
|Name:       |Date:       |

Grade 8 Beginning-of-Year Test

Informational Text


Read this passage. Then, answer the question(s).

(1) When Lucy Ware Webb was a young girl, she had no idea she would one day end up at the White House. Born in Ohio in 1831, Lucy was two years old when her father died. He had gone to Kentucky to help free slaves.

(2) Lucy was a bright girl. At the age of thirteen, she was already taking college classes. Many years later, she would become the first wife of a U.S. president to have earned a college degree.

(3) In Cincinnati, Lucy met her future husband. Rutherford B. Hayes had a law office there, and after meeting Lucy, he visited the Webb home often. In his diary, he wrote about Lucy. “Her low sweet voice is very winning . . . a heart as true as steel . . . Intellect she has too. . . . By George! I am in love with her!” They married in 1852 and raised five children.

(4) Like her father, Lucy opposed slavery. When the Civil War started, she supported the war. She visited U.S. Army headquarters often and cared for wounded soldiers. The soldiers nicknamed her “Mother Lucy.”

(5) After the war, her husband became governor of Ohio. As the state’s first lady, Lucy continued to help those in need, even building a children’s home in Columbus.

(6) In 1877, Rutherford B. Hayes was confirmed as the nineteenth president of the United States. Lucy was a well-loved first lady, known for her kindness and intelligence. She even helped save the popular Easter egg event held in Washington. Congress had closed the Capitol Hill grounds because the children were ruining the grass. Lucy moved the event to the White House lawn, where it is still held today.

|Name:       |Date:       |

1. The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then Part B.

      Part A What type of writing does this passage represent?

|a. |biography |

|b. |autobiography |

|c. |description |

|d. |myth |

      Part B What structure does the author use in this passage?

|a. |cause-and-effect order |

|b. |chronological order |

|c. |comparison-and-contrast order |

|d. |problem-and-solution order |

      2. In the last paragraph, the author states that Lucy was known for her intelligence. Which sentence from the passage best supports this description?

|a. |At the age of thirteen, she was already taking college classes. |

|b. |In Cincinnati, Lucy met her future husband. |

|c. |Like her father, Lucy opposed slavery. |

|d. |As the state’s first lady, Lucy continued to help those in need, even building a children’s home in |

| |Columbus. |

      3. Which sentence from the passage uses a verb in the passive voice?

|a. |He had gone to Kentucky to help free slaves. (paragraph 1) |

|b. |Rutherford B. Hayes had a law office there, and after meeting Lucy, he visited the Webb home often. |

| |(paragraph 3) |

|c. |After the war, her husband became governor of Ohio. (paragraph 5) |

|d. |In 1877, Rutherford B. Hayes was confirmed as the nineteenth president of the United States. (paragraph 6) |

Informational Text


Read the following passage. Then, answer the question(s).

(1) Frank Lloyd Wright considered himself one of the greatest architects of all time. Not everyone agrees with this assessment. However, most people recognize his great influence on modern American architecture.

|Name:       |Date:       |

(2) Born in Wisconsin in 1867, Wright grew up in a family that often had trouble making ends meet. He attended the University of Wisconsin but left early for Chicago, where the Great Fire of 1871 created many opportunities in the building trade. After working for several firms, he eventually landed a job at the company in which Louis Sullivan, a famous pioneer of modern architecture, was a partner. Wright remained there for several years, often quarreling with colleagues, before proceeding to establish his own architecture firm where he could experiment with his own ideas and style.

(3) Wright’s “Prairie style” is very modern, and his buildings often suggest the wide expanse of the American plains. These projects inspired other architects to think of space in a new way. They began to design rooms in a building not as separate spaces but as a flowing whole.

(4) Although his “Prairie style” is considered his best, some of Wright’s more famous designs show other influences. The Guggenheim Museum in New York City, for example, features a large spiral that contrasts with its urban surroundings. Another of Wright’s buildings, Fallingwater in rural Pennsylvania, is built over a waterfall and blends seamlessly into its wooded, natural environment.

