
Kindergarten Lesson Plans- january (Week 2)

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Sight Words |ME HERE (Review: play, with) |

|Predicatable chart |You and me will play with my_________. |

| |Write sentence above on chart paper |Use mini-white boards to practice |Sight word game: Give each pair of |Get string & make a circle on rug. |Complete above sentence and each |

|Grammar & Phonics |after making a class concept web of |writing & reading blends: b-ee, |students a bag with a sentence. |½ of kids sit around it facing |child will cut up, glue, |

|(review-all letters have |things we can play with. Have 4 |th-at, pl-ay, m-ap. Erase initial &|They put it together and both write|outwards, other ½ stands outside |illustrate and read to the |

|been taught) |students complete sentence above |ending sounds to form & read new |it in their journal, then |it. Sitting kid has a sentence & |teacher. |

| | |words |illustrate. |reads it to standing kid. Teacher | |

| | | | |says “rotate” and they move left. | |

| | | | |Each partner reads each sentence | |

| | | | |then rotates. | |

| |Make a concept web with sentences |Read “A Bed for Winter” and have |Re-read “The Hat” then design a hat| Re-read Jan Brett’s “The Hat” and |Continue DRA testing |

|Reading |about what “Snow” is. Place in |students choose either a squirrel |using pattern from Jan Brett’s |have students color, cut out | |

| |writing center. |or rabbit to color, draw a winter |website. Place character strip |characters from the story and place|Other students will work on |

| | |home for & write about. “The rabbit|inside the hat for story retelling.|in order of the story onto a paper |Waterford, writing little books, |

| |*daily grade |likes to sleep here.” | |strip. |completing winter clothing/doll |

| |Re-read “The Mitten” & glue animals |(DRA Reading Testing) | |*daily grade |cut-outs |

| |in order on a strip. | | | | |

| |Quiz Show using e-instruction on | Logical Reasoning: review | Quiz Show using e-instruction on |Math Test | Review answers of Math test on |

|Math |Topic 14 “Time” |“time”-what takes more or less time|“Ordinal Numbers” -Math Test | |the document camera. |

| | Read a fairy tale story to the | Distinguish between “fantasy” and |Show several fairy tale books. |Continue book from yesterday then |Work on incomplete books and |

|Writer’s Workshop |class: “Puss in Boots” or “3 Billy |reality stories. Read “Jack and the|Choose a favorite fairy tale as a |use remainder of time to read |choose books to take home to read |

| |Goats Gruff.” |Beanstalk” and discuss and list |guide to write a fantasy story in a|stories to each other. |to parents. |

| | |ideas for fantasy stories. |little book. | | |

| | Seasons- Discuss “Winter” things |Make 4 sections on chart paper |Create a winter tree onto a tree | Create a Spring tree with buds |Create a Summer tree with many |

|Social studies |(weather, clothing, animals) and make|listing each season and a tree |branch drawing by adding winter |growing, grass, sun, etc. |leaves, blooming flowers, etc. |

| |web |drawing with branches |things | | |

Learning Stations

|Reading |Poetry |Writing |

| | | |

|Retell a story using puppets and props. Provide the large |“Snow” poem. Glue poem inside poetry notebook. Provide directions |Write a book about “Snow” |

|mitten and animals to re-tell and act out. |and white paper for students to create their own snowflakes. |Provide sentences on pocket chart for students to use. |

|Art |Word study |Computer |

| | | |

|Make a winter scene with white crayons and paint onto a |Provide sentence bags. On the outside is the sentence. On the inside|Access websites: to play “The Quiet Machine, |

|window drawn on black construction paper. Use “The Snowy |is the cut up words from the sentence. Students copy & glue words in|, , KidPix software, WebQuests |

|Day” for inspiration. |order, then write and illustrate. |research project, or Waterford early learning |

|Puzzles & games |Manipulatives |Blocks |

| |Copy or create a design with foam/wooden shape pieces | |

|Use the timer to see how long it takes to put together a |Make a pattern with tiny erasers |Use wooden blocks to build a real and pretend building. Tell how it|

|puzzle of choice. |Build letters with unifix cubes |can be used and what makes it special. Draw it in Learning Station |

|Record in Learning Station journal. |Lego’s-make a new design |journal. |

|Compare to last week’s time. Did you get better? |Use magnet blocks to create 3-D images | |



Poetry Center: Cut apart and provide one per child to glue into their Poetry notebook.

|Snow |Snow |Snow |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|The snow is white. |The snow is white. |The snow is white. |

|The snow is wet. |The snow is wet. |The snow is wet. |

|It is little and round. |It is little and round. |It is little and round. |

|It drops slowly |It drops slowly |It drops slowly |

|from a cloud |from a cloud |from a cloud |

|and then it |and then it |and then it |

|hits the ground. |hits the ground. |hits the ground. |

Writing Station: Sentences for “Snow” concept web. Pass out to students and glue around the word “Snow,” on chart paper or poster board. Then, display in the Writing Center to help students create a little book about snow.

The snow is wet.

I like the snow.

I can play in the snow.

I will run in the snow.

She is with me in the snow.

The snow is white.

The snow is cold.

Snow is little and soft.

I like the snow flake.

Look at my snow man!

Look at all the snow!

Word Work Center: Tape one sentence to the outside of a Ziploc bag. Cut apart the other sentence on the inside of the bag. Student uses the outside sentence as a guide to glue word pieces from inside the bag, back in order. Then, write & illustrate.

|[pic]The little cat can run. |The little cat can run. |

|[pic] I see a big hat. |I see a big hat. |

|[pic] I like to play with you. |I like to play with you. |

|[pic] The dog will run. |The dog will run. |

| [pic]I am here with you. |I am here with you. |

| [pic] My bus is yellow. |My bus is yellow. |

|[pic]You have a box. |You have a box. |


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