Dec 7, 1941 – “A Day that will live in Infamy: The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor” Worksheet

VIDEO – Answer the following questions while you watch the video on the attack of Pearl Harbor. (6:38 – 23:00)

1. 7:35 am: Approaching the island of Oahu from its mountainous eastern coast, the first wave of Japanese squadrons are not ______________________________________.

2. Japanese realize they must eliminate the American _________________ strength in the Pacific if Japan is to be victorious.

3. What do the Japanese believe the American public will do in reaction to the attack?

4. True-False: In 1941, Hawaii is a state

5. 7:52 am: What code is radioed by the Japanese back to their commanders?

a. What does this code mean?

6. At what time did the island wide attack begin?

7. 7:58 am: Horizontal bombers arrive at Pearl Harbor, no one even expects they are _______________________________.

8. True- False: The Japanese only bombed military sites and targets

9. 8:05 am: Machine guns on the battleship ____________________ open fire on torpedo planes.

10. What defenseless battleship was one of the easiest targets?

11. The first wave of the Japanese attack on the island of Oahu is a stunning ___________________________ for the enemy.

12. What happens to the Battleship Arizona?

13. The Oklahoma is hit by ______________ torpedoes. The Oklahoma capsizes trapping men inside.

14. At what time did the second wave of Japanese attack begin?

15. The first wave of Japanese attack created immediate ____________________. Now the second wave creates total ________________________.

16. What message is sent to citizens by radio at 9:05 am?

17. The Japanese plan is working to _____________________________. Every attack not only meets but _____________________________ their expectations. Military installations across Oahu are in _____________________. Civilians are __________________________ for their lives. American military personel can only react. There is no organized plan of ___________________.

Go to sageramericanhistory2., Oct 30 – Nov 3., Click on the link for the “Pearl Harbor Fact Sheet” listed under Nov 3. While reading, answer the following questions:

1. Why did the Japanese plan an attack on the United States (what was the United States doing that was seen as a threat to Japan)?

2. What was the name of the Japanese admiral that planned the Pearl Harbor attack? What two things inspired his Pearl Harbor idea?

3. What code message was sent to Japanese fleet after to indicate that the Americans had been caught by surprise?

4. What did the Japanese strike force consist of?

5. What United States ship still remains sunken in Pearl Harbor?

6. What heroic acts resulted in Dorie Miller being honored with the Navy Cross?

7. What did Yamamoto fear when he learned that not all of the U.S. fleet had been destroyed?

8. Which battle marked a decisive blow to Yamamoto’s Navy in June 1942?

Go to the website:

Navigate thru the site, reading the information as you go along and answer the following questions:


1. What did the United States do in response to Japanese expansion into China and Indochina?

2. Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor?

Japanese First Wave of Attack

1. Who was the Japanese general that led the attack force?

2. How many fighters and bomber planes did the Japanese send to attack Pearl Harbor? At what time did they first attack? Why do you think they chose this time of day?

3. What were the names of the first two military airfields attacked by the Japanese?

Japanese Second Wave of Attack

1. How many planes were in the second wave of attack?

2. What was the second wave’s primary target?

3. Which two American battleships were destroyed during the attack by the second wave?

4. What is the term for the six pairs of quays located along the eastern side of Ford Island?

Attack Results

1. What was the number of American aircrafts that were completely destroyed in the attack?

2. How many Americans were killed?

3. How did Americans react to the devastating attack?

4. What did President Franklin Roosevelt do in response? What does “a day that will live in infamy” mean?

Go to one of the following websites – , NBC News, Fox News, ABC News, Yahoo News, Google News, New York Times –

Find an article on one of the sites about the 75th anniversary of the attacks on Pearl Harbor – Read and summarize an article about the anniversary of Pearl Harbor (1-2 paragraphs – include name of the site and title of article)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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