
ROUND 3 --- TORONTO HYBRID MIRROR: ORLANDO (2016)Questions revised from the Toronto Hybrid set, with editing and writing by Travis Vitello, with support from Virginia Ruiz, Ian McKenzie, Jihye Shin, Billy Beyer, McKinnie Sizemore, Kevin Comer, Peter Torres, Zach Foster, Alex Shaw, Taylor Harvey, and Sean PlatzerTOSSUPS1. English archaeologist Barry Kemp is field director for this site's current excavations, a role he's had since 1977. This site included a Royal Wadi and a series of white-washed mud-brick buildings that preserve a namesake art style dating to a period known as this site’s “Heresy.” Because it was abandoned soon after the death of its founder, this site is the only one in the region to have preserved its original layout, and a shrine to Horemheb is the last indication of settlement here until Roman times. This site was surrounded by 14 boundary stelae, which described this city’s function. This site was home to the Great Temple of the Aten and a Royal Necropolis with only one completed tomb. For ten points, what is this ancient Egyptian capital established by Akhenaten in the 18th Dynasty as Akhetaten, a place having a namesake series of letters? ANSWER: Amarna (accept "Akhetaten" before mentioned) 2. The conversion of riboflavin to FMN uses one of these enzymes, while the STAT transcription factors interact with the “Janus” type of them. SH2 ["S"-"H"-"two"] domains bind to the product of these enzymes, and the fusion protein produced by a Philadelphia Chromosome is a constitutively active type of them that may cause leukemia. Cascades of this type of enzyme include the ones initiated by the raf oncogene known as the MAP cascade. One of them referred to as Chk1 ["C"-"H"-"K"-"one"] can extend the time for interphase, and another of them initiates the first step of glycolysis. Many cyclin dependent types of them help regulate the cell cycle. These enzymes act on threonine, tyrosine, and serine residues and are involved with transferring a certain tetrahedral ion from ATP onto substrates. For ten points, name these enzymes that add phosphate groups to proteins. ANSWER: kinases (do not accept or prompt on “phosphorylase”) 3. A man in the music video for this song flexes his biceps while wearing a shirt that reads "Muscle Team," while another man whose shirt says "5IVER" ["fiver"] claims that his "boy [is] sounding like a zillion bucks on the track." In this song's music video, the artist sits in front of a table covered in cash and cell phones, and he wears a black bandana. This song's artist mentions how he "introduced [a woman] to [his] stove" and that he wants to "snatch her a necklace [and] drop a couple on a ring." After saying how he's like "Hey, what's up? Hello," this song's artist notes how he just wants to "chill." This song makes references to the Remy Boyz, and its chorus repeats how the singer is "getting fly with [his] baby," how he "can ride with [his] baby," and that he'll "be in the kitchen cooking pies with [his] baby." For ten points, name this 2015 debut single by Fetty Wap.ANSWER: “Trap Queen”4. On an episode of this show, the main character was hit with the move “Meteoric Burst,” which was powerful enough to send him flying to the moon. That hit occurred when the main character of this show had to face Lord Boros, also known as the Dominator of the Universe; that character, like this show's protagonist felt that there was none that could match his power. In this show, the main character, who is a hero for fun, said that the secret to his power was doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10 kilometer run every day and that he worked so hard that he became bald. For ten points, name this anime based on a manga series in which the main character, Saitama, has the ability to defeat his foes with a single strike. ANSWER: One-Punch Man 5. Due to the success of this film’s marketing during Super Bowl XXX (“30”), Apple saw a spike in interest for their PowerBook laptop thanks to product placement. This film was censored by Hezbollah, who claimed that it was “propaganda for the so-called genius of the Jews,” as well as for showing Arab-Israeli cooperation in one scene. In another scene in this film, a dancer stands on a building’s roof holding a sign reading “Welcome Make Yourselves at Home” while the character David Levinson ominously states “Time’s up.” A speech in this film notes how the word "mankind" will have a new meaning, and that the world will declare "in one voice [that] we will not go quietly into the night." According to the Honest Trailers for it, this film "made blowing up American landmarks cool -- until 9/11." For ten points, name this 1996 sci-fi film where Jeff Goldblum and Will Smith defend Earth from some aliens.ANSWER: Independence Day6. Marco Orrù explored the history of this titular concept in a work that cites Socrates’s belief that “by reason of membership in society, the individual owes obedience to (the law).” Marshall Clinard paired this concept with certain behaviors in a 1964 collection that describes the relationship of it with issues like gang violence, alcoholism, and drug addiction. This term, which was taken from the writings of Jean-Marie Guyau, has been used by Robert Merton when discussing the nonconformist deviancy of those pursuing but unable to achieve the American Dream. This concept is said to appear through the transition from mechanical to organic solidarity according to The Division of Labour in Society, and it applies to a type of suicide experienced by one who has become unbonded from his community. For ten points, give this term used to describe the erosion of societal norms and which is closely identified with the writings of ?mile Durkheim. ANSWER: anomie 7. In 2013, one of the sides involved in this event agreed to a settlement of about $30 million from a suit brought about by Leigh Day on behalf of victims who were tortured during it. Lari was the site of a massacre of those accused of being traitors to one side of this conflict whose forces were commanded in part by Dedan Kimathi. Soon after the capture of “General China,” Operation Anvil was enacted to round up people involved in this event. Those detained during it were sent to camps like Athi River and Hola. This event was aggravated by the occupation of the White Highlands, and it resulted in the assassinations of Tom Mbotela and Kungu Waruhiu. After a state of emergency was declared in response to it, Operation Jock Scott was executed; that action resulted in the arrests of men like Fred Kubai and Kikuyu nationalist Jomo Kenyatta. For ten points, name this 20th-centrury insurgency against British rule in Kenya. ANSWER: Mau Mau Uprising (accept synonyms for “uprising” that also mention “Mau Mau”)8. According to an apocryphal story, this author kept a live scorpion under a jar on his writing desk. A 2010 performance of one of this man’s works featured Alan Rickman as the disgraced titular banker whose wife and her twin Ella form “two shadows over a dead man” after he dies in the snow. In another work by this playwright behind Emperor and Galilean, the title character, whose leg was paralyzed after a fall, is mesmerized by the “Rat-Wife” and is led to the sea to drown. In another of his plays, a recently married general’s daughter burns Eilert's manuscript, then commits suicide to avoid being blackmailed by Judge Brack. Another of his plays ends with the slamming of a door by the wife of Torvald. For ten points, name this Norwegian creator of “well-made” plays, whose works include An Enemy of the People and Hedda Gabler.ANSWER: Henrik Johan Ibsen ?9. The Finnish composer Jukka Tiensuu wrote Spiriti, a concerto for this instrument and orchestra. Francisco El Hombre in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude may have been based on “Pacho” Rada, a player of this instrument that is central to Vallenato music. David Diamond composed Night Music for this instrument and string quartet. Along with the triangle and the zabumba, one of them forms the traditional trio of Brazil’s Forró genre. The scherzo burlesque third movement of Tchaikovsky’s Orchestral Suite, No. 2, includes a quartet for this instrument. Buckwheat Zydeco is a noted performer on it and in Marc Blitzstein’s The Cradle Will Rock one is used to imitate the sound of an organ. Related to the bandoneon and concertina, this instrument features a keyboard and bellows and is colloquially known as a squeezebox. For ten points, name this instrument played by Weird Al Yankovic in his polka melodies. ANSWER: accordion 10. This artist was awarded $2 million in damages by Frito-Lay after a 1988 radio ad for Doritos featured a sound-alike singing an unauthorized parody of one of his songs. One of his songs notes that “the night does funny things inside a man” and that the singer wishes that he “had the guts to bum” a cigarette. He starred alongside John Lurie and Roberto Benigni in the Jim Jarmusch film Down by Law. This artist behind the track "I Hope That I Don't Fall in Love with You" from his debut album Closing Time appeared as Kneller in the film Wristcutters: A Love Story. A YouTube video with over 2 million views features Cookie Monster appearing to perform this man’s song “God’s Away on Business." In 2011, he released the album Bad as Me. For ten points, name this American-born singer known for his distinctively gravelly voice.ANSWER: Tom Waits 11. In the lead-up to this specific event, the Elli was sunk by the Delfino, which provided a casus belli for one side, who then presented a three-hour ultimatum to an opposing leader. Even before that ultimatum had been rejected in the lead-up to this event, troops under Ugo Cavallero made their way toward Epirus, where a battle was