
Quran Account Inc. Quarterly, Vol. 26, No. 2 June -2007


By Allah's Grace, this issue of the Bulletin will reach a total of 6,990 Muhtadoon (converts to Al-Islam); this is the total number since the project started in February 1985. During the last three months 77 Muhtadoon have enrolled in the project

Because of the cost and the great demands, the organization cannot fill the needs of each and every request, and in some cases suggest that new Muhtadoon seek help from other Islamic organizations.



عمرو بن الجاموح

الصحابي الجليل


The Great Sahaabi

(The following is to share with you the writing of a Muslim Mu'min; may Allah bless the writer, whose name is not published, in compliance with the policy of this publication. This writing has been edited extensively)

Amr ibn al-Jamuh was one of the leading men in Yathrib in the days of Jahiliyah. He was the chief of the Banu Salamah and was known to be one of the most generous and valiant persons in the city.

One of the privileges of the city's leaders was having an idol to himself in his house. It was hoped that this idol would bless the leader in whatever he did. He was expected to offer sacrifices to it on special occasions and seek its help at times of distress. The idol of Amr was called Manat. He had made it from rare and priceless wood. He spent a great deal of time, money and attention looking after the idol and he anointed it with exquisite perfumes.

Amr was almost sixty years old when the first rays of of Islam began to penetrate the houses of Yathrib. House after house was introduced to the new faith at the hands of Mus'ab ibn Umair, the first missionary sent by the Prophet to Yathrib (before the Hijrah). It was through Mus’ab that Amr's three sons Muawwadh, Mu’adh and Khallad became Muslims. One of their contemporaries was the famous Mu’adh ibn Jabal. Amr's wife, Hind, also accepted Islam with her three sons but Amr himself was uninformed of all this.

Hind saw people of Yathrib being won over to Islam but none of the city leaders remained in shirk except her husband and a few others. She loved her husband dearly but was concerned that he would die in a state of disbelief to his detriment.

Meanwhile Amr himself was feeling uneasy, worried that his sons might give up the religion of their forefathers and follow the teaching of Mus'ab ibn Umair. He noticed that Mus’ab within a short period of time, had caused many to turn away from idolatry to enter the new religion of Islam. Amr confided to his wife saying: "Be careful to keep our children away from this man (meaning Mus'ab ibn Umair). We need time before we form an opinion about him."

"To hear is to obey," she replied. "But would you like to hear from your son Mu’adh what he relates from this man?"

"Woe to you! Has Mu’adh turned away from his religion without my knowing?"

The good woman felt pity for her husband and said: "Not at all. But he has attended some of the meetings of this missionary and memorized some of the things he was teaching."

"Tell him to come here," he said. When Mu’adh came, his father asked:

"Let me hear an example of what Mus’ab was preaching." Mu’adh recited the Fatiha (the Opening Chapter of the Quran):"

"In the name of God, Lord of Mercy and Lord of Grace. All praise is due to God alone, Sustainer of the world, Most Gracious, Dispenser of Grace. Lord of the Day of Judgment! You alone do we worship and to You alone do we turn for help. Guide us on the straight way, the way of those upon whom you have bestowed Your blessings, not of those who have been condemned by You, nor of those who go astray."

"How perfect are these words, and how beautiful!" exclaimed the father. "Is everything he says like this?" "Yes indeed, father. Do you wish to swear allegiance to him? All your people have already done so" urged Mu’adh. The old man remained silent for a while and then said, "I shall not do so until I consult my idol, Manat, and see what he says."

"What would Manat say Father? It is only a piece of wood. It can neither think nor speak."

The old man retorted sharply, "I told you, I shall not do anything without him."

Later that day, Amr went before Manat. It was the custom of the idolaters then to place an old woman behind the idol when they wished to speak to it. She would reply on behalf of the idol, articulating, (so they thought) what the idol had inspired her to say. Amr stood before the idol in great awe and with much praise. Then he said:

"O Manat, no doubt you know that this propagandist delegated to us from Mecca does not wish evil on anyone but you. He has come only to stop us from worshipping you. I do not want to swear allegiance to him in spite of the beautiful words I have heard from him. I come to get your advice. So please advise me."

There was no reply from Manat. Amr continued: "Perhaps you are angry. But up till now, I have done nothing to harm you. Never mind, I shall leave you for a few days to let your anger go away."

