
*It applies to:Faculty of Medicine; Faculty of Medicine in English; Faculty of Dentistry; Faculty of PharmacyEVALUATION FORfor filling teaching and research positions INFORMATION ABOUT THE CANDIDATESURNAME________________________________GIVEN NAME(S) ___________________________________ Personal ID number______________________________ Position applied for______________________________ Department___________________________________________Discipline________________________________________Position ______________ Faculty ___________________________________________________EVALUATION OF THE SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITYScore attributed to each unit Self-evaluation(Total = No. x single score)Commission’s evaluation(av. evaluation)1. Teaching and professional activity – minimum mandatory scores: lecturer=10 pts; associate professor=25 pts; professor=50 pts1Specialty books, published by international publishers/recognized publishers CNCS-UEFISCDI – editor,,40/20 pts2Specialty books NOTEREF _Ref414886798 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 2 published by international publishers/recognized publishers CNCS-UEFISCDI – main author /sole autor NOTEREF _Ref414886796 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 4, NOTEREF _Ref414886801 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 540/20 pts3Specialty books NOTEREF _Ref414886798 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 2 published by international publishers/recognized publishers CNCS-UEFISCDI – co-author NOTEREF _Ref414886796 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 4, NOTEREF _Ref414886801 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 5,,40/n; 20/n pts4Books NOTEREF _Ref414886798 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 2 with ISBN NOTEREF _Ref414886796 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 4 as CD/DVD main author/co-author NOTEREF _Ref414886902 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 78; 8/n pts5Chapters NOTEREF _Ref414886798 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 2 in treatises/ scientific books / collective volume published by international publishers/recognized publishers CNCS-UEFISCDI – lead author15/5 pts /chapter6Chapters NOTEREF _Ref414886798 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 2 in treatises/ scientific books / collective volume published by international publishers/recognized publishers CNCS-UEFISCDI – co-author NOTEREF _Ref414886902 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 715/n; 5/n pts /chapter7Teaching activity, since the last promotion0.25 pts / teaching hours /week.8Introduction of new study disciplines in previously undeveloped directions15 pts9Lithographed course first author/co-author10/5 pts10Practical guidebook NOTEREF _Ref453228575 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 14 first author/co-author NOTEREF _Ref414886288 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 158/4 pts11Participation in the commissions of elaboration of subjects for admittance, bachelor, residency exams (central or specialized commission) – since the last promotion 8 pts /session12Participation in admittance, bachelor, residency exams (head of building or room manager or secretary / responsible for exam papers / supervisor / exam papers delivery) - since the last promotion4/3/2/1 pts /session13Tutoring activity (with students) – since the previous promotion3 pts /year14Coordinator / residents’ internship mentor3/1 pts /year15Mentor (within institutional projects) – since the last promotion2 pts /year16Responsibilities within the discipline2 pts /yearmaximum 5 ptsScore achieved2. Scientific and research activity – mandatory minimum scores: lecturer =50 pts ; associate professor=190 pts; professor=400 pts17Articles published in extenso in ISI-indexed journals, with IF, main author,,15 (1+FI) pts / article18Articles NOTEREF _Ref415667930 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 19 published in extenso in ISI-indexed journals NOTEREF _Ref453229806 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 20 with IF, co-author NOTEREF _Ref414886986 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 22, NOTEREF _Ref414886987 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 23,15 (1+FI)/n pts/ article19Articles NOTEREF _Ref415667930 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 19 published in extenso in ISI indexed journals NOTEREF _Ref453229806 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 20, without IF, main author NOTEREF _Ref414887012 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 21, NOTEREF _Ref414886986 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 2215 pts /article20Articles NOTEREF _Ref415667930 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 19 published in extenso in ISI indexed journals NOTEREF _Ref453229806 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 20, without IF, co-author NOTEREF _Ref414886902 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 7, NOTEREF _Ref414886986 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 2215/n pts / article21Articles NOTEREF _Ref415667930 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 19 published in extenso in B+ or BDI indexed journals, main author NOTEREF _Ref414887012 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 21 / co-author NOTEREF _Ref414886902 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 710; 10/n pts / article22Articles NOTEREF _Ref415667930 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 19 published as books with ISBN NOTEREF _Ref414886796 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 4 (collection of articles) main author NOTEREF _Ref414887012 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 21/co-author NOTEREF _Ref414886902 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 75; 5/n pts / article23Articles NOTEREF _Ref415667930 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 19 published in extenso in B indexed journals, main author NOTEREF _Ref414887012 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 21 / co-author NOTEREF _Ref414886902 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 73; 3/n pts / article24Articles NOTEREF _Ref415667930 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 19 published as abstracts in ISI indexed journals or conference volumes, with ISBN or ISSN – first-author / co-author – since the last promotion4; 4/n pts / article25Articles NOTEREF _Ref415667930 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 19 published as abstracts in journals or conference volumes, with ISBN or ISSN – first-author / co-author – since the last promotion2; 2/n pts /article26Grant/project won in an international