fought at Elaia-Kalamas; that battle resulted in an eventual counter-offensive that took Korca and Sarande. The success of that counter-offensive proved decisive in bringing an additional 680,000 troops under Wilhelm List and Maximilian von Weichs during this event. Hitler blamed Mussolini’s lack of success in this event for the failure of Operation Barbarossa. Operation Marita was the codename of, for ten points, what April 1941 campaign which culminated in Germany capturing Athens? ANSWER: Axis Invasion of Greece (accept German or Nazi Invasion of Greece; Battle of Greece; or Italian Invasion of Greece; prompt on partial answer)12. One character on this show exclaims, “I love the 70s!” as he enters a bar fight. The main form of transportation on this show is nicknamed the Waverider and is powered by an artificial intelligence known as Gideon. This series was initially conceived in January 2015 as a show focusing on Ray Palmer, but was expanded to include several other lead characters such as Carter Hall and Sara Lance. Katie Cassidy and Stephen Amell guest starred in the pilot of this show, where rogue Time Master Rip Hunter creates a super-team to travel through time and hunt down the immortal Vandal Savage. Firestorm, Hawkgirl, and Captain Cold are featured in, for ten points, what 2016 CW spinoff of Arrow and Flash? ANSWER: DC’s Legends of Tomorrow 13. Paul Nathanson has stated that this work “transcends the boundaries separating races, classes, sexes, generations, and regions” in a work calling it “a Secular Myth of America.” An omitted dance number in this work survives in a cryptic comment that one villain has “sent a little insect on ahead to take the fight out of ‘em.” In one of its scenes an official is called to certify that one character is “morally, ethically, spiritually, physically, positively, absolutely, undeniably and reliably” dead. That scene’s continuation is mocked by How It Should Have Ended, which points out that certain diminutive characters could have used their rifles against this film's main antagonist in an early scene. Familiar phrases which originated in this 1939 film include “Not no way, not no how!” and “Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!” For ten points, name this Technicolor film based on a novel by L. Frank Baum. ANSWER: The Wizard of Oz 14. This character, which was created by Michael Berlyn, appeared in a 1993 television pilot known as “What Could Possibly Go Wrong” that was not picked up for a full series. The instruction manual for his first game included a comic strip explaining the plot, which involved the theft of yarn. Despite being lauded by Electronic Gaming Monthly with the award for “Most Hype for a Character” in 1993, by 1996 GamesRadar had included this character on its list of most hated video game mascots, in large part due to the voice clips ubiquitous in his games. Levels in this character’s first video game appearance include “Cheese Wheels of Doom” and “Rock Around the Croc" which involves this character battling the Woolies from Planet Rayon. For ten points, name this bobcat who starred in four eponymous games, including a 3D release subtitled Furbitten Planet.ANSWER: Bubsy 15. This work opens "at about nine o'clock at the end of November, during a thaw." A clerk in this novel claims that he has been interpreting the book of Revelation for fifteen years, and that character, Lebedev, meets this novel’s title figure on a train headed to Russia. The main character of this novel discusses the feelings of man who is about to be executed, which is a way for its author to represent the real-world experience of having his sentence of death commuted at the last minute. One character in this novel was raised as a concubine to the wealthy merchant Totsky, and she later runs away from her wedding with the title figure to live with Rogozhin, who murders her. Crime and Punishment was written shortly before, for ten points, what novel about Prince Myshkin, a work by Fyodor Dostoevsky? ANSWER: The Idiot 16. Boris Onishchenko was found to have cheated during this iteration of the Olympics after it was discovered that he had used a rigged épée. These Olympics saw Shun Fujimoto help Japan win a gold medal in gymnastics despite having a broken knee. Cuban Alberto Juantorena became the first ever man to win both the 400 and 800 meter Olympics sprints at these games. After a country that had toured South Africa earlier in the year was allowed to participate in these games, twenty-eight nations boycotted them. Nadia Com?neci won three gold medals and scored seven perfect 10s at these Olympics. A stadium built for these games was not fully paid off until 2006, and was nicknamed "The Big O." For ten points, name these summer Olympic games that were held in Quebec. ANSWER: 1976 Summer Olympics (or Games of the XXI [“21st”] Olympiad; accept Montreal