Amr's sons knew the extent of their father's dependence on Manat the idol, and how with time he had become almost a part of it. They realized however that the idol's place in his heart was wavering and they should help getting rid of it.

One night Amr's sons went with their friend Mu’adh ibn Jabal to Manat, took the idol from its site and threw it in a refuse pit belonging to Banu Salamah. They returned to their homes without being detected. When Amr woke up next morning, he went to pay his respects to his idol but the idol was not there anymore!

"Woe to you all," he screamed. "Who has attacked our god last night?" None replied to him. He began to search for the idol, fuming with anger and threatening the perpetrators of the crime. Al last he found the idol turned upside down on its head in the pit of garbage. He washed it, perfumed it, and returned it to its usual place speaking to it. "If I discover who did this to you, I will humiliate him to no end!"

The following night the boys did the same to the idol. Their father recovered it again, washed it, and perfumed it as he had done before and returned it to its place. This happened several times until one night the exasperated Amr put a sword around the idol's neck and addressed it:

"O Manat, I don't know who is doing this to you. If you have any power of good in you, defend yourself against this evil. Here is a sword for your use."

The youths waited until their father Amr was fast asleep, and they took the sword from the idol's neck and threw it into the pit. Amr found the idol lying face down in the garbage with the sword nowhere in sight. He concluded that the idol had no power and was not worthy of worship, actually it was absurd to do so. Soon after this experience Amr embraced the religion of Islam.

Amr soon tasted the sweetness of Iman or faith in Tawhid (the One True God). At the same time he felt sorrow within himself at the moments he had spent in shirk. His acceptance of the new religion was total and he placed himself, his wealth, and his children in the service of God and His Prophet.

The extent of his devotion was shown during the time of the battle of Ohod. Amr saw his three sons preparing for battle. The scene had a great effect on him and he resolved to go out with them to wage Jihad under the banner of the messenger of God. The youths, however, did not allow their father to carry arms since he was quite old and weak.

"Father," they said, "surely God has excused you. So why do you take this burden on yourself?"

Amr went straight to the Prophet to complain about his sons:

"O Rasoolul-llaah! My sons want to keep me away from this source of goodness arguing that I am old and decrepit. By God, I long to attain Paradise this way even though I am old and infirm."

"Let him," said the Prophet to his sons. "Perhaps God, the Mighty and the Great, will grant him martyrdom.”

Soon it was time to go out to battle. Amr bade farewell to his wife, turned to the Qibla and prayed:

"O Lord, grant me martyrdom and don't send me back to my family with my hopes dashed."

He set out in the company of his three sons and a large contingent from his tribe, the Banu Salamah.

As the battle raged, Amr could be seen moving in the front ranks, jumping on his good leg (his other leg was partially lame), and shouting,

"Paradise, Paradise!!"

His son Khallad remained close behind him and they both fought courageously in defense of the Prophet while many other Muslims deserted in pursuit of booty. Father and son fell on the battlefield and died within moments of each other.



Specific criteria for Humanity: Salvation

The following Khutba was delivered at the Islamic Education Center, Potomac MD by Maulana Akbarian. It may be used as a sample by any would-be Imam for Salat Al-Jumu'ah. Similar Khutbas will follow in the forthcoming Bulletins of Affiliation.

Let us practice Taq’wa (piety and righteousness), and be in awe of Allah by revering Him and obeying His divine commands. Let us be aware of our final destination, our eventuality and departure into the everlasting life. May Allah provide us all with the spirit of righteousness by way of His divine obedience as best assets for our salvation.

Allah says in Surah 8 (al-Anfaal), Ayah 29:

|“Oh you who believe! If you practice Taq’wa, Allah will grant you a Criterion, |يا ايها الذين امنوا ان تتقوا الله يجعل لكم |

|and will efface your bad deeds, |فرقانا ويكفر عنكم سيئاتكم ويغفر لكم والله ذو |

|and will forgive you your sins. |الفضل العظيم |

|For Allah is the Lord of Mighty Grace” | |

We intend to discuss specific criteria for humanity. One of the features characterizing modern man is that he always seeks to reform. He seeks reform of social and economic institutions, of philosophical and religious traditions, yet he does not have the will to reform himself. If man does not put his inner house in order, he cannot put order and shape to the world around him in a meaningful manner.

