Securing the Home-FrontRacial prejudices were allowed to spring up when in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor the U.S. government issued Executive Order 9066: the internment of Japanese Americans and Immigrants in the United States.-These Internment Camps, called “relocation camps” were located in remote areas Of the West. Some 320,000 were forced into these camps; losing homes, Businesses and property worth an estimated $400 million.-the purpose of this was to relieve fears of Japanese spying and subversion in America during the war. No evidence was ever found that any Japanese American posed a threat to National Security.Life at HomeMillions of American women gladly took jobs in factories and on assembly lines. This was encouraged by the government. Some 18 million women went to work during the war to replace workers now on the front lines.Rosie the Riveter: The Iconic depiction of women in the workforce duringThe war. She symbolized hard work and equality for women that were nowDoing many jobs once solely held by men.The Double V Campaign: While the U.S. was fighting a war to end totalitarianism across the globe, many African Americans felt this should include victory over segregation in the U.S. Over 1 million African Americans served during WWII, 500,000 Hispanics, 25,000 Native Americans and 13,000 Chinese Americans. Followers of the Double V claimed that if these people were worthy enough to fight for their country then the U.S. owed it to them to end racial and ethnic segregation.Zoot Suit Riots: While many Americans sacrificed much at home and abroad to win the war, some minorities, primarily African And Hispanic Americans did not feel the need to participate in these provisions due to their status to White America. Many Male youths in cities such as Los Angeles, Chicago and New York chose to live extravagantly and spend wildly on personal possessions. These men came to be known as Zoot Suits for the oversized clothing.Riots broke out in major cities when servicemen attacked Zoot Suiters for not getting involved in the war effort and standing counter to American sacrifices.G.I. Bill of Rights: In the summer of 1944 the U.S. Congress passed a landmark bill to provide education, housing and healthcare to veterans and active duty military.Ending the WarManhattan Project: 1942 Roosevelt authorized a top-secret project with the British to create and atomic weapon for use against Nazi Germany. Based in Chicago and Los Alamos, NM over 100,000 workers created the first working atomic bomb. The project was a success and on July 16, 1945 the bomb Trinity was tested in the NM desert. On August 6, 1945 President Harry S. Truman authorized the use of another bomb to be dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima.While allied troops moved across Europe it became clear what Hitler and the Nazis were trying to accomplish.February of 1945 Russian troops uncover Auschwitz in Poland; a German concentration CampU.S. troops also uncovered camps in Germany. In all some 9 million European Jews, Gypsies, Mentally Challenged, Homosexuals and others “undesirables” were killed in the Holocaust.The same month as Russia found the first concentration camps the Big Three were meeting at Yalta in the Crimea to discuss how to end the war and what post-war Europe would look like.Stalin promises the right to self-determination of Eastern Europe (he has no intention of honoring his promise)The Big Three agree to create the United NationsHitler commits suicide on April 30 with the Red Army fighting in Berlin. On May 7 Germany surrenders unconditionally; V-E Day (Victory in Europe)The Potsdam Conference was held in the summer of 1945 to discuss the patrician of Germany into four sectors: Russian(East Germany), British, French and American (West Germany) as well as the capital Berlin.Fighting continued in the Pacific until August 14, 1945 after another city Nagasaki was attacked by another a-bomb. V-J Day (Victory over Japan) The war was finally over. ................

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