CURRICULUM VITAE Bernard Fortin Education

July 2020


Bernard Fortin

Economics Department Pavillon J.-A. De S?ve

Laval University Quebec (QC), Canada

G1V 0A6 Tel : 1-418-656-5678 Email : Citizenship : Canadian _______________________________________________________________________________________________


University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D in economics, 1979 Dissertation Title: Labor Supply Analysis of Low Income Families in the Province of Quebec.

Laval University, B.A in Economics, 1971.

Laval University, B.A. in Arts, 1968.

Work Experience

Chair on Industrial Alliance Research the Economics of Demographic Change, 2018-2019. Professor, Economics Department, Laval University, 1988- .

Associate Professor, Economics Department, Laval University, 1981-1987.

Assistant Professor, Economics Department, Laval University, 1973-1980.

Canada Chair of research in Economics of Social Policies and Human Resources, 2001-2015.

Research Fellow of Institute of the Study of Labor (IZA), 2010.

Fellow, Centre de recherche sur les risques, les enjeux ?conomiques et les politiques publiques (CRREP), 2015-.

Fellow, CIRP?E, 2002-2014.

Fellow, Centre Interuniversitaire de Recherche en Analyse des Organisations (CIRANO) 1994-.

Research Fields

Labour Economics, Public Economics, Health Economics, Family Economics, Social Interactions Economics, Education Economics, Applied Microeconometrics.


Publications in Peer Reviews

(with Yann Bramoull? and Habiba Djebbari), ? Peer Effects in Networks : a Survey ?, Annual Review of Economics 12, 20.

(with Julie Beugnot, Guy Lacroix and Marie-Claire Villeval), ? Gender and Peer Effects on Performance in Social Networks ?, European Economic review, 113, 207-224, 2019.

(with Anyck Dauphin and Guy Lacroix), "Is Consumption Efficiency Within Households Falsifiable ?", Review of Economics of the Household, 16 (3), 737-766, 2018.

(with Simon Bri?re and Guy Lacroix), "Discrimination ? l'embauche des candidates d'origine maghr?bine dans la r?gion de la Capitale-Nationale", Revue d'analyse ?conomique/ L'Actualit? ?conomique.

(with Safa Ragued), "Does Temporary Interruption in Postsecondary Education Induce a Wage Penalty? Evidence from Canada", Economics of Education Review, 58, 2017, 108-122.

(with Paul Blais-Morisset and Vincent Boucher), ? L'impact des d?penses publiques en sport sur les m?dailles olympiques ?, Revue ?conomique, 68, 2017, 623-642.

(with Arnaud Blancquaert, Nicholas-James Clavet, Jean-Yves Duclos, Steeve Marchand), ? Taux marginaux effectifs d'imposition : une comparaison Qu?bec-Ontario ?, Revue d'analyse ?conomique/ L'Actualit? ?conomique, 93, 2017, 531-558.

(with Nicholas-James Clavet, Jean-Yves Duclos et Steeve Marchand), Reforming Old Age Security: Effects and Alternatives, Canadian Tax Journal, 63(2), 2015, 357-373.

(with Myra Yazbeck), ? Peer Effects, Fast Food Consumption and Adolescent Weight Gain ?, Journal of Health Economics, 42, 2015, 125-138.

(with Damien ?chevin), ? Physician Payment Mechanisms, Hospital Length of Stay and Risk of Readmission: Evidence from a Natural Experiment ?, Journal of Health Economics, 36, 2014, 112-124.

(with Vincent Boucher, Yann Bramoull? and Habiba Djebbari), "Do Peers Affect Student Achievement ? Evidence from Canada Using Group Size Variation", Journal of Applied Econometrics, 29(1), 2014, 91-109.

(with Abdel-Rahmen El-Lagha, Anyck Dauphin, and Guy Lacroix, "Are Children Decision-Makers within the Household'', Economic Journal, 121(553), 2011, 871-903.

(with Lacroix, Guy and Dominique Pinard), "Evaluation of the Underground Economy in Quebec: a Microeconomic Approach" , International Economic Journal, 2010, 24(4), 463-480.

(with Jean-Yves Duclos and Andr?e-Anne Fournier), ``An Analysis of Effective Marginal Tax Rates in Quebec'', Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques, 35(3), 2009, 344-371.

with Yann Bramoull? and Habiba Djebbari), ``Identification of Peer Effects through Social Networks``, Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 150 (1), 2009, 41-55.

(with Nicolas Jacquemet and Bruce Shearer), ``Policy Analysis in the health-services market: accounting for quality


and quantity``, The Annals of Economics and Statistics, 91-92, 2008, 293?319.

