September 2021 Issue 9 Volume 8 An International Fire Buff ...

September 2021

Issue 9 Volume 8

An International Fire Buff Associates Region 1 Club

Easton, CT 9/11 Memorial

Inside this issue:

Meeting minutes, social media report Working Fires- Members Pictures The Apparatus Bay The Organization, Members Members at Work Members Websites


Lucy Crossman

2-5 6-23 24-31 26-29 32-35 36-38

Social Media Report


Green means UP/Improvement, Red means DOWN/Loss, Yellow New Stat

--Website Stats-- Total Website Views: 250,684 Views. - Busiest Day: 09/12 with 16,603 views. - Highest Viewed Website Album: West Sayville 9/11 Ceremony by John Walthers with 7,468 views. - Second Highest Website Viewed Album: Bar Harbor House Fire by Sayje Benjamin with 6,497 views. - Third Highest Viewed Website Album: Orchard Neck Water Rescue by John Walthers with 6,186 views. Note: General website traffic if up! Note: Please remember to post a photo or two and link your gallery or website if you shoot an incident! PLEASE if you go to a fire or a station or an apparatus shoot even just upload one or two shots and provide a link to your website. Our members make our website succeed or fail. It takes about three minutes to post a gallery.

--Instagram--Total Instagram Followers: 16,298 Followers. - Most Liked Instagram Photo: 2,649 Likes, FDNY 10 Truck by Paul Shea. - Photo Biggest Reach: 50.9K Reach, FDNY 10 Truck by Paul Shea. - Photo Most Impressions: 53.2K Impressions, FDNY 10 Truck by Paul Shea. - Most Saved Photo: 220 Saves, FDNY 10 Truck by Paul Shea. Note: Great Work Paul Shea, your photo continues to impress and perform. Note: Be sure to watermark your photos!!


Social Media Report


Green means UP/Improvement, Red means DOWN/Loss, Yellow New Stat

-Twitter-- Twitter Followers: 4,726 Followers. - Top Tweet: Arrival shot sent on Zello by Chuck Lowe from Maynard Fire with 8.9K impressions. - Twitter Profile Views: 4,556 Views. - Twitter Mentions: 78 Mentions (Whenever @CTFirePhoto is used in a tweet). - Twitter Impressions: 167K Impressions. Note Twitter had a great month! Note: Be sure to watermark your photos!!

--Facebook- Facebook Page Likes: 8,062 Page Likes. - Page Visits: 943 Views. - Page Reach: 38,831 Reach. - Post Engagements: 8,323 Engagements. Note: Facebook also had a great month! Note: Be sure to watermark your photos!!


Meeting Minutes



CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 19:34 hours by President G. Duda.

ROLL CALL: There were 24 members attending.

SECRETARY'S REPORT: The minutes from the May meeting have been sent out and published in the newsletter. A motion was made by M. Quinn, seconded by B. Myers, and approved, to accept the minutes.

CORRESPONDENCE: Newsletter from Ontario F.D. which will be sent out and a thank you from J. Greco for the sympathy card on the passing of his mother.


REPORT OF ACCOUNTS: A motion was made by B. Myers, seconded by B. Brown, and approved, to accept the Report of Accounts. (Report on file).

COMMITTEE REPORTS: MEMBERSHIP: Application from Timothy Borden has been reviewed and accepted.

FIRE FEST: The day was a success. Looking forward to next year. A motion was made by J. Walthers, second by D. Janelle, and approved, to accept the report as read. (Report on file).

SOCIAL MEDIA: Everything is going well.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS: Revised By-Laws to be printed and distributed to members.


GOOD OF THE ORDER: Fire News sent out an e-copy of their latest issue to the members.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Numerous services for 9-11. A list will be e-mailed to members. Ellington Parade - 09-11 Tri-State Meet ? 09?12 Westbrook 100th Ann. Parade ? 09-25 Yantic Steamer will be back soon. Will let the members know when.


ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by R. Ladd, seconded by B. Brown, and approved, to adjourn the meeting at 20:00 hours

Respectfully Submitted, Cheryl A, Regan, Secretary/Treasurer


Meeting Minutes




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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