
Jackson County Comprehensive High School

Biology Course Syllabus

Course Title…..Biology Term…………..2017-2018

Teacher………...Ms. Nichole Bailey room #................C-16

Email Address: nbailey@jcss.us

School Phone Number: (706) 367-5003

Class Website: Google Classroom and

Course Description: Biology is a branch of science that studies living things. Concepts for this course include the interdependence of organisms; the relationship of matter, energy, and organization in living systems; the behavior of organisms; and biological evolution. Students will investigate biological concepts through experience in laboratories and field work using the processes of inquiry. During this course, we will continue to develop your understanding of science and problem solving skills.


Help Sessions: There will be tutoring sessions during the first 25 minutes of each lunch in C-14. Help sessions will be also held as needed either as a group or individually before or after school with Ms. Bailey

Supplies List:

• 3 or 5 Subject Spiral Notebook

• Pens/Pencils – doesn’t matter what color or kind

• Colored Pencils

• Highlighters

• Index cards (any color, size, etc)

• 1 Ream of Copy Paper

• 1 Box of Kleenex

Books: There will be a class set of books available to each student during class time. There is also an online version, available through my website.

Progress Reports: We encourage parent involvement which is why I will be updating student grades online. I will update grades via infinite campus regularly. If at any time you have questions, you are more than welcome to contact me at school through phone (706-367-5003) or email (nbailey@jcss.us). I generally respond faster to email rather than through phone.

Grading Criteria for Biology:

The following weighted percentages will be used to determine the final grade in the course.

|Ecology Unit |26% |

|Cells Unit |19% |

|Genetics Unit |22% |

|Evolution Unit |16% |

|Organisms and Phylogeny Unit |12% |

|Midterm |5% |

|EOC |20% |

Important Testing Dates:

Midterm-Tuesday, December 19th

Biology EOC- Friday, May 11th

Final Exams for Biology-

2nd Period: Monday, May 21st

3rd Period: Tuesday, May 22nd

4th Period: Tuesday, May 22nd

Classroom Procedures:

1. Be in your seat and get started on your opener before the bell rings (it will be located on the board every day)

2. Pay attention, be alert, and follow directions the first time they are given!

3. Be RESPECTFUL at all times to the instructor and your classmates!

4. Follow all school and classroom procedures.

Consequence Procedures

5. Verbal warning

6. Student/Teacher Conference

7. Detention

8. Parent/Teacher Conference by phone, email, or in person

9. Administrative Referral

***Tampering with any lab equipment in my room; i.e. water faucets, gas valves, boards covering the sinks, drawers, microscopes (when not in use), outlets (which are NOT to be used to charge cell phones), anything else that is not currently being used for our class will result in a direct Administrative Referral!!***


Students will be allowed to use their own computers/tablets this year. However, if you are found to be using the technology inappropriately, your device will be taken up and returned to the student at the end of the day. Multiple violations will result in removal of BYOT privileges.

Cell Phone Policy:

Cell phones will not be allowed during class time EXCEPT when using them with teacher permission for instructional research purposes. If the teacher observes your cell phone when you are not allowed to be using it, the teacher will take it up and keep it for the remainder of the day. On the second offense and thereafter, it will be taken and kept for the day and the student will receive a referral each time you have it out.

Remind Policy:

Our class will have a Remind that will be used by the teacher to remind the class of important assignments or due dates. A conscious effort will be taken to remind students of all important due dates, but it is the student’s responsibility to make sure those assignments are getting done, regardless of whether a Remind is sent out.

Tardy Policy: Any student who is not in the classroom when the bell rings to begin class will be considered tardy and must report to the front office or café to receive a pass to class.

1st and 2nd - Warning

3rd Tardy – 1 lunch detention and parent call

4th Tardy – 2 lunch detentions and parent call

5th Tardy – 1 day ISS and loss of parking privileges for 2 days

6th Tardy – 2 days of ISS, loss of parking privilege for 5 days

7th Tardy & Over – Administrative Discretion

Make-Up Work: “Your grade, your work, your responsibility!”

It is your responsibility to ask for and keep up with your work. Make sure you take time to review JCCHS policy on make-up work. Students should meet with the teacher before or after school within 5 days of returning to school to devise a plan for make-up work. While most daily work and homework can be completed at home, all quizzes, tests, and labs must be made up before or after school during the times of 7:30-8:00 am or 3:10-3:45pm. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange transportation to or from school to complete their make-up work. No exceptions will be made.

