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Searchable listing of every name found in

Hamilton County, Ohio, Wills 1791-1850

Abstracted by JoAnn Riley McKey

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Researchers should search for every conceivable variant of a name?those who wrote the wills were quite creative that way. For example, one individual, whose name must have been Oliver, was listed as Allover in his benefactor's will. Names also may have suffered in their translation from German or because of marginally legible handwriting. When names appeared with multiple spellings, the different variants were noted in this list. The names of court officials (judges, clerks, etc) are not included in these abstracts.

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others/executors/witnesses/ etc

25 504 1791 12 10 Butler, Richard

wife & children (testator was a Maj Gen who was mortally wounded)

Dr Charles Brown

04 242 1791 12 12 Bradford, James (Capt)

wife Margaret; unborn child

Robert Bunten

(testator had been injured by Indians)

18 472

1792 01 10

Gibson, George (Lt Cl) Cumberland Co PA

wife Anne; sons Francis West Gibson, George Patrick Henry Gibson, William Cherney Gibson, Matthias John Bannister Gibson; nephew Robert Colander

Thos Dunkin; Jasper Yates; Charles Smith; Thomas Smith; Maxwell Bines; Mahlon Ford; Thomas Doyle

25 503 1792 04 04 Gerard, Joseph

wife Elizabeth; sons Reece, William; Jesse Gerard; William Gerard; Elias

daughters Rachel, Joanna

Gerard; Henry Debolt; George Shinn

04 249 1793 08 30 Blair, William (Cpl)

Thomas Aikens

Sgt Richard Green

04 249 1794 02 11 Hughes, Hugh (Pvt)

Cpt Mahlon Ford

Ft Washington

David Strong; John H Bennett

11 378 1794 03 05 Linthecome, Cobus

wife Lydia; children Polly & David

Jonathan Pitman; Henry Weaver; John McCasken; James McCasken

11 372 1794 04 29 Smith, Ballard (Major)

mother Elizabeth Smith of Hanover Co VA; brother William Smith; natural son Francis Smith (alias Sprankle) born to Barbery Sprankle

Cpt John Preston; Anthony Smith; George Gordon; Joseph Prince; Robt. Mitchell

11 377 1794 10 09 Seward, Daniel

wife Mary; daughters Melley, Mehitable, sons Malen, John, Samuel

Rev John Smith; Jacob White; Henry Taylor; Thomas Gavin; Leblesius Marshell

11 374

1794 11 09

McDowell, George Packhorse master

Uncles John & David Tait; sister Jane McDowel; Willm McElroys

Willm Cribb; George Wallace; Robert Elliott of Hagerstown MD; Wm Elliott; John McFarling; Elliott & William Co; John Johnston; William Tait; Thos Anderson; Mr Jones of Pittsburgh; Patricdk Murphy; James Connor; Patrick Dickey

03 042 1794 11 24 Vorhies, Tunis (Sgt,)

Joseph Strong; William Higgison

Ft Washington

Capt Pratt's Co; Robert Miss Campbell (sic); r Allison; Noah P Hopkins; Thos W oodley

04 250 1794 11 26 Devine, James (Cpl)

Sgt Samuel Perkins

Capt Eaton's Co; William Armstrong; Joseph Strong; Wm McConnell; David Glody


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others/executors/witnesses/ etc

11 379 1795 05 27 Terry, John

wife Ruth; children Enos, Reuben, Robert, John, William, Elizabeth, Mary, Judeh, Sarah

Loomis Millar; W McMillon; James Butler; Hannah Donals; Robert McElhany

06 498

1795 08 28

Flinn, William Columbia Twp NewTown in Anderson Twp

sons James, Daniel; g-ch Abraham, Jacob, Elizabeth, Susana, Rachel, Mary Barnet; daughter Elizabeth wife of John Barnet of Anderson Twp; son William (decd) his children: William, Tho, Jacob, Elizabeth, Samuel

