
Review Packet Genetic Engineering AnswerKey

1)Define genetic engineering. Manipulation of DNA

2) Explain Recombinant DNA and the steps used to create recombinant DNA. Be sure to include the following terms: restriction enzymes, plasmid, DNA, bacteria, human, recombinant DNA, sticky ends, DNA ligase

a) Restriction enzyme cuts DNA at specific location “desired gene sequence” and plasmid

b) Sticky ends are joined together using DNA ligase creating recombinant DNA

c) Recombinant DNA is inserted into bacteria.

d) Bacteria cells now are capable of producing human protein.

2. Explain how humans have benefited by recombinant DNA techniques. Insulin, human growth hormone without side effects, GE bacteria to break down in oil (oil spills)l; BT corn


4) Describe artificial selection, hybridization and inbreeding.

Artificial selection- choosing the best traits of two organisms and crossing them (aka. Selective breeding); hybridization is when you take two different species and cross them; the hybrid is maintained by inbreeding (breeding with in the species).

5) Benefits: gene therapy; diagnose genetic disorders, genetic engineering to produce hormones, gene testing;

Disadvantages: gene therapy may lead to overpopulation; insurance company may deny coverage; may lead to discrimination

6)Why is important to perform test cross before inbreeding? Because you want to make sure that there are no recessive disorders present.

Base your answer to 6 questions on the following.

7. Discuss the process used by scientists to insert a gene from one organism into the DNA of another. In your answer, be sure to:

• State one benefit of this technique to humans

• Identify the type of molecule used to cut the gene from the DNA of an organism

• Describe the function of a gene

• Identify the scientific technique used to insert a gene from one organism into another

The student’s response to the bulleted items in question 69–72 need not appear in the following order.

• [1] Allow 1 credit for identifying the scientific technique used to insert a gene from one organism into another. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: — genetic engineering — genetic recombination — genetic manipulation — gene splicing Note: Do not allow credit for biotechnology. It is a field of science, not a technique.

• [1] Allow 1 credit for describing the function of a gene. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: — a segment of DNA that codes for a protein — Genes control traits. — Genes carry genetic information form one generation to the next.

• [1] Allow 1 credit for identifying the type of molecule used to cut the gene from the DNA of an organism. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: — enzyme — restriction enzyme — biological catalyst

• [1] Allow 1 credit for stating one benefit of this technique to humans. Acceptable responses include, but are not limited to: — make medicines for humans — increase the yield of crops — use plants to produce vaccines — produce needed hormones (chemicals) for humans — introduce new traits/characteristics into an organism

8) Define Cloning: cloning is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature when organisms such as bacteria, insects or plants reproduce asexually (advantage): continue to produce an organism with desired traits; (disadvantage)-may get unfavorable traits & reduced variation in a population BIODIVERSITY DECREASES., a single pathogen can wipe out the cloned organisms

A Place the following steps in the correct order.

___4_ Stimulate cell division

_6___ Deliver baby

_2____Remove and discard the nucleus from the egg cell

_1__ Isolate donor cells from egg donor and germ cell donor

_3__ Transfer the somatic cell nucleus into the egg cell

__5__ Implant embryo into a surrogate mother


9) What is gene therapy? Explain an advantage of gene therapy. Corrects defective gene sequence, individual no longer has the disorder. **genetically engineered virus to carry correct gene sequence

10) To demonstrate techniques used in DNA analysis, a student was given two paper strip samples of DNA. The two DNA samples are shown below.



The student cut between the C and G in each of the shaded CCGG sequences in sample 1 and between the As in each of the shaded TAAT sequences in sample 2. Both sets of fragments were then arranged on a paper model of a gel.

A. The action of what kind of molecules was being demonstrated when the DNA samples were cut? [1]_restriction enzymes

B. Identify the technique that was being demonstrated when the fragments were arranged on the gel model. [1]

DNA fingerprinting, gel electrophoresis

C. The results of this type of DNA analysis are often used to help determine

(1) the number of DNA molecules in an organism

(2) if two species are closely related

(3) the number of mRNA molecules in DNA

(4) if two organisms contain carbohydrate molecules

D. State one way that the arrangement of the two samples on the gel model would differ. Different banding arrangements/pattern; sample 1 has 4 fragments and sample 2 has 5 fragments

Base your answers to questions 10 through 12 on the quotation below and on your

knowledge of biology.

“Today I planted something new in my vegetable garden — something very new, as a matter of fact. It’s a potato called the New Leaf Superior, which has been genetically engineered — by Monsanto, the chemical giant recently turned “life sciences” giant — to produce its own insecticide. This it can do in every cell of every leaf, stem, flower, root, and (here’s the creepy part) spud [the potato].”

Source: New York Times Sunday Magazine,

Michael Pollan, 10/25/98

10. State two reasons that a gardener might choose to grow this new variety of plant. [2]

: — New Leaf Superior produces its own insecticide. — This variety of plant is not eaten by some insects. — Other insecticides may cause environmental harm. — This variety requires less work to grow

11. State one possible disadvantage of the synthesis of an insecticide by potatoes. [1]

— The insecticide in the potato may be harmful to humans. — Insecticides sprayed on can be washed off; those produced in cells cannot. — Insects may develop a resistance to the insecticide produced by potatoes

12. Explain why every cell in the New Leaf Superior potato plant is able to produce its own insecticide. [1]

All cells have the same genetic information. — All cells have common DNA. — Genetic information in one cell is passed to other cells through cell division

13. To produce large tomatoes that are resistant to cracking and splitting, some seed companies use the pollen from one variety of tomato plant to fertilize a different variety of tomato plant. This process is an example of

(1) selective breeding (3) direct harvesting

(2) DNA sequencing (4) cloning

14. DNA samples were collected from four children. The diagram below represents the results of a procedure that separated the DNA in each sample.


• State one way information obtained from this procedure can be used.

to determine paternity/maternity — to help solve a crime — to identify an accident victim — to diagnose disorders

• The DNA is most similar in which two children? Support your answer.

— most similar because they have the most bands in common

Band X represents the smallest fragment

• Identify the procedure used to obtain these results.

• electrophoresis — gel electrophoresis — DNA fingerprinting


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