
Semester I & II

Academic Year 2006 – 2007





|HM101 |Basic Course in Communicative English |3 |0 |0 |3 |

|MA101 |Mathematics – I |3 |0 |0 |3 |

|PH101 |Physics-I |2 |0 |3 |3 |

|CH101 |Chemistry-I |2 |0 |3 |3 |

|CV101 |Basics of Civil and Mechanical Engineering |3 |0 |0 |3 |

|CS101 |Basics of programming |2 |0 |2 |3 |

|CC101 |Energy and Environmental Engineering |3 |0 |0 |3 |

|MP101 |Engineering graphics |1 |0 |2 |2 |

|CF101 |NSS/NCC/NSO |0 |0 |0 |0 |

| | |19 |0 |10 |23 |



|HM102 |Professional Communication |3 |0 |0 |3 |

|MA102 |Mathematics – III |3 |0 |0 |3 |

|PH102 |Physics-II |2 |0 |3 |3 |

|CH102 |Chemistry-II |2 |0 |3 |3 |

|EE102 |Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering |3 |0 |0 |3 |

|ME102 |Engineering Mechanics |3 |0 |0 |3 |

|MP102 |Computer Aided Engineering Graphics |1 |0 |2 |2 |

|PR102 |Engineering Practice |0 |0 |4 |2 |

|CF102 |NSS/NCC/NSO |0 |0 |0 |0 |

| |Total |17 |0 |12 |22 |

HM 101 - Basic Course in Communicative English

Listening Comprehension Practice-Note taking-Familiarity to varied types of Spoken English & Accents.

Speaking Practice-Developing confidence & Fluency in Oral communication-Conversation practice-Extemporary talk practice.

Reading Comprehension-Technical and Non Technical material.

Speed Reading Practice-Use of Extensive Readers-Vocabulary Extension

Effective Sentences-Paragraph Writing Practice – Discourse Writing. Study Skills.


TechnicalCommunication (2004) by Meenakshi Raman & Sangeetha Sharma Oxford UniversityPress. nglish for Engineers ( 2006) by Regional Institute of English, Bangalore. Foundation Books.


Vector space and subspace - Linear Dependence and Independence - Span, Basis and Dimension - Inner product space - Orthogonal and Orthonormal bases - Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Process.

Characteristic equation of a matrix –Eigen values and Eigen vectors – Properties of Eigen values – Diagonalization of a matrix – Cayley Hamilton Theorem (without proof) verification – Finding Inverse and Power of a matrix using it – Quadratic form – Definite and indefinite forms – Orthogonal reduction of quadratic form to canonical form.

Sequences of real numbers – Limit of a sequence – Convergent and divergent sequences– Infinite series-Convergence Tests for positive term series – Comparison, Root, Ratio and Raabe’s tests - Alternating series – Leibnitz’s rule – Absolute and Conditional Convergence.

Curvature – Radius, Centre and Circle of Curvature in Cartesian form –Evolute – Envelope of family of curves with one and two parameters – Partial derivatives and Transformation of variables – Jacobian and its Properties –– Maxima and Minima of function of two variables.

Double integral – Changing the order of Integration – Change of variables from Cartesian to Polar Coordinates – Area using double integral in Cartesian and Polar Coordinates – Triple integral – Change of Variables from Cartesian to Spherical and Cylindrical Coordinates – Volume using double and triple integrals.


1. GREWAL, B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers.


Mathematics, Vol. I and II, Chand and Company.

3. KREYSZIG, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley.

4. VENKATARAMAN, M.K., Engineering Mathematics Vol.I and II, National

Publishing Company.


Lasers - properties-spontaneous and stimulated emissions - Einstein’s coefficients - population inversion - basic laser operation - types - He-Ne Laser - GaAs Laser – Applications - Compact Disk reader – Holography - Industrial applications, cutting, welding and drilling.

Fiber optics-principle - total internal reflection - angle of acceptance - numerical aperture - fiber types - Light sources - LED - Photo detectors - fiber optics communication principles – Fiber Optic sensors.