By trying to seek reform, modern man is assuming that everything around him is imperfect, be they institutions or traditions. Yet, he himself needs reform. His attitude manifests itself in nearly every facet of life. It is wrongly based on the assumption that man as he is today is perfect, and that the institutions and traditions (which had perennially guided and nurtured him) are imperfect, because they no longer conform to the nature of the modern man.

Thus to this man, time and space and the material world as determined by them become the criteria of the truth. So, he rejects whatever does not conform to the times, as out of date. This is the heritage of the European renaissance. In this attitude man in his earthly nature “becomes the measure of all things”. In Islamic terms however man in his “earthly nature” is called Bashar بشر and not in his universal nature or Insan إنسان .

We as Muslims believe that humanity does not limit itself to the body. Human perfections and mobility do not confine to man’s physical aspect. This topic has attracted attention not only in human knowledge but also in various divine religions.

We do not believe that learning is a criterion for humanity. We believe that knowledge is very important but it is not a criterion for humanity. We believe that although knowledge is one of the requisites of humanity, and although the importance of awareness of the self and of the society and of the world cannot be denied, but all this is still inadequate. A person may be very learned, but if he has bad character, he would be considered to be an inferior human being?

Another view is that love is the desired criterion and if one bases one’s character on the love of human beings, he has real humanity. In religion this is called self-sacrifice, Imam Ali is quoted to say: (Nahjul Balaaghah by Imam Ali, Letter 3.)

|Love for others what you love for yourself, |أحبب لغیرک (لاخیک) ما تحبّ لنفسک |

|and detest for others what you detest for yourself. |وأکره له ما تکره بها |

This actually applies and belongs to all religions. This has been stated in our traditions and it is truly the logic of love. As we know that in Hindu Schools and in Christianity much emphasis is laid on love, but they have gone so far as to lose sight of everything else and maintain that love is to be a course of action in all circumstances.

Another measure (criterion) for humanity is freedom. What does this mean? In modern schools of thought much emphasis is laid on freedom as one of the criteria of humanity. Is this view correct or is it not? The answer is that it is both correct and incorrect, but as the sole criterion for humanity, it is not.

Piety is a central theme for man to be on the “straight path”. We have an important saying from Imam al-Hasan (a.s.). He says: (Tuhaf al Uqool, Page 232.)

|“Be aware that the person who puts the fear of God in his heart (practices piety), |واعلموا انه من یتق الله یجعل له مخرجا |

|Allah will provide for him an outlet from life’s troubles, |من الفتن ویسدده فی امره ویهییء له رشده |

|and straighten up his affairs, |ویفلحه بحجته ویبیّض وجهه ویعطه رغبته مع |

|and provide him with the path of guidance, |الذین انعم الله علیهم من النبیین و |

|and boost him in his arguments |الصدیقین والشهداء والصالحین |

|and enlighten his face, | |

|and grant him what he wishes | |

|and let him be with those upon whom Allah has bestowed His Grace, | |

|to be with the Prophets, the truthful ones, the martyrs, and the pious ones.” | |

Piety is an important basis for deliverance and salvation. According to the Quran one of man’s aims is to achieve falah meaning blissful salvation. The Arabic word Fallah means farmer or cultivator. Similarly if man cultivates conditions conducive to his enhancement in spheres and dimensions of his nature, he will become free from the shackles of selfishness and lustful passions. Such a man is said to have achieved falah and to have 'blissfully prospered'. The Quran declares that this form of blissfulness depends on self-making, the basis of which are:

▪ Controlling the excessive built-in (natural) urges and lustful seductions,

▪ Performing the good deeds as defined by Islam,

▪ Working for the good through constructive and positive efforts,

▪ Resisting tendencies toward evilness, and at the same time co-operating for the good,

▪ Betterment of the environment by diffusion of virtues, and prevention of evil works.

We ask Allah to protect us from evilness and falsehood and help us lay a foundation with moral values according to the rules of our Lord.

For the end of the 1st part of the Khutba, read Surah Al-Asr, take a short intermission, then start the 2nd part of the Khutba with a short Du’aa.

