Propostions de pistes dévolutions pour l'application IPM


© European Community 2006 - Licensed under the EUPL V.1.0

Document history

|Date |Author |Description |

|20/05/2005 |Jean-Francois Levert |Draft |

|21/06/2005 |Frank Sikora |Final |

|17/11/2006 |Christophe Volckaert |Update v2.1 |

|07/02/2006 |Jérôme Michel |Java 5 et Tomcat 5 |

|18/04/2007 |Guillaume François |Tomcat 5 |

Table of content

0. Background information 3

1. Introduction 3

2. Installation of MySQL 5 4

2.1 Post-installation procedure: 5

3. Installation of J2SDK 1.5.0 8

4. Installation of TOMCAT 5.5 8

5. Installation of Apache ANT 1.6.5 10

6. Installation of IPM 2.1 10

7. Annex - Character Set Issue 13

0. Background information

Interactive Policy Making (IPM) is a customisable web-based application developed by the European Commission that aims to improve governance by using the Internet to collect and analyse reactions of citizens and enterprises across the EU Member States. Recently, the open source software version of IPM has been developed to support the public administrations of the EU Member States. The development of IPM has been done by the Commission’s Directorate General for Informatics under the IDABC programme.

1. Introduction

The purpose of this document is to describe the steps you will have to perform in order to install and run the Open Source package of IPM.

Like other web applications, the technical architecture of IPM is based on a database server and a servlet container. A configuration using the MySQL database and the application server Tomcat has been validated and fulfil all our requests.

You can access the following web sites for further information about these products: and .

The IPM setup also needs the J2SDK 1.4.2 and ANT in order to build the war file to be deployed.

This manual helps you in the installation of these components, assuming you have some basic knowledge in the Unix/Linux environment and commands.

[pic] This procedure is based on the installation of IPM on a Linux plate-form with the RedHat Enterprise Linux Application Server distribution. Nevertheless, it is not the recommended configuration and then, if yours is a bit different, please refer to the “on-line” documentation of each component.

System requirement for IPM installation:

• CPU: at least Pentium

• Minimum memory: 512Mb

• Minimum diskspace: 2Gb to be able to install all the components and databases.

Here is, for information, the hardware configuration of our “test” machine:

• CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(TM) CPU 2.40GHz stepping 09

• Memory: 510 316 k / 523 712 k available

• Hard disk: SAMSUNG SP0411N, 78242976 sectors (40 060 MB) w/2048KiB


• In order to perform the following steps, you have to log on the Linux server with a user which has administrative rights (i.e. the “root” user and if you are working in a shell, you can use the “su root” command, and then enter the password).

• Pay attention to have a clean installation to avoid some conflicts with old installations.

• The 'locale' setting of the Operating System must be set on UTF-8.(More info)

2. Installation of MySQL 5

IPM v2.1 is certified with the most recent release MySQL 5.0.x Community Server (Further CS).

It is recommended to install both MySQL Database server and client using the RPM packages. These files are available at the following address: . Choose the right packages regarding your plate-form (Linux) and the hardware you use (x86 or AMD processor) and then, download them from a mirror by clicking “Pick a mirror”. In our case, we downloaded the following rpm packages:


Afterwards, proceed to the installation of the rpm packages by running the following command from the directory in which you just downloaded the files:

rpm –ivh MySQL-server-standard .i386.rpm MySQL-client-.i386.rpm

has to be replaced by the current version. In this case, it should be


[pic] You will perhaps get the following message:

error: Failed dependencies:

perl(DBI) is needed by MySQL-server-standard-5.0.27-0.rhel3.i386.rpm

Suggested resolutions:


In fact, MySQL Server requires Perl DBI. It is recommended to install the following package: perl-DBI-1.32-5.i386.rpm () with this command line:

rpm –ivh perl-DBI-1.32-5.i386.rpm

Then, run again the installation command of MySQL server and client.

1 Post-installation procedure:

➢ Set the “root” password:

During the installation, the RPM server runs the script mysql_install_db, which sets up the grant tables. This script creates a super-user account root, without password, which is granted with full privileges. You should assign a password to this account by running the following “bold” instructions:

[root@localhost bin]# mysqladmin -u root password "newpwd"

where ‘newpwd’ is the password you want to use.

You can test the installation by running the client: /usr/bin/mysql –p and then enter the password you just set. Exit the client with this command:

mysql> exit

In this way, you check you can connect on the server with the client.

➢ Create the “ipm” user you will use to connect the database with the required privileges:

First, you have to connect the MySQL client with user “root”:

[root@localhost bin]# mysql -u root -p

Enter password:

Then enter the password you just set up.

