon asked the Board if they would be open to closing the Village Offices on a Thursday and Friday in order to make the move. The practical reasons to consider this option is the availability of staff and outside IT support. Walter Scott made the motion to approve closing the Village Offices on October 30th and October 31st OR two other days as deemed necessary by Village Management. Seconded by Leonard Charron. Unanimous.Jonathan updated the Board regarding the FEMA reimbursement grant from the December 2013 Ice Storm. On September 18th, the Village received $520,629.80 from FEMA. The State of Vermont is currently in the close-out phase of this grant process. The State’s reimbursement share will not be released until this process is complete.Other BusinessThere was no other business.Executive Session: Legal Issue and to Discuss Records Exempt Under the Public Records Act.Walter Scott made the motion to enter into Executive Session for the purposes of discussing a legal issue and to discuss records exempt under the Public Records Act at 7:40 pm. Seconded by Guy Breault. Garry Atherton and Caroline Marcy left the meeting at 7:40 pm.Respectfully Submitted,Caroline Marcy, Director of FinanceGuy Breault made a motion to re-enter the Board’s Regular Meeting. Seconded by Walter Scott. Unanimous. The Board re-entered its Regular Meeting at 8:24 pm. As a result of Executive Session, Guy Breault made a motion to increase the Village’s General Fund “Legal” line item expenses by an additional $5,000 for 2014. Seconded by Leonard Charron. Unanimous.Adjourn – There being no other business to come before the Board at this time, Walter Scott made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Guy Breault. Unanimous. The Board adjourned the meeting at 8:25 pm.Respectfully Submitted,Jonathan Elwell, Village Manager ................

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