4. The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then Part B.

      Part A Which of these details should a good summary of this passage leave out?

|a. |mention of the fact that Wright worked in Chicago |

|b. |the acknowledgment that Wright is an influence on other architects |

|c. |an explanation of the causes of the Great Fire of 1871 |

|d. |the use of the architectural term “Prairie style” |

      Part B Why should your choice for Part A be left out of a good summary?

|a. |It would make the summary biased. |

|b. |It would make the summary too long. |

|c. |It would add inaccurate information to the summary. |

|d. |It would add unnecessary details to the summary. |

     5. According to the passage, what effect did Chicago’s Great Fire of 1871 have on Frank Lloyd Wright?

|a. |It enabled him to find work in Chicago because the government established disaster relief programs. |

|b. |It forced him to leave college before graduating because of his family’s significant losses in the fire. |

|c. |It made it easier for him to find a job with a Chicago architecture firm because of the opportunities in the|

| |building trade. |

|d. |It helped him develop the pioneering architectural style for which he became known—the “Prairie style.” |

|Name:       |Date:       |

      6. Which meaning of the word trade applies to the phrase many opportunities in the building trade?

|a. |an area of business endeavor |

|b. |the exchange of goods |

|c. |engage in the exchange of goods |

|d. |a category of published books |

      7. Which paragraphs from the text focus on Frank Lloyd Wright’s architectural style?

|a. |the first and last paragraphs |

|b. |the second and third paragraphs |

|c. |the first and third paragraphs |

|d. |the last two paragraphs |

8. The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then Part B.

      Part A Which statement best expresses the main idea of the passage?

|a. |Frank Lloyd Wright was an innovative and influential modern American architect. |

|b. |Frank Lloyd Wright grew up in poverty but with talent and luck became rich. |

|c. |Frank Lloyd Wright thought himself a genius and had trouble getting along with others. |

|d. |Frank Lloyd Wright is best known for breaking the rules of architecture. |

      Part B What evidence from the text explicitly supports the main idea

from Part A?

|a. |“Frank Lloyd Wright considered himself one of the greatest architects of all time.” (paragraph 1) |

|b. |“However, most people recognize his great influence on modern American architecture.” (paragraph 1) |

|c. |“. . . Wright grew up in a family that often had trouble making ends meet.” (paragraph 2) |

|d. |“Wright remained there for several years, often quarreling with colleagues. . . .” (paragraph 2) |

|Name:       |Date:       |

Informational Text

Persuasive Article

Read the following passage and answer the question(s).

(1) Traffic on Main Street has become a pervasive problem. (2) One possible solution is to create a bypass. (3) Traffic records suggest that more than 60 percent of the vehicles that go down Main Street are simply passing through town on their way to someplace else. (4) Right now, these drivers have no choice but to drive on Main Street. (5) If a bypass were built, they would almost always use it, thus reducing the traffic on Main Street. (6) The county engineer says that Riverside Drive can easily be widened to serve as a bypass. (7) This construction costs relatively little and will be finished in a short time. (8) Clearly, the Riverside Bypass is a logical solution to the problem.

      9. On which persuasive technique does this passage mainly rely?

|a. |repetition |

|b. |appeals to authority |

|c. |appeals to reason |

|d. |appeals to emotions |

      10. Which word has positive connotations that help make the passage more persuasive?

|a. |problem in sentence 1 |

|b. |create in sentence 2 |

|c. |widened in sentence 6 |

|d. |logical in sentence 8 |

      11. How should you revise sentence 7 so that the verbs express the conditional mood?

|a. |Change will be finished to must be finished. |

|b. |Change costs to may cost and will be finished to finishing. |

|c. |Change costs to might cost and will be finished to could be finished. |

|d. |The sentence is correct as is. |

      12. Which sentence most clearly supports the inference that traffic on Main Street would be eased by construction of a bypass?

|a. |sentence 1 |

|b. |sentence 3 |

|c. |sentence 6 |

|d. |sentence 7 |

|Name:       |Date:       |

Literary Text

from “Paul Revere’s Ride,” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Read these opening stanzas from “Paul Revere’s Ride” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Then, answer the question(s).

