Possessives Quiz Date: Name

Possessives Quiz

Name: Date: Class:

1. What word best describes the function of the word 6. One argument against including the final "s" of the

"pet" in the phrase "Moby's pet?"

possessive "compass's" is that it looks strange to

a. Possessor b. Preposition

have three "s's" in a row. What category would this complaint fall under?

c. Possessed

a. Grammar

d. Positive

b. Style

c. Context

2. How many apostrophes in the following sentence d. Theory

are parts of possessives? "The dog's collar doesn't fit as well as Alice's scarf."

a. None

7. What is the correct possessive form of the noun "bees?"

b. One

a. Bee's

c. Two

b. Bees's

d. Three

c. Bees'

d. Bees

3. What information can we assume about a noun if we

know that its possessive form ends in "'s?"

8. What is the correct possessive form of the plural

a. It's a singular noun, not a plural noun

noun "moose?"

b. It's a common noun, not a proper noun

a. Moose'

c. Both A and B

b. Moose's

d. Neither A nor B

c. Mooses'

d. Mooses's

4. Which of the following nouns requires only an

apostrophe to form a possessive? a. Desk

9. What can we assume about a possessive in which neither an apostrophe nor an "s" have been added?

b. Bus

a. It's not really a possessive

c. Alice

b. It's a possessive noun that ends in a double "s"

d. Seat

c. It's a possessive noun that ends in a silent "s"

d. It's a possessive pronoun

5. The final "s" of the possessive "compass's" is optional. Which of these words is an antonym for "optional?"

10. Which phrase in the following sentence can be replaced by a possessive? "The children of Janice ran

a. Obligatory

around the playground, shouting and laughing."

b. Elective

a. "ran around"

c. Voluntary

b. "of Janice"

d. Discretionary

c. "the playground"

d. "shouting and laughing"

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