Allah emphasizes in Surah 34 (Saba’), Ayah 28 a very important point: He says:

|“We have not sent Thee, [O’ Muhammad] but as a Universal Messenger, |وما ارسلناك الا كافة للناس بشيرا ونذيرا ولكن |

|[both] as bearer of Glad Tidings and to Warn, |اكثر الناس لا يعلمون |

|but most men understand not.” | |

At the present there are about 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide. Nowadays Muslims form the majority in more than 50 countries of the world. Today Islam is regarded as the fastest growing faith in the world because its beautiful message has been reaching millions in the far corners of the earth. All Muslims believe that in Islam the universal proclamation is plain and easy to understand. Though some people in the West say the Quran is a dead letter of historical interest, the Quran speaks to all who would engage its text and try to understand it. It is a constant fountain of enlightenment and divine guidance to anyone who seeks it and tries to be blessed by it. The Quran is generous limitlessly. Ponder about Surah 61 (al-Saff), Ayah 9; or Surah 48 (al-Fat’h), Ayah 28, and see for yourself. Surah 9 (al-Taubah), Ayah 33 says:

|It is Allah who has sent forth His Messenger with Guidance and the Religion of Truth, |هو الذي ارسل رسوله بالهدى ودين الحق ليظهره على|

|that He may make it prevail over all religions, |الدين كله ولو كره المشركون |

|even though the unbelievers may detest it. | |

According to this Ayah, the mission entrusted to the Prophet of Islam is universal. Though revealed more than fourteen centuries ago, the Quran continues to reach humanity, and it speaks to us directly, in a miraculous way inviting us to Islam and forbidding us from taking up other ways. The Quran eloquently says in Surah 6 (al-An’aam), Ayah 153:

|Allah Commands: |وان هذا صراطي مستقيما فاتبعوه ولا تتبعوا السبل|

|“Verily this is My Path, straight, so follow it, and do not follow other ways; |فتفرق بكم عن سبيله ذلكم وصاكم به لعلكم تتقون |

|for they will deviate you from His path” | |

The Quran enjoins the believers to invite others to the faith and salvation, and it cautions against pointlessly disputing with them. The literal meaning of Islam is surrendering one’s will to Allah i.e. losing oneself for the sake of God and surrendering one’s own pleasure for the pleasure of God.

The prime message of Islam is the Oneness (unity) of God, meaning the Creator of the world is One, and He alone is to be worshipped, and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. The follower of this belief is thus a Muslim. Muslims have beliefs in:

• God’s angels,

• Previously revealed books of God,

• All the Prophets, from Adam to Muhammad, including Jesus,

• The Day of Judgment

• And indeed the decree of God (Qadr).

Islam believes that each person is born pure. The Holy Quran tells us that God has given humans a chance to choose between good and evil and to seek to please God through faith, prayer and charity.

Islam’s main message is to worship God and to treat all God’s creations with kindness and compassion. Rights of parents especially in old age, are clearly stated, and so are the rights of the orphans and the needy. Women’s rights were safeguarded 1,400 years ago. When the rest of the world was in deep darkness. Islam’s teachings encompassed every imaginable situation and it’s rules and principles are truly universal and have stood the test of time.

A major recommendation of the Prophet (pbuh) about pleasing Allah goes in the following manner: (Tuhaf al-Uqool, Page 21.)

|أمّا علامة البارّ فعشرة: یحبّ فی الله ویبغض فی الله ویصاحب فی الله ویفارق فی الله ویغضب فی الله ویرضی فی الله ویعمل لله ویطلب الیه ویخشع لله خائفاً |

|مخوفاً طاهراً مخلصاً مستحییاً مراقباً ویحسن فی الله. |

|There are 10 characteristics of the man of Taq’wa (piety): |

|He loves for the sake [in the way of] of Allah |

|He makes enmity for the sake of Allah |

|He enters companionship for the sake of Allah |

|He gets separated for the sake of Allah |

|He becomes angry for the sake of Allah |

|He attains contentment by way of Allah |

|He produces for the sake of Allah |

|For the fulfillment of his needs he asks Allah |

|He shows in humility and humbleness to Allah, with the virtues of fear of Allah in sincerity, modesty, and carefulness |

|He performs good deeds for Allah |

Western critics of Islam judge Islam in the light of recent failures of Muslims in science and technology. We should add the effect of the historical wars between the West and Muslim states (Middle ages). Also the culture dispute and clash between the two camps should not be forgotten here. Besides, we have to remember that the vital elements of Islam have been removed for the last two centuries, when Western colonialist occupied the Muslim countries.