Olympic Games; do not accept "1976 Winter Olympics")????17. This artist’s Bathers with a Turtle depicts three nude women around the titular reptile and another work by this artist shows a semi-nude black-haired woman seated in a yellow and green chair; that work, Odalisque with Arms Raised, features a model with hairy armpits. This man's painting titled The Dessert was initially blue-themed before being redone with the subtitle Harmony in Red. This artist was a member of a movement named by Louis Vauxcelles and he worked with paper cutouts toward the end of his career, producing a brightly colored collage that he called The Snail. This artist created two versions of a painting depicting five people connecting their arms in a circle, the image of which appears in his The Joy of Life. For ten points, name this pioneer of Fauvism who painted his wife with a “green stripe” running down her face. ANSWER: Henri Matisse 18. An object known as FIRRE helps anchor one of these bodies, which are considered second to last according to the Denver classification system. Tsix ["T"-"six"] acts on these objects, one of which wholly associates with the nuclear lamina after the process of lyonization. The Sherman paradox concerns one of the diseases of them. That disease of these objects is one where it is classified as “fragile” and is a cause of mental retardation. All but one of these entities per cell is inactivated soon after birth, forming Barr bodies. Sufferers of Klinefelter's syndrome have one or more extra copies of these entities in a male’s cells, while patients with Turner syndrome are missing one of them as compared to a healthy human. For ten points, name these sex chromosomes of which biological females possess two. ANSWER: X chromosomes (prompt on “sex chromosomes”)19. According to Wikipedia, this team is the only NBA franchise never to have lost 60 games in a season. In this team’s first playoff appearance, it defeated the DEnver Nuggets before being knocked out by the Phoenix Suns, and that first appearance was in 1984. After being acquired from the Los Angeles Lakers, Adrian Dantley became a star for this team who play their home games in the Vivint Smart Home Arena. This team most recently made the playoffs in 2012 under coach Tyrone Corbin. This team, which was originally located in Louisiana, has never won a championship, but it lost back-to-back finals in 1997 and 1998 while led by coach Jerry Sloan and players like John Stockton and Karl Malone. For ten points, name this NBA Western Conference team based in Salt Lake City. ANSWER: Utah Jazz (accept either underlined portion) 20. A character in one season of this show is thrown into a tub full of cockroaches in an episode that begins with a journalist walking into traffic. One man challenges the ability of a central character of this show to watch over 500 hours of recordings in less than one day, to which that character responds that he re-read War and Peace just that morning. That character on this show is told he looks like a “pipe cleaner with eyes,” and was once approached by a student played by the late-Anton Yelchin who wanted help dealing with his sadistic and necrophilic fantasies. Dave Rossi jokes that Spencer Reid was “left in a basket on the steps of the FBI” in reference to his extreme intelligence on, for ten points, what CBS show about the FBI’s Behavioral Crimes Unit?ANSWER: Criminal Minds???????BONUSES1. Stuart Berman’s This Book is Broken details the history of this Toronto-based musical collective. For ten points each: [10] Kevin Drew and Brandon Canning are the founders of what association of artists, who reject the term "supergroup" and have released albums like Feel the Lost and Forgiveness Rock Record? ANSWER: Broken Social Scene [10] One member of Broken Social Scene is this woman, whose 2007 album The Reminder featured the song "1,2,3,4." ANSWER: Leslie Feist [10] Kevin Drew is also the founder of this Canadian indie record label, whose acts include Broken Social Scene, Stephen Malkmus, and Dan Mangan. ANSWER: Arts & Crafts Productions 2. Answer some questions about nearest neighbor algorithms, for ten points each: [10] Nearest neighbor algorithms can be used to find a solution to this classic computer science problem which involves the namesake individual trying to find the shortest path between a group of cities. ANSWER: travelling salesman problem (prompt on "TSP") [10] Nearest neighbor algorithms are part of this class of algorithms because they minimize the distance travelled at each individual step without concern for the overall shortest path. Dijkstra’s algorithm is sometimes described as one of them, as it dynamically seeks the single source shortest path. ANSWER: greedy algorithms [10] A set if points considered a dual to that set’s Delaunay triangulation can be represented by one of these diagrams. These