In the Lab: 2 Creating the Babbage Bookkeeping Database

Assignment 5: Creating the Babbage Bookkeeping DatabaseProblem: Babbage Bookkeeping is a local company that provides bookkeeping services to several small businesses in the area. The database consists of two tables. The Client table: This table contains information on the businesses that use Babbage’s services. The Bookkeeper table: This table contains information on the bookkeeper assigned to the business.Instructions: Perform the following tasks:Create a new database in which to store all the objects related to the bookkeeping data. Save this database. The database must be named with Your Last Name + First Name + Assignment5. For example, if your name is John Smith, the file must be named: SmithJohnAssignment5. 5% will be deducted for the wrong filename.Create the Client table using the structure and data shown in the table below: Save the table as “Client Table.”Client TableField NameData TypeField SizePrimary KeyDescriptionClient NumberText3YesClient Number (Primary Key)NameText20Name of ClientAddressText15Street AddressCityText15CityZip CodeText5Zip Code (5 Character Version)BalanceCurrencyAmount Currently Owed for ServicesBookkeeper NumberText2Number of Client’s Bookkeeper Enter the data for the Client Table as shown in the table below:Create the Bookkeeper table using the structure and data shown in the table below: Save the table as “Bookkeeper Table.”Bookkeeper TableField NameData TypeField SizePrimary KeyDescriptionBookkeeper NumberText3YesBookkeeper Number (Primary Key)Last NameText10Last Name of BookkeeperFirst NameText8First Name of BookkeeperAddressText15Street AddressCityText15CityZip CodeText5Zip Code (5 Character Version)Hourly RateCurrencyHourly RateYTD EarningsCurrencyYear-to-Date Earnings Enter the data for the Bookkeeper Table as shown in the table below:Create a report as shown below: Save this report as “Balance Due Report” (Office Style)Once you have completed an assignment, copy and paste the file in the "Drop Of" box in the computer lab. No other means of submission will be accepted.??Make sure that the filename is correct before dropping it.Reminder: The file must be named as Your Last Name + First Name + Assignment5. For example, if your name is John Smith, the file must be named: SmithJohnAssignment5. 5% will be deducted for the wrong filename. ................

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