Possible Career Paths Worksheet


PossiBle Career Paths


additional resourCes

Possible career paths: A self inventory for K?12 students

a self inventory for K?12 students

The purpose of this self?inventory is to encourage students to think about and assess themselves in ways that will help them choose, or not choose, certain careers.

Your favorite subjects

list Your FaVorite suBjeCts in sChool in order FroM FaVorite to least FaVorite.

WhY do You liKe the suBjeCt? Be as sPeCiFiC as PossiBle.

subjects you dislike

list suBjeCts You do not liKe in sChool F ro M t h o s e h at e d t o t h o s e Yo u j u s t d i s l i K e.

WhY do You disliKe the suBjeCt? Be as sPeCiFiC as PossiBle.

Your hobbies or things you like to do when you are not in school

list Your hoBBies in this ColuMn starting With Your FaVorite thing to do.

WhY do You liKe it? Be as sPeCiFiC as PossiBle.

Make a list that completes the following statement: "i'm really good at..." Make a list that completes the following statement: "i'm not so good at..."



additional resourCes

Possible career paths: A self inventory for K?12 students

how do you prefer to work? (Check one)

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Would you prefer to work in a big organization or a small one? (Check one)

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do you prefer to be the leader or the follower when you are with your friends or when you work in groups? (Check one)

Rt h e l e a d e r Rt h e F o l l o W e r

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additional resourCes

Possible career paths: A self inventory for K?12 students

Would you prefer a job where you would make a lot of money or one where you would be happy? (Check one)

RM a K e M o n e Y RB e h a P P Y


do you like being the person who helps out behind the scenes or do you prefer being the person who is out front getting the attention? (Check one)

RB e h i n d t h e s C e n e s Ro u t F ro n t g e t t i n g at t e n t i o n


Would you rather create something artistic with your hands or work to get the answer to a complex math problem? (Check one)

RC r e at e s o M e t h i n g a r t i s t i C Rs o lV e a Co M P l e x M at h P ro B l e M


Would you rather read a good book or meet a new person? (Check one)

Ra g o o d B o o K RM e e t a n e W P e r s o n "3>5B5-5-*#5-5*)--#&C955

Would you prefer to work with people, numbers, or things? (Check one)

RP e o P l e Rn u M B e r s Rt h i n g s "3>5B5-5-*#5-5*)--#&C955



additional resourCes

Possible career paths: A self inventory for K?12 students


RCo M P l e t e a P ro j e C t Yo u d i d BY Yo u r s e l F Rh e l P a P e r s o n


are you better at writing or math? (Check one)

RW r i t i n g RM at h




additional resourCes

Possible career paths: A self inventory for K?12 students


Rs t e P i n t h e M i d d l e a n d P ro P o s e a s o l u t i o n Rs h Y aWaY a n d h o P e t h i n g s W i l l t u r n o u t


how do you respond to pressure when you have a big project due? (Check one)

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how do you feel about school and studying? (Provide a response for each one. Be as VSHFLFDVSRVVLEOH

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name two individuals who you think have great jobs or who you think of as your VKHURHV:K\"%HDVVSHFLFDVSRVVLEOH





additional resourCes

Possible career paths: A self inventory for K?12 students


"My friends and family say I should be a... I agree because..."

"My friends and family say I should be a... I disagree because..."

Think about what you want to be and why. Be realistic about choosing a career. Use your self assessment to choose a career based on who you are and what you do or do not like! You may need to do a little research about possible career paths and the traits of individuals in speci c jobs before you can complete the following statement. Go to careers, and click on "Career Exploration" under "Students and Parents." Use the alphabetical listing to nd out information about a particular career path and the traits/preferences/interests of individuals who pursue that career.

I am interested in being a

(career choice) because (the traits, preferences, and

interests you have that will help you succeed in this area)


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