
These are the guide Wawanesa Wee Care will follow in cooperation with Prairie Mountain Health and Manitoba Early Learning and Child Care recommendations.

|Illness |What does it look like? |How does it spread? |When is it contagious? |What can parents do at home? |What about going to |

| | | | | |school/daycare? |

|Common Cold |Mild fever, fatigue, nasal |Person to person through |1 day before symptoms start |Frequent hand washing. Encourage rest |Child may return when able to |

| |congestion, runny nose, sore throat |respiratory secretions from the |until 7 days after. |and increase fluids. Cool mist in room |participate in normal |

|(Viral illness) |and cough. |nose and throat and indirectly | |for stuffy nose & cough- but humidifier |activities. |

| | |spread through contaminated | |should be disinfected daily. May use | |

| | |objects and hands. | |Tylenol for fever. Should NOT use over | |

| | | | |the counter cough/cold medicine for | |

| | | | |children younger than 6 years. | |

|Conjunctivitis |Itchy red eyes with watery discharge |Direct or indirect contact with |When watery or thick yellow |See doctor for assessment. |Recommend to exclude until 24 |

|“Pink eye” |or pus. |discharge from eyes. Spreads |discharge is present. |Wash hands carefully after touching or |hours after starting |

|(Bacterial or Viral) | |easily. | |wiping eyes. Don’t share towels or |antibiotics and discharge is |

| | | | |facecloths. |gone. |

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|Fifth Disease |Very red rash on cheeks. Looks like |Spread by contact with secretions|Before the rash appears. |No specific treatment. |Child may return when able to |

| |child has been slapped. Lace-like |from the nose and throat. | |Good hand hygiene helps prevent the |participate in normal |

|(Parvovirus) |rash appears on body. Sore throat, | | |spread of any infection. |activities. |

| |runny nose and slight fever. | | |Pregnant women who have been in contact | |

| | | | |with someone who has Fifth Disease | |

| | | | |should consult their doctor. | |

|Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease |Fever, sore throat, small sore |Spreads by contact with |Spreads during the acute stage |No specific treatment. Rinsing the mouth|Child may return when able to |

| |blisters in the mouth and skin rash |secretions from the nose and |of the illness, and possibly |with salt water may help to relieve |participate in normal |

|(Viral illness) |often on the hands and feet. |throat, fluid from blisters or |longer. |discomfort from blisters. Frequent hand|activities. |

| | |feces of the infected person. | |washing. Cold, bland liquids may help | |

| | | | |soothe sores in their mouths. | |

|Head lice (Pediculosis) |Small insects (approx. the size of a |Close head to head contact with |While lice and nits remain |Contact local Public Health Office for |Children with head lice should |

| |sesame seed). |infected person and/or their |alive. |more information. Children should avoid |be treated, and should attend |

| |Lice eggs or nits, greyish to cream |personal articles that have | |head-to-head contact. Discourage sharing|school or childcare as usual. |

| |colour, are the size of a dot. A |touched the head. Lice do not | |of hats and combs. Treat all infested | |

| |person’s scalp may get itchy. |hop, jump, or fly. Head lice is | |household members at the same time and | |

| |Having head lice is not a sign of |not spread to or from pets. | |again in 7 to 10 days. | |

| |poor hygiene. | | | | |

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|Herpes Virus 1 |Many infections occur without |Spreads by direct contact with |Usually contagious for 5 days |Wash hands carefully after touching the |No exclusion period. |

|(HSV-1) |symptoms. Initial infection usually |saliva or sores of the infected |during recurrent cold sores. |ulcer. Best to avoid touching ulcer if | |

|“Cold Sores” |occurs before the 5th year of life. |person. | |possible. Avoid sharing glasses, | |

| |Usually appears around the mouth as | | |utensils, towels, facecloths, napkins, | |

|(Viral infection) |an ulcer & crusts over in 2-3 days. | | |and kissing if someone has a cold sore. | |

