
Topic: Names - なまえ

YOUR TASK is to create a decorative page illustrating your name in kanji and katakana.

You should aim to use all of an A4 page. You can choose to include the meaning of your name if you wish.



STEP 1 Log on to:

You can select from seven different hiragana fonts on this site.

For example: ‘Jacki’ can be written as:

[pic] traditional [pic] calligraphy

[pic] quirky [pic] sans-serif

[pic] antique [pic] manga

[pic] modern

STEP 2 To view your name in Kanji log on to

Your name will appear in kanji along with its pronunciation and meaning.

Jya ki

[pic] [pic]

Person Spirit


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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