Benjamin Stites; Capt Green; William Goferth; William Giffen; Ann Carpenter

01 516 1795 12 15 Hatfield, Adam

wife Margaret; son John; other sons

Cincinnati and daughters

Isaac Mason; Mary Gibson; John Gibson, Timothy Lyones

11 375 1796 03 21 Ward, Ebenezer

wife Phebe; granddaughter Mary Brundage; grandson Ebenezer Ward Finney; gt-grandsons Stephen, William, Edward, Joseph Brundage sons of Jemima Brundage (decd); grt-grandson-in-law Jonathan Miller Jr "son to the late Mary Fisher, now Mary Miller, wife of Jonathan Miller Sr;" grandson-in-law Benjamin Fisher

John Cleves Symmes; Benjamin Stites Sr; John Smith (minister of Columbia, NW Territory); Thos Boone; John Fagin; Levi Buckingham

04 251 1796 04 04 Manning, Drake

Brothers Enoch, Samuel, Daniel

Wash. Co PA

friend Charles Mannon; Ross Crosley; Gardner Sutton

01 517 1796 06 14 Mills, John (Major)

Father John; brothers William, Samuel, Zachariah, Charles, Benjamin; sisters Sarah & Abigail

Henthorpe Sargent; H Vandeburgh; Henry Landers; John George Lethradge

08 287

1796 08 11

Kirkwood, David Cincinnati

sisters Martha, Mary; wife, child, son Joseph

bros-in-law George Galaspy Jr & Samuel Dick; Benjamin Griffith; James Gillespie; Dr John Sellman; A Parks; William Ramsey; George Gordon; William Jones; John Fisher; Samson McCullough

08 286 1799 07 22 Elliott, James

wife Mary; children William, James, Marey, Margaret, Jenney, John Samuel

exrs: wife Marey & son James; Jas. Dunn; John Scott

08 285 1799 10 29 Oliver, Allen

wife Mary; sons Ezekiel, Allen, five

Cincinnati daughters

Moses Miller; Thomas Wells; John riddle, Isaac Bates; Jacob Williams

02 487 1800 03 31 Moore, Thomas

Ephriam Johnston of Franklin Co PA; brother John living in Co Bauer IRE

James Findlay; William McClemon; W Dumner; Ezra F Freeman; Thomas Welsh; Abner M Dunn

06 492

1800 06 20

Fee, Thomas Franklin Twp,

Washington Co PA

wife Sarah; son George; daughter Mary Jackson; daughter Ruth Owens; son John; son Thomas; daughter Sarah Gaskins; daughter Rachel Thrasher; son William; sons James, Samuel, Elias, Elijah, Elisha, Jesse

John Aldridge; Joseph Lakin; Samuel Lakin


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others/executors/witnesses/ etc

03 040

1800 10 04

Wells, Rebecca Cincinnati

widow of William Wells of Fyette Co PA; son William; g-children Rebecca & William Brown (father Joseph Brown); son David & children William, Rebecca; gchildren William & Rebecca David (children of Daniel & Elizabeth David); son Thomas Wells & son William; g-children William & Rebecca Palmer (children of Thomas Palmer); son Jesse & children Mary & Rebecca; daughter Abigail Brown; granddaughter Sarah Brown; daughter Frances

Moses Miller; Jacob Reeder; Wm Espy

02 490

1800 10 15

McClellin, Thomas Columbia Twp

wife Mary; sons James, Thomas, John, Daniel; daughters Matty, Molly, Amy Smith, Agnes Tounsly, Polly Mason

Robert Townsley; Sycurgas Holmes; Isaac Morris; John Morris

25 501

1800 10 21

Felty, Isaac Cincinnati

died bef 1799 01 26

wife Mary; sons John, Joseph, Isaac, Thomas; daughter Elizabeth

Thomas Gibson; Samuel Dick; Isaac Anderson; James White; George Howard; William Ramsey

02 488

1801 01 07

Mercer, Aaron Columbia Twp

wife Elizabeth; son Edward; sons-inlaw Ichibod Benton Miller & Thomas Brown; daughter Ann Brown; grandson David Merser Miller; granddaughter Hannah Miller; son David; daughter Sarah Miller; bound boy John Mix

Benjamin Stites; John Whetstone; Ignatius Ross

09 492 1801 01 09 Westfall, James

wife Anne; children

Philip Petra; Jacob Shaver

03 038

1801 01 14

Lowry, David Sr Mad River

John Lowry & his son David; daughter Nancey & her son David Titus; sons Archibald, David, Thomas, Robert; daughter Letis Gillson & her daughter Letis Gillson; daughter Elinor Jacon; Thomas Scot Lowry; Recter Gillson