How can Islam be responsible for the failure of the Muslims while it does not rein them? The answer to that question is clear: Islam without belief in the Oneness of God, social Islamic justice and moral absolute values, is not Islam at all. Islam is an organic unity. It breaks down when its vital elements are cut off and isolated from the others.

We believe the future of the Muslim World is dependent upon educating and training our youth according to the true teachings and values of Islam. We ask Allah to help us in promoting the understanding of Islam and the Muslim people by providing accurate and balanced information, and presenting all its aspects to all levels in the societies.

We quote a saying from Imam Husain, the 3rd Imam. Imam al-Husain has said: (Al-Khawarizmi, Vol. 1, Page 234. Also al-Tibari, Vol. 7, Page 300. Also Ibn Katheer, Vol. 3, Page 280)

|“O people, the Prophet of God said, | |

|“A person seeing a belligerent ruler who is a tyrant, |أیّها الناس ان رسول الله قال من رأی سلطاناً جائراً|

|who has made the forbidden by Allah as allowed (legal), |مستحلا لحرام الله ناکثا عهده مخالفا لسنة رسول |

|who has broken Allah’s promise, |الله یعمل فی عبادالله بالاثم والعدوان فلم یغیر |

|who opposes the Sunnah and Tradition of the Prophet, |علیه بفعل ولا قول کان حقا علی الله ان یدخله |

|who acts with sin and tyranny: |مدخله. |

|So when such person does not act against this kind of ruler through practice or speech, | |

|it is Allah’s right to make such a person enter the same place the ruler will enter; meaning| |

|Hellfire”. | |

In the end, we beseech Allah to help us keep on the straight path and do all works he ordered for us.

Finally, let us read Surah Al-Nasr with a short Du’aa to close the Khutba.



A book containing 40 Khutbas of Jumu’ah has been published; written and arranged by Dr Hashim. These Khutbas were delivered by Dr Akbarian in the IEC. The book comes in 258 pages, of highly educational value and is highly recommended. Cost $10.00+$3.00 for shipping=$13.00.

Also Pamphlets are available in 10-11 pages each, written about various Islamic subjects on an advanced level. They explain both the Shi'a and the Sunni approach to that subject, thus they are of value for distribution in mosques and other centers of learning.

Madh'habs #1 Development and Evolution

Madh'habs #2 Congenial Coexistence

Madh'habs #3 Ah'kaam of Salat

Madh'habs #4 Hadith: Analysis and Overview

Nahjul Balaaghah #1 An Overview

Nahjul Balaaghah #2 About Ahlul Bayt

The Quran refers to Ahlul Bayt

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) refers to Ahlul Bayt

Karbala: Chain of Events

Marriage and Family In Islam



Qurans with translation and commentary by Yusuf Ali are available by now. They are hard bound and in beautiful Medina script, for a total of $15.00 per copy, (this includes the $5.00 shipping charges).

To order, the prisoners should write to:

Quran Account Inc.

c/o A.S. Hashim, MD

6407 Tuckerman Lane

Rockville, MD 20852


Web Site on the Internet

A web site is available on the internet, was published by Dr. Hashim on August 1, 2005.

The address is . It consists of the following:

1. Series of Islamic Books for Beginners

2. Madh’habs: A Shi’a Sunni Dialogue

3. Khutbas of Jumu’ah

4. PowerPoint Slide Shows

5. Nahjul Balaaghah in PowerPoint

6. Material about Muharram and various subjects.

7. Many high caliber links: Sunni and Shi’a content

The site is user friendly, contains beginner, mid-level, and advanced material. The added links will give you advanced level information about Quran, Hadith, and numerous other subjects. English, as well as other languages. Material is suitable for research, writing articles, as well as general information about Islam. Visits to this site reach 2,000 to 3,000 for each month, and the number of unique visitors has reached a grand total of 4,025 as of 4-30-07.



Chaplains asking for free Islamic books including Quran/s (Commentary by Yusuf Ali) to be used by the libraries of prisons should write to:

Quran Account Inc.

c/o A.S. Hashim, MD

6407 Tuckerman Lane

Rockville, MD 20852



Please write your letter in Ink. Many letters come to us written in pencil (which are very hard to read). Write clearly, spaced every second line, in ink, and state what you want clearly. Make sure you write your address inside the letter too. This will remove any trouble in understanding your request.