The way you are going to define the “ipm” user depends of the host from which you want to connect to the database. If you plan to install IPM and MySQL on the same machine, you must run the following command and specify the host like this:

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'ipm'@'localhost.localdomain' IDENTIFIED BY 'ipm' WITH GRANT OPTION;

But if you need to connect MySQL from another machine, i.e. if the machine on which you installed MySQL is different from the machine you will install IPM, run this command:


This will enable you to connect to MySQL server from any host other than localhost.

➢ Create the IPM database:


You can check the database exists:

mysql> use ipm;

You should then receive this message:

Reading table information for completion of table and column names

You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed

➢ Setting up the database:

Some global variables have to be changed on the MySQL server to run correctly the IPM application. First you have to check the following variables by running this command:


This will display the environment variables of MySQL, so check you have the good value for the following variables:


| Variable_name | Value |


| lower_case_table_names | 1 |

| max_allowed_packet | 5242880 |

| tx_isolation | READ-UNCOMMITTED |


If not, you can modify one of these values with this command:

mysql> SET GLOBAL Variable_name = Value;

[pic] If the command SET GLOBAL lower_case_table_names = 1 returns an error message, you can init this variable in a configuration file:

Quit MySql:

mysql> exit;

Stop the MySql daemon that is in the basedir of your MySQL installation:

[root@localhost bin]# cd /usr/share/mysql/

[root@localhost mysql]# mysql.server stop

Shutting down MySQL..... [ OK ]

Create the file f:

[root@localhost bin]# /etc/

[root@localhost etc]# vi f

Fill this file with the content:










Restart the MySql daemon:

[root@localhost etc]# cd /usr/share/mysql/

[root@localhost mysql]# mysql.server start

Starting MySQL [ OK ]

Reconnect to the MySql server:

[root@localhost mysql]# mysql -u root password "newpwd"

Check if the value has changed:

mysql> show variables like '%lower_case_t%';


| Variable_name | Value |


| lower_case_table_names | 1 |


1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Concerning the transaction isolation level, the command is a bit different:


[pic] Note that these values will be modified at the next MySQL session. It means that if you run the “show variables” command, the old values remain. If you want to affect the current session and only the current session, you have to run the “set session” command.

Finally, you can exit the client:

mysql> exit;

3. Installation of J2SDK 1.5.0

➢ Download the J2SE v5.0  SDK rpm in self-extracting file (of the current release) corresponding to your plate-form (Linux or other) from the java. website to any directory.

➢ Extract the content of the downloaded file.

From the directory in which you just downloaded the file, set the executable permission and run the binary to extract the rpm package with the following commands:

chmod a+x j2sdk-1_5_0_-linux-i586-rpm.bin


has to be replaced by the current release of JDK. In this case, it should be “09”

The script displays a license agreement, which you are asked to agree about. Then the “unpacking” can proceed. The script creates the j2sdk-1_4_2_-linux-i586.rpm package in the current directory.

➢ Finally, run the rpm command and install the package:

rpm -iv j2sdk-1_5_0_-linux-i586.rpm

This will install the JDK in the directory /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_.

➢ Validation of the installation:

/usr/java/j2sdk1.5.0_/bin/java –version (to validate the installation)

This will return the following lines:

java version "1.5.0_09"

Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_09-b03)

Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.5.0_09-b03, mixed mode, sharing)

4. Installation of TOMCAT 5.5

➢ Download the corresponding distribution:

The tar.gz binary distribution file is available at the following address:

➢ Run this command to unzip and install Tomcat 5.5:

tar -zxvf apache-tomcat-5.5..tar.gz –C /usr

has to be replaced by the current version. In this case, it should be “20”

Tomcat will be extracted into the /usr directory.

➢ Before starting Tomcat, set the JAVA_HOME variable:

The start-up script uses the JAVA_HOME variable which points to the installation directory of JDK. You can set this variable by editing the Tomcat_Home/bin/ script (where “Tomcat_home” is the “/usr/apache-tomcat-5.5.20” directory is you installed Tomcat as expected in the step before) using the vi editor:

[root@localhost bin]# vi /usr/apache-tomcat-5.5.20/bin/

and adding the following “bold” line:

# JAVA_HOME Must point at your Java Development Kit installation.



# JAVA_OPTS (Optional) Java runtime options used when the

where corresponds to the current release of the JDK, “09” in our case.

[pic] vi is one of three standard editors on the Linux system. It is a screen-oriented editor designed so that what you see on the screen corresponds exactly and immediately to the contents of the file you are editing.

