John A

John A. Ferguson Senior High School

“No Goal’s Too High Where Falcons Fly”

Foreign Language Department

Syllabus Italian I, Instructor: Mr. Campos

E-mail: camposadrian@

School telephone: 305-408-2700

Course Description: The purpose of this course is to enable students to begin to acquire proficiency in Italian through a linguistic, communicative, and cultural approach to language learning. Emphasis is placed on the development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and on acquisition of the fundamentals of applied grammar. Cross-cultural understanding is fostered, and real-life applications are emphasized throughout the course.

Text: Percorsi vol. 1. Textbook and Workbook (Language and Culture).

Passo avanti in italiano (Language and Culture).

Italian First Year (Language and Culture).

Italian/English dictionary.

MyItalianLab: , Internet websites for classwork, homework, quizzes, tests, projects and cultural activities.

Course Schedule: This is a tentative plan for the material we will cover in the course and can be subject to change:

1st Nine Weeks Introduction to the Italian life (greetings, formal vs. familiar)

Italian alphabet. Expressing dates. Numbers 1-100. Exchange personal info. Subject pronouns. Verbs: Essere and Stare. The Italian regions: L’ Italia. Il Piemonte.

2nd Nine Weeks Classroom objects. Gender, plural and singular of nouns.

Articles definite and indefinite. Verb Avere and Fare. Conjugation of verbs ending in –are, -ere, -ire. Description of appearance and personality as well as clothing. Writing. The Italian regions: L’ Emilia Romagna.

3rd Nine Weeks Expressing the time. Describing everyday activities. Food and eating habits. Weather conditions and seasons. Reflexive verbs. Quantity. Irregular verbs. Writing. The Italian regions: La Lombardia e Le Marche.

4th Nine Weeks Idiomatic Expressions: Avere fame, sete, paura, etc. Describing family holidays and parties. Household chores.

Possessive adjectives. The verb “to know”: Conoscere and Sapere. More irregular verbs. The Italian regions: La Toscana

Grading: Grades will depend of the complexity of the activity:

Classwork 1 to 3 grades

Homework 1 to 3 grades

Quizzes 3 to 5 grades

Test 6-8 grades

Projects 4 to 10 grades


This class will be a learning and engaging experience about language and culture. Therefore, for this process to be productive and fun, every student is required to follow the classroom rules and procedures every day.

Classroom rules: Remember to read carefully the Honor Code.

1. RESPECT your teacher and classmates.

2. BE RESPONSIBLE for your materials, actions and school work.

3. BE ON TIME AND PREPARED to begin working as soon as you enter the classroom.

4. No cell phones, or any electronic device that can interrupt the lesson.

5. No food or drinks allowed in the classroom.


If any of the rules above are not followed I will:

1. First talk to the student about the behavior (verbal warning)

2. Second step will be an exclusion from class (SCSI) or a detention after school (he/she will serve the detention the closest day to when the infraction occurred.

3. The third step will be contacting parents and setting up a conference.

4. Intervention of the school administration will be requested if needed as a last resource, in case no improvement is shown.

5. Breaking the rules will affect the student’s grade, conduct and effort.

Student’s Responsibilities: If you are absent it is your responsibility to look online for the activities assigned the days you were absent. No late homework or projects allowed without a parent notification!

Wishing you all a great year,

Mr. Campos


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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