(with Guy Lacroix and Dominique Pinard), `'?valuation de l'?conomique souterraine au Qu?bec : une ?valuation micro?conomique'', Revue ?conomique, 60(5), 2009, 1257-1274.

(with Jean-Yves Duclos and Andr?e-Anne Fournier), ``Une analyse des taux marginaux effectifs d'imposition au Qu?bec``, Revue d'Analyse ?conomique/L'Actualit? ?conomique, 84 (1), 2008, 5-46.

(with ?tienne Dumont, Nicolas Jacquemet and Bruce Shearer),? Physicians' Multitasking and Incentives: Empirical Evidence from a Natural Experiment``, Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 27(6), 2008, 1436-1450.

(with Guy Lacroix and Marie-Claire Villeval), `'Tax Evasion and Social Interactions'', Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 91(11-12), 2007, 2089-2112.

(with Anyck Dauphin, Abdel-Rahmen El Lahga and Guy Lacroix), ?Choix de consommation des m?nages en pr?sence de plusieurs d?cideurs ?, Revue d'Analyse ?conomique/L'Actualit? ?conomique, 82, 2006, 87-118.

(with Nicolas Beaulieu, Jean-Yves Duclos and Manon Rouleau), ? The Intergenerational Reliance on Social Assistance : Evidence from Canada ?, Journal of Population Economics, 18, 2005, 539-562.

(with Nadia Joubert and Guy Lacroix), ? Offre de travail au noir en pr?sence de la fiscalit? et des contr?les fiscaux ?, ?conomie et pr?vision, 164-165, 2004, 145-164.

(with Guy Lacroix and Simon Drolet), ? Welfare Benefits and the Duration of Welfare Spells Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Canada ?, Journal of Public Economics, 88, 2004, 1495-1520.

(with D. Bolduc, F. Labrecque and P. Lavoie), ? Workers' Compensation, Moral Hazard and the composition of Workplace injuries ?, Journal of Human Resources, 37(3), 2002, 623-652.

(with P.A. Chiappori and G. Lacroix), ? Marriage Market, Divorce Legislation and Household Labor Supply?, Journal of Political Economy, 110, 2002, 37-72.

(with Anyck Dauphin), ? A Test of Collective Rationality for Multi-Person Households ?, Economics Letters, 71, 2001, 211-216.

(with G. Lacroix and C. Montmarquette), ? Are Underground Workers More Likely to be Underground Consumers ? ?, Economic Journal., 110, 2000, 838-860.

(with G. Lacroix and J.-F. Thibault), ? The Interaction between U.I. and Welfare, and the Dynamics of Welfare Participation of Single Parents ?, Canadian Public Policy, 1999, S115-S132.

(with P. Lanoie) , ? Is Workers' Compensation a Substitute for Unemployment Insurance??, Journal of risk and Uncertainty, 18(2), 1999, 165-188.

(with D. Foug?re and G. Lacroix), ? Hausse des bar?mes et sorties de l'aide sociale?, Revue ?conomique, 50(3), 1999, 451-464.

? D?pendance ? l'?gard de l'aide sociale et r?forme de la s?curit? du revenu ?, Revue d'Analyse ?conomique/ L'Actualit? ?conomique, 73(4), 1997, 1-19.


(with N. Marceau and L. Savard), ? Taxation, Wages Control and the Informal Sector ?, Journal of Public Economics, 66(2), 1997, p. 293-312.

(with D. Bolduc and S. Gordon), ? Multinomial Probit Estimation of Spatially Interdependent Choices: An Empirical Comparison of Two New Techniques ?, International Regional Science Review, 20, 1997, p. 77-101.

(with G. Lacroix), ? A Test of Unitary and Collective Models of Household Labor Supply ?, Economic Journal, 107(443), 1997, 933-955.

(with D. Bolduc and M.A. Fournier), ? The Impact of Incentive Policies on the Practice Location of Doctors: A Multinomial Probit Analysis ?, Journal of Labor Economics, 14, 1996, 703-732.

(with P. Lanoie and C. Laporte), ? Unemployment Insurance and the Duration of Workplace Accidents ?, Canadian Journal of Economics, Special Issue Part I, 1996, 517-524.

(with T. Lemieux and P. Fr?chette), ? The Effects of Taxes on Labor Supply in the Underground Economy ?, American Economic Review, 54, 1994, 231-254.

(with G. Lacroix), ? Labor Supply, Tax Evasion and the Marginal Cost of Public Funds: An Empirical Investigation ?, Journal of Public Economics, 55, 1994, 407-431.

(with L. Beaus?jour and M. Truchon), ? On Reforming the Welfare System: Workfare Meets the Negative Income Tax ?, Journal of Public Economics, 48, 1993, 119-151.