To subscribe for this free publication, simply write to:

Quran Account Inc.

c/o A.S. Hashim, MD

6407 Tuckerman Lane

Rockville, MD 20852

Let your friends and acquaintances know of this publication and see its worth and value to them.



The following is correct answers to the multiple choice questions that appear in this issue of the Bulletin of Affiliation. Brothers and sisters do your own grading. Don't send the answers to anyone, please.


|Question |Answer | |Question |Answer |

|1. |d || |21. |d |

|2. |c || |22. |d |

|3. |d || |23. |b |

|4. |c || |24. |a |

|5. |d || |25. |b |

|6. |d || |26. |b |

|7. |a || |27. |a |

|8. |d || |28. |a |

|9. |b || |29. |a |

|10. |d || |30. |b |

|11. |d || |31. |c |

|12. |b || |32. |a |

|13 |a || |33. |b |

|14. |b || |34. |d |

|15. |b || |35. |a |

|16. |c || |36. |c |

|17. |d || |37. |d |

|18. |b || |38. |b |

|19. |b || |39. |d |

|20. |a || |40. |c |



1. How does Islam make people good?

a. By following God's Commands.

b. By the Hadith.

c. By the example of the Prophet.

d. All the above.

2. In the beginning Almighty Allah created the angels. What did He create afterwards?

a. Adam.

b. The earth.

c. The universe.

d. Mankind.

3. How long were the periods God took to create the universe?

a. Human days.

b. God's days which are very long.

c. God's days may be billions of years.

d. b and c above.

4. Almighty Allah doesn't get hungry or thirsty, is that why He is known to be self-sufficient?

a. No, this is not all the reason.

b. A self-sufficient Being needs nothing whatsoever.

c. c. a and b above.

d. Maybe.

5. When He wants to do something, Almighty Allah wills it first then He does it. How is that?

a. Nothing is produced unless Allah wills it first.

b. God's will precedes anything done.

c. Putting things together come immediately after.

d. All the above.

6. How can Almighty Allah see and hear us in such a way, yet He has no ears or eyes like ours?

a. His essence is different from that of His creation.

b. That is why He is God.

c. He is in no need of any organs.

d. a and c above.

7. Who bows to the Will of Almighty Allah?

a. A true Muslim believer.

b. Anybody.

c. Atheists.

d. All the above.

8. There are thirteen attributes of Almighty Allah, name five.

a. Eternal, Non-changeable, Self-sustaining.

b. See, Hear, Speak without eyes, ears or mouth.

c. Has the Will, Power, and Knowledge.

d. All the above + Capability.

9. Who is Shaitan?

a. An angel who disobeyed Allah.

b. A jinn who defied Allah.

c. A jinn within us.

d. The good Iblees.

10. Why did the Shaitan defy Almighty Allah?

a. He was too conceited.

b. He thought he was better than Adam.

c. He thought he was playing it smart.

d. a and b above.

11. Almighty Allah loves us a great deal, is that why He wants us not to follow the Shaitan?

a. Yes, because Shaitan destroys us.

b. Yes, because Shaitan hurts us.

c. Yes, because Shaitan tricks us.

d. All the above.

12. What is a Messenger of God?

a. Nabiy.

b. Rasool.

c. Companion.

d. Khalifa.

13. What is Nabiy?

a. A Prophet.

b. A messenger of God.

c. Companion.

d. Khalifa.

14. Did it take a lot of effort to change the people to the religion of Almighty Allah?

a. No, it was easy.

b. Yes, since it was the most difficult thing.

c. Some effort.

d. Fair.

15. Which Prophet sent his shirt to his father, and his father's eyes started to see again?

a. Suleiman.

a. Yousuf.

b. Musa.

c. Isa.

16. Did the Prophets want any gains for themselves?

a. Yes, of course.

b. Only some.

c. No, none whatsoever.

d. Most of them.

17. What do angels do?

a. Serve almighty Allah.

b. Each has own assignment.

c. Glorify Almighty Allah.

d. All the above.

18. How many angels are there?

a. Hundreds.

a. Only God knows.

b. Thousands.

c. Billions.

19. Are angles created differently from man?

a. Yes, from energy of fire.

a. Yes, from energy of light.

b. Yes, from clay.

c. No.

20. Was Iblees an angel?

a. No, he was of the Jinns.

b. Yes, of course.

c. Only partly.

d. None of the above.