Most common vi edit commands you need to add a line in a file:

[i] to insert lines

[esc] to stop editing

[:][w] to save your changes

[:][q] to exit the editor

➢ Validation of the installation:

You can run tomcat and verify if the installation is ok:

[root@localhost bin]# /usr/apache-tomcat-5.5.20/bin/

The following lines must appear:

Using CATALINA_BASE: /usr/ apache -tomcat-5.5.20

Using CATALINA_HOME: /usr/ apache -tomcat-5.5.20

Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: /usr/ apache -tomcat-5.5.20/temp

Using JAVA_HOME: /usr/java/j2sdk1.5.0_09

If you type the following URL in your internet browser, (replace “localhost” with the IP address of your “application” server if you work on a remote machine), the tomcat welcome page must appear.

To shutdown the server, run the script:

[root@localhost bin]# /usr/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.20/bin/

At this step, it is better to shutdown the tomcat server because we will need to restart it in order to fully deploy ipm.

5. Installation of Apache ANT 1.6.5

ANT is a very useful and powerful tool, maintained by Apache, dedicated to building source codes of web applications. The release 1.6.5 of ANT is required to build the IPM “war” file.

Once created, this file will be deployed on the Tomcat application server.

➢ Download the apache-ant-1.6.5-bin.tar.gz distribution package from the following location:

➢ “Untar” the package:

Run the following command from the directory in which you downloaded the package:

tar -zxvf apache-ant-1.6.5-bin.tar.gz -C /usr

(Assuming you are installing “ant” in the /usr directory)

➢ Set up the environment:

In order to run ANT from any location, you just have to set up the path to the ant tool in the PATH environment variable as followed:

export ANT_HOME=/usr/apache-ant-1.6.5

export PATH=${PATH}:${ANT_HOME}/bin

6. Installation of IPM 2.1

➢ STEP 1 – Getting the package ipm-oss-2.1.tar.gz

(to be defined)

➢ STEP 2 – Unzip the package

Run the following command from the directory in which you downloaded the package assuming you want to unzip it in /usr/local:

tar –xzvf ipm-oss-2.1.tar.gz –C /usr/local

➢ STEP 3 – Static directory

Copy the static directory everywhere you want but not in Tomcat directories. The link with this “structure” of directories will be set in the sitemap.xmap configuration file (as explained further).

cp -fvr /usr/local/ipm-oss-2.1/static /usr

➢ STEP 4 – Configuration files

Before building the war file, some configuration files must be updated in order to take in account the specificities of your installation:

1. To redirect the Tomcat request to the right Cocoon sitemap (in the static directory), you must define the following pipelines in the principal sitemap file ($IPM_HOME/ipm-oss/sitemap.xmap where “IPM_HOME” is the directory where you unzipped the ipm package) and modify it with the “bold” line as shown hereafter:

To edit the file, use the “vi” editor as explained beforehand in the tomcat installation chapter:


2. You must also configure the database on which you want to connect by editing in the same way the cocoon.xconf file that you will find in the $IPM_HOME/ipm-oss/WEB-INF directory:


The user and password are the ones you created during the post-procedure of the installation of MySQL with the SQL statement “GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'ipm'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'ipm' WITH GRANT OPTION;”

➢ STEP 5 – Archive .war file:

Build the war file by using ANT with the build.xml file available in the distribution package. You must run this command from the ipm “root” directory /usr/local/ipm-oss-2.1 (but first you must define the JAVA_HOME path used by ant):

[root@localhost ipm-oss-2.1]# export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.5.0_09

[root@localhost ipm-oss-2.1]# ant –lib ./lib

Copy the ipm.war file from the location where you in the $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory. That operation automatically deploy the application when you will start Tomcat.

cp /usr/local/ipm-oss-2.1/ipm.war /usr/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.20/webapps

➢ STEP 6 – Launch Tomcat

Run this command to start Tomcat:


(where $TOMCAT_HOME should be /usr/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31 assuming you respected the instructions of this manual)

Check if IPM files are available with the following URL:


Replace “localhost” by the IP address of your server if you try from a remote computer

Your environment is now ready to use the IPM application. Log in the application with the following URL:


The log in screen appears:


Enter the “pre-defined” user:

User: IPM

Password: IPM

7. Annex - Character Set Issue

[pic] Warning: The 'locale' setting of the Operating System must be set on UTF-8. If not, specific characters chould no be used by the application without issues. This can be check using the “locale” command:


If this command exposes something like en_US. ISO-8859-15@euro, the configuration has to be changed using this command “export” as:


[pic] Note: Only the ‘UTF-8’ part is important, the ‘en_US’ part can be configured according to your wishes like “ja_JP.UTF-8” or “de_DE.UTF-8”.



~$export LANG= en_US.UTF-8

$ locale





















IPM Open Source release Installation guide


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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