diagrams are visualized as tessellations used to find the closest distance between seed points and are named for a Russian mathematician.ANSWER: Voronoi diagrams3. Answer some questions about the funny papers, for ten points each: [10] This comic strip by Lynn Johnson featured characters like John, Michael, and Elizabeth Patterson growing up in real time. Controversies in it arose over such subjects as the death of the family dog Farley, and Lawrence’s coming-out. ANSWER: For Better or For Worse [10] Since 1930, this comic strip created by Chic Young features the title character and her husband Dagwood Bumstead, who loves sandwiches. ANSWER: Blondie [10] In the comic strip Beetle Bailey, this is the name of Sergeant Snorkel's bulldog.ANSWER: Otto4. Answer some questions about the Sochi Olympics, for ten points each: [10] This form of skiing which features two opposing concave ramps made its Olympic debut at Sochi. Americans Maddie Bowman and David Wise have won Olympic gold medals in this sport. ANSWER: halfpipe skiing [10] At Sochi, the Netherlands continued their traditional dominance of this sport, winning 8 out of 12 gold medals. The American Apolo Anton Ohno is a gold medalist in the 1500 and 500 meter versions of this sport. ANSWER: speed skating [10] Russia won both men’s gold medals in this sport, while Canada won the women’s. This track racing sport has two and four-person forms and was the subject of the film Cool Runnings.ANSWER: bobsleigh (or bobsled)5. In this novel, the Wives of the Commanders of the Faithful are often infertile or blamed for their husbands’ infertility. For ten points each: [10] Name this Margaret Atwood novel set in the former United States of America, a place known in this work as the Republic of Gilead. ANSWER: The Handmaid’s Tale [10] This main character of The Handmaid’s Tale has her birth name, implied to be June, stripped from her. She is instead called this name, describing her in relation to The Commander. ANSWER: Offred [10] In one scene from The Handmaid’s Tale, Offred plays this board game with The Commander. A 2004 documentary about players of this game is titled Word Wars. ANSWER: Scrabble 6. This man led the rebellion that resulted in Manitoba joining the Canadian confederation. For ten points each: [10] Name this Métis man who was elected three times to the Canadian House of Commons after leading the Red River Rebellion ANSWER: Louis Riel [10] Riel ordered this man executed during the Red River Rebellion, resulting in the Wolseley Expedition being sent to confront the rebellion, as well as Riel's exile after the establishment of the Manitoba act. ANSWER: Thomas Scott [10] Riel led this second rebellion in Saskatchewan in 1885, during which he styled himself as a divinely chosen leader. He was hanged for high treason after this rebellion was crushed. ANSWER: North-West Rebellion (prompt on “Saskatchewan” Rebellion; accept synonyms for “rebellion” that also mention “North-West”)?7. Name some of baseball's key sabermetric stats, for ten points each: [10] This stat takes into account all of a player’s offensive and defensive performances and gives a value of how many wins relative to a typical minor league player they were worth. Two different versions of this stat are calculated, one by Fangraphs and one by Baseball-Reference. ANSWER: Wins Above Replacement [10] This stat is the defensive component of WAR. Developed by Mitchel Lichtman, this stat analyses positional data from every defensive play to give fielders a score of runs saved above or below the average at their position. ANSWER: Ultimate Zone Rating [10] Sabremetrics were an element of this 2011 baseball film starring Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill about the success of the Oakland A’s and their general manager Billy Beane. ANSWER: Moneyball 8. Based off of calculations, this hypothetical body should have a mass approximately 10 times that of Earth, and an orbit that could take 15,000 years. For 10 points each: [10] Name is this hypothetical body announced by researchers at Caltech in January 2016 that will not be officially named until its existence is confirmed with images. Pluto formerly held this distinction. ANSWER: Planet Nine (accept the Ninth Planet or clear-knowledge equivalents)[10] The 2016 announcement of a possible Planet Nine was made by this planetary astronomer, a frequent collaborator of Chad Trujillo, who has led the team that discovered Quaoar and Makemake ["mah"-"KEE"-"mah"-"KEE"]. ANSWER: Michael Brown [10] The existence of a Planet Nine may be confirmed by the James Webb Space Telescope, a device that will succeed both the Spitzer Space Telescope and this other space telescope. This telescope that launched in 1990 recorded the impact of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter. ANSWER: Hubble Space Telescope (or HST)9. The pay-what-you-want