Ultrasonics – production – Piezo electric effect – properties – applications - Ultrasonic inspection – Time of flight diffraction Technique (TOFD)- Liquid penetration technique – MPI - Radiography – Thermography.

First law of thermodynamics - Isothermal and Adiabatic processes - equations - work done during isothermal and adiabatic processes - reversible and irreversible processes - second law of thermodynamics – Carnot’s cycle & Carnot’s reversible engine - efficiency - Carnot’s theorem - Kelvin’s scale of temperature - Entropy - Maxwell equation - applications.

Types of spectra - absorption, emission & continuous spectra - IR, UV-Visible spectroscopy- Raman spectra - NMR technique- applications - Thin film preparation, characterization, property and applications - optical activity - Specific Rotary power - Lorentz Half Shade Polarimeter

Text Books

1. Physics for Engineers, P.K. Palanisamy, Scitech Publications, Chennai (2004).

2. Heat and Thermodynamics – Brijlal and N.Subramaniam, S.Chand and Co. Ltd, New Delhi, (1982).

3. Lasers – Theory and Applications, K.Thyagarajan and A.K.Ghatak, Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi (1984).

Lab Experiments

1. Thermal conductivity - Lee’s disc method

2. Half shade polarimeter – determination of specific rotatory power

3. Determination of Band gap energy of a semiconductor

4. Torsional pendulum

5. Determination of dispersive power of prism

6. Determination of refractive index of a liquid

7. Determination of wavelength of laser using diffraction grating

8. Conversion of Galvanometer into ammeter and voltmeter

9. Characteristics of light dependent resistor (LDR)

10. Calibration of Ammeter-potentiometer


Conductance - specific and equivalent conductance- determination, cell constant - variation of equivalent conductance with dilution, comparison of electrical and electrolytic conductors, Single Electrode potentials, electrolytic and galvanic cells, EMF series, Nernst equation for electrode potential, cell EMF, its measurement and applications, Weston standard cell, Hydrogen electrode, calomel electrode, glass electrode, Reversible and irreversible cells.

Corrosion - Dry corrosion and wet corrosion - their mechanisms, Types of corrosion, DMC, DAC, Stress, Inter granular corrosion, Atmospheric and soil corrosion, Factors affecting corrosion, Protection from corrosion by metallic coatings, electroplating, electrolessplating, cathodic protection.

Carbon - Carbon bond properties, hybridisation, addition, substitution, condensation, oxidation, reduction, elimination reactions

Carnot’s cycle - entropy as a thermodynamic quantity - Entropy changes in isothermal expansion of an ideal gas, reversible and irreversible processes and physical transformations. Work and free energy functions - Helmholtz and Gibb’s free energy functions - Maxwell’s relationships- Gibb’s Helmholtz equation, Gibbs - Duhem equation - clapeyron - clausious equation and its applications, Van’t Hoff isotherm and application.

Phase rule - statement and derivation, Explanation of the terms, One component system - water, CO2 and sulphur systems, Two component alloy systems, thermal analysis, Eutectics, Lead-silver system, Applications of eutectics, Two components system giving rise to compound formation, Ca-Mg alloy system. Two components forming solid solutions.

Reference Books

1. Gopalan, R., Venkappayya, D and N.Sulochana, “Engineering Chemistry”, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2005.

2. Kuriacose, J.C & Rajaram, J “Chemistry in Engineering and Technology” Vol - I and Vol - II. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi,1984.

3. Jain, P.C and Monica Jain, “Engineering Chemistry” Dhanpathrai and sons, New Delhi, 12th Edition, 1998.


1. Percentage purity of bleaching powder

2. Percentage purity of washing soda

3. pH metric titration

4. Conductometric titration

5. Determination of corrosion rate of mild steel in acid medium by weight loss method

6. Potentiometric titration

Laboratory manual, prepared by the department.


