Bibliography – women and humanitarian law


Selected Bibliography:

Women’s Rights and International Humanitarian Law


Askin, Kelly D. War Crimes Against Women: Prosecutions in International War

Crimes Tribunals (Martinus Nijhoff: Leiden, The Netherlands, 1997). [K5301 .A85 1997]

Bedont, Barbara. “Gender-Specific Provisions in the Statute of the ICC” in F. Lattanzi and W.A. Schabas, eds. Essays on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (Ripa Fagnano Alto: Editrice il Sirente, 1999). [Robarts Library KZ6310 .E847 1999X v.1]

Brouwer, Anne-Marie L. M. de. Supranational Criminal Prosecution of Sexual Violence: the ICC and the Practice of the ICTY and the ICTR (Antwerpen: Intersentia, 2005). [K3236.4 .S34 v.20]

Chinkin, Christine. “Gender-related crimes: A Feminist Perspective” in R. Thakur and P. Malcontent, eds. From Sovereign Impunity to International Accountability: The Search for Justice in a World of States (New York: United Nations University Press, 2004). [Robarts Library K5301 .F76 2004]

Glasius, Marlies. The International Criminal Court: A Global Civil Society Achievement (New York, NY : Routledge, 2006). [Robarts Library KZ6311 .G53 2006] (See Chapter 5: “The Controversy: Gender And Forced Pregnancy”)

Quenivet, Noelle N. R. Sexual Offenses in Armed Conflict and International Law (Ardsley, NY: Transnational Publishers, 2005). [K5194 .Q46 2005]


Annotations for all of the journal articles listed below can be found in the “Women and Armed Conflict” section of the WHRR database at

Aolain, Fionnuala Ni. Sex-Based Violence and the Holocaust - A Re-evaluation of Harms and Rights in International Law, 12 YALE JOURNAL OF LAW AND FEMINISM, 43-84 (2000). (The full text of this article is available on the WHRR database of women’s rights resources at

Aolain, Fionnuala Ni. Radical Rules: The Effects of Evidential and Procedural Rules on the Regulation of Sexual Violence in War, 60 ALBANY LAW REVIEW, 883-905 (1997).

Askin, Kelly D. The Quest for Post-Conflict Gender Justice, 41 COLUMBIA JOURNAL OF TRANSNATIONAL LAW, 509-521 (2003).

Askin, Kelly D. Prosecuting Wartime Rape and Other Gender-Related Crimes under International Law: Extraordinary Advances, Enduring Obstacles, 21 BERKELEY JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW (2003) 288-349.

Boon, Kristen. Rape and Forced Pregnancy under the ICC Statute: Human Dignity, Autonomy and Consent, 32 COLUMBIA HUMAN RIGHTS LAW REVIEW 625-675, (2001).

Buss, Doris E. Prosecuting Mass Rape: Prosecutor v Dragoljub Kunarac, Radomir Kovac and Zoran Vukovic (Case Comment), 10 FEMINIST LEGAL STUDIES 91-99 (2002)

Companaro, Jocelyn. Women, War, and International Law: The Historical Treatment of Gender-Based War Crimes, 89 GEORGETOWN LAW JOURNAL, 2557-2592, (2001).

Copelon, Rhonda. Gender Crimes as War Crimes: Integrating Crimes against Women into International Criminal Law, 46 MCGILL LAW JOURNAL, 217-240, (2000).

Gardam, Judith & Michelle J. Jarvis. Women and Armed Conflict: The International Response to the Beijing Platform for Action, 32 COLUMBIA HUMAN RIGHTS LAW REVIEW, 1-66 (2000)

Goldstone, Richard J. & Estelle A. Dehon. Engendering Accountability: Gender Crimes Under International Criminal Law 19 New England Journal on Public Policy 121-145 (2003).

Hoefgen, Anne M. "There Will be no Justice Unless Women are Part of that justice": Rape in Bosnia, the ICTY and "Gender Sensitive" Prosecution, (1999) 14 Wisconsin Women's Law Journal

Jenkins Vanderweert, Susan. Seeking Justice for "Comfort" Women: Without an International Criminal Court, Suits Brought By World War II Sex Slaves of the Japanese Army May Find Their Best Hope of Success in U.S. Federal Courts, 27 NORTH CAROLINA JOURNAL OF INTERNTIONAL LAW AND COMMERCIAL REGULATION 141-183 (2001)

Karkera, Tina R. The International Criminal Court's Protection of Women: The Hands of Justice at Work, 12 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF GENDER, SOCIAL POLICY AND THE LAW (2004) 197-231.

Lehr-Lehnardt, Rana. One Small Step for Women: Female-Friendly Provisions in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, 16 BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF PUBLIC LAW, 317-340 (2002).

McHenry, James. Justice for Foca: The International Criminal Tribunal For Yugoslavia's Prosecution of Rape and Enslavement as Crimes against Humanity, 10 TULSA JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE AND INTERNATIONAL LAW (2002) 1269-1311.

Nowrojee, Binaifer. Making the Invisible War Crime Visible: Post-Conflict Justice for Sierra Leone's Rape Victims, 18 HARVARD HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL 85-105 (2005) (The full text of this article is online at .)

Oosterveld, Valerie, L. Sexual Slavery and the International Criminal Court: Advancing International Law, 25 MICHIGAN JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, 605-651, (2004).

Oosterveld, Valerie, L. The Definition of “Gender” in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Step Forward or Back for International Criminal Justice?, 18 HARVARD HUMAN RIGHTS JOURNAL 55-84 (2005)

Russell-Brown, Sherie L. Rape as an Act of Genocide, BERKELEY JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW, 350-374 (2003)

Sackellares, Stephanie N. From Bosnia to Sudan: Sexual Violence in Modern Armed Conflict, 20 WISCONSIN WOMEN'S LAW JOURNAL 137-165 (2005).

Satra Kalra, Monika. Forced Marriage: Rwanda's Secret Revealed, 7 U.C. DAVIS JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL LAW AND POLICY (2001) 197-221.


Selected Reports by the United Nations and by Nongovernmental Organizations

Gay J. McDougal, UN Special Rapporteur on Systematic Rape, Sexual Slavery and Slavery-like Practices during Armed Conflict, including Internal Armed Conflict, Contemporary Forms of Slavery: Systematic rape, Sexual Slavery and Slavery-like Practices during Armed Conflict, Update to the Final Report submitted to the UN General Assembly, (E/CN.4/Sub.2/2000/21, 6 June 2000).


Human Rights Watch, International Justice for Women: The ICC Marks a New Era (July 1, 2002)

Obando, Ana Elena, The International Criminal Court: An Opportunity for Women, Women's Human Rights Net (August, 2004)

United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women, Sexual Violence and Armed Conflict: United Nations Response (1998)

International Law

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, UN Doc. A/CONF. 183/9; 37 ILM 1002 (1998); 2187 UNTS 90

Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, U.N. Doc. S/Res/955 (1994); 33 ILM 1598 (1994)

Statute of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, U.N. Doc. S/RES/827, 32 ILM 1159 (1993)

Statute of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, UN Doc. S/2002/246, appendix II, 2178 U.N.T.S. 138


Coalition for Women's Human Rights in Conflict Situations, Rights & Democracy

Women's Rights - Women and Armed Conflict; International Justice, Human Rights Watch

Humanitarian Law - Women and War, International Committee of the Red Cross

NGO Working Group on Women, Peace & Security, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom

The Women's International War Crimes Tribunal on Japan's Military Sexual Slavery, Violence Against Women in War - Network Japan

Women's Initiatives for Gender Justice


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