Test Correction Policy

You will take several unit tests. These are summative assignments. If you make a grade of 75 or below on the unit test you will be assigned to a tutoring session. During tutoring the student will review of the content and complete test corrections. Test corrections will be thorough explanations of the questions you missed and why you missed those questions. Once completed, you can earn back up to a 75 on the test. This only applies to unit tests.

Homework Policy

Your homework every day is to review what we did in class and work on vocabulary. There may be other homework assignments made and sometimes classwork will need to be completed at home.

Late Work

If you are given an assignment and are present on the day that it is due, and do NOT turn it in you are subject to the late work policy. You may turn the work in late for a MAXIMUM of 70% of the points. If you do NOT turn in the work, you will be assigned to after school academic detention to complete the work and parents will be contacted. If you do not attend detention, a referral will be written. The absolute deadline for any late work is 1 week after the end of the unit. NO late work will be accepted after that date.

JCCHS Academic Honesty Policy

Academic dishonesty is inexcusable conduct, and will not be tolerated. Students at Jackson County High School are expected to submit work for evaluation that has been completed solely by that student, unless group assignments have been so designated. Students are expected to maintain academic integrity at all times. A student who chooses to cheat will receive a zero for the assignment, the teacher will contact the parents, and the student will be referred to the administration. For first time offenders, teachers will work with the student to establish a timeline to make up / retake the assignment; however, the highest grade they will be able to receive will be a 70. For any subsequent cheating infractions, a zero will be received for the assignment without the option to re-submit. The JCCHS Academic Honesty Policy in its entirety is available in the student handbook.

Dear Parents,

I am very excited to be teaching your child this year. Please take a moment to sit down and go over this handout with your student as it contains policies and procedures that will be used in our classroom. After looking through it, please sign it and return it as soon as possible. By signing this page, you are agreeing to all the classroom policies as outlined in the syllabus. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at the high school through phone (706-367-5003) or through email (nbailey@jcss.us).


Nichole Bailey

Important Points/ Reminders:

Consequence Procedures

1. Verbal warning

2. Student/Teacher Conference by phone, email, or in person

3. Detention

4. Parent/Teacher Conference by phone, email, or in person

5. Administrative Referral

***Tampering with any lab equipment in my room; i.e. water faucets, gas valves, drawers, microscopes (when not in use), outlets (which are NOT to be used to charge cell phones), anything else that is not currently being used for our class will result in a direct Administrative Referral!!***


Students will be allowed to use their own computers/tablets this year. However, if you are found to be using the technology inappropriately, your device will be taken up and returned to the student at the end of the day. Multiple violations will result in removal of BYOT privileges.

Cell Phone Policy:

Cell phones will not be allowed during class time, EXCEPT when using them with teacher permission for instructional research purposes. If the teacher observes your cell phone when you are not allowed to be using it, the teacher will take it up and keep it for the remainder of the day. On the second offense and thereafter, it will be taken and kept for the day and the student will receive a referral each time you have it out.

Late Work

If you are given an assignment and are present on the day that it is due, and do NOT turn it in you are subject to the late work policy. You may turn the work in late for a MAXIMUM of 70% of the points. If you do NOT turn in the work, you will be assigned to after school academic detention to complete the work and parents will be contacted. If you do not attend detention, a referral will be written. The absolute deadline for any late work is 1 week after the end of the unit. NO late work will be accepted after that date.

JCCHS Academic Honesty Policy

Academic dishonesty is inexcusable conduct, and will not be tolerated. Students at Jackson County High School are expected to submit work for evaluation that has been completed solely by that student, unless group assignments have been so designated. Students are expected to maintain academic integrity at all times. A student who chooses to cheat will receive a zero for the assignment, the teacher will contact the parents, and the student will be referred to the administration. For first time offenders, teachers will work with the student to establish a timeline to make up / retake the assignment; however, the highest grade they will be able to receive will be a 70. For any subsequent cheating infractions, a zero will be received for the assignment without the option to re-submit. The JCCHS Academic Honesty Policy in its entirety is available in the student handbook.

Student Signature:_____________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________

Please indicate below the best way for me to contact you so that we can discuss your child’s progress in my class.


These units make up your grade book that will be calculated as 80% of your total grade.

This is the other 20% of your total grade.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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