Listen, my children, and you shall hear

Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,

On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;

Hardly a man is now alive

(5) Who remembers that famous day and year.

He said to his friend, “If the British march

By land or sea from the town to-night,

Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry arch

Of the North Church tower as a signal light,—

(10) One, if by land, and two, if by sea;

And I on the opposite shore will be,

Ready to ride and spread the alarm

Through every Middlesex village and farm,

For the country folk to be up and to arm.”

(15) Then he said, “Good night!” and with muffled oar

Silently rowed to the Charlestown shore,

Just as the moon rose over the bay,

Where swinging wide at her moorings lay

The Somerset, British man-of-war;

(20) A phantom ship, with each mast and spar

Across the moon like a prison bar,

And a huge black hulk, that was magnified

By its own reflection in the tide.

      13. Think about the difference between literal meanings and figurative meanings. In which description from the third stanza is the meaning more figurative than literal?

|a. |Silently rowed (line 16) |

|b. |the moon rose over the bay (line 17) |

|c. |swinging wide at her moorings (line 18) |

|d. |A phantom ship (line 20) |

|Name:       |Date:       |

      14. Which line or lines in this excerpt contain a simile?

|a. |line 2 |

|b. |lines 10–11 |

|c. |lines 20–21 |

|d. |lines 22–23 |

      15. Which question about causes and effects does this excerpt fail to address?

|a. |What will the signal cause Paul Revere to do? |

|b. |What effect does Paul Revere intend his ride to have? |

|c. |How might the British troops travel that night? |

|d. |What has caused Paul Revere to oppose the British? |

      16. Which line from the poem indicates the action that must happen before Paul Revere’s friend can signal Paul Revere?

|a. |If the British march / By land or sea (lines 6–7) |

|b. |Hang a lantern aloft in the belfry arch (line 8) |

|c. |For the country folk to be up and to arm (line 14) |

|d. |Just as the moon rose over the bay (line 17) |

      17. How would “Paul Revere’s Ride” be different if it were written as a lyric poem?

|a. |It would not use rhyme and rhythm. |

|b. |It would use less description to tell the story. |

|c. |It would use more humor to tell the story. |

|d. |It would use more musical effects to convey meaning. |

      18. What does the first stanza of the poem suggest about the events it describes?

|a. |It suggests that Paul Revere’s ride is easily forgotten. |

|b. |It suggests that Paul Revere’s ride was very important. |

|c. |It suggests that the story of Paul Revere’s ride is frightening. |

|d. |It suggests that the story of Paul Revere is mainly for children. |

|Name:       |Date:       |

Literary Text

from “The Adventure of the Speckled Band,” Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Read the excerpt from “The Adventure of the Speckled Band” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Then, answer the questions.

(1) “Good-morning, madam,” said Holmes cheerily. “My name is Sherlock Holmes. This is my intimate friend and associate, Dr. Watson, before whom you can speak as freely as before myself. Ha! I am glad to see that Mrs. Hudson has had the good sense to light the fire. Pray draw up to it, and I shall order you a cup of hot coffee, for I observe that you are shivering.”

(2) “It is not cold which makes me shiver,” said the woman in a low voice, changing her seat as requested.

(3) “What, then?”

(4) “It is fear, Mr. Holmes. It is terror.” She raised her veil as she spoke, and we could see that she was indeed in a pitiable state of agitation, her face all drawn and gray, with restless, frightened eyes, like those of some hunted animal. Her features and figure were those of a woman of thirty, but her hair was shot with premature gray, and her expression was weary and haggard. Sherlock Holmes ran her over with one of his quick, all-comprehensive glances.

(5) “You must not fear,” said he soothingly, bending forward and patting her forearm. “We shall soon set matters right, I have no doubt.”