Part A: Basics of Civil Engineering

Properties and uses of construction materials such as stones, bricks, cement, concrete and steel Site selection for building – Components of building foundation – Shallow and deep foundations – Brick and stone masonry – Plastering – Lintels, beams and columns – Roofs

Roads – Classification of rural and urban roads – Pavement materials – Traffic signs and road markings – Traffic signals

Surveying – Classification – Chain survey – Ranging – Compass survey – Exhibiting different survey equipment

Water supply – Quality of water – Waste water treatment units – Their functional utility – Need for conservation of water

1. Building Construction by Sushil Kumar

2. Building Materials by S.C. Rangwala


Layout of Steam power plant – Steam boilers – Boiler mountings and accessories – SI and CI engines – Gas Turbine – Steam turbine

Lathe: Principle of working, Parts, Operation – Drilling machine – Types – Brief study of shaper – Milling machine –Welding and its types – Soldering, Brazing.


1. K.Venugopal “Basic of Mechanical Engineering”


Introduction to computer systems – CPU – Memory-I/O Devices-Types of Computers-Generation of Computers- Recent trends in Software technology.

Introduction to C - basic concepts: Keywords-Identifiers-variables, constants-Operator-Statements- Decision making and looping – Branching.

Functions-User defined functions-parameters- Call by value –Call by reference- Recursion-Arrays –Storage classes.

String manipulation- Pointers – array of pointers–Storage classes-Structures and Union-Array of Structures.

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming Concepts – Features- class-object-Inheritance- Overloading- Programs using basic concepts.

Programming Exercises in C and C++ using the above concepts.

References :

1. BYRON AND GOTTFRIED, Programming in ANSI C, Schaum series,2003

2.ROBERT LAFORE,Object Oriented Programming, ,Tata McGraw-Hill, 2001


Conventional Vs Non Conventional power generation. renewable and alternative energy trends in power generation in future, Solar, Wind, Bioenergy, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC), tidal, fuel cell, Magneto Hydro Dynamics (MHD), Thermo electric and thermionic generators- Principle and application, Energy conservation and management – Industry, domestic, case studies.

Air pollution – sources - effects – control- air quality standards, air pollution act – Measurement – Water pollution – Effects – Selection of process – disposal of solid wastes – green house effect – acid rain – noise pollution – thermal pollution – pollution aspects of various power plants


1. Rai.G.D “Non-conventional Sources of Energy”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi 1995.

2. Gilbert M. Masters, “Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall.


Code of practice for engineering drawing - Drawing sheets and title blocks - Types and sizes of letters Dimensioning rules - Construction of Plane curves like ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, spirals, involutes, trochoids and cycloids.

Projection of points - Projection of lines, lines parallel to both reference plaries,lines inclined to one of the reference planes, lines inclined to both the reference planes - Projection of planes, planes inclined to one of the reference planes, planes inclined to both the reference planes.

Classification of solids - projection of solids in simple positions, with axis inclined to one of the reference. planes, with axis inclined to both the reference planes.

Introduction - Auxiliary Projection of points, lines, planes and solids - Solid axis inclined to one of the reference planes - Solid axis inclined to both the reference planes.

Sectional views, section planes perpendicular to VP and inclined to HP, section planes perpendicular to HP and inclined to VP - True shapes of sections. Development of surfaces: Method of development - Parallel line development - radial line development. .

Text Book

Nataraajan, K.Vo, 'A Text Book of Engineering Drawing + AutoCAD', Mrs. Dhanalakshrni publications, Chennai-600 090.


1. John, K. Co, & Varghese, 'Engineering Graphics!, Jet Publications, Thrissur, 1998.

2. Venugopal, K. 'Engineering Drawing and Graphics + AutoCAD', New age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1998.

II – Semester

HM 102 - Professional Communication

Barriers to Listening - Different kinds of listening- Successful Telephone Etiquette

Fluency & Accuracy in speech-Role of mind in speaking- Persuasive speaking skills-Group discussion practice

Reading Strategies-Sight vocabulary development- Skimming- Scanning-Eye reading practice Predicting the content-Critical & Analytical reading

Formal and Informal letters –Business correspondence-Argument writing practice

Perspectives in communication-Summary writing-

References :

1). Technical Communication (2004) by Meenakshi Raman & Sangeetha Sharma Oxford University 2). Press English for Engineers ( 2006) by Regional Institute of English, Bangalore. Foundation



Exact differential equations and different methods of finding the Integrating factor –– Clairaut’s form– Singular solution – Applications – Newton’s Law of Cooling – Growth and Decay problems.

Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients –Particular integrals for xn eax, eax cos(bx), eax sin(bx) – Equation reducible to linear equations with constant coefficients using x = et - Simultaneous linear equations with constant coefficients – Method of variation of parameters – Applications – Electric circuit problems.

Gradient, Divergence and Curl – Directional Derivative – Tangent Plane and normal to surfaces – Angle between surfaces – Physical interpretation of Divergence and Curl – Solenoidal and irrotational fields – Line, surface and volume integrals – Green’s Theorem, Stokes’ Theorem and Gauss Divergence Theorem (all without proof) – Verification and applications of these theorems.

Analytic functions – Cauchy – Riemann equations (Cartesian and polar) –Properties of analytic functions – Construction of analytic functions given real or imaginary part – Conformal mapping of standard elementary functions (z2 , ez , sinz, cosz, , z+[pic]) and bilinear transformation.

Cauchy’s integral theorem, Cauchy’s integral formula and for derivatives– Taylor’s and Laurent’s expansions (without proof) – Singularities – Residues – Cauchy’s residue theorem – Contour integration involving unit circle.


1. CHURCHILL, R.V., BROWN, J.W. AND VERHEY, R.F., Complex Variables and Applications, McGraw Hill.

2. GREWAL, B.S., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers.

3. KANDASAMY, P. THILAGAVATHY, K. AND GUNAVATHY, K., Engineering Mathematics, Vol I and II, Chand and Company.

4. KREYSZIG, E., Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley.

5. VENKATARAMAN, M.K., Engineering Mathematics Vol. I and II, National Publishing Company.


Inadequacy of Classical mechanics - wave and particle duality of radiation - de Broglie concept of matter waves - properties of matter waves - Heissenberg’s uncertainty principle - Schrodinger’s wave equation – Physical interpretation of wave function – Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors - Particle closed in 1D potential well of infinite height.

Crystalline and amorphous solids - Crystal structure – Symmetry operation - Bravais lattices- Miller indices - Atomic radius - coordination number- atomic packing factor calculation- X-ray diffraction - Phase problem and solving methods - powder photograph method.

Free electron theory - band theory of solids (elementary ideas) - metals-semiconductor and insulators - Dielectric materials - Types of polarization - internal field - Lorentz field - Claussius - Mosotti equation- frequency dependence - ferroelectric materials

Magnetic materials - types and properties - domain structure - Hard and soft magnetic materials-application - Ferrites - Superconductivity - properties - Meissner effect - explanation - BCS theory (basic ideas) - types - High temperature (Tc) Superconductors - Applications.

Gauss law - Ampere’s law – Faraday’s law – Maxwell’s equations – Equation of continuity for time varying field – Poynting’s theorem – Electromagnetic potentials – Electromagnetic waves in free space - istropic &anisotropic media.- homogenous medium.

Text Books

1. Text Book of Quantum Mechanics, P.M. Mathews and K.Venkatesan, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi (1976).

2. Applied physics for engineerins, Rajendran . V & Marikani Ed 3, Tata McGraw Hill 2000.

3. Engineering Physics, R.K.Gaur and S.L.Gupta, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, New Delhi (1992).

Lab Experiments

1. Determination of wavelength using grating - spectrometer

2. Determination of Optical absorption coefficient of materials using laser

3. Determination of Numerical aperture and attenuation coefficient of an optical fiber

4. Calibration of Voltmeter- potentiometer

5. Measurement of temperature using Thermocouple

6. Nondestructive testing by Ultrasonic method

7. Velocity of Ultrasonics in liquids – adiabatic compressibility

8. Characteristics of a Temperature sensor

9. Measurement of Poisson’s ratio of glass by Four point bending method

10. Study of Hall effect and determination of Hall coefficient


Water - sources, hard and soft water, estimation of hardness by EDTA method. Softening of water, zeolite process and demineralisation by ion exchangers. Boiler feed water, internal treatment methods. Specifications for drinking water - BIS and WHO standards treatment of water for domestic use, desalination, reverse osmosis, electro dialysis.