(with P. Lanoie), ? Substitution Between Unemployment Insurance and Workers' Compensation: An Analysis Applied to the Risk of Workplace Accidents ?, Journal of Public Economics, 49, 1992, 287-312.

(with G. Lacroix), ? Utility-Based Estimation of Labour Supply Functions in the Regular and Irregular Sectors ?, Economic Journal, 102, 1992, 1407-1422.

? R?cents d?veloppements dans l'analyse de l'offre de travail ?, Revue d'Analyse ?conomique/ L'Actualit? ?conomique, 65(4), 1989, 474-508.

? Une r?duction de la semaine l?gale de travail augmente-t-elle la demande de travailleurs? ?, Revue d'Analyse ?conomique/ L'Actualit? ?conomique, 65(3), 1989, 423-443.

? Should the Current Tax-Transfer System be Replaced by a Flat-Rate Negative Income Tax? ?, Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 26(2), 1988, 423-432.

(with A. Bernier), ? The Welfare Cost of Unemployment in Quebec, Harberger's Triangle Meets Okun's Gap ?, Canadian Journal of Economics, XXI(1), 1988, 161-181.

(with P. Fortin), ? Croissance ?conomique et d?croissance d?mographique ? long terme: l'optimisme du mod?le n?oclassique pur est-il justifi?? ?, Canadian Studies in Population, 14(2), 1987, 171-186.

(with N.M. Nguyen), ? Poverty Trap and the Hidden Labor Market ?, Economics Letters, 25(2), 1987, 183-189.

(with H.P. Rousseau), "Computing the Welfare Costs of Quebec Tax and Transfer System: A General Equilibrium Approach", Cahiers ?conomiques de Nancy, no. 16, 1986, pp. 55-96.


"La s?curit? du revenu au Qu?bec: un bilan", Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politique, 10, 1984.

"L'offre de travail des familles ? faible revenu au Qu?bec", Relations industrielles, 1, 1977, 64-93.

(with J.F. Gautrin), "L'offre de travail dans le mod?le candide", Revue d'Analyse ?conomique/L'Actualit? ?conomique, 1, 1976.

Papers in revision in Peer Reviews

(with Nicolas Jacquemet and Bruce Shearer), ? Labour Supply, Work Effort and Contract Choice: Theory and Evidence on Physicians ?, R&R in The Journal of Applied Econometrics.

(with Rokhaya Dieye), ? Gender Peer Effects Heterogeneity in Obesity ?, R&R in Spatial Economic Analysis.

(with Bruce Shearer and Habib Som?), Measuring Physicians' Response to Incentives: Evidence on Hours Worked and Multitasking, submitted.

Book Chapters

(with Safa Ragued), ?L'interruption temporaire des ?tudes post-secondaires entra?ne-t-elle une p?nalit? salariale ? in Le Qu?bec ?conomique 7, ?ducation et capital humain, Marcelin Joanis and Claude Montmarquette (eds.), CIRANO, Les Presses de l'Universit? Laval. 2018, pp.415-434.

(with Pierre-Andr? Chiappori and Guy Lacroix), ?Marriage Market, Divorce Legislation, and Household Labor Supply? dans The Economics of Marriage, Shoshana A. Grossbard (ed.), International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, 2016.

(with Vincent Boucher), Some Challenges in the Empirics of the Effects of Networks, in Oxford Handbook on the Economics of Network, Y. Bramoull?, B. Rogers et A. Galeotti, Oxford University Press, 2015.

(with Nicholas-James Clavet and Jean-Yves Duclos), ? Imp?t des particuliers et transferts sociaux : perspectives de long terme ?, dans Le Qu?bec ?conomique 2012, Luc Godbout and Marcellin Joannis (eds.), Presses de l'Universit? Laval, 2013, 47-80.

(with Jean-Yves Duclos and Steeve Marchand), ? L'?volution des sources de revenus des qu?becois de 2012 ? 2013 : une analyse de simulation ?, in Le Qu?bec ?conomique 2012, Luc Godbout and Marcellin Joannis (eds.), Presses de l'Universit? Laval, 2013, 163-190.

(with Yann Bramoull? and Habiba Djebbari), ``Identification of Peer Effects through Social Networks`` dans Economic Analyses of Social Networks, Matthew O. Jackson, William D. Eberle and Yves Z?nou (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2013.

(with E. Dumont, N. Jacquemet and B. Shearer), R?mun?ration mixte et comportement professionnel des sp?cialistes, dans Le Qu?bec ?conomique 2011, Un bilan de sant? du Qu?bec, Luc Godbout, Marcellin Joannis and Nathalie de Marcellis-Warin (eds.), Presses de l'Universit? Laval, 2012, 197-208.

(with Yann Bramoull?), The Econometrics of Networks, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, 2nd Edition, S. N. Durlauf and L. E. Blume (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan.


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