Publication Order GM No. 3,124 of June 08, 1978

Amendments / Updates Order SSMT No. 12 of June 06, 1983 Order SSMT No. 02 of May 08, 1984 Order SSST No. 23 of December 27, 1994 Order SIT No. 57 of June 19, 2008 Order MTE No. 594 of April 28, 2014

D.O.U. 07/06/78


D.O.U. 06/14/83 06/07/84 04/26/95 06/24/08 04/30/14

(List provided in Order MTE No. 594 of April 28, 2014)

SUMMARY 13.1. Introduction 13.2. Coverage 13.3. General Provisions 13.4. Boilers 13.5. Pressure Vessels 13.6. Piping 13.6. Glossary Annex I ? Training of Personnel. Annex II ? Requirements for Certification of In-house Equipment Inspection Service.

13.1 Introduction

13.1.1 This Regulatory Standard - NR establishes minimum requirements for managing the structural integrity of steam boilers, pressure vessels and the piping interconnecting them in aspects related to installation, inspection, operation and maintenance, aimed at workers' health and safety.

13.1.2 The employer is responsible for adopting the measures stipulated in this NR.

13.2 Coverage

13.2.1 This NR must be applied to the following equipment: a) all the equipment classified as boilers under item; b) pressure vessels whose PV [press?o de volume: volume pressure] product is higher than 8 (eight), where P is the maximum

operating pressure in kPa and V its internal volume in m3; c) pressure vessels containing a class A fluid specified in

item, line "a)," regardless of the dimensions and the P.V. [press?o de volume: volume pressure] product; d) movable containers with a P.V. greater than 8 (eight) or class A fluid specified in item, line "a)"; e) piping or piping systems interconnected to boilers or pressure vessels, containing class A

or B fluids as per item, line "a)" of this NR.

13.2.2 Equipment listed below must undergo the inspections prescribed in pertinent national or international codes or standards, being excused from fulfilment of other requirements of this NR; a) transportable containers. pressure vessels intended for the transportation of products, portable compressed fluid

reservoirs and fire extinguishers; b) pressure vessels intended to be occupied by humans; c) pressure vessels that are an integral part of the rotary or reciprocating fluid machinery package; d) pipelines; e) furnaces and coils for heat exchange;

f) tanks and containers for the storing and stocking fluids not classified in design standards and codes related to pressure vessels;

g) pressure vessels with inside diameter less than 150 mm (one hundred and fifty millimeters) for Class B, C and D fluids, as specified in item, line "a)";

h) heat exchangers with gasketed corrugated plates;

i) steam generators not included in the pressure vessel codes; j) pipes of instrumentation with nominal diameter 12.7 mm (twelve point seven millimeters);

k) piping of public networks for water and gas treatment and distribution and for sewage collection.

13.3 General Provisions

13.3.1 Noncompliance with any item provided in this NR that can cause a work related accident or illness, with severe injury to the life and limb of the worker shall constitute a serious and imminent risk [RGI risco grave e iminente] - RGI, particularly

a) operation of equipment covered by this NR, without safety devices adjusted to an opening pressure equal to or less than the maximum permissible working pressure - MAWP, installed directly in the vessel or in the system including it, considering the requirements of the design code relative to the selected openings and calibration tolerances,

b) delay in the periodic boiler safety inspection;

c) inadvertent blocking of boiler and pressure vessel safety devices, or their intentional blockage without proper technical justification based on codes, standards or formal equipment operating procedures;

d) lack of operational boiler water level control device;

e) operation of equipment covered in this NR with a deterioration certified by a recommendation for its withdrawal from operation consisting of a conclusive opinion in a safety inspection report, according to its respective design code or adaptation for use;

f) operation of boiler by a worker not meeting the requirements established in Attachment I of this NR, or who is not under supervision, monitoring or specific assistance of a qualified operator. Due to reason of force majeure and with an employer's formal justification, accompanied by a technical analysis and respective contingency measures for mitigating the risks prepared by a Qualified Specialist [Profissional Habilitado] ? PH or by a multidisciplinary group coordinated by him, the term provided for the periodic boiler safety inspection can be extended up to 6 (six) months. The employer must communicate the formal justification for deferment of the periodic boiler safety inspection to the labor union of the predominant professional category in the establishment

13.3.2 For purposes of this NR, Qualified Specialist ? PH is deemed a person who is legally competent to exercise the profession of engineer in activities relating to construction design, monitoring, operation and maintenance, inspection and supervision of inspection of boilers, pressure vessels and piping, pursuant to current legal regulations in the Country.

13.3.3 All the repairs or modifications to equipment covered by this NR must observe the respective design and post-construction codes, and the manufacturer's instructions with regard to:

a) materials;

b) execution procedures;

c) quality control procedures;

d) personnel qualification and certification.

13.3.4 When the design code is not known, the original concept of the pressure vessel, boiler or piping must be respected, using the control procedures prescribed under the relevant codes.

13.3.5 At a PH's discretion, more advanced calculation technology or procedures may be used, replacing those provided by the design codes.

13.3.6 Change or repair designs [projetos de altera??o ou reparo] - PAR must be devised in advance in the following situations: a) whenever the project conditions are modified; b) whenever repairs are made that may compromise safety.

13.3.7 The PAR must: a) be devised or approved by a PH; b) determine materials, execution procedures, quality control and personnel qualification; c) be disseminated to the employees of the establishment who are involved with the equipment.

13.3.8 All tasks that require boring or welding on parts operating under pressure must be examined or tested for quality control with parameters defined by the PH, in accordance with applicable standards or codes.

13.3.9 Control and safety systems of boilers and pressure vessels must undergo preventive or predictive maintenance.

13.3.10 The employer must ensure that the examinations and tests on boilers, pressure vessels and piping are executed in safe conditions for those performing them and other workers involved.

