
NAME:_________________________________ Period:_____Military History- World War II in EuropeChapter X Notes: Part I of IIIMilitary History Class/SHSI. Origins of the WarTreaty of ______________blamed WWI on ______________divided Germany into ______________redrew map of ______________ (Germany loses land)made Germany pay ______________ ($) to allieslimits German military size and nature-no ______________, ______________, ___________Germany not allowed to have military forces in the______________ near the French borderRise of Charismatic Dictators______________/Germany/Nazi Party: goal, new German“___________”- empire______________/Italy/Fascist Party: goal, new Roman Empire_________________/Japan: goal- Japanese Empire in AsiaItaly, Germany and Japan form “_________Powers” vs. “Allied Powers”______________: Germany gets Czechoslovakia/Italy gets ___________without a fight, also…Germany annexes__________without any oppositionII.The German Invasion of Poland(1939) __________________________________________ (Germans/Russians invade Poland together)German air force(______________) destroys Polish _____________on the groundWith air superiority, the German ______________ (tanks) under Gen. _________________and mobile infantry advance behind Polish lines, Poles pinned in isolated pockets---______________ /lighting war(Guderian is the architect of this)Elements of ______________:PolishInfantryclose ____________________________ spearhead ground forcesmobile ______________ to exploit breakthroughs______________invade from the East, Poles are crushed, German artillerysmashes last Polish bastion of ______________ to piecesIII.The German Invasion of France(1940)France and Britain ______________on Germany when Poland is invaded…but they take no action but to prepare for their own defense. This becomes known as the “______________”.German ArtilleryGermans first secure Scandinavian nations of _________and ____________with ______________ operations/seize airfields behind enemy lines/other troops land by ______________ assault.French defense relies on ______________ Line on the border w/Germany. Germans use blitzkrieg again, go through the lowland countries(______________ and ______________) with the goal of arriving behind the Maginot Line from the north.______________/___________stop German advance in the north(in Belgium)/but they are flanked and encircled by Gen. Von Runstedt’s panzer columns which sneak through the ______________ForestFrench/British trapped in Belgium at __________, are evacuated while under heavy ______________ fire and aerial ______________.300,000 escape: The “____________________________”British InfantryGermans easily seize rest of France/set up ______________ France(puppet state)French tanks like the Char B1 had thicker armor and heavier guns than German panzers…but flawedtactics negated these advantages. The Ju-87 “Stuka” Dive Bomber…the leading edge of the blitzkrieg sword. ................

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