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World War IIBefore US EntersPolicy of NeutralityUS will not favor one side over the otherLend Lease ActUS would “rent out” equipment to the British to fight against the NazisCash and CarryBritish would purchase the equipment today and the US would transport it for them across the Atlantic OceanLend Lease Act and Cash and Carry together is known as the “Arsenal of Democracy”US Enters into World War IIAttack on Pearl Harbor by the JapaneseThe Japanese attacked because the US cut them off from oil and steel“Day that will live in infamy”—F.D. RooseveltDecember 7, 1941Changes on the Home FrontWomen work in the factoriesRosie the RiveterConserve food“Meatless Tuesdays”RationingFactories made wartime goodsFord stopped making cars and made jeeps and planesFederal government sold war bondsPropaganda postersCartoonsMoviesAdvertisementsKorematsu v. United StatesFred Korematsu was arrest and ordered to report to an internment camp. He refused to go.Supreme Court ruled that Japanese Americans posed a danger to the country and that your rights can be taken away during times of war.Not until the 1990s that Bill Clinton announced that the US made a mistake and paid back reparations back to the Japanese AmericansWar In EuropeD-Day (June 6)- Largest invasion of France to defeat the Nazis (led by D. Eisenhower)Allies (US, GB, France, and USSR) defeat HitlerNuremberg TrialsTrails against the Nazi for war crimes (Holocaust)Soldiers can no longer say they were following ordersWar in Pacific (Against Japan)Island hopping- jumping from one island to another getting closer to JapanPresident Roosevelt dies in office (4th term). Vice President Harry Truman is sworn inManhattan ProjectScientific/military operation to research atomic weaponsJ. Robert Oppenheimer- man in charge of the projectTruman authorizes the dropping of two bombs after he is told the US would lose over 100,000 soldiers if they invaded Japan.Hiroshima- Little BoyNagasaki- Fat ManThis enters the world into the atomic ageJapan surrenders before the Soviet Union invades them.The Cold WarEarly Cold WarA war of words between the US (capitalism/democracy) v. Soviet Union (communism)Truman v. StalinPotsdam Conference (during World War II)US, Great Britain, France, and USSR agree to split Germany and Berlin into 4 zonesUS + GB + France = West Germany/West BerlinUSSR = East Germany/ East BerlinWinston Churchill (former Prime Minister of England)“Iron Curtain Speech”- an iron curtain has fallen across Europe (a clear difference between democracy in west Europe and communism in east Europe)Truman DoctrineUS would supply military aid (troops) to any government that is being threatened by a communist takeover Greece and TurkeyMarshall PlanUS would supply any struggling government with money to help stabilize their economyThe US foreign policy during the Cold War was containmentTo stop the spreading of communism around the worldNATO and Warsaw PactNATO- based on collective security (if one nation is attacked, the other nations will come to its defense)Protect member nations against communismWarsaw Pact- named after the capital of PolandProtect member nations against democracyBerlin BlockadeStalin was annoyed at the success of the Marshall PlanBlockades West Berlin inIn response, the US (Truman) leads the Berlin AirliftUS planes dropped supplies into West BerlinKorean War (1950-1953)Korean was split at the 38°North Korea- Communist sideLed by Kim il SungWatched over by the USSRSouth Korea- Democratic sideLed by Sygmund RheeWatched over by the US1950- North Korea invades South KoreaUS and the United Nations get involvedThe war ends right where it began“The Forgotten War”Truman fires General Douglas MacArthurTruman can do this because he is the Commander in ChiefUnited NationsPeace keeping organization that replaced the League of NationsCreated by F.D. Roosevelt5 Permanent Members that have veto powerFrance, GB, US, USSR, and China ................

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