release of this album inspired many other artists and bands to explore similar pricing strategies. For ten points each: [10] Name this self-released 2007 Radiohead album that won two Grammys. Entertainment Weekly described it as "the gentlest, prettiest Radiohead set yet."ANSWER: In Rainbows [10] This second single off of In Rainbows features an intro that is essentially the outro played in reverse. It was originally written in 1997 and played live as an unnamed, unreleased song throughout 1998, with fans calling it "Big Ideas." It closes with the line "You'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking.” ANSWER: "Nude" [10] This 2011 follow-up to In Rainbows includes the single "Lotus Flower" whose video shows Thom Yorke dancing erratically, leading to several parodies. ANSWER: The King of Limbs ??????????10. Walter Brennan was renowned for his roles in such films as Come and Get It, Kentucky, and The Westerner. For ten points each: [10] For his work in each of those films, Brennan won this Academy Award, which was first awarded in 1937. To date, Brennan holds the record for most wins in this category. ANSWER: Best Supporting Actor [10] Another actor who has found success in supporting roles is this man, who has been nominated four times for the award in recognition of his work in films like Terms of Endearment and Easy Rider. ANSWER: Jack Nicholson [10] The only posthumous Best Supporting Actor winner was this one, who beat out Josh Brolin, Robert Downey Jr, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Michael Shannon in 2008. ANSWER: Heath Ledger 11. Answer some questions about the group of composers referred to as “The Six,” for ten points each: [10] The Six were 20th century composers from this country. The composer of the three Gymnopedies, Erik Satie, is also from this country. ANSWER: France [10] A prolific member of The Six was this modernist composer who studied under Vincent d’Indy, and who was influenced by jazz and polytonality. This teacher of Dave Brubeck composed works like The Ox on the Roof, The Creation of the World, and Scaramouche. ANSWER: Darius Milhaud [10] Francis Poulenc, a member of The Six, composed Dialogues of the Carmelites which concerns the execution of women in this religious position. ANSWER: nuns 12. For ten points each, answer some things about Nickelodeon shows:[10] Spunky is the pet dog of the title wallaby of this show, whose best friend is the steer Heffer. ANSWER: Rocko’s Modern Life [10] These are the names of the fairy godparents who grant wishes to improve the miserable life of Timmy Turner on the show Fairly Odd Parents. ANSWER: Cosmo and Wanda [10] This sitcom is a sequel to both iCarly and Victorious and features the adventures of the roommates played by Ariana Grande and Jennette McCurdy who start a babysitting business together. ANSWER: Sam & Cat ?????13. For ten points each, match some lines from Martin Scorsese's The Departed to the actors who spoke them: [10] This actor’s character says "You got a nice suit at home or do you like coming to work every day dressed like you're goin' to invade Poland?" This actor is also known for starring in The Martian. ANSWER: Matt Damon [10] When secretly meeting up with his superiors and expressing his fears about Costello, the character played by this actor asks "Do you want him to chop me up and feed me to the poor?” That character, played by this actor, was Billy Costigan.ANSWER: Leonardo DiCaprio [10] A character played by this actor spoke the line “My theory on Feds is [that] they're like mushrooms.” This actor opened a restaurant in downtown Orlando in 2016. ANSWER: Mark Wahlberg (prompt on just "Wahlberg")?14. This twelve-book epic begins with a conference of fallen angels whose rebellion has just been defeated. For ten points each: [10] Name this 17th century work of John Milton, the first book of which describes Moloch, Belial, Mammon and Beelzebub building Pandemonium. ANSWER: Paradise Lost [10] Illustrations were made for Paradise Lost by this woodcarver, who also illustrated Poe's The Raven, and London: A Pilgrimage. ANSWER: Gustave Doré ["dor"-"RAY"][10] Satan led this significant fraction of the angels against god. Name this fraction, which will be the proportion of humanity killed by three plagues according to the book of Revelation. ANSWER: 1/3 or one third or same meaning 15. Guan Hanqing play is titled “Rescued by” a member of this profession, and in Sudraka’s The Little Clay Cart one named Vasantasena first gives the impoverished Brahmin Charudatta expensive jewels and later saves his life. For ten points each: [10] Name this "oldest profession," also practiced by Wanja in Ngugi’s Petals of Blood and Sonia Marmeladova in Crime and Punishment. ANSWER: prostitute (accept clear-knowledge equivalents)[10] This Japanese author’s 18th century puppet plays, such as Courier to Hell