      19. What evidence from paragraph 4 supports the woman’s assertion that she is scared?

|a. |we could see that she was indeed in a pitiable state of agitation. . . . |

|b. |her features and figure were those of a woman of thirty. . . . |

|c. |her hair was shot with premature gray. . . . |

|d. |her expression was weary and haggard. |

      20. Which is the correct way to represent Holmes’s last line of dialogue, if written as a play?

|a. |“You must not fear,” said he soothingly, bending forward and patting her forearm. |

|b. |Holmes: [soothingly] You must not fear. We shall soon set matters right, I have no doubt. |

|c. |[Holmes patting her forearm] “You must not fear,” said he soothingly. We shall soon set matters right. I |

| |have no doubt. |

|d. |Sherlock Holmes reassured the frightened young woman that matters would soon be set right. |

|Name:       |Date:       |

      21. Why does the author most likely emphasize the cheerful attitude of Sherlock Holmes in paragraph 1?

|a. |to focus on the positive aspects of the meeting |

|b. |to highlight a contrast with the woman’s mood |

|c. |to show that he does not take the woman seriously |

|d. |to create a sense that the passage will be humorous |

Informational Text

Historical Document

Read the following amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Then, answer the question.

Amendment XIII (1865)

Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Amendment XIV (1868)

Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protections of the laws.

      22. Which statements explain how Amendments XIII and XIV differ on the topic of slavery in the United States? Choose three options.

|a. |Amendment XIII abolishes slavery throughout the United States with no exception; Amendment XIV makes |

| |certain exceptions. |

|b. |Amendment XIV defines a U.S. citizen and includes former slaves as citizens; Amendment XIII does not. |

|c. |Amendment XIII permits involuntary servitude as punishment for a crime; Amendment XIV does not. |

|d. |Amendment XIV prohibits the denial of equal protection without due process of law; Amendment XIII does |

| |not. |

|e. |Amendment XIV gives states the right to determine citizenship for its residents; Amendment XIII does not.|

|Name:       |Date:       |

Informational Text

Letter to the Editor

Read the letter to the editor below, and then answer the question that follows.

Dear Editor,

Adding a walkway next to the river will do more harm than good for our town. Our mayor spoke about the positive effects the walkway would have on our town, like increased tourism and revenue, or, in her words, “it would make the riverbank prettier to look at.” In my opinion, the mayor’s points are shortsighted.

The mayor is correct in saying that adding a river walkway will result in an increase in people going to the river. But whenever there is in an increase in people, there is also an increase in the amount of trash those people create. Much of that trash would end up littering not only the walkway, but also the river itself. After a while, the trash would pollute the river, and it would no longer be “prettier to look at.” It would become an eyesore to the town. Eyesores do not bring in tourists or revenue.


John Alvarez

      23. How does the author respond to conflicting viewpoints in his argument against the walkway?

|a. |He personally attacks the mayor for having a misguided opinion about the walkway. |

|b. |He argues that tourists who visit the walkway will not increase the town’s revenue. |

|c. |He argues that instead of making the riverbank prettier, the walkway will turn it into an eyesore. |

|d. |He argues that the cost of building and managing the walkway would end up bankrupting the town. |

Standards and Skills Questions (Without Text Selections)

Identify the choice that best answers the question.

      24. Which sentence uses adjectives and adverbs correctly?

|a. |Natalia did real good in the last race. |

|b. |Grandma feels rather tiredly today. |

|c. |The other runner is moving real quick. |

|d. |The new pupil behaved badly in class. |

|Name:       |Date:       |

      25. What is the meaning of the underlined metaphor in this sentence?

The big job was not yet finished, but Nathan could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

|a. |a way to prevent damage |

|b. |a clever idea that dawned on him |

|c. |the completion of a difficult task |

|d. |a sign of approaching danger |

26. The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then Part B.

      Part A Using context clues, choose the correct meaning of the French phrase faux pas in this sentence.

