
Jake Martin Ms.Stamm English 10 24 October 2013 WWII: The Weapon that Changed the War WWII, one of the largest wars in history, ripped Europe apart and created some of the most destructive weapons ever. The Atomic bomb was a part of the destructive weapons list. In one flash, the atomic bomb flattened a city. What started as an idea became a project and went on to be the most powerful weapon in the world. The Atomic Bomb changed the world forever not only because the fear of attack but also because of the end of times. The Japanese were the most relentless enemy in the World war. Kamikazes and banzi charges were very deadly and foolish battle strategies. The Japanese believe that if you don’t win and you live, you’re dishonorable and you should kill yourself. Japanese soldiers did in fact kill themselves if they did not win, refusing to become prisoner and to be dishonored. This is the reason why the Americans had to make the atomic bomb. The Atomic bomb was made to end a battle in the blink of an eye. “Probably more than one thousand times since the beginning of the war did the Hiroshima citizens see off with the cries of ‘Banzi’ for the troops leaving the harbor”(“Hiroshima” 1). German scientists fleeing from Nazi Germany told the Americans about the Nazis secret new bomb. The Atomic Bomb was to be triggered by the splitting of atoms, and the American’s now knew this information, so they planned on making this bomb before the Germans. The U.S. Government put about 2 million dollars in the “Manhattan Project”, which was the making of the atom bomb (Wiley 1). Hiroshima, the place where the first atomic bomb exploded, destroyed the entire city in a single blast. Before the atomic attack, the population in Hiroshima was around 380,000. After words it dropped drastically to 255,000 not counting the ones effected by the radiation (“Hiroshima”1). Destroying Hiroshima was a major stepping stone in the history of World War II as well as the history of man. The fear of death changed the world forever, put questions in peoples minds, and made them fear for the end of their times. World War II is one of the most well-known wars in history, not only for the body count but also the weapon advancement. Machine guns and bazookas were not the only great advancements; the atomic bomb was on the top of the list in advancements. Creating a terrifying and completely devastating war, a war were from the press of a button a city can be flattened. Many men/women worked on this project and the resources spent on this creation of mass destruction. The end of days that may not be very far away, just a click of a button. Work Cited “Hiroshima” World War 2 info.10/14/2013 “The atomic bomb” World War II History: The Atomic Bomb. 10/15/13“The Pacific Theatre” The Atomic Bomb in WW2. 10/14/13 “WW2” World War II and the Atomic Bomb. 10/15/13 “Effects of the WWII Atomic Bombs” Novel Guide. 10/15/13 ................

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