William Donnel; Hugh Cameron

03 039 1801 10 28 Lowr,y John

wife Elizabeth; sons John, Abraham, Flemming; wife's sister Mary Fleming; 5 daughters; William Gouder (sic)

William Gaudy; John Bigger Jr; John Sterrett of KY; James Barret; Rob Warwick; Henry Bowlen; Robert Kain; John Bartle

25 497 1801 12 25 Crane, Isaac


wife Mary; children Jabez, Hezekiah, Benjamin, Isaac; brother Joseph Crane

William McMillen; John Armstrong; John Whitworth; Tabetha Armstrong

07 385 1802 04 23 Stoughton, John

wife Lydda; brothers Samuel,

Cincinnati Twp William, Joseph

John Ludlow; Abner Boston; Samuel Wood, Kennedy Morton

06 492 1802 08 19 Chapman, John

Nephew John Chapman of New

Cincinnati Castle Co DE

Isaac Anderson; John Cranner Dexter; John Miller

25 500 1802 11 04 Carson, Henry

wife Agnes; children David, Hugh, son-in-law James Giffen; H Gowan;


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others/executors/witnesses/ etc

Hannah, Elizabeth, Mary Raddocks, Margaret Giffen, Jenny Andrews; William Davinport; Nephew Henry Carson Andrews; John Carson Davids

William Cooper; Robert Thompson

02 486

1803 01 04

Preston, William Springfield Twp

children Abigail Long, Susan McGiland, Joseph Preston, Abijah Preston

Henry Weaver; James Steel; Amos W hite

04 235 1803 07 22 Hill, John

son Benjamin; children of Joseph Hill (decd); son Philip Hill; son Samuel Hill; other daughters

exrs Philip & Samuel Hill; Benjamin Moore; William Wasson; Theo Simonton

25 496 1803 08 10 Wallace, James

daughters Margaret Hill, Alice Shepherd, Sarah Gowdy; granddaughters Martha Vance, Henrietta Hill Wallace, Harriet Scott Wallace; grandson James Pierson Wallace; son John Wallace

John R Mills; Mary Mills; son-in-law James Giffen; H Gowans; William Cooper; Robert Thompson

02 480

1804 02 06

Storms, Daniel Whitewater Twp

sons Jacob, Daniel; daughters Eva, Uliana, Elizabeth, Christina, Catharina

Peter Helmic?; Hartman Vantreese; Emanuel Vantreese; Dennis Clark; Andrew Shirk

03 077

1804 03 06

Jessup, John Springfield Twp

wife Judith; son Stephen; daughter Judith wife of Abiezer Miles Northumberland Co PA; son John; sons Daniel & David; 3 youngest daughters

William Snodgrass; Barker; David Grummond; Ephraim Brown; John W Brown; John Cranmer

07 383

1804 05 08

McMillan, William Cincinnati

wife Constance; William Corry (apprentice); George Husler (bound boy); brothers and sisters

Arthur St Clair Jr; Jacob Burnet; Herekiah Flint; Samuel Robb

03 037 1804 05 08 Lambert, Daniel

wife Mary; sons John, Benjamin;

Columbia Twp daughter Charlotte

William Brown; Dorothea Meeks; Robert Morris; Abner Applegate

25 489 1804 09 15 Tetrick, George recently of MD

wife Mary; six children Joseph, Henry, John, Betsey, Mary, Catharine

Geo Carpenter; Thomas Elliss; Catharine Elliss; brother Peter Tetrick

02 481 1804 10 -- Hanes, Robert

wife Elizabeth; sons Daniel & Isreal; Stephen Reeder; Ogden Ross; John

daughter Sarah

Ray; James Charters; James Andrews

02 492

1804 10 11

Mason, Phillip Columbia Twp

wife Mary; sons Samuel, John, William, Richard, James; daughters Elizabeth Smith, Catharine Seward