The diplomat studied local customs so that she would not make a faux pas at the important ceremony.

|a. |social mistake |

|b. |dishonest statement |

|c. |public ceremony |

|d. |a fool of herself |

      Part B Which word or words give the best clue to the answer to Part A?

|a. |the diplomat |

|b. |studied |

|c. |local customs |

|d. |important |

      27. What is the meaning of the Latin suffix -ion, which appears in the words confusion and suspicion?

|a. |to do, make, practice, or believe in |

|b. |fear of |

|c. |act or condition of |

|d. |the study or science of |

|Name:       |Date:       |

      28. In which answer choice is a coordinating conjunction used to combine these two short sentences?

The Roman Empire collapsed. Western Europe entered the Dark Ages.

|a. |When the Roman Empire collapsed, Western Europe entered the Dark Ages. |

|b. |The Roman Empire collapsed; soon after, Western Europe entered the Dark Ages. |

|c. |The Roman Empire collapsed, and Western Europe entered the Dark Ages. |

|d. |Western Europe entered the Dark Ages after the Roman Empire collapsed. |

29. The following question has two parts. Answer Part A first, and then Part B.

      Part A In literature, what does personification mean?

|a. |giving human traits to nonhuman things |

|b. |addressing a person directly |

|c. |describing a person in great detail |

|d. |praising someone who has died |

      Part B Which sentence shows an example of personification?

|a. |Alice, did you plant those trees on your property? |

|b. |The trees grew tall, providing shade to the backyard. |

|c. |Jason’s job was to take care of all the trees in the local parks. |

|d. |The tall trees stood as sentinels, guarding the gates to the yard. |

      30. Which sentence uses correct subject-verb agreement?

|a. |Students familiar with Greek mythology has probably heard of Heracles. |

|b. |Heracles, called Hercules by the Romans, was the son of Zeus and a human mother. |

|c. |Heracles, like other ancient heroes, perform some amazing feats. |

|d. |There is twelve famous feats, or “labors,” performed by Heracles. |

|Name:       |Date:       |

      31. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen’s classic novel, is set in early nineteenth-century England. Bride and Prejudice is a musical film that resets Austen’s novel in modern times in northwestern India. Which term best applies to Bride and Prejudice?

|a. |exposition |

|b. |oral tradition |

|c. |myth |

|d. |adaptation |

      32. Which sentence uses correct capitalization?

|a. |On our trip to Washington, we went to the National Gallery of Art. |

|b. |Throughout the museum, we saw masterpieces from Countries around the World. |

|c. |Ashley and I loved the landscapes by dutch and french artists. |

|d. |Our teacher, mrs. Ortiz, especially liked paintings by American artist Winslow Homer. |

      33. Which sentence uses correct punctuation?

|a. |My father my sister and I had a miserable drive home from the beach. |

|b. |The trip which we thought would be quick, took three hours. |

|c. |We tried an alternate route, however, the traffic backup was terrible. |

|d. |Because we returned home very late, we missed your party. |

      34. What is typically found in a thesaurus?

|a. |pronunciations |

|b. |synonyms |

|c. |word origins |

|d. |technical terms |

      35. Which sentence uses correct punctuation?

|a. |The new library—Bella Bentley is the architect—is an impressive building. |

|b. |The main reading room has a modern design glass walls—and plenty—of light. |

|c. |The children’s section—it’s in the basement has a huge bank of computers. |

|d. |The library, we go there once a week—is open every day except Sunday. |

|Name:       |Date:       |

      36. Which sentence uses correct pronoun-antecedent agreement?

|a. |Both of the artists used her own paints. |

|b. |Everyone on the basketball team gave their best performance last night. |

|c. |All of the children had their notebooks. |

|d. |Each of the models wore combs in their hair. |

      37. Using your knowledge of the Latin suffix -ent and context clues, choose the correct meaning of the underlined word in this sentence.

