

Plan: Japan should contribute more actively to the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations by relaxing its restrictions for the Japan Self-Defense Forces (SDF).

AD1:Improving Japan’s international status「日本の国際的地位の向上」

a) Present Situation「現状」

Because of the restrictions on the SDF, Japan can’t rescue other *allied countries’ personnel. *同盟国の人員

According to 池上/彰 ジャーナリスト 「池上彰の憲法入門」ちくまプリマー新書 p158

[QUOTE] If the SDF is attacked, other countries, for example, the Netherlands can come to rescue them. But, even if the Netherlands army is attacked, the SDF is prohibited from rescuing them.[UNQUOTE]

Japan faces *impending risk because of these restrictions. *差し迫った

According to the *ASPI *オーストラリア戦略政策研究所

[QUOTE]The SDF can’t always complete PKO objectives. This is worrying, when in South Sudan the situation has continued to get worse since 2013.[UNQUOTE]

b) Effect

After the plan, Japan’s PKO participation will be on an equal level with other countries. Therefore, the SDF can rescue other countries’ personnel when they are attacked. This will improve Japan’s international status.

c) Importance

Japanese national status will drop drastically, if the JSDF do not help other UN personnel.

According to 池上/彰 ジャーナリスト 「池上彰の憲法入門」ちくまプリマー新書 p158

[QUOTE]What would have happened if the Netherlands personnel had been attacked? The SDF would have been paralyzed and unable to rescue the Netherlands. Such an incident would ruin Japan’s international stance drastically.[UNQUOTE]

As the *Japanese constitution preamble says, “We desire to occupy an honored place in international society,” we should keep in mind our ideal to be influential in the international society. As for Japan’s international stance, it is essential for Japan to pursue being reliable by assisting other countries’ troops. *日本国憲法前文

AD2: Helping people’s lives through PKOs

a) Present Situation

The SDF’s activities are limited when attending PKOs.

According to HEnDA / 論題の前提

[QUOTE]The use of weapons is limited to the minimum necessary to protect life or person of the personnel.[UNQUOTE]

This principle restricts the SDF to have only small arms during missions, therefore restricting the contributions to be in untroubled places.

b) Effect

After the plan, increasing presence of the SDF in PKOs will expand the chance to save more people’s lives. For example, in Rwanda, even a limited number of PK personnel could save a lot of lives.

According to prof. 最上 /敏樹 国際基督教大学教授「いま平和とは」岩波新書 p75

[QUOTE]Only 350 PK personnel were able to protect and save the lives of 20.000 refugees. With approximately 5000 personnel, the Rwandan massacre could have been avoided entirely.[UNQUOTE]

b) Importance

1. A lack of PK personnel triggered a massacre in Rwanda, killing 1 million people.

According to Prof. 最上 /敏樹 国際基督教大学教授「いま平和とは」岩波新書 p75

[QUOTE]In Rwanda, after the number of PK personnel decreased, a massacre happened. 800.000 to 1 million people died in this genocide.[UNQUOTE]

This evidence implies if PKOs have more members, more people can be saved.

(Let me repeat our two advantages: AD1:improving Japan’s international status AD2:Helping people’s lives through PKOs) ※(  )内は時間が許せば読む

Because of these advantages, we on the affirmative side strongly support this plan.

DA1:Causing Deaths of Japanese citizens

a) Present Situation

According to the UN, 5 Japanese people have died in PKOs.

Fatalities by Nationality and Mission up to 28 Feb 2015

b) Effect

After the plan, the SDF will expand the scope of activities, including more dangerous missions. The number of Japanese deaths will increase, to be similar to other countries.

Canada, for example, according 朝日新聞

[QUOTE]45 Canadian soldiers have died in the past 5 years in Afghanistan. 120 people have died in PKOs and multiple countries operations.[UNQUOTE]

This proves that Japan’s international contribution in PKOs will cause Japanese people’s deaths or injuries.

c) Importance

The most important thing for the Japanese government to think about is the lives of Japanese citizens. The affirmative side’s plan will expose life of the SDF personnel to danger of death.

DA2:Losing Japan’s self-defense forces

a) Present Situation

The JSDF currently faces a lack of manpower.

According to 松本 /恭介

[QUOTE]Since 1996, the number of SDF front members have decreased and the lack of manpower is an ongoing problem.[UNQUOTE] 

b) Effect

After the plan, even fewer people will want to become members of the JSDF because the risk of death will increase greatly.

According to 小池 / 清彦 加茂市長 元防衛官僚

[QUOTE]If Japan sends the same level of troops as the U.S., numerous SDF members will die and no one will ever want to join the SDF.[UNQUOTE]

In this way, Japan will lose its self-defense forces.

c) Importance

The first job of the government is to ensure the defensive power of Japan.

According to Ministry of Defense / 防衛省 国家安全保障戦略

[QUOTE]The most important responsibility for the government is to protect peace and security of Japan.[UNQUOTE]

To say nothing of the UN peacekeeping operations, the SDF can’t even protect its own country and people. The priorities are obviously wrong.

(Let me repeat our two important disadvantages; DA1: Causing deaths of Japanese citizens DA2: Losing Japan’s self-defense forces) ※( )内は時間が許せば読む

Because of these disadvantages, we strongly disagree with their plan.




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