
UNIT 3 WORLD WAR II 1936-1945Role of Technology in Allied VictoryQuestion: Which technological development contributed the most to Allied victory in World War II? radar and sonaraircraftcode breaking machinestankaircraft carrieratomic bombCriteria for Determining the Most Important TechnologyTheaters of War Which technology was used in multiple theatres of war?Battles/CampaignsWhich technology was involved in significant or decisive battles?ImpactWhat impact did the technology have on the battles and war?TechnologyBattle/Campaignradarradar played an important role in allowing the British to win the Battle of Britain and avoid invasionsonarsonar was an important factor in anti-submarine warfare and destruction of the U-boats in the Battle of the Atlantic and vital in keeping Allied convoys moving to BritainaircraftRAF Spitfires and Hurricanes were key factors in the British victory in the Battle of BritainAmerican and British air craft weakened Germany and Japan in the bombing campaignair support enabled Americans to capture Japanese occupied islands and facilitate island hoppingaircraft played an important role in hunting and destroying U-boats in the Battle of the Atlanticcodebreaking machines:Enigma (German)Purple (Japanese)British control of the Enigma (ULTRA) gave them knowledge of German communication and helped during the Battle of Britain and AtlanticAmerican knowledge of Japanese communications helped them defeat the Japanese fleet at Midway tankSoviet tanks were an important factor in their victory on at Stalingrad and KurskBritish tank superiority contributed to victory at El Alameinaircraft carrierAmerican aircraft carriers facilitated island hopping and the capture of Japanese occupied islands it enabled Americans to win critical naval battles in the Pacific such as Midway, Leyte Gulf it defended against U-boats in the Battle of the Atlanticatomic bombthe atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki resulted in Japanese surrender and end of the war in the PacificTechnologyCriteria Theatres of WarCriteria Significant/decisive BattlesCriteriaImpact on battle/warradar ? Western Europe ? Eastern Europe ? Atlantic ? North Africa ? Pacific ? Battle of Britain ? Stalingrad ? Kursk ? D-Day ? Battle of the Bulge ? Midway ? Iwo Jima/Okinawa ? El Alamein ? Battle of Atlantic ? Hiroshima/Nagasaki ? major ? moderate ? minorsonar ? Western Europe ? Eastern Europe ? Atlantic ? North Africa ? Pacific ? Battle of Britain ? Stalingrad ? Kursk ? D-Day ? Battle of the Bulge ? Midway ? Iwo Jima/Okinawa ? El Alamein ? Battle of Atlantic ? Hiroshima/Nagasaki ? major ? moderate ? minoraircraft ? Western Europe ? Eastern Europe ? Atlantic ? North Africa ? Pacific ? Battle of Britain ? Stalingrad ? Kursk ? D-Day ? Battle of the Bulge ? Midway ? Iwo Jima/Okinawa ? El Alamein ? Battle of Atlantic ? Hiroshima/Nagasaki ? major ? moderate ? minorcodebreaking ? Western Europe ? Eastern Europe ? Atlantic ? North Africa ? Pacific ? Battle of Britain ? Stalingrad ? Kursk ? D-Day ? Battle of the Bulge ? Midway ? Iwo Jima/Okinawa ? El Alamein ? Battle of Atlantic ? Hiroshima/Nagasaki ? major ? moderate ? minortank ? Western Europe ? Eastern Europe ? Atlantic ? North Africa ? Pacific ? Battle of Britain ? Stalingrad ? Kursk ? D-Day ? Battle of the Bulge ? Midway ? Iwo Jima/Okinawa ? El Alamein ? Battle of Atlantic ? Hiroshima/Nagasaki ? major ? moderate ? minoraircraft carrier ? Western Europe ? Eastern Europe ? Atlantic ? North Africa ? Pacific ? Battle of Britain ? Stalingrad ? Kursk ? D-Day ? Battle of the Bulge ? Midway ? Iwo Jima/Okinawa ? El Alamein ? Battle of Atlantic ? Hiroshima/Nagasaki ? major ? moderate ? minoratomic bomb ? Western Europe ? Eastern Europe ? Atlantic ? North Africa ? Pacific ? Battle of Britain ? Stalingrad ? Kursk ? D-Day ? Battle of the Bulge ? Midway ? Iwo Jima/Okinawa ? El Alamein ? Battle of Atlantic ? Hiroshima/Nagasaki ? major ? moderate ? minor ................

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