competition – manager/project responsible within the institution/project member,,60/30/15 pts27Grant/project NOTEREF _Ref453230320 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 26 won in an national competition - manager/project responsible within the institution/project member NOTEREF _Ref414887125 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 28, NOTEREF _Ref414894003 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 3030/15/8 pts28Grant/project NOTEREF _Ref453230320 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 26 won in an internal competition – project manager/member NOTEREF _Ref414894003 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 30,15/5 pts29Projects of continuous learning and institutional development – institutional coordinator / partner NOTEREF _Ref414894003 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 30,20/10 pts30Projects of continuous learning and institutional development – experts, long term/short/term NOTEREF _Ref414894003 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 30, NOTEREF _Ref414887179 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 336/3 pts31Research/development contract, signed with economic agents/institutions, through UMF – manager, project officer or investigator2 pts for each 1000 Euros of the project value32Research/development contract, signed with economic agents/institutions (including other institutions with recognized affiliation), through UMFPhT NOTEREF _Ref448845855 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 34 – member2/n for each 1000 Euros of the project value project33International/national multi-ethnic studies– main investigator3/2 pts34International/national multi-ethnic studies – member of the research team NOTEREF _Ref414887248 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 362/1 pts35Projects submitted to international/national internal competitions5/3/1 pts36Professional development internships in institutions from abroad: over 6 months / 1-6 months / 1 week - 1 month12/6/3 pct/internship37Coordinator/member of a student scientific circle – since the last promotion3/1 pts /year38Papers published as abstracts, by students, at scientific conferences since the last promotion1 pts /papermaximum 5 pts39BA or MA theses coordinated or supervised (only the completed ones) – since the last promotion3 pts /papermaximum 12 pts40PhD theses validated by CNATDCU in the last 5 calendar years – since the last promotion10 pts /thesis41Awards received for papers published or presented at international/national scientific events 5/3 pts42MA degree, obtained since the last promotion10 pts43Habilitation obtained NOTEREF _Ref414895457 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 4530 ptsScore achieved 3. Activity within the academic community and national and international recognition mandatory minimum scores: associate professor=135 pts; professor =200 pts44Hirsch Index in ISI Web of Science, Core Collection10 pts /unit45Cumulated impact factor as main author10 pts /unit46ISI Citations NOTEREF _Ref483065208 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 460,5 pts /unit47Awards, distinctions, medals granted by scientific institutions or by international/national scientific organizations5/3 pts48Guest presentations at international/national conferences – since the last promotion4/2 pts /presentation49Member of the organizing committee of international/national scientific events, since the last promotion; Editor of volume of abstracts –5 pts/event5/3 pts /event50Coordinating educational, sports, artistic activities and events (competitions and sport activities)/evaluation of foreign students’ Romanian / English proficiency levels 3/2 pct51Editor-in-chief/Member of editorial boards of ISI journals10/5 pts /journal/year52Editor-in-chief/Member of editorial boards of IDB journals and other nationally recognized journals (B+, CNCS-UEFISCDI)6/3 pts /journal/year53Reviewer of ISI/BDI journals– since the last promotion3/2 pts /activity54Member of committees for PhD thesis defence, habilitation, expert referee – since the last promotion2 pts /commission NOTEREF _Ref450047249 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 5455Visiting professor at universities from abroad/Romania NOTEREF _Ref415668759 \h \* MERGEFORMAT 38 – since the last promotion4/2 pts /invitation56Participation to international/national scientific events, since the last promotion2/1 pts /activity, maximum 5 pts57Approved patents15 pts58Member of the Romanian Academy or of the Academy of Medical sciences50 pts59Active expert in international/national bodies (ARACIS, MS, MEC), member of CNATDCU15/10/organization60Chairperson/Member of the management of international scientific organizations20/10 pts61Chairperson/Member of the management of national scientific organizations8/4 pts62Chairperson/Member of the management of subsidiaries of national scientific organizations 4/2 pts63PhD supervision commission, since the last promotion1 pts /commission64Preparation of accreditation or authorization files (institutional or for study programmes): contact person/members of the commission appointed by the Faculty/University – since the last promotion30/20 pts /application65Member of the commissions for the preparation of EUA evaluations, IC institutional reporting/member of departments or compartments within the UMFST organization chart, with permanent activity within the university 10/10 pts66Involvement in the activities of the faculty/university – to be evaluated by the administrative board of the University maximum 20 ptsScore-TOTAL SCORE (SUM OF INTERMEDIATE SCORES)Score calculated by the Candidate ________________________Signature __________________________________Granted by the Commission (av. of the 5 evaluations)__________________II. WRITTEN EXAMINATION (only for the position of assistant professor) Score achieved (av. of the 5 evaluations)(minimum 70 points - maximum 100 points)___________________III. PUBLIC PRESENTATIONThe contents of the presentation, strategy, realism, means, identif. of opportunities, risks (av. of the 5 evaluations) - max 60 p_____Quality of the presentation (av. of the 5 evaluations) - max 20 p _____Way of providing answers to the questions asked by the commission/audience (av. of the 5 evaluations) - max. 20 p_____Score achieved (minimum 70 points - maximum 100 points)_______________TOTAL SCORE(sum of the scores obtained at the 2-3 evaluations) ________________Chairperson of the Commission Members of the CommissionSecretary of the Commission______________________ ___________________________ ______________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________ ................

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