21. Who are the four archangels?

a. Jibreel.

b. Israfeel, Izra'eel.

c. Mika’il.

d. All the above.

22. How did angel Jibreel look like?

a. Handsome figure.

b. With bright colors.

c. Filling the space between Heaven and earth.

d. All the above.

23. Do the angels live forever?

a. Yes, of course.

a. No, the last will die before the resurrection.

b. Only the archangel.

c. Most of them.

24. Did angel Jibreel reveal all the Holy Books?

a. Yes, he is in charge of that.

b. Only the Holy Quran.

c. Some of them.

d. The Quran and the Bible.

25. What is a revelation?

a. Inspiration, mainly religious.

a. Jibreel showing with a message to a Prophet.

b. Any angel bringing a message.

c. Happens to any good man.

26. Did many revelations form a Holy Book?

a. Quite a few.

a. Numerous, some long some short.

b. Only a few.

c. One thousand.

27. Name the Holy Book that Prophet Dawood came out with.

a. Zaboor.

b. Injeel.

c. Torah.

d. Quran.

28. Which Holy Book remains unchanged?

a. The Holy Quran.

b. The Bible.

c. The Torah.

d. The Injeel.

29. What happens to its depth of meaning when the Holy Quran is translated to other languages?

a. Meaning always reduced in spite of all efforts.

b. Not changed.

c. Some of it is lost.

d. Slight reduction.

30. A Juzu' is a Quranic division consisting of many sentences, what do we call each sentence?

a. Surah.

a. Ayah.

b. c. Sentence.

c. d. Paragraph.

31. How long did the Holy Quran take to become completed?

a. 20 years.

b. 22 years.

c. 23 years.

d. 40 years.

32. Does the Holy Quran tell us about the Islamic law?

a. Yes, very much.

b. Only some.

c. No, there is no such thing.

d. The law is the Quran.

33. Are we to learn history or wisdom from the stories of the Prophets?

a. History of course.

a. Wisdom.

b. None.

c. Half and half.

34. When Almighty Allah is pleased with us, He will reward us. What kind of reward is that?

a. Goodness on earth.

b. Paradise, eternally.

c. May be goodness on earth.

d. All the above.

35. Just before the Day of Judgment all things will be dead except one. All humans and all angels will be dead, except One. Who is that One?

a. Almighty Allah.

b. Gabriel.

c. Prophets.

d. Israfeel.

36. When will the day of Judgment be?

a. 1500 years from now.

b. 500 years.

c. Only God knows.

d. Any time soon.

37. Who will be unhappy during the Day of Judgment?

a. Disbelievers.

b. Atheists.

c. People who displeased Almighty Allah.

d. All the above.

38. Can we hide anything whatsoever from Almighty Allah on the Day of Judgment?

a. Some.

a. No, none.

b. Yes, everything.

c. Most everything.

39. Your savior is Islam. What does that mean?

a. Islam when applied leads to Heaven.

b. Islam means goodness.

c. Islamic goodness leads to pleasing God.

d. All the above.

40. What is the Qadr?

a. God helps protect us.

b. God plans our lives.

c. God directs us but we are free to choose.

d. We can do what we please.

|Darul Salam Update دار السلام |

Darul Salam Center, Inc.,

P.O. Box 4355,

Rockville, MD 20849,

Phone: (301)530-4466, Fax: (301)530-9338 . Website:

Darul Salam in the past 1999-2006:

Started from a humble beginning, Darul Salam kept progressing, sometimes fast, to achieve many goals. During Ramadhan, Eid, Ashuraa, and other occasions it witnessed full participation. Lecture series─ political, educational, and religious─ were conducted rather regularly every month. Darul Salam hosted many personalities from Iraq who give their point of view to indigenous listeners of Greater Washington area.

Darul Salam held a weekend school to teach Arabic and Islam every year. The space was full to capacity.

Along with the Quran Account, Darul Salam sponsored a drive to support Widows and Orphans in Southern Iraq. This undertaking flourished so well as to lead to establishment of Ethaar Foundation, which distributed the material needed by the orphans (food, kerosene lamps, blankets, cloths, propane tanks for cooking, stoves, etc.). Ethaar established a project to teach sewing, and about 50 widows enrolled in the first course. Lately, Ethaar was acknowledged by the Iraqi government as an independent humanitarian organization. It was hailed as one of its kind in the area by the governor of Misan Province of south Iraq.

