Name: ____________________________________________Per: __9 Easy Rules: Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement NOTESbased on rules found on are Pronouns and Antecedents? ? Pronoun- A word used to stand for (or take the place of) ___________. A pronoun is often used to refer to an earlier noun or pronoun in the sentence. The earlier noun the pronoun refers to is called the ____________________________. ? Ex. President Lincoln delivered his presidential address.? The pronoun in this sentence is ____________________? The antecedent is ____________________________Basic Principle ? The pronoun must agree with its antecedent in ________________ and _______________. ??A singular pronoun must replace a singular noun ? A plural pronoun must replace a plural noun??The difficulties many people have include: ?___________________________________________________________________________________??Using “its” vs. “their” ?____________________________________________________________________________________Rule #1 ??__________________________________________________________________________________________________ ??She and I like jogging so we run almost everyday.?What is the antecedent in this sentence? ANSWER___________________________??What is the pronoun referent? ANSWER______________________________________?Peanut butter and jelly makes a great snack; it tastes so good! ?Here, peanut butter and jelly is intended as a singular unit (it’s a kind of sandwich) so it will get a _______________________.Rule #2 ?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________?Neither the actors nor the director did his or her job right.?Because the antecedent “director” is closest to the pronoun, and director is singular, we use a singular pronoun.??How does this sentence change. Fill in the blank: ?Neither the director nor the actors did _____ job right. ANSWER ______________?You might notice that the second version of the sentence is smoother, and might be preferable to the first for writing purposes.Rule #3? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________? The can of lima beans sits on its shelf??The antecedent in this sentence is the “can.” The fact that lima beans is plural does not change the fact that can is singular.Rule #4 ??Collective nouns (team, couple, staff, etc.) take either a singular or plural pronoun referent, depending__________________________________________________________________________________??The jury read its verdict.??In this sentence, the emphasis is placed on the jury as ___________________, so it takes a singular pronoun referent?The jury deliberated for hours among themselves. ??In this case, the emphasis is placed on the individual units, so it takes a ___________________________________________.Rule #5 ?______________________________________________________________(each, either, neither, one, no one, nobody, nothing, anyone, anybody, anything, someone, somebody, something, everyone, everybody, everything) _________________________________________. ?Neither will eat his or her eggs.??What is the antecedent in this sentence? ANSWER____________________________??What is the pronoun referent? ANSWER___________________________________?____________________________________________________________ (both, several, few, many) require ___________________________________________ ?Both do a good job in their office??What is the antecedent? ANSWER: _____________________________?What is the pronoun referent? ANSWER: _________________________________Rule #6?_______________________________________________________________________________________________? The Grapes of Wrath is one of the best books in its genre. ?The United States of America is unwavering in its stance on terrorismRule #7 ?_________________________________________________________________________?The news had lost much of its sting two days later ??The scissors can be found in its drawer. ??These shorts have lint in its pockets.Rule #8 ?__________________________________________________________________________________________________?Many a cow, pig, and a sheep lost its way here. ?Every Tom, Dick, and Harry knows his way around.Rule #9 ?_________________________________________________________________________??The number of letters increases daily, like its multiplying exponentially.?A number of volunteers offered their help to the Hurricane Sandy survivors. ................

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