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|Impetigo |Skin rash beginning with blisters or |Direct contact with infected skin|While lesions are draining. |Wash hands thoroughly after touching |Exclude until 24 hours after |

| |red bumps. The blisters may ooze or |or by touching clothes, towels |Usually from onset of rash |infected skin. Do not share hand-towels |starting antibiotics. |

|(Bacterial infection) |be covered by a crust. The crust is |etc. that have been in contact |until after 1 full day of |or facecloths. | |

| |usually a yellow-brown or honey |with infected person’s skin. |treatment. |Seek medical treatment. Keep nails short| |

| |colored. Usually appears around the | | |to prevent spread after touching. | |

| |nose or mouth. | | | | |

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|Influenza |The flu usually comes on suddenly |Spreads easily person to person |The contagious period varies, |Frequent hand washing. Rest, plenty of |Child may return when able to |

|“Flu” |with symptoms such as headache, |through contact with respiratory |usually the day before symptoms|fluids, acetaminophen for fever and |fully participate in regular |

|(Viral illness) |fever, chills, fatigue, dry cough, |secretions from the nose and |appear, up to a week after. |general body aches. |activities. |

| |sore throat, nasal congestion and |throat and indirectly through | |See doctor if child has chest pain, | |

|(Can be prevented by |body aches. |contaminated surfaces and hands. | |trouble breathing or a fever that lasts | |

|immunization) | | | |more than 3-4 days. | |

|Measles |Fever, runny nose, reddened eyes, dry|Spreads by direct contact with |From 4 days before the rash |Report to Public Health Admin. Support |Exclude until at least 4 days |

|(Rubeola or“Red Measles”) |cough, and red blotchy rash. |secretions from the nose or |appears until 4 days after. |483-6202 |after the rash appears. |

|(Viral illness) | |throat. | |Treat the fever, may use acetaminophen. | |

|(Can be prevented by | | | |See doctor. | |

|immunization) | | | |Encourage rest and plenty of fluids. | |

|Mononucleosis |Fever, sore throat, swollen glands, |Person to person through direct |Not very infectious. |Frequent hand washing. |May return when able to |

| |skin rash and fatigue. |contact with saliva of the |Mono can spread for up to a |Avoid contact with saliva. Do not share|participate in regular |

|(Viral illness) | |infected person. |year via throat secretions. |drinking containers. |activities. |

|Mumps |Fever, tender swollen glands on one |Spreads through direct contact |From 7 days before parotitis |See doctor for treatment. |Exclude for 5 days after |

| |or both sides of the neck and face. |with saliva of an infected person|appears, until 5 days after. |Avoid contact with saliva from infected |parotitis appears. |

|(Viral illness) |(parotitis) |or through contact with | |person. | |

| | |respiratory secretions from the | |Frequent hand washing. Avoid sharing | |

|(Can be prevented by | |nose or throat. | |drinking glasses and utensils. Cough | |

|immunization) | | | |etiquette is also important. | |

| | | | | | |

|Pertussis |Begins with cold-like symptoms. Cough|Spreads through |It is highly contagious in the | |Exclude until 5 days after |

|“Whooping cough” | |contact with |early stages (before cough), up|See doctor for treatment. |starting antibiotic. If not |

| |gets worse and occurs in spasms |secretions from the nose or |to approximately 3 weeks after |Encourage rest and plenty of fluids. |treated child should be |

|(Bacterial illness) |during which the child may vomit. |throat of an infected person. |spasmodic cough begins. | |excluded for 3 weeks after |

| |After a coughing spell child may give| |If treated with an antibiotic, | |onset of cough. |

|(Can be |a loud whoop when breathing in. | |the period of contagiousness is| | |

|prevented by immunization) | | |usually 5 days or less. | | |

|Respiratory |RSV causes acute respiratory illness |Usually spreads by contact with |It is infectious usually for |See doctor. |Child may return when able to |

|Syncytial |in persons of any age. Usually begins|respiratory secretions from the |3-8 days. |for treatment of symptoms. Disinfect |fully participate in regular |

|Virus |with a |nose and throat. | |eating and drinking utensils, toys. |activities. |

|“RSV” |runny nose, cough and fever. | | |Frequent hand washing. Offer plenty of | |

| | | | |fluids. | |

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|Ringworm | A red rash that is often |Touching the infected area of a |As long as lesions are present.|See your doctor. |No exclusion period |

| |ring-shaped. |person or animal that has |Fungus may persist on |Keep the ringworm area covered until the| |