Laws of absorption - deviation from Beers law - origin of UV and Visible absorption spectra - colour in organic compounds - absorption by organic and inorganic molecules - chemical applications - photometric titrations

Metal complexes and Crystal Field Theory - Formation and types of metal complexes -16 & 18 electron rule. Crystal Field Theory: concepts, orbital splitting, colour and magnetism - synthesis, structure, reactivity and applications of ferrocene - polymerisation (Ziegler Natta) - Bio Inorganic - Structure and function of haemoglobin.

Polymers - Definition and some related terms, nomenclature, functionality, classification, types of polymerisation - mechanism of polymerisation, molecular weight determination - viscometry - light scattering methods plastics - classification - some applications of important polymers.

Fuels - classification, examples and relative merits, types of coal. Petroleum - origin, refining - fractional distillation, cracking, polymerization, knocking, unleaded petrol, cetane and octane numbers. Lubricants - Definition and theories of lubrication, characteristics of lubricants - viscosity, viscosity index, oiliness, pour point, cloud point, flash point, fire point and carbon residue, additives to lubricants, manufacture of lube oil.

Reference Books

1. Gopalan, R., Venkappayya, D and N.Sulochana, “Engineering Chemistry”, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2005.

2. Kuriacose, J.C & Rajaram, J “Chemistry in Engineering and Technology” Vol - I and Vol - II. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi,1984.

3. Jain, P.C and Monica Jain, “Engineering Chemistry” Dhanpathrai and sons, New Delhi, 12th Edition, 1998.


1. Estimation of total alkalinity in the given water sample

2. Estimation of total hardness in the given water sample.

3. Estimation of carbonate and non carbonate hardness in the given water sample.

4. Estimation of DO in waste water.

5. Molecular weight determination by Oswald’s Viscometer.

6. Estimation of Fe2+ by External Indicator.

7. Estimation of Fe3+ by Spectrophotometer.

Laboratory manual prepared by the department.


Direct currents and voltages – power – DC circuits – Kirchhoffs Laws – Alternating currents and voltages – peak average and RMS values – circuit elements R, L&C – phasors – Phasor diagrams – impedance – Real and reactive power – Single phase and Three phase balanced AC circuits – star and delta connected loads – power measurement using two watt meter method.

Construction and Principle of operation of D.C. Generators and motors – Different type – EMF equation characteristics of D.C. motors – application – construction and principle of operation of Transformers.

Construction and Principle of operation of Alternators, Synchronous motors, Three phase and Single phase Induction motors, Stepper motors and Servomotors – Elementary ideas of Power Systems.

Electrical conduction in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors – PN junction principle of operation and characteristics of semiconductor diode – Bipolar junction Transistors – FET and MOSET Application as amplifier and switch – CMOS switch.

Number system – Signed arithmetic – Boolean algebra – Truth table – Logic gates – Simplifying expression using Boolean laws – Implementation using logic gates – flip flops Counters.

Text Books

1. Muthusubramanian,R., Salivahanan,S., Muraleedharan,K.A., Basic Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., 1994

2. Malvino,A.P and Leach, D.P: Digital Principles and application(4/e)Tata Mcgraw Hill (1986).

Reference Books

1. Hughes, Electrical Technology, Edition7, ELBS publishers, 1995.

2. Ralph J. Smith & R.C.Dorf, Circuits, Devices and Systems, 5/e, John Wiley & Sons, 1996


Introduction, Unit and Dimensions, laws of mechanics, Vectors-Dot & Cross product, and its application in mechanics, Free Body Diagram.

Basic principles of statics, Resolution and composition of forces, equilibrium of concurrent forces in a plane, Method of projections, method of moments equivalent system of forces.

Friction force –laws of coulomb friction, simple contact friction & belt friction

Two parallel forces- general case of parallel forces in a plane- center of parallel forces and center of gravity, Centroid and moment of inertia of composite plane figures and curves- distributed force in a plane.

General case of force in space :

Concurrent forces in space method of projections, method of moments, Couple in space, Center of parallel forces and center of gravity.

