
Meeting DateFri. Nov. 13, 2020 SecretaryJill MooreChairDebra IsraelAttendeesM. Affan Badar, Matt Cohen, Shiaw-Fen Ferng-Kuo, Richard Fitch, Debra Israel, Jill Moore, Erik Southard; Ex-officio: Lindsey Eberman, Susan PowersAbsentCall to Order Time: 3:02Place: zoomBy: Debra IsraelTopicDiscussionAdditions to agendaNoneApprove minutes (Oct. 30, 2020)Review and consider simplifying the policy on Summer Pay (section 505.12). Review information obtained on peer institutions and summer pay. \Health insurance and wellness recommendations. Invite guests to meetings? Reminder that FSA needs action during open enrollment? Faculty information about changes in health plans (e.g. how does HR reach out to those who need the pharmaceutical benefits?) Plan of action on salary recommendations (see staffing reports, other data needed? Collaboration with FAC? Invite guests to our meetings?) Other areas to pursue – education benefits, child care benefits, retirement contributions (simplification issue?)Affan motioned to approve the 10/30/20 meeting minutes. Jill Moore seconded. Some clarifications provided regarding 9 month versus 10 month faculty appointments. The handbook does not specify length of appointment. Per Susan Powers it is an academic year appointment. Approved 7-0-0 Reviewed summer session data provided by Susan Powers from Blue Reports and peer institutions provided by FEBC members. Debra Israel noted that flat rate was not the typical approach to summer pay in the peer institutions reviewed. Also, no caps on summer pay were noted.Susan Powers noted these institutions are unionized and the summer salaries are negotiated – not the method that ISU would utilized (as non-union institution)Debra Israel suggested that a survey be sent out to faculty regarding the desirability of teaching in the summer. Susan Powers indicated the university has hired 12 month faculty to cover courses that have a year round calendar. Debra Israel stated there was nothing in the data that convinced her ISU needs to make revision to current approach to summer pay.Richard Fitch supports a cap on summer pay to avoid abuse of summer pay. Deb Israel mentioned some colleges within the university try to limit the number of courses any given faculty can teach in the summer.Shiaw-Fen Ferng-Kuo stated summer courses offered should allow the university to break even. Strategies for this approach include cancelling low enrollment courses and prorating pay based on the number of student enrolled in a course. Susan Powers highlighted the break-even point is not just faculty salary. It would be difficult to determine the break-even point (indirect expenses such as facility expenses and support staff expenses).Erik Southard noted if ISU is losing money offering summer courses, a change is needed. Shiaw-Fen agreed. Susan Powers stated no summer courses could equate to a portion of support staff transitioning to 10 month contract (as money saving strategy).Susan Powers shared a concern about students who enroll in summer courses but never attend and receive 100% refund (non-attendance can be refunded for quite some time period and current university procedures make it difficult to capture those students who never attend the course). However, faculty still get reimbursed on course registration numbers including students who never attend. Matt Cohen mentioned the need to continue staff benefits over the summer months even if they are 10 month employees.Susan Powers highlighted that FEBC’s charge is not to determine if ISU should continue to offer summer courses. Support for this stance provided by Lindsey Eberman.FEBC should make recommendation for faculty pay (whether the committee wants to maintain current summer pay process or suggest revisions). Deb Israel is concerned about the “fairness” of the differences in pay. Debra Israel pointed out that some of the concerns raised are regarding fairness in summer pay, not just the cost. This happens any time we base either an increase in pay, or in this case, the amount of pay, on a percentage of salary. This might be a reason to change the way we pay in the summer, however, we have to allow a high enough pay to attract the faculty that we need to cover summer offerings.Matt Cohen stated Scott College of Business limits summer courses to 2 course per faculty. Also, stated Scott College of Business is having difficult time retaining faculty in the finance program. Feels that most faculty are willing to engage in cost saving initiatives if the university provides transparency.Shiaw-Fen Ferng-Kuo asked if HR can provide medium salary by department and by rank. Susan Powers wasn’t sure if it can be determined by rank and that she would have collate the data not HR.New BusinessNext MeetingFri. Dec. 4 from 3-4 pmAdjournment5:00 p.m. Recorded byJill Moore ................

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