AIM: Topics: The Golden Age of Islam, Women and Islam, Islam and Cultural EncounterQuestion: What changes did Islamic expansion generate in those societies that encountered it, and how was Islam itself transformed by those encounters?Do Now: Rd. handout/analyze (KEEP today’s handout)Outline: I. Islam and Cultural Encounter: The Golden Age and a ComparisonThe Abbasid Dynasty (Golden Age, 750-1258 C.E.)See handout“This expansion of commercial activity led to other developments too. One was a system of banking and exchange so sophisticated that a letter of credit issued in Baghdad could be honored in Samarkand in Central Asia or Kairouan in North Africa. The demands on trade also generated development of crafts. From Baghdad’s large urban population, for example, came craftsmen of every conceivable sort: metalworkers, leatherworkers, bookbinders, papermakers, jewelers, weavers, druggists, bakers, and many more.” ()Images(Ottoman miniature, 17th century art)“The Earth's TheoriesIn the Abbassid Caliphate period, the Muslims simply discovered and improved upon many THEORIES about the Earth. At the time, many people around the world still believed (although hardly understood) Ptoloemy's theory that the Earth is in the center of the universe. Islamic astronomers were some of the first people to doubt this theory. After several observations and theories of their own, Muslim astronomers came to the correct conclusion that the Earth, among other things, revolves around the sun instead of the other way around. Muslims also discovered an adjusted size of the Earth closely accurate to the actual size. An Islamic astronomer named Al-Biruni (considered one of the world's greatest scientists) was one of the first people to discuss the theory that the Earth rotated on its own axis.” Beshore, George. Science in Early Islamic Culture. New York: First Book.The Case of IndiaTurkic-speaking people brought Islam to IndiaTurkic/Muslim regime in 1000 CEEmergence of Muslim communities in IndiaWhy did Buddhists and low-cate Hindus find Islam attractive?20-25% of Indian population converted to IslamWhat is Sikhism? (developed in early 16th century)The Case of AnatoliaTurks invaded Anatolia about the same time as India90% of population Muslim by 1500 – Compare this to India. Reasons for the difference:By 1500, the Ottoman Empire was the most powerful Islamic stateWomen and IslamQuran stated that women and men were spiritual equals (Quran, 4:124)During the period between 750-1258, there were growing restrictions on women (seclusion, especially in the upper classes)Suggested Video: Islam, Empire of Faith, Part 2, 9 minutes to 22 minutesThe Golden Age of IslamObjectives: Students learn about the Golden Age of Islam, Women and Islam, and compare and contrast India and Anatolia ................

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