Carrie has been a resident of California for the past two years.

|a. |the process of visiting a place |

|b. |one who lives in a place |

|c. |relating to a place |

|d. |the action of leaving a place |

      38. Which sentence uses pronoun case correctly?

|a. |Us and them are the best dancers at the wedding. |

|b. |Keep the secret between you and I. |

|c. |When June and her arrive, the rehearsal will begin. |

|d. |Many people competed, and the winner was she. |

      39. In Greek mythology, Narcissus is a young man who falls in love with his own reflection in the water. This myth is the origin of the word narcissistic. Given this origin, what is the likeliest meaning of narcissistic?

|a. |of water |

|b. |vain |

|c. |elderly |

|d. |flowerlike |

      40. In which sentence is the verb in the present perfect tense?

|a. |Have you dined at an Indian restaurant? |

|b. |I had not visited one until today. |

|c. |In my opinion, the food there tastes wonderful. |

|d. |We will return to the restaurant next week. |

|Name:       |Date:       |

      41. Which sentence contains an infinitive phrase used as an adjective?

|a. |Aunt Vi always likes to travel south when winter comes. |

|b. |She usually takes a trip to Florida or the Caribbean. |

|c. |This year, however, she plans to visit Arizona. |

|d. |A bargain hunter, she often finds ways to travel at lower fares. |

      42. Which of these is a compound-complex sentence?

|a. |The man in the gray suit turned the corner and entered a building with a mysterious sign on the front |

| |door. |

|b. |When Jo finished, the audience applauded, and many members rose to their feet. |

|c. |Some of the visitors are leaving now, but most of them are staying late for the fireworks. |

|d. |After college, my cousin Ruth opened a gift shop, but it has since closed. |

      43. In which answer choice is a gerund or gerund phrase used to combine these two short sentences?

Cassie walks to school. It keeps her fit.

|a. |Walking to school, Cassie keeps fit. |

|b. |Cassie keeps fit by walking to school. |

|c. |Cassie is walking to school to keep fit. |

|d. |To keep fit, Cassie is always walking. |

      44. Read the sentence below. Then, answer the question that follows.

The Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865, nearly destroyed the United States.

Which of the choices below correctly uses an ellipsis to indicate the omitted phrase “which lasted from 1861 to 1865”?

|a. |The Civil War nearly . . . destroyed the United States. |

|b. |The Civil War . . . nearly destroyed the United States. |

|c. |The Civil War nearly. . . . destroyed the United States. |

|d. |The Civil War. . . . nearly destroyed the United States. |

|Name:       |Date:       |

      45. Which word in this sentence helps you better understand the meaning of the word gregarious?

My best friend said my brother was popular in school because he was so gregarious.

|a. |best |

|b. |popular |

|c. |school |

|d. |because |

      46. Read the sentence below. Then, answer the question that follows.

I think my aunt is very thrifty because she always buys everything used.

Which underlined words below have the same denotation as thrifty, but a negative connotation? Choose two options.

|a. |You need to be frugal when you are on a limited budget. |

|b. |The waitress was frustrated with the stingy customers who left a small tip. |

|c. |It would be prudent to go home and make sure the oven is off. |

|d. |Buying paper towels in bulk is more economical than buying them individually. |

|e. |Mr. Jones is too cheap to buy himself a new hat. |

      47. Which change must be made to this sentence to correctly indicate the subjunctive mood, a verb tense in which a doubt, wish, or condition that is not true is expressed?

I don’t know about you, but if I was a multimillionaire, I’d use my wealth to make the world a better place.

|a. |Change “was” to “could be.” |

|b. |Change “I’d” to “I would.” |

|c. |Change “was” to “were.” |

|d. |Change “was” to “be.” |

|Name:       |Date:       |

      48. Read this sentence:

There will be ten performances, beginning June 21st and ending July 1st.

How can this sentence be revised by using the active voice to emphasize who is doing the action?

|a. |Ten performances will be presented between June 21st and July 1st. |

|b. |The cast will perform the play ten times between June 21st and July 1st. |

|c. |Beginning June 21st and ending July 1st, there will be ten performances. |

|d. |Ten performances will be given, beginning June 21st and ending |

| |July 1st. |


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