The Vista

(The Vista(

March 12, 2013 Vol. 42, No.34 District 7170

Lansing-Ithaca Rotary Club

Serving the Lansing Community Since 1971

(Formerly Ithaca-Cayuga Rotary Club

Chartered November 1, 1971

Meets Tuesday Noon, Kendal at Ithaca

E-mail: LansingIthacaRC@


OPENING: Pres. Vickey opened the meeting with the pledge, followed by the 4-Way Test. The song selected by visiting Rotarian Doug Armstrong.” Though-for-the Day, was given by Ed: The song we sing at birthdays, “Happy Birthday” is copy written, and legally if it is sung in a commercial establishment a royalty is to be paid! Be careful, the birthday song minders may give you a court citation for a birthday present. With that as an introduction, the Club sang a healthy “Happy Birthday” to Pres. Vickey!!

INTRODUCTIONS: We welcomed Doug Armstrong of the Sunrise Club, and our speaker, Jennifer Cunningham-Ryan


Members present: – 7 –

Guests present: – 2 –

FOUNDATION MOMENT: A club in the western US has used Rotary Foundation funds to make unsafe water, safe for about 3,800 people in a town in India. The used the funds to install filters and chlorinate the water.


Visitors’ Day is April 9. Pass on to Art the names and addresses of people you have asked to attend so he can send them invitations. Ed LaVigne will be the speaker on the topic of Volunteerism in Lansing.

March is Literacy Month. We are looking to gather 200 – 300 books. As we did last year member donations of money allowed us to purchase books from Amazon at discount prices. If you have any children’s books to donated, bring them in. Bins will be set up at the Lansing Market and Library for collecting books. Books not suitable for the Headstart program will be donated to the Red Bookshelf.

Speakers are needed for our weekly meetings. If you know of a potential speaker or would like to speak yourself on a topic, contact AnnMarie for coordinating the speaking date.

The Annual Chicken BBQ is scheduled for Tuesday, April 30.

Vickey passed out a Member Interest Survey for each member to fill out and return my next meeting, 3/12. The survey is to determine what area(s) of service you would like to be involved with or have specific interest(s) in. Those areas of service are; CLUB SERVICE, VOCATIONAL SERVICE, COMMUNITY SERVICE, INTERNATIONAL SERVICE, NEW GENERATIONS SERVICE, and/or OTHER. If you did not receive a survey, think about area of service which interest you and bring those thoughts to the next meeting.

The Beer Tasting money raiser is scheduled for Saturday, May 11.

The YEP program (our Club and the Sunrise are working together) are looking to find 12 families interested in hosting exchange students. A few previous host families have said they would like to host again. An information meeting will be held on May 2 at 6:30 PM for families interested in learning about YEP.

John Shafer and Anna Conte have been selected as our RYLA students for this year. RYLA is being held at Oneonta State U. this year.

Dan mentioned the Young Eagles program of the EAA is looking for area clubs to help with the program by donating $200.


Dan – off to Penn. State. Vickey – her birthday. AnnMarie – the Weeping Tree presentation on Friday. Ed & Kathryn – just because.


Jennifer Cunningham-Ryan, is Alternatives Federal Credit Union's Business CENTS Program Assistant. This program is part of the AFCU’s community out reach effort to assist small business get started and help with their growth. Jennifer has degrees of BA in environmental science and MA in education. She has lived in Ithaca for 14 years. Through her experience of working with her husband, who is an entrepreneur and started and worked with small businesses, she has gained knowledge of the needs of small businesses.

AFCU provides consulting services for entrepreneurs thinking of or who are starting a new business. The first consultation is free and subsequent sessions cost from $10-$50 based on the ability to pay. AFCU has 9 week workshops on topics such as how to use the Internet to increase sales, how to run a new business, how to maintain financial sustainability, health insurance for the self employed. The AFCU has started a peer mentoring program. A small group is formed and they meet once a week or so. They pick a topic and each goes out and researches the topic, then discusses it at the next meeting. By so doing they are sharing ideas and experiences, and are able to discuss possible problem solving ideas. Topics that have been selected by one group have included marketing strategies, accountants and lawyers, wellness and self-care, define a vision and focus, and human resources.


March 19 – TBD

March 26 – Club Assembly

April 2 – TBD

April 9 – VISITORS’ DAY Ed LaVigne Speaks on Volunteerism in Lansing. Ed has been the heart of projects in Lansing such as the Myers Park Playground Project (MP3), and is very active in the community.



March 19 Vickey Beaver Art Muka Dan Fuka

March 26 Kathryn Mapes AnnMarie Hautaniemi Jase Baese

April 2 Jim Lorbeer Ev Morse Alan Littlefair

April 12 Ed Siemon Vickey Beaver Art Muka

April 19 Dan Fuka Kathryn Mapes AnnMarie Hautaniemi

April 26 Jase Baese Jim Lorbeer Ev Morse

The Rotary Four Way Test of all the things we think, say, or do

Is it the truth?

Is it fair to all concerned?

Will it build goodwill and better friendships?

Will it be beneficial to all concerned?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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