|(Fungal infection) | |ringworm. |contaminated articles for long |infection is no longer visible. | |

| |It can be itchy and flakey. |Using items such as bed linens, |periods of time. |Wash your hands and personal belongings | |

| | |clothing, hats, towels, brushes | |with hot soapy water. | |

| | |or toys that were used by a | |Do not share towels, clothing, | |

| | |person with ringworm. | |hairbrushes or personal items. | |

| | | | | | |

|Roseola/ |Roseola starts out with a fever that |Most likely spreads through |Unknown. |Treatment of the symptoms. Acetaminophen|Child may return when able to|

|Baby measles |usually lasts 3-5 days. After the |direct contact with secretions | |for fever and comfort Encourage fluids, |fully participate in regular |

| |fever disappears the child develops a|from the nose and throat. | |good hand washing |school activities. |

| |rash mainly on the face and body. |Usually occurs in children under | | | |

|(Viral illness) |It is difficult to diagnose roseola |4. | | | |

| |until the rash has appeared. | | | | |

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|Rubella |Mild fever with cold-like symptoms. |Direct contact with secretions |From 7 days before the rash |Avoid contact with pregnant women. |Exclude until 7 days after |

|“German Measles” |Some people have a rash, or swelling |from the nose and throat. |until 7 days after. |Encourage rest and plenty of fluids. |onset of rash. |

| |of glands behind the ears. | | | | |

|(Viral illness) | | | | | |

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|(Can be | | | | | |

|prevented by immunization) | | | | | |

|Scabies |Intensely itchy rash, especially at |Direct contact with infected |While infected person remains |See doctor for treatment. Wash all |Exclude until 24 hours after |

| |night. |person’s skin, or freshly |untreated. |personal belongings in hot water and dry|treatment has started. |

|(Parasitic infection) |Usually found around fingers, wrists |contaminated bed clothing. | |at the hottest setting. | |

| |and elbows. | | |Everyone in the house should be treated.| |

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|Scarlet fever |Fever, |Spread by contact with mucus from|If left untreated, can infect |Frequent hand washing. |Exclude until 24 hours after |

| |sore throat |the nose or throat of an infected|others up to 21 days. |Treat symptoms and see doctor. |starting antibiotics. |

|(Bacterial illness) |fine rash, flushed cheeks and skin |person. | | | |

| |may feel rough like sandpaper. | | | | |

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|Strep Throat |Children with strep throat often have|Spread by contact with mucus from|With antibiotic treatment the |Good hand washing technique, especially |Exclude until 24 hours after |

| |sore throat, sudden fever, headache, |the nose or throat of an infected|child is not contagious after |after coughing, sneezing, and before |starting antibiotics. |

|(Bacterial illness) |and swollen glands in the neck. |person. |24 hours. |preparing or handling foods. Encourage | |

| | | |If untreated can infect others |plenty of rest and fluids. | |

| | | |for 10-21 days. | | |

| | | | | | |

|Gastroenteritis |Viral gastroenteritis is an infection|The viruses that cause |The contagious period varies |Rest, prevent dehydration. |Exclude from school or daycare |

| |that causes vomiting and /or watery |gastroenteritis are spread |depending what virus is causing|Diarrhea can be dangerous if not treated|until 24 hours after the person|

|“ Stomach Flu” |diarrhea. |through close contact with |the “stomach flu”. |properly. Children with diarrhea need to|is free of diarrhea and |

| |The person may also have headache, |infected persons (for example, by|In some cases the virus can |be keep drinking the right amount of |vomiting. |

|(Most commonly caused by a |fever and stomach ache. |sharing food, water, or eating |still be present in bowel |fluids to avoid dehydration. | |

|virus) |The symptoms may last for 1-10 days. |utensils). |movements even after the | | |

| |It is often called the “stomach flu” |Individuals may also become |diarrhea has stopped. |See the following website for practical | |

| |but is not caused by the influenza |infected by eating or drinking | |tips. | |

| |virus. |contaminated foods or beverages. | | |

| | | | |/dehydration_and_diarrhea | |

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References and suggested websites for parents:


Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, Heymann Ed, 2008.

For information on fever management see the following:




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