AGENDA - West Virginia Department of Education



Capitol Building 6, Room 353

1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East

Charleston, West Virginia

March 23, 2017

I. Call to Order

Following the welcome and Pledge of Allegiance President Thomas W. Campbell called the meeting of the West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) to order at 9:00 a.m. on March 23, 2017, in Capitol Building 6, Room 353, 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East, Charleston, West Virginia.

The following members were present: President Campbell, Vice President Harold L. Hatfield Jr., Jeffrey D. Flanagan, Miller L. Hall, David G. Perry, F. Scott Rotruck, Frank S. Vitale (via telephone), Barbara S. Whitecotton, and James S. Wilson. Members absent were ex officios Michael J. Martirano, State Superintendent of Schools, Paul L. Hill, Chancellor, West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission, and Sarah Armstrong Tucker, Chancellor, West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education.

II. Oath of Office

The oath of office was administered to Mr. Flanagan. Mr. Vitale's oath of office was administered in Morgantown and is on file with the Secretary of State's Office.

III. Approval of Agenda

President Campbell called for a motion to approve the agenda. Mr. Perry moved, and Mr. Rotruck seconded, that the agenda be approved. Upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously.

IV. Personnel Matters to Include

West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind and

Interviews and Selection of State Superintendent of Schools

President Campbell stated that no action would be taken regarding West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind personnel and called for a motion to enter into executive session to interview candidates for the position of State Superintendent of Schools. President Campbell stated that all candidates had requested that their interview be conducted in executive session and that the executive session would be lengthy. Mr. Hatfield moved, in accordance with W. Va. Code §6-9A-4(b)(2)(A), that the committee enter into executive session for personnel matters. Mr. Hall seconded the motion and upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. The committee moved into executive session at 9:12 a.m. Dr. Kathy J. D'Anonti, Chief Officer, WVDE Division of Career Technical Education, was called into executive session at 9:42 a.m. Following a short break, Mr. Blaine C. Hess, Superintendent, Jackson County Schools, was called into executive session at 11:05 a.m. Following lunch, Dr. Steven L. Paine, Interim Superintendent, Wayne County Schools, was called into executive session at 12:55 p.m.

V. Return from Executive Session

President Campbell announced that the Board had returned from executive session at 4:05 p.m. with no decisions made, stated that Mr. Vitale departed the meeting at the conclusion of the final interview, and called for motions as a result of the executive session.

Mr. Hatfield moved, and Mr. Perry seconded, that Dr. Steven L. Paine be hired as the State Superintendent of Schools, effective March 27, 2017, at a salary of $230,000.00, to serve at the will and pleasure of the Board. Upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Perry moved, and Mr. Hall seconded, appreciation of Superintendent Martirano for his service. Mr. Perry extended his appreciation to Dr. Daniel for her service in Superintendent Martirano's absence during the meeting.

VI. Future Meetings

The next regular meeting of the WVBE will be held April 12, 2017, in Charleston, West Virginia. The meeting will continue on April 13, 2017, if the agenda is not completed on April 12, 2017.

VII. Adjourn

President Campbell called for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Hatfield moved, and Mr. Hall seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. Upon the call for the question the motion was carried unanimously; the meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

Minutes approved by the Board on April 13, 2017.


Thomas W. Campbell, President

Minutes were recorded by

Virginia M. Harris

Secretary to the Board



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