John Cleves Symme; James Mathews; Philip Highfull; Mary Davis

02 483

1804 10 11

Matson, John Farm on Ohio River

wife Jane; daughters Anne Cox, Elizabeth Matson; daughter Mary Jane to be heir if divorced from husband Joseph James, whose debts were not to be paid by the legacy; sons Enoch, James, John, Thomas, Isaac

Thomas Smith; George Anderson

07 374 1804 12 17 McCollough, John

wife Elizabeth; children Thomas,

Cincinnati John, Martha; John Thompson

David Zeigler; Mrs Stephen Reeder; Alexander Meek; Levi McClain; Hugh


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others/executors/witnesses/ etc

(bound boy)


04 234

1805 01 18

Kitchel, Luther Cincinnati

consort Mary Glover & her children Margaret & Joseph (acknowledged to be Luther's son & daughter)

Rivesay Kitchell; Manasseh Brown; James Connover; James Connor; Mary Ann Connur; Elizabeth Purken; Catherine Connor

25 495 1805 03 21 Bartlett, Roswell

wife Elizabeth Coonse Bartlett;

Cincinnati Twp children

James McHenry; Enos Harin; Jacob Steward; James Hill; Frederick Coons

05 296

1805 05 26

Campbell, Cornelius Colerain Twp

Nephews Cornelius Campbell, John Campbell; brother William Campbell; Rebeca Johnston

executor Edward Johnston; John R Gaston; John Campbell

10 408 1805 08 07 Fields, Seth

wife Sidny; children David & Lydia

James Clark; Lydia Davis; Eliza Torrens

09 487 1805 12 05 Shaw, Sarah


deceased husband John Shaw; daughters Sallie Shaw, Heildah Rood; sons John, Knoles & Albin Shaw

Judah Willey; Elias Hedges; Israel W illey

06 489

1806 08 25

McHenry, Joseph Cincinnati Twp

wife Hannah; sons Enoch & Van; daughter Euphan Williams; daughter Rebecca McHenry; granddaughter Hannah Cox

John Ludlory; Andrew Myers; Robert Hill

04 241

1806 09 20

Leibert, Joseph Bowman Cincinnati

wife Sidney; son John Staples Leibert; fathr John Leibert of Germantown PA

James W Sloan formerly of Baltimore, now here; John Nunnio; Peter McNicoll; Robert Merrie

04 239

1806 09 20

Wheeler, Stephen Cincinnati

wife Rhoda; son Jacob; son Stephen; daughters Rhoda, Abigail; grandchild Phebe Wheeler Reeder

Miss Yeatman; Miss Hunt; Abram Tiens; Manassele? Brown; Thomas Henderson

25 490

1806 09 26

Buckston, Edmund (also spelled Buxton)

wife Lydia; children Charles, David, Mosses, Jane, John M, Aaron, William & McVay

James Baxter; James Leyon; William Jones; John Pryer

25 492 1806 12 02 Backus, Joshua

wife Hannah; daughter Mary G

Jacob Comstock; James Heady; Ezra

Marsh; daughter Eunice; son Marvin Spencer; Charles Cone

05 296 1806 12 05 Gard, Gersham

25 453 also

25 482

1807 03 07

Wright, Comfort

09 490 1807 04 10 Cutter, Benjamin

04 245 1807 08 10 Pierson, Lineus

06 486 1807 10 10 McCash, David

children Seth, Job, Elizabeth, Ruth, Betsey, Jemima, Eunice and Hanah

Peter Saboyteaux; Peter Saboyteaux Jr

decd son Josiah Post's daughter Nancy Post; Nancy Henderson, widow of Josiah Post

Jabez Percival of Lawrenceburg; William Cherry Sr; John Rerine; Isaac Polke

housekeeper Sarah Shrives; children Thomas Kain; Margret Kain

sister Mary Doty; niece, daughter of deceased sister Elizabeth the wife of Solomon Boyles; brothers Ludlow & Jonathan Pierson

Benjamin Ludton; Solomon Doty of Morris Co NJ; Uncle William Ludtow; James Colwell; Anthony Highlands; Ephram Scudder

wife Martha; sons William, James, John; daughters Amy, Margaret, Elizabeth, Mary

James Findlay; Wm Ruffin; Zebulon Brown; Samuel Seward


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