
Use the following link to learn about the Angel Island immigration experience: to AmericaWhat was the main immigration station or island on the East Coast?Between what years was Angel Island opened?List countries or regions that immigrants came from that arrived at Angel Island:What was the largest ethnic group to arrive at Angel Island?Why did so many people leave southern China during the mid-1800s?What were the Chinese immigrants blamed for in the 1870s?Why did both major political parties support limiting Chinese immigration to the United States?What act limited immigration on the basis of nationality or race for the first time in American history?About how long was the journey across the Pacific Ocean to reach Angel Island?How did many immigrants afford their passage or ticket across the Pacific Ocean?What did many immigrants believe they could quickly do in America?What city in California is Angel Island located in? Did most Europeans or people holding first or second class tickets have to go through Angel Island?What groups of people would almost always be processed through Angel Island?EnforcementWhat bureau was eventually created to enforce the Chinese Exclusion Act? List several reasons why Angel Island was chosen as an immigration station:What prison island is close to Angel Island?In what month and year did Angel Island open?What groups were people separated into at the Administration Building? Why were medical examinations considered humiliating by many Asian immigrants?What could be the consequences of failing the medical exam?How could Chinese immigrants get around the Chinese Exclusion Act?How did the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake help more Chinese immigrants get into the United States?What were “paper sons” or “paper daughters”?What would the Board of Special Inquiry typically do to Chinese immigrants?Why did “paper sons” or “paper daughters” have to be so careful even after immigrating into the United States? Why were detentions so long for some Chinese immigrants at Angel Island?Down in Flames What happened to the Administration Building at Angel Island in 1940? Why did Congress finally repeal the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1943?How many people was Chinese immigration limited to each year until 1965?What was Angel Island used for during World War II?Poetry on Barrack Walls List several ways that life was very difficult for immigrants detained on Angel Island:What is the most visible and durable testimony of the suffering of Chinese immigrants at Angel Island? How did the Mexican government start to mistreat Chinese immigrants in the 1920s and 1930s?Pick one or two Chinese poems from Angel Island to read. What is something new or interesting you learned?Japanese American Detainees on Angel Island in World War II How many Japanese immigrants or Japanese citizens were temporarily detained on Angel Island during World War II?Restoring the Barracks List several ways that Angel Island has been restored and protected since the 1970s: What is the goal or focus of the Pacific Coast Immigration Center? Do you think it is important to spend tax payer money on protecting history? Why or why not? What is something new or interesting you learned about immigration or Angel Island? ................

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