Table of Colours and their Common Associations and Meanings

嚜燜able of Colours and their Common Associations and Meanings


Positive: Absolute 每 Protection 每 Potential and


BLUE 每 Sky blue to Indigo/Royal blue

Negative: Absence of love 每 Insecurity 每 Lack of

nurture 每 Trauma 每 Lack of joy 每 Depression 每


Positive: Relaxation 每 Calming 每 Freedom of

Expression 每 Communication 每 Creativity 每

Expression 每 Judgement 每 Growth 每 Psychic

Awareness 每 Trustworthy 每 Dependable 每


See also Earth Tones and Wood Tones below.

Negative: Cold 每 Uncommitted.


Positive: Safety 每 Security 每 Grounding 每

Nurturing. Colours like Terra-Cotta, sand, clay,

earth etc. represent our connection to nature and

to the earth itself.


Positive: Spirituality 每 Love 每 Safety 每 Link to

the Divine. Consciousness

Negative: None

Negative: Muddied emotions 每 Mix of emotions

每 In the Shit 每 Stuck in the Mud.


See also Earth Tones and Wood Tones below.


Positive: Power 每 Passion 每 Love 每 Energy.

Positive: Love 每 Safety 每 Purity 每 Expression of

the Divine 每 Combination of all colours 每 New

beginnings 每 Clearing clutter or obstacles.

Negative: Lack of detail 每 Absence.

Negative: Heat 每 Burning Flames 每 Anger.


Positive: Sexuality 每 Procreation 每 Creativity

Warmth 每 Energy.

Negative: Anger 每 Resentment 每 Frustration 每

Creative Blockages - Burning.

METALLIC or Iridescent White

(Includes Copper, Bronze, Brass, Iron, Pewter,

Silver, Platinum and Gold.)

Positive: These are all the ※Higher White§

colours. Representative of mirrors, they reflect

their glory around. The metals and higher whites

represent completion.


Positive: Happiness 每 Relationships 每 Healing

Nerve Damage 每 Relieve Stress and Tension.

Optimism 每 Enlightenment 每 Happiness.

Negative: None

Negative: Lack of Willpower 每 Overemphasis

on Power 每 Anger 每 Digestion Issues 每 Eating

disorders 每 Fear 每 Hate 每 Flames.

Positive: Safety 每 Security 每 Grounding 每

Nurturing. Colours like Terra-Cotta, sand, clay,

earth etc. represent our connection to nature and

to the earth itself.


Positive: Generic Healing particularly physical

healing 每 Love 每 Harmony 每 Compassion 每

Peace. Offers a sense of renewal, self-control

and harmony.

GREEN: Masculine principles and masculinity.

PINK: The Feminine Principle, safety in being

feminine and to have emotions.

Negative: Muddied emotions 每 Mix of emotions

每 In the Shit 每 Stuck in the Mud.

Negative: Heart problems 每 Immune System

Problems 每 Rigidity 每 Lack of Love 每 Lack of


Negative: Insecurity.



Positive: Safety and Security 每 The Home 每

Furnishings 每 Stability 每 Wholesomeness.

All content Copyright ? 2009-2011 Phoenix EFT.

Some Information About Colours used in Picture Tapping Technique:

This can only be a very general introduction to the meanings and interpretation of Colours as used in a

PTT Session. The use of any particular colour will have an individual meaning to the client. Having said

that, some general rules can be applied to act as a basis for possible interpretation.

Black is the absence of colour. It is the negation of white. It often represents fear of some kind. Black

clouds, in particular will often represent some impending threat. Black may also represent a

concealment 每 a nothingness 每 a void.

Grey (or pencil) is a way of walling everything off; a way of being uncommitted and uninvolved or sitting

on the fence. Often the client that draws everything in pencil is unwilling to take part and insulates

themselves from direct participation by dealing with what they must mechanically and artificially.

Brown is a homely, earthy colour. It is the colour of the hearth, the wood panelling of home, the soil

where our food is grown. It is no surprise then that brown tones can represent all these things. It may

also represent a feeling of being stuck in the mud.

Red has many effects on the body and the emotions; It speeds up the pulse, raises blood pressure and

increases the respiration rate. Red is the expression of vital force, of nervous and glandular activity, and

all forms of appetite and craving. Clients will often draw people in red when the people in the picture are

experiencing strong emotions 每 particularly anger, rage etc.

Orange Orange is optimistic and uplifting, rejuvenating our spirit. Orange is cheerful, and optimistic. It is

seen as a warm colour that lacks the burning fire of Red, but hasn*t yet reached the brilliance of Yellow.

Orange is a transitional colour 每 a necessary stepping stone on the way to resolution.

Yellow (See also Gold) is the brightest colour in the rainbow. Its effect is light and cheerful. Yellow is

stimulating because it is the colour of the sun 每 of the time of day where activity normally takes place.

Yellow is often used instead of Gold. Quite often the colours used in a PTT session will go up through

the rainbow of colours, and then after violet it will go yellow 每 representing Gold. Also, a good sign of

resolution (or the start of resolution) is when the Yellow sun is drawn.

Green Green represents a renewal 每 new beginnings 每 a fresh start. This is the colour of Spring, green

shoots, the re-awakening of life. This is why Green is often seen in resolution pictures 每 the issue has

resolved and now its time for a new start. Although western culture traditionally associated green with

envy and illness, this negative aspect of the colour is rarely seen in PTT pictures.

Blue (Sky Blue) The pacifying effect of the sky blue along with its high frequency and connotation with

blue skies and oceans makes it a favourite colour for resolution pictures. Blue (Dark Blue or Indigo)

Whilst dark blue retains much of the effect of Sky Blue above, it is more muted and more relaxed. Dark

blue is the colour of the sky in the evening. PTT Drawings that contain this colour may be interpreted as

a need for relaxation and planning. A time to take stock of where you are 每 a time to get used to this

new situation and plan what to do before setting out on the new adventure.

Violet 每 Purple is a mixture of red and blue and, though a separate and distinct colour, manages to

retain something of the properties of both as a red-blue amalgamation, despite losing the clarity of

purpose of the two colours. Violet is often seen in resolution pictures as it is the highest frequency that

the human eye can see. It also has a very mystical and spiritual influence. However, it is a mixture of red

and blue 每 and in this way it represents the circle of life 每 the frequency increases from red, all the way

up through the spectrum to indigo, which then merges again with red 每 but at a different level 每 and the

cycle continues.

Metallic Colours 每 Gold and Silver. Gold in a PTT picture is usually represented by the use of yellow

or sometimes orange. Gold represents the highest colour and its energy is that of love, wisdom,

enlightenment, and forgiveness. Silver (or platinum) is the feminine equivalent of Gold and embodies

compassion and reflection 每 a time to reflect on life and find your way forward.

All of the metallic colours represent resolution of some kind. They are often found in resolution pictures

and resolution picture ※Frames§.

All content Copyright ? 2009-2011 Phoenix EFT.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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