13.3.11 Employer must the communicate to the regional agency of the Ministry of Labor and Employment and to the union of the predominant professional category in the establishment the occurrence of a leak, fire or explosion involving equipment covered in this NR that has as a result one of the following situations below: a) death of worker(s); b) accidents involving a need to admit a worker(s) to a hospital; c) large scale events. The communication must be sent by the second business day following the occurrence and must contain: a) the employer's company name, address, place, date and time of occurrence; b) description of the occurrence; c) name and job title of the victim(s); d) investigation procedures adopted; e) copy of the last safety inspection report of the equipment involved; f) copy of the notification of the work accident [comunica??o de acidente de trabalho] (CAT). Upon the occurrence of the accidents stipulated in 13.3.11, the employer must notify the representative(s) of the predominant workers' union of the establishment to form an investigation commission. Workers, based on their skills and experience, must stop doing their tasks, exercising the right of refusal, whenever there is evidence of serious and imminent risks for their safety and health or that of other persons, immediately reporting this fact to their ranking superior. The employer is obligated: a) to ensure for the workers the right to suspend their activities, exercising the right of refusal in the situations

provided in item, and in accordance with item 9.6.3 of Regulatory Standard 9; b) immediately take the necessary measures to control the risks. When required by the appropriate authority of the regional agency of the Ministry of Labor and Employment, employer shall submit the documentation mentioned in items, and

13.4 Boilers

13.4.1 Steam Boilers ? General Provisions Steam boilers are equipment for producing and accumulating steam under higher than atmospheric pressure, using any source of energy, designed under the relevant codes, except reboilers or the like. For the purposes of this NR, boilers are classified into 3 (three) categories as follows: a) Category A boilers are those whose pressure is equal to or higher than 1960 kPa (19.98 kgf/cm2); b) Category C boilers are those whose pressure is equal to or lower than 588 kPa (5,99 kgf/cm2) and whose internal volume is

equal to or less than 100 l (one hundred liters); c) Category B boilers are all the boilers that are not classified in the previous categories The boilers must be equipped with the following items: a) safety valve with opening pressure set to a value equal to or lower than the MAWP, considering the requirements of

the design code relative to stepped openings and calibration tolerances; b) instrument that indicates the accumulated steam pressure; c) injector or water supply system independent of the main one preventing overheating above the design temperatures due to

deficient supply, , for non-spray solid fuel boilers or boilers with suspended burning; d) dedicated quick water drainage system in alkali recovery boilers , with automatic operation after activation by the

operator; e) automatic water level control system with interlock preventing overheating due to deficient supply. Every boiler must have affixed onto its body, in an easily accessible and highly visible place, an indelible nameplate with, at least, the following information: a) manufacturer's name; b) order number given by the boiler manufacturer; c) year of manufacture; d) maximum permissible working pressure; e) manufacturing hydrostatic test pressure; f) steam production capacity; g) heating surface area; design code and year of issue. Apart from the nameplate, it must contain at a visible level, the category of the boiler, as stipulated in item of this NR, and its identification or code number. Every boiler must have, in the establishment where it is installed, the following documentation, duly updated: a) Boiler records, provided by its manufacturer containing the following information:

- design code and year of issue; - specification of materials; - procedures used in the manufacture, assembly and final inspection; - methodology for the establishing the MAWP; - records of the performed manufacturing hydrostatic test.

- set of drawings and other data necessary for monitoring the service life of the boiler; - functional characteristics; - data on safety devices; - year built; - boiler category;

b) Safety Log, in conformity with item;

c) Installation Design in conformity with item;

d) PAR in conformity with the items 13.3.6 and 13.3.7;

e) Inspection reports, in conformity with item;

f) Calibration certificates of the safety devices. If there is no boiler record or if lost, it must be recreated by employer, under the manufacturer's or PH's technical responsibility; being mandatory to recreate the functional characteristics, data on safety devices and MAWP calculation sheet. When the boiler is sold or transferred from the establishment, the documents mentioned in letters "a," "d," and "e" of item must accompany it. The Safety Log must consist of a book with numbered pages, folders or a computerized system with equivalent reliability, where the following will be recorded:

a) all important events capable of affecting the boiler safety conditions;

b) the initial, periodic and special safety inspection events, and must record the boiler operating condition, the legible name and the signature of the PH and of the boiler operator present at the time of the inspection. If the boiler is deemed inadequate for use, the Safety Log must contain such information and be formally closed. The documentation referred to in item must always be available for consultation of operators, maintenance and inspection personnel and representatives of workers and employer in the Internal Commission for Accident Prevention ? CIPA, and the employer must ensure full access to this documentation.

13.4.2 Steam boiler installation The responsibility for the steam boiler installation, as it concerns compliance with this NR, belongs to the PH and must conform to the safety, health and environment aspects prescribed in the Regulatory Standards, conventions and applicable legal provisions. Boilers of any establishment must be installed in a boiler room or in a specific place for such purpose, designated the boiler area. When the boiler is installed in an open space, the boiler area must meet the following requirements:

a) it must be, at least 3.0 m (three meters) away - from other facilities of the establishment; - from fuel storage tanks, with the exception of startup reservoirs with up to 2,000 L (two thousand liters) capacity; - the property limit of third parties; - the boundary with public roads;

b) have at least 2 (two) wide, permanently unobstructed outlets marked with signs and laid out in different directions;

c) have easy and safe access, necessary for the operation and maintenance of the boiler, wherein, for open railings, the gaps must be sized to prevent people from falling;

d) have a system for capturing and jettisoning of gases and particulate matter from combustion to the outside of the operating area in compliance with current environmental standards;


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