However, Darul Salam suffered from intractable problems as follows:

1. The building was too small for any large meeting.

2. Space for the school was quite inadequate

3. Membership in Darul Salam was always lagging, thus could never support the expenses.

4. To meet expenses, contributions of $175,000.00 was given during these 6 years. It was an unending hemorrhage

5. Most people gave suggestions and demanded certain actions, yet most were unwilling to work or produce for Darul Salam.

6. An attempt to buy a suitable place was blunted by the commercially zoned area refusing, the reason was that during Eid too many parking spots would be taken.

7. Faced with relentless high cost (mainly rent), and inability of most individuals to be actively involved, Darul Salam had to give notice to close the premise. That was one year ago, June 2006.

Darul Salam in the present 2006-2007:

A painful vacuum from having lost its headquarter was felt by numerous individuals. Some were angry, some were morose, others were nostalgic, but we had to face the inevitable: If membership is too frail and puny to support the organization, and the cost is too high for the membership to absorb, then Darul Salam had to seek some kind of affiliation.

Darul Salam in the future: 2007 and after

Can Darul Salam be an affiliate to Imam Ali’s Center? The center is quite large and attractive.

1. The administration of Ali’s Center is very willing to include us as an Affiliate.

2. Their large roomy spaces are available for any kind of lecture: Political, Educational, or otherwise.

3. Most of the religiously oriented Darul Salam members are already attending the lectures and religious discourses of Ali’s Center.

4. Quarterly business meetings of Darul Salam are already being held in Imam Ali’s Center.

5. Darul Salam stands to greatly benefit from the Affiliation (cleaning, kitchen services, security matters, etc.) already provided.

6. Cooperative and Cordial relationship already exists.

And if Darul Salam is to affiliate, what course of action is to be taken:

1. Darul Salam can continue the same activities as before, if its members are willing to work and produce, not just demand and suggest.

2. Since it is within 2 miles of the pervious location, the new place won’t be a burden

3. It is said some people won’t come to Imam Ali’s Center, however, there are many others of Darul New membership would evolve.

4. Financial arrangement has to be worked out with the center, to the benefit of both sides.

5. Future course is certainly good and can be refreshing if the members are willing to work.

6. Lectures, Town-hall meetings, Picnics, etc. can be conducted as before.

7. Program for Widows and Orphans in Iraq can continue with joint effort of Quran Account and Darul Salam.

8. Space for the library books, and other equipment can be accommodated, thus be of use to others rather than stored in boxes.

9. The affiliation will be discussed in June business meeting of Darul Salam.


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|One sublime attribute of Allah (swt) appears in this issue of the Affiliation, and will continue to do so until all 99 are fully |

|described. |

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|[pic] |


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|He is the Ever-Dominating One, who has surrounded all His creation from without and within with His irresistible power. Nothing can |

|escape Him. The worlds and the heavens bow their heads before of Him. How many universes, races, and nations has He destroyed in |

|punishment! |

| |

|Allah counters His attribute of al-Qahhar with His attribute al-Latif. They are within each other. He has also created causes and |

|means that separate His punishing destructive force from His delicate loving finesse (al-Latif). He has created the means of faith, |

|sincerity, justice, compassion, generosity, wisdom, and other beautiful characteristics upon which the light of al-Lati f shines. He |

|has created the causes of rebellion, denial, arrogance, ignorance, tyranny and hypocrisy, upon which the darkness of His terror is |

|reflected. |

|Try to find the traces of these ascending and descending causes, and these two mirrors-one full of light, the other, darkness-in and |

|around you. We take refuge from Allah al-Qahhar in Allah al-Latif. |

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|'Abd al-Qahhar is the one who is given the power to obliterate tyranny. None can influence him nor can overcome him. He becomes |

|all-powerful to execute that which is right. |


|( Sahih Bukhari, Hadith, # 1.40 |

|Allah's Apostle (pbuh) said, “If anyone of you improves (follows strictly) his Islamic religion then |

|his good deeds will be rewarded ten times to seven hundred times for each good deed, and a bad deed |

|will be recorded as it is.” |


|( O God! O Allah! What can a person find if he loses Thee?! |

|And how little would a person lose when he finds Thee?! |

|For without doubt a person shall lose by admitting to other than Thee. |










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