and The Love Suicides at Sonnezaki, often feature double-deaths where one member of the couple is a prostitute. ANSWER: Chikamatsu Monzaemon (or Sugimori Nobumori; accept any underlined portion)[10] The prostitute Nur is a character from this Naguib Mahfouz novel, which focusses on the ex-con Said Mahran as he struggles against the people who put him in prison. The second title group of this work ultimately brings about Mahran’s downfall. ANSWER: The Thief and the Dogs (or El-lis's wal-kilab) ?????16. Identify these television series from descriptions of their finales, for ten points each: [10] This show’s finale, titled Everyone’s Waiting, unexpectedly begins with the birth of Nate and Brenda’s daughter Willa. A flash-forward shows the deaths of major characters --- Keith is shot and killed by robbers, David dies of a heart attack, Brenda dies of old age, and Claire dies last at the age of 102. ANSWER: Six Feet Under [10] In the season finale of this sitcom, whose writers made a “no-hugging, no learning” rule, the four main characters are put on trial for breaking a Good Samaritan law. ANSWER: Seinfeld [10] This show’s finale ends with ambiguity as its lead character looks up at a man walking into the diner where he and his family are eating before the screen cuts to black. The song "Don’t Stop Believing" plays over the end credits. ANSWER: The Sopranos 17. Among the principles of indifference expressed in this work is the advice to “reject your sense of injury, and the injury itself disappears.” For ten points each: [10] What is this Stoic masterpiece by Marcus Aurelius that also claims that “the best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury”? ANSWER: Meditations [10] In Meditations, Marcus Aurelius states that he is “a little flesh, a little breath, and [this concept] to rule all." Stoics also identified God with this concept. ANSWER: reason (or logos or logic)[10] Another Stoic and strong influence on Meditations was this philosopher, whose fragment “you are a little soul carrying about a corpse” was attributed to him by Marcus Aurelius. Born a slave, this man’s teachings were recorded in Discourses by his student Arrian. ANSWER: Epictetus 18. This country is currently led by a former dentist who has replaced Saparmurat Niyazov’s cult of personality with his own. For ten points each: [10] Name this central Asian county ruled by Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, whose capital is Ashgabat. ANSWER: Turkmenistan [10] Despite being mostly covered by the Karakum Desert, Turkmenistan is home to the city of Merv, which was once one of the major caravansaries on this ancient trade route between China and Europe until the 15th century. ANSWER: Silk Road [10] Near Ashgabat are the remains of the ancient city of Nisa, which possibly served as the first capital of this empire founded in the 3rd century BCE after seceding from the Seleucid Empire in 247 BCE. This empire eventually moved its capital to Ctesiphon. ANSWER: Parthian Empire (or Arsacid Empire) 19. This system files the western concert flute under 421.121.12, and the clarinet under 422.211.2-71. For ten points each: [10] Name this doubly-eponymous musical instrument classification system, which divides instruments into idiophones, membranophones, chordophones, aerophones, and electrophones. ANSWER: Hornbostel-Sachs classification [10] Hornbostel was a member of this field, which was at the time called “comparative musicology.” His work in this field led him to study the music of the Pawnee, of native Tunisians, and of South Sea islanders. ANSWER: ethnomusicology [10] This composer's friendship with Zoltán Kodaly led him to study Magyar folk songs, resulting in some of the earliest work in the field of ethnomusicology. He also composed the pedagogical Mikrokosmos. ANSWER: Bela Bartok 20. Who’s that Pokémon?! Identify the following Pokemon from composite Pokedex descriptions, for ten points each: [10] "Superpower Pokemon" -- This Pokemon has the power to hurl anything aside. However, trying to do any work requiring care and dexterity causes its arms to get tangled. This Pokemon tends to leap into action before it thinks, and it uses its four powerful arms to pin the limbs of its foe. ANSWER: Machamp [10] "Royal Pokemon" -- This Pokemon undertakes research every day in an effort to solve the mysteries of the world. However, this Pokemon apparently forgets everything it has learned if the Shellder is ever removed from its head. ANSWER: Slowking [10] "Overturning Pokemon" -- This Pokemon lures its prey with hypnotic motions then wraps its tentacles around the victim before finishing it off with digestive fluids. This Pokemon wields the most compelling hypnotic powers of any Pokemon, and it forces others to do exactly what it wants. ANSWER: Malamar ................

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