458216013867JAPANESE LOSSES2500 casualties 292 aircraft and 4 carriers0JAPANESE LOSSES2500 casualties 292 aircraft and 4 carriers4578985-552553UNITED STATES LOSSES307 casualties 145 aircraft and a destroyer0UNITED STATES LOSSES307 casualties 145 aircraft and a destroyerName: Hr. Date: MIDWAYMIDWAY centers on the Battle of Midway, a clash between the American fleet and the Imperial Japanese Navy which marked a pivotal turning point in the Pacific Theatre during WWII. The film, based on the real-life events of this heroic feat, tells the story of the leaders and soldiers who used their instincts, fortitude and bravery to overcome the odds. -29000396520CHARACTERS: CHESTER NEMITZ – Admiral of the US Navy in the Pacific. DICK BEST – Dive bomber pilot and squadron commander in the US Navy during WWII. EDWIN LAYTON – rear Admiral in the US Navy. He was an intelligence officer in the Navy. WILLIAM “BULL: HALSEY- Admiral in the Navy during WWII. JIMMY DOOLITTLE – leader of the Doolittle Raid on Tokyo.ISOROKU YAMAMOTO – was Japanese Marshal Admiral of the Imperial Japanese Navy. TAMON YAMAGUCHI – was a rear admiral in the imperial Japanese.CHUICHI NAGUMU – an Imperial Admiral in the Japanese Navy. 1. Where does the movie begin? How would you describe the start of the movie? 2. Why would a British military man say that they will not miss Japan? What in your opinion, is he doing in Japan? 2. Who is Admiral Yamamoto? 3. What did Yamamoto say about where Japan is regarding their growth as a nation? 4. What did Japan do 4 years later? 5. What observations can you make based on the Pearl Harbor invasion? (December 7th, 1941) 6. What went wrong in Hawaii for Japan? 7. What was the goal for the Japanese? 8. How many carriers did the Japanese have? How many carriers did the US have? 9. Where is the first attack after Pearl Harbor? How would you say it went based on the film? Why was that location so important? 10. What was Doolittle trying to do after Pearl harbor? Was he successful? What happened to him after the attack? 11. Why were the Japanese sending carriers to the Coral Sea? 12. Who are the Japanese attacking in China and why? 13. Why did the Japanese want to attack Midway? 14. What is Midway island? (at the time) 15. What happened to the pilot who was found floating in a raft in the Pacific? 16. How would you describe the fighting that took place at Midway? Who was more successful the dive bombers or the torpedo bombers? 17. What did the Japanese do to their ship? Why? 18. How many different types of weapons / planes were used during the movie? 19. What stood out as the bravest moment in the movie? 20. How did the US forces successfully drive back the Japanese forces in the Pacific? ................

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