Displacement, velocity, acceleration and their relationship, Rectilinear Translation, curvilinear Translation, Newton’s laws - work and energy equation of particles, Impulse and momentum, impact of elastic bodies.

Translation and rotation of rigid bodies, Velocity and acceleration.

General plane motion - momentum equations, rotation of rigid body, work and energy equation

Text Books:

1. Rajasekaran.S. & Sankara Subramanian.G., “Engineering mechanics–statics and Dynamics”

Reference Books:

1. Beer & Johnson, “Vector Mechanics for Engineers”, Vol.1 “ statics” and

Vol.2 “Dynamis”, McGraw Hill International Edition, 1995.

2. Irving H.Shames, “Engineering Mechanics – Statics and Dynamics “,

Pearson educations Forth edition 2003.

3. S.Timoshenko & D.H. Young ‘Engineering Mechanics” McGraw Hill 1995 McLean “Engineering mechanics” 3/e Schaum series, 1995.


Computer Graphics - Principle of AutoCAD - use of different commands listed under AutoCAD package.

Introduction - Intersection of Prisms, Cylinder and Cylinder, Cylinder and Prism, Cone and Cylinder.

Principles of isometric projection - Conversion of orthographic view to isometric view - conversion of isometric view to orthographic view.

Introduction - Perspective Projection of Solids like Square, Hexagon and Pentagon, prisms and pyramids by visual ray and vanishing point methods.

Plan, elevation and section of single storeyed residentiaVoffice building with flat R.C.C. roof and brick masonry walls having not more than two rooms - Drawing & Detailing only.

Text Book

1. Nataraajan,K.V, 'A Text Book of Engineering Drawing + AutoCAD', Mrs.Dhanalakshnii publications, Chennai-600 090.


1.John, K.C., & Varghese, 'Engineering Graphics', let Publications, Thrissur, 1998.

2.Venugopal, K. 'Engineering Drawing and Graphics + AutoCAD', New age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 1998.


List of Exercises:


Introductions: Specifications, Tools identification, Marking, Cutting and Filing.

Exercise to be chosen from the following

1.Making Preparation of Rectangular piece

2. Making square 10int

3. Making Vee Joint

4. Making Combination Joints

5. Making Half round joint


Introductions: Specifications, Tools identification, Marking, Cutting & Planning.

Exercises to be chosen from the following:

1. Making Comer Halving Joint

2. Making Cross Halving Joint

3. Making Step Dovetail Tee Halving Joint.

4. Making Mortise and Tenion Joint


Introductions: Materials, Welding rod specifications, Type of welding Tools Identifications, Welding procedure

Exercises to be chosen from the following

1. Making Line beading

2. Making Line beading and fillet deposition

3. Making Lap Joint

4. Making Square Butt Joint

5. Making T Joint

6.Making Comer Joint


Introduction: Component specifications, Moulding and Casting procedure, Moulding methods, Tools Identification, Moulding sand and patterns.

Exercises to be chosen from the following

1. Making Dumble mould

2. Making Tool support stand mould 3. Making Anvil mould

4. Making Bracket Mould

5. Core making

6. Making straight pipe mould

Exercises in machining & Assembly

1. Turning

2. Drilling

3. Making switch boxes

Demonstration Exercises

Introduction: Materials and equipment specifications, Tools identification, heating procedure, operation procedure.

Exercises to be chosen from the following


1.Square frame round rod


Sheet Metal

1. Funnel

2. Tray

Machine Shop

1. Taping (Internal thread)

2. Dieing (External thread)

3. Dismandling and Assembly of bicycle

4. Lathe operations .

5. Milling operations

6. Shaper operations

7. Planer operations

8. Brazing and soldering

9. Wiring

10. Gas cutting.

5Industrial Visits (Audit Only)

Preferably 2 visits for student

Text Book

1. S. K. Hajra Choudhwry and A.K.Hajra Choudhwry, Elements of Workshop Technology – Vol I.

Reference Book

1. "Engineering Practice Manual" Notes